Saturday, February 9, 2013

5 Diet Plans That Work to Help You Overcome Weight Loss Plateau

Anyone who is looking for diet plans that work has at one time or another, fail from one diet after diet. Probably most of them were diet fads that lasted only a short time, that's why. For anyone having dieted in the past, you know how difficult the weight loss plateau can be. Do not worry though, it is not as hard as one may think and it is even possible to prevent this plateau from occurring in the first place. Here are 5 tips that will help you if you hit that plateau.

1) Foods that help you to retain water should be avoided at all costs. It is amazing how much extra weight people develop which is just simply bloating. Foods that are high in salt will help you to retain larger amounts of water and too much salt will lead to excess weight in the body.

2) While you are reducing your salt intake, make sure you are increasing your water intake. Water helps to flush out impurities from the body, regulate its temperature as well as keeps your metabolism in the best shape possible. A strong metabolism means quicker weight loss.

3) Do not forget to get rid of those useless calories you consume every single day. These worthless calories come from refined sugars that are commonly found in sweets, candies, cakes and even pretzels or chips; avoid them at all costs.

4) One thing you do not want to do though, is to avoid your carbohydrates. These are important nutrients necessary for life so instead of avoiding them altogether, simply shift them around. You should consume almost all of your daily carbs in the morning and have the last little bit every day during lunch time. In the evenings though, you do not need them so you should avoid them until the following morning.

5) Your body does not really need much food at night time. It is when you are a sleep that your body is at rest and eating foods within 3 hours of bedtime can actually cause you to gain weight. Make your last snack of the evening no sooner then 3 hours before your bedtime to ensure it is fully digested before you lay down at night.

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