Do you know the health risks involved with being over weight? There's actually quite a few; possibly more than you may think. Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, Sleep Apnea, and pregnancy complications are only a few of the top risks. Unfortunately, obesity in America has now surpassed tobacco use at the number one health risk. Heart disease is the number one cause of death, even above cancer and lung disease.
It's obviously no secret that being obese is unhealthy. The question that needs to be answered is what can be done to get a person's weight down to a healthy number. When I'm teaching people what they need to do to get their weight under control, the fist thing I tell them is that they need to realize that weight loss is not a quick fix, it's not a short lived time period of dieting.
What is it?
It Is A Life Long Lifestyle Change.
Period. Simple as that. Weight loss is something that needs to become a permanent change to your DAILY life. This is where most people go wrong. They start off thinking that they are just going to start a diet for a little while, and if they slip up here and there, it's no problem. But that's not what weight loss is. It's a change in yourself and the way you live that you're not going to go back to the old way of. Once you commit, you need to stick with it.
Now, on the topic of commitment; it's not about saying that you're going to do this and you're going to do that. It's about coming up with a PLAN. And not only getting that plan, but taking ACTION. No hesitation, just result producing action. A really big thing that most people don't do is to make a program, take action, and stick to it. This program needs to be a specific plan that you know you're going to follow. This isn't just you saying "yeah I'm going to start eating better and exercising a little more". Starting off like this will not get you motivated and will not make you persevere. This allows yourself to slack off and that's the last thing you want to do when starting your weight loss goals.
Don't just tell yourself that you're going to lose weight. Stop and think about what you are actually going to do. What action are you truly going to take? I don't expect most people to know the answer to this question right away. What you need to do is find the answer. Research, look, and discover ways to help you meet this goal.
So where do you want to look to find the information you need to start losing weight. This is where you have three main options you can take.
Option 1 - Hire a personal trainer. While a personal trainer will offer expert advice, this option is not for everybody. First of all, personal trainers can cost as much as $60 - $70 PER SESSION. Most people do not have or do not want to spend that kind of money on each session, especially in today's economy.
Option 2 - Sign up for a gym. This is a little cheaper than a personal trainer but gym memberships can still cost a pretty penny. The problem with simply signing up for a gym is that you have no guidance. If you have a plan, know what you need to do, and how you're going to implement your diet program, then signing up for a gym may work for you, but most people need a little more guidance than that, especially when first starting off.
Option 3 - Find an online diet program. This option is ideal for the average person wanting to start their journey down the road to weight loss success. Personal trainers lack the benefit of a good price. Gyms lack the benefit of good guidance and feedback. Online diet programs often provide both of these benefits with a reasonable price often lower than 1 session with a personal trainer, and great guidance and feedback through informational tips and online communities. It's all a matter of finding the right one that combines all of these features.
I hope this has helped you kick-start your journey to meeting your weight loss goals. If you take one thing from this, I hope it's that you take action today. That's the most important thing you can do for yourself. Just study your options and decide which one is right for you, then go for it!
Alan Rosinski is an expert in helping people meet their goals of creating diet plans to lose weight fast. Visit his website for great info on how to start losing weight now and how to keep it off for the rest of your life. Start your road to weight loss success at