If you have dreams of looking like a runway model in the future, you should at least have concrete plans on how you are actually going to reach that goal. Well, that goal is pretty intense but it certainly is achievable given the right amount of time. It is not realistic for you to believe that you would lose half your weight in just two months. Do not be ridiculous.
This is primarily why patience plays a huge role in the whole weight loss process. People often think that if they just starve themselves for one whole week, they would become permanently thin but that can never be true even in their alternate universe. They wish.
The weight that you lost in one week could easily go back especially if you are unable to control yourself the following week and just eat every edible thing that comes in your way. Starving yourself would never ever work for long term. Plus, it is terribly unhealthy.
The body needs actual nutrients to function. How do you think your heart and brain would continue working without you giving them food? You will not be able to live normally if you eat almost nothing.
The best way to deal with weight loss is to put off everything unhealthy that you put in your body. This includes junk food (soda and sweets included), alcohol, horrid amounts of meat and unbelievably insane quantities of carbohydrates. You will learn later on that it is also not advisable to avoid carbohydrates entirely but for now, only think that you should never eat too much rice, bread or pasta. Your body can survive without you clogging your throat with bread all the time.
There are always alternatives to the foods that you think "you can't live without". You can do your own research for these food types if you want but you can also directly look for diet plans with complete lists already. Some of these you can get for free but some more credible ones require a registration fee.
If you are planning to get those paid ones, better make sure that they can give you a great diet plan to lose weight before paying for anything. That way, you would not have any regrets about paying a huge chunk of money and still being chummies with your extra weight. The fees some of these websites ask for are out right absurd but a lot of them do the job. Just careful choosing is required.
Make sure that before you reveal your credit card information, you are 100% positive that you will really have use for that online diet plan. One thing you should do before taking this step is look at the food selection. 99 out of 100, your decision will really depend on which types of food they are planning to make you eat for at least three months. If you see palatable dishes on their list, then there should not be any space for hesitation.
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