Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan - 7 Days to Lose 10 Pounds?

The cabbage soup diet plan is a temporary eating plan that you can follow to lose about 10 pounds in a week. This isn't intended to be a permanent way to eat nor is it recommended as a particularly healthy way to eat. Remember. it's only for a week!

This diet has been around for many years partly because it really is a practical way to drop a few pounds in a hurry. It's not that hard to do. I've done this a couple of times myself and actually enjoy eating like this for a few days.

There are many reasons to drop a few pounds in a hurry. One of the best reasons is to generate some excitement about weight loss. You can only lose about a pound a week long-term. That is so discouraging if you need to lose quite a bit of weight. It's easy to give up on a perfectly good plan that will work because progress is just so slow. But lose 10 pounds in a week and you can get some excitement back.

The cabbage soup plan doesn't require you to buy a lot of expensive foods and supplements. It's mostly quite normal foods just eaten in a certain order. The cabbage soup you can eat as often as you like at any time. Eat as much soup as you want too. The cabbage soup is a filler to keep you full and not hungry. The plan is as follows by day.

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan:

Day One: Eat all the fruit you want except bananas.

Day Two: Eat all the fresh, raw or cooked vegetables you want. No fruits.

Day Three: Today eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want.

Day Four: Eat up to eight bananas plus all the skim milk you want.

Day Five: This is beef and tomatoes day.

Day Six: Eat all the beef and vegetables you want on this day.

Day Seven: Brown rice plus unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables.

You can drop about 10 pounds in 7 days and then you're off to a great start toward losing all the weight you need to lose.

Visit our site to get more free details about the cabbage soup diet plan. Go to and get the free plan plus a bunch of recipes and you could drop ten pounds next week.

Al Bullington constantly is struggling with weight gain simply because he likes to eat too much of his wife and daughters' outstanding cooking!

Diet Plans That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Everyone want to lose weight fast - this is probably the most used phrase in the universe. It is easily doable, if you have the right diet plans. Here I will tell you about some diet plans that are unlike anything you have heard of before, and you can lose weight faster than you've ever thought possible!

This diet uses what is called "switching calories" to be extremely effective. In fact, this is the most successful diet plan that has emerged in years - and millions have lost a ton of weight using this amazing concept.

How this works - This diet actually "tricks" your body by switching up foods and how often you eat. Your body reacts by burning fat like crazy. It's the most incredible thing you will ever see. In fact, you will lose 9 pounds in just 11 days - and this is without diet foods, diet pills or diet shakes!

You really get to eat the foods you love, so it's very easy to stick to this plan. With most diet plans, in order to lose weight fast you nearly starve to death. Then, when the diet is over, you usually gain all the weight back and then some. This diet does not work like other diets. You won't even feel like you are on a weight loss plan!

By eating smaller meals and eating more often, you will always feel full and satisfied. You will also learn exactly what foods help turn your body into a fat burning machine. The trick is learning how to eat, not starving on silly fad diets. Once you learn how and what foods to eat, it's easy to lose all the weight you want. And you never feel like your dieting. You've never seen anything like this.

Are you ready to eat foods you love, feel full, and lose all the weight you want easily? If you are ready for the best program around that has already helped millions lose weight, then you are ready for this plan. These are definitely the best diet plans to lose weight fast that you will ever come across, guaranteed!

For the most effective fast weight loss diet plan that has helped millions lose weight easily, visit The Skinny on Weight Loss. You won't believe how this works!

Diet Plans Reviewed - A Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

This article will serve as a Fat Loss 4 Idiots review. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a web based diet program that has helped thousands of people lose weight and change their lives. They have a truly new way of looking at dieting methods and they actually offer a program with good information and tips.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is just one of the diet plans reviewed on the internet. There are hundreds of diets available, but this one is truly one of the best. Here are a couple reasons why...

The first reason why I highly recommend this diet is because they use a new 'calorie shifting' method of eating. You do not need to watch what you eat very closely at all and there are delicious meal recipes given in the program.

The second reason I recommend Fat Loss 4 Idiots is because of their happy customer base. Users of this diet have seen remarkable results because of the innovative methods that are not used by most other diets.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is way more effective than other popular diets that focus around low calories and low carbs. With this diet, you can eat 3-4 times a day and still lose steady amounts of weight. Unlike other diet plans reviewed by other weight loss experts, this program actually shows results. Many users lose up to 9 pounds in the first 11 days alone.

I hope that this Fat Loss 4 Idiots review has been informative. Make sure to read more about this great diet program and get more knowledge about the methods used. I have done a lot of research on this diet and have found that it is a great fit for those who want to lose weight while still eating the way they want to.

Be sure to read more in my other Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review and read about weight loss secrets that blow other diets out of the water.

Metabolism Diet Plan 101 - How to Lose Weight Fast With Your Dieting Plan

You can lose 9 pounds in 11 days if you can take a good metabolism diet plan. Yet, you may not really know how you can do so. In this article, I will layout the essential points about such a dieting plan and you will be able to lose weight with it easily.

First of all, let us discuss briefly about metabolism. As you may know, it is the mechanism for your body to convert the fat stored to energy. As a result, you will be losing fat fast if you can boost your metabolic rate. And this is why you will need to take a metabolism diet plan.

You will need to eat more frequently. In fact, your metabolism will be slower if you do not have the energy. This means that you will not be able to burn fat efficiently if you are hungry. The idea of eating more often is that you will not feel hungry easily. This will provide your body enough energy to burn the fat.

Besides, you should not skip any meals. As discussed, you will not be burning fat efficiently if you do not have enough energy to do so. You will not have the energy to burn fat if you skip meals.

Now, let us discuss briefly about the foods that should be included in your metabolism diet plan. Without any surprise, you need to consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fat, lean meat can help to increase your metabolism. You will also need to have some fish because fish oil contains omega-3 and this will also help the process of fat burning.

As a matter of fact, the technique of calorie shifting is one of the best techniques to help to boost your metabolism. As a result, you can lose weight fast if you take a calorie shifting diet. You will not need to starve yourself when you take this diet. Instead, you will be encouraged to eat in order to boost metabolic rate. This is certainly the best diet technique for you to lose weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an excellent diet which employs the idea of calorie shifting. You should consider this diet plan. When you take this plan, you can Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days.

Besides your metabolism diet plan, you should also take weight loss pills to aid your weight loss. Taking the best weight loss pills will ensure that you will be losing weight efficiently. Click HERE NOW to discover the best weight loss pills for you to lose weight quickly!

Diet Plans That Work - Try These Tips

Dieting has become more of a fashion statement to ensure that your body is slim and fit and that you look nothing less than your favorite stars you see on the Hollywood screen. However, it has to be done very precisely as improper diet plans can lead to various other side effects that can harm your body system.

Dieting is done to achieve or maintain controlled weight, or to lose weight or to gain weight in form on muscles. Weight-loss diets are usually done to reduce body weight by reducing the intake of specific foods. Many diet plans normally emphasize on cutting down carbohydrates, in dieting terminology they are often called as carbs. However, carbs are vital source of nutrition and the ideal way is to subtract bad carbs from good carbs in your diet plans. You can have good carbs like wholegrain breads, brown rice and pasta, and avoid bad carbs like over processed foods, biscuits and sweets.

If you are looking to reduce weights, you have to reduce your intakes, but a better way to do is eating smaller meals more often. If you go for six small meals for day, it will be the best way to diet to lose your body weight. It is recommended not to starve in order to reduce your weight, because starving does not help in any way, on the other hand it will affect your body system negatively and make situation worse.

Avoid sugary drinks as they have more calorie intake and they have no nutritional value at all. Instead you can go for fruit juice, or even a glass of water that will work wonders for you. Also, your body needs water to keep it hydrated and functioning properly making it important in any diet plans.

The author writes articles as a hobby on various subjects and has done a great deal of research both on and offline. Please visit his websites on How to Find A Person Free and facts about various types of US Government Grants.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Figure Out Your Healthy Diet Plan

First it's the Atkins Diet, then it's the Suzanne Summers Diet, then it's the Green Tea diet - are you drowning in a filed of misinformation trying to find your healthy diet plan?

When it comes to a healthy diet plan what you need to remember is that a fad in dieting is just like a fashion fad -here today - gone tomorrow - and usually there is no scientific information that would prove these fads work.

A healthy diet plan never has to be as complicated as many would like to make you believe. I'm a firm believer in simple so if you burn more calories than you eat you are going to loose weight and if you eat more calories than you burn you are going to gain weight. Now how simple is that?

For your healthy diet plan to work it needs to be packed with nutrition and a calorie count that's lower than what you burn. Now you think that would make good sense and fundamentally it does however if you reduce your calorie intake drastically your body is going to panic and go into starvation mode storing everything as fat.

Your healthy diet plan must not reduce your calories more than 500 calories from where you are right now. What you do nee to do however is trade out those fats for healthier choices in the fruits and vegetables category and for heavens sakes remember that if you are having a salad try to keep the dressing calories down.

A healthy diet doesn't restrict any one food group nor does it encourage eating only one food group. Instead you can eat anything you want in moderation including that decadent piece of chocolate cake. But what you do have to do is increase your activity. Increasing activity while reducing calories only slightly is a far more effective way of loosing weight long term.

A healthy diet plan will do just that for you. It will retrain the way you think about food it will help you make healthier choices. Calorie count and read labels for awhile but it wont' take long before you won't have to anymore. Once you have retrained your brain you will automatically be drawn to healthy foods and you will know their approximate value. So you see like anything new a little practice and in no time you'll be good as gold.

Of course while you are working on your healthy diet plan you need to also be fine tuning your exercise plan. You need to increase your aerobic workout so that you are burning more calories and you also need to include weight training so that you are toning and building muscle.

A healthy diet plan combined with a healthy exercise program will result in a healthy lifestyle for years to come. You are going to feel great and look fantastic. And with no diet programs to get involved in you'll save your money and your time after all you already have the secret to safe weight loss.

Get all the latest information about Healthy Diets from the only true source at Be sure to check out our healthy diet plan pages.

The Slim Fast Diet Plan - Have You Had Your Chocolate Shake For Breakfast?

Slim Fast and the Slim Fast diet plan have been around for more than 20 years now. Without a doubt they have become the most popular diet shake around. But, does this weight loss plan really work?

The Slim Fast Diet Plan

The Slim Fast plan is not difficult to follow. You have a Slim Fast shake for breakfast in the morning and another one for lunch. For dinner, the plan calls for a "sensible" meal. Sensible can mean many different things to people, but that's another story.

You can also have two pieces of fruit each day as well as one of Slim Fast's nutritional bars.

The shakes and nutritional bars can be purchased at any grocery store or Wal-Mart.

The Slim Fast diet plan also includes regular exercise and encourages you to drink 8 glasses of water a day. These are two important points and keys to success in any type of weight loss program.

Does the plan work?

The Slim Fast plan will reduce your daily calories to around 1200 if you eat that sensible dinner each night. This means that anyone should lose weight with the plan.

While you can definitely lose weight with Slim Fast, there are some drawbacks. Since this is a calorie restricted diet, you may not get enough vitamins and minerals to maintain good health. A multi vitamin could help.

The reliance on making yourself a sensible dinner can also be difficult. Because you have only had 2 shakes all day along with a piece of fruit, you're going to be hungry. It's very easy to get carried away at dinner. It will take some extra discipline to make it work.

By the way, you can learn more about How To Lose Weight as well as see the results from the plan I've been on and much more information on weight loss on my blog at The Idiot Proof Diet

Should You Add or Eliminate Corn In Your Diet Plans?

Most people naturally assume that corn is a good diet food, but you should be cautious in adding it to your diet plans.

A summer barbeque seems incomplete without a piece of corn on the cob. And a movie show, whether at home or in a theater, seems to be more enjoyable with some buttered pop corn. However, there are reasons to think twice about either choice.

This question seems to be coming up more and more often...

Does corn help or hurt diet plans?

The Real Story Of Corn

Although it has been estimated that about 60% of crops are genetically modified, this is only a conservative figure and the numbers are much more likely to be higher. The practice was implemented to produce a bigger crop so farmers and national revenues from the agricultural sector were higher. Genetically modified corn kills insects resistant to pesticides.

Sweet corn has also been genetically modified (now called Bt-corn) so that it produces a poison which kills harmful insects. This means the farmer no longer needs to fight insects with insecticides.

This may sound like progress--especially from the perspective of the farmer and the national income--but there is a reason to be concerned. The new foods may have long term effects and ruin your health.

The plain fact is that we do not know if any GMO foods are safe. Everyone is an involuntary guinea pig. In April 2007, a researcher from Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK, announced that rats had intestinal problems after eating genetically engineered potatoes.

Doctors frequently deal with patients who have irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems. GMO foods may be playing a significant role in this issue.

Since GMO rather than corn itself is the main problem, would diet plans with non-GMO work?

First, your body reads corn as a grain, NOT a vegetable so if you are to include it into your meals, this will be the grain (carbohydrate) for your meal. So having corn and brown rice would be having 2 carbs in one meal. This is not necessarily off limits and not "bad" in any way, just consider if you are someone who is sensitive to grains, you will lose weight faster by greatly reducing the number of grains you eat each day. You may want to take 2 - 3 weeks and follow the "no grain" meal plans and see if that helps break through any weight loss plateaus and/or helps your digestion.

What About Microwave Popcorn?

Even organic microwave pop corn is not healthy for you. The bag is lined with the same chemical coating that is used in non-stick cookware and the pop corn contains preservatives.

How about air popped popcorn?

This is the best choice, but it should only be eaten occasionally. Since pop corn is a grain, it is a carbohydrate, and having too many carbohydrates will not assist in weight loss.

In conclusion, then, it's fine to include corn into your diet plans provided you take some precautions. Firstly, only get the non-GMO variety. Secondly, consider corn a grain rather than a vegetable and allocate it to the carbohydrate portion of your meals.

Want to find out more about how to eat healthy and lose weight, then follow the excellent free tips provided by Isabela De Los Rios

Diet Not Working? Boost Your Metabolism With Asian and World Diet Plans

There are three ways you can boost your metabolism. One is through high intensity cardio. Another is by adding lean muscle mass to your body. The third and often overlooked aspect of fat loss is diet. By focusing on a healthy natural diet such as the Asian revolution or world diet plans for women and men, you can actually turn your body into a super fat burning machine.

High Intensity Cardio

One of the best kept super fast fat loss exercise secrets is high intensity cardio. The way to perform this exercise is to intersperse your workout with short burst high intensity activities. This breaks down muscle tissues and tires your body pretty quickly so that your exercise is over in just 30 minutes or less. However, this approach is far more beneficial than long hours of medium paced cardio not only in terms of fat loss but also with regard to overall health benefits. Unlike medium paced cardio, high intensity cardio your body doesn't burn fat during your workout but after. The higher the intensity of your exercise the greater its fat burning effect.

Add Lean Muscle Mass to Increase Your Metabolism

When you workout to develop your muscles and make them grow bigger, your body will raise your metabolism. This of course will also boost fat loss.

When you go to the gym, you will note that a lot of people spend too much time with weight training with little or no benefit. Why? Because they lack of proper form and perform their routine with low intensity. Did you know that by simply slowing down and focusing on your weight lifting form you automatically increase the intensity of your workout?

With high intensity training, your body will initially burn calories from the carbohydrates in your muscles instead of fat. And after your exercise is over, your body will then start to break down existing body fat and calories to feed your developing muscles and to aid the repair processes that occur which allow the body to continue burning fat during the next 48 hours.

Switch to a Healthy Natural Weight Loss Meal Plan

The most important aspect of fat loss is diet. Eating habits are the principal reason why the majority of people will never get a pair of ripped abs. No matter how hard you exercise, if you're not careful about your diet, you will never get your body fat low enough to see your abs.

Just go to any gym and see for yourself how most people you'll find there train like crazy every day but never realizing their fat loss goals because of poor eating habits. You need a healthy, plant food based natural diet such as the Asian diet revolution.

Asian or world diet plans for women as well as men should focus on foods that are healthy and nutritious. The bulk of your diet should consist mostly of a balanced mix of vegetables, unrefined whole grains (especially rice), root crops, nuts, seeds and fresh fruits. When you follow the traditional Asian diet, you will never go wrong on these things. The diet itself takes care of a lot of important details for you so that you don't have to count calories or worry about overeating.

The Asian weight loss meal plan, which is a natural diet, is loaded with nutrients. As such, it satisfies our body's craving for nutrients. Our hunger is driven for our need of nourishment. And when we give our body what it craves it is very unlikely that we will have overeating and weight loss problems.

Eat the way Asians have for centuries and keep yourself youthful, vigorous and slim. Learn about the Asian Diet Pyramid ( and find out how to exercise in ways your body will react favorably to and reap the highest benefit without wasting effort. Visit Asian Diet Revolution now!

How Does a Low Carb Diet Plan Help Diabetics?

Are diabetics supposed to live on a low carb diet plan throughout their lives? It is the only way to be healthy even with diabetes? The American Diabetes Association disagrees with the statement saying that it is not required to go on a low carbohydrate diet for treating diabetes. However, a recent research conducted by a team of researchers in Sweden suggests that diet is definitely one of the important elements to be considered when you are trying to treat or manage diabetes. In fact, the effect of a low carb diet is such that diabetics might not require medications for treatment as well.

Instead of a low fat diet, a low carb diet seems to be more effective in treating diabetes on the whole. However, you are likely to come across many proponents of both these diet types claiming to help you attain a desired body weight. But it is now being widely recognized that a low carb diet plan is the best for weight loss and for preventing many diseases as well as including diabetes, cardiac problems and weight loss.

Of all the low carb diets available on the market today, Atkins Diet, Zone diet and the South Beach diet are very popular. Low carb meal plans advocate the concept of portion control that helps in keeping your body weight in check while maintaining your insulin levels. When an individual eats refined foods or sugary foods, the bloodstream is flooded with excessive glucose within a couple of minutes and that makes the pancreas release higher amounts of insulin for transporting the blood sugar to its destination. This causes the blood glucose level to rise and the additional amount of glucose is stored in the form of fats. This is the cause of diabetes, heart diseases and obesity.

Therefore, instead of indulging in sugary foods and processed gourmets, you need to eat complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are essentially helpful in preventing the sudden rise and fall in the blood sugar levels, thus providing energy to the body that would last longer. Simple carbohydrates contained in processed and junk foods make us lazy and weak over time. Have protein rich foods, fresh fruits and vegetables instead of breads, white potatoes and pasta.

Proteins are the best sources of fuel for our metabolic activities. A protein rich meal will not only help in burning more calories, but would also prevent the development of various diseases including type II diabetes by limiting starch intake. Consuming lesser amounts of carbohydrates have greater benefits than one can imagine. It helps in weight loss and also allows you to maintain a healthy body weight throughout your life.

Low carb and high protein diets help in lowering your triglyceride levels while increasing the HDL (good) cholesterol levels significantly. It further helps in reducing the blood sugar levels for diabetics, helps in improving insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure levels, improves awareness and concentration and regulates blood glucose levels. With so many health benefits from a low carb diet plan you would not feel the needs to take any medications.

The right kind of diet for diabetics is of uttermost importance. Although a diabetic meal may not be necessarily a special diet, it however should be low in fat, sugar and salt, and contain plenty of starchy foods, fruits and vegetables. For further information on how you can effectively control your diabetes click on diet for diabetes and diabetes 2 diet.

Lose Weight Diet Plan - Lose Weight and Keep it Off

If you've tried plenty of diets and you haven't got the results you were looking for, and you're tired and fed up with diets, I completely understand. It wasn't until I found a particular lose weight diet plan that I finally started to not only lose the weight, but keep it off. I've lost over 55 pounds now, and I haven't gain a single ounce back. I'd like to show you what I did and hopefully you can get to the weight you want to be at.

I've been struggling with weight most of my life. I'm 38 now and ever since I was a teen I was overweight. It was just a big of deal then as it was growing up. I tried every lose weight diet plan that I could find, and while some of them actually helped me lose weight, I always gained it back within a matter of weeks. Well I learned the actual truths to food, diets, supplements, and everything involved with dieting and weight loss.

Once I figured out that diets actually don't work, I had a total mind shift and a completely different way of looking at weight loss. The lose weight diet plan that I found is called The Diet Solution Program. It taught me that diets are only temporary quick fixes, and once you stop dieting or alter your diet, you stop getting the results you were getting. I realize now that diets can be good, but they aren't meant to be used as a way of life. It's practically impossible to be on a diet your entire life. So this program is actually a solution to dieting and offers a lifestyle where you can still eat what you want, but you don't have to constantly be on a diet.

Most weight loss diet plans tell you what to eat, when to eat it, when to exercise and basically keep you on a very strict plan that will work if you follow it to a tee. But as you probably know, it's VERY hard to do everything right, all the time. The Diet Solution Program is flexible because it understands that most people have complicate lives and it's not always possible to eat this particular food at this exact hour of the day. If you need a lose weight diet plan that is more like a lose weight diet solution, then I would suggest giving it a try.

I've been at my ideal weight for over a year now using The Diet Solution Program This isn't like any other lose weight diet plan you've tried - it guarantees long term results. To see a review of The Diet Solution Program, click here

Weight Loss Diet Plan

A weight loss plan is available for everyone out there, no matter what their health, age or dietary tastes and dislikes. Finding the right one will help you to achieve your goals effectively and safely.

To get on track with the best plan out there, the first thing you should consider is whether or not you want to pay for a service, or do it yourself. Looking at this now will help you to narrow your search.

Getting on a good diet isn't really that hard, however, depending on how much you know about nutrition will determine if you can handle making your own diet up, or getting professional assistance. Look below at the pros and cons and deciding can be easier.

You can either start with a program in your community, or else you can go online and register with one of the many services that are available. It really depends on what you like and what your needs are, so either one is good, depending on your situation.

A lot of office based programs offer many support groups and direct coaching from staff. Additionally, you can find quite a few that also have workout centers so you can enjoy the benefits of both diet as well as exercise.

The internet diet plans offer similar features, such as support and community, as well as a wealth of information that can be found at your fingertips. This is better for those who are a little more self motivated and independent and can do well on their own.

Pay plans are an alternative to researching and designing a diet plan on your own. It also frees up a lot of time because you don't have to experiment as much with what will work and what will not.

Signing up for a professional diet program is the preferred option, even though it does cost a little bit of money. But, the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks, and having that professional approach will help you to make your diet the lifestyle change you want to accomplish. Beds headboards and modern bedroom sets are always being utilized by luxury hotels.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who Invented the HCG Diet Plan?

If you were to visit a website for an incredible new weight loss plan known as hCG, you ought to learn more about the creator of the hCG diet plan, Dr. Simeons. The late Doctor A.T.W. Simeons is recognized through carrying out studies about reducing obesity throughout the 1950s.

Simeons considered the issue of obesity as a jig saw puzzle patiently waiting to be put together. Certain parts of the treatment involved dealing with the impulse to overeat, a few concerned the persons body system while others revolved around inactive or lethargic areas of the body that could assist in getting rid of unwanted fat cells if they simply worked effectively.

Natural remedies were affordable and made use of in other countries, although unheard of in America. Dr. Simeons realized that if he could establish that a natural treatment could help cure the challenge of excess weight, that it could actually change lives around the globe - including America.

While formulating his theory concerning curing weight problems and the hCG diet plan, Simeons made use of the hCG hormone in injection form to apply to his patients who wanted to lose some weight. Simeons' theory was that this hCG hormone, created by the placenta in pregnant women to supply nutrients for the fetus, might also be used to energize the hypothalamus gland and totally reset the metabolism.

Used together with the hCG diet Simeons created, the program would make sure that a person's metabolism would carry on burning fat calories even when the diet and hormones were completed. This treatment plan was a non-surgical and natural approach designed to enable people to eliminate unwanted pounds and start on a life style they had frequently dreamed of.

Simeons' hCG hormone and diet program was extremely successful throughout the studies he carried out on overweight Indian women and boys. His manuscript, "Pounds and Inches", provided scientific proof that the hCG protocol worked to dissolve pounds and inches from men and women struggling with obesity.

Incredibly, it wasn't until consumer advocate, Kevin Trudeau, discovered all these scientific results that the particular hCG diet, Simeons' model, became popular. Trudeau chronicled his very own weight loss of 40 pounds and named the discovery as, "the weight loss plan they don't want you to know about".

A synthetic version of the hCG hormone was created and people who suffered with weight loss clamored for this latest "cure". The fact is, it's turned out to be so popular that hCG diet recipes, seasonings for the somewhat bland diet and ideas and suggestions to help with the success of the plan have popped up all over the net and homeopathic health pharmacies.

Research internet sites if you'd like to learn more about the hCG diet plan, Simeons' protocol and exactly how this particular weight loss plan will help you eliminate those unhealthy pounds today and permanently.

Start your research at the "hCG Diet for Weight Loss" blog, where you'll find plenty of information about how the hCG Diet will produce permanent weight loss, including a free report. Click the following link:

A Muscle Building Diet Plan

If you want to build strong lean muscle you need more than just exercise; eating the right kinds of foods is also important. A quality muscle building diet is very often neglected when one begins muscle building training. Most people have a lot of mistaken beliefs about the type of diet needed to help build muscle mass.

Some people believe that a body building diet should be made up solely of proteins, and vitamins, and that fats and carbohydrates, should be eliminated. When building muscle mass, you have to increase your carbohydrate intake to give you the needed energy to do your work outs and lifting routines.

When you lower the carbohydrates in your diet, your body has to compensate by finding energy elsewhere. The body does this by decreasing your metabolism. When your metabolism is low, the extra calories you eat build up as fat instead of being broken down into energy.

Your body also must have fat in the diet. The organ systems of the body will be forced to rely on low fat products or fat free food to fill the necessary fat requirements of your body this can cause problems. It also can lead to a decrease in your body's metabolism, especially the way your body matabolizes fat. Instead of bulking you up you can reverse the process.

Foods you should include in your diet are; lean red meat as it is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients that promote muscle growth. Eggs are an excellent food if you are trying to build muscle mass. They are high in protein and easily digested and used in your body. Fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the body. Chicken breast is full of proteins and is one of the top foods that can help you grow muscles. Milk gives you with the minerals, vitamins and calcium that your body needs.. Cottage cheese is very slow to digest and this makes it a popular food for body-building. Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate which provides your body with a steady rate of energy and promotes muscle growth. Fruits such as apples, citrus fruits, and berries can give your body the needed potassium, iron, fiber, zinc, and minerals.Vegetables like spinach, carats, and tomatoes should also be included in your diet. Nuts are an excellent source of unsaturated fats.

To get more help with your muscle building diet plan just click here.

Longevity Health - The Best Anti Aging 4 Week Diet Plan

A longevity health plan, or simply a life extension diet can include a multiple number of practices:

1. Nutrition and environmental detoxification

2. Quality vitamin and nutrient supplementation

3. Herbal therapy

4. Traditional Chinese Medicine

5. Chiropractic care

6. Acupuncture

7. Aesthetics and rehabilitative therapeutic massage

However, what is clear is that if you wish to really achieve longevity in your daily life, then a healthy diet is essential. Therefore nutrition, quality vitamins and nutritional supplements and additional skin care products alongside a happy lifestyle and exercise are essential.

The Longevity Diet Plan:

A longevity diet plan is really more of a collection of practical eating guidelines.

Just follow the 4 simple guidelines listed below each week to overhaul your existing diet and begin eating healthy without all the drama of a typical weight loss diet, as a longevity diet in itself is all about sustaining the right number of healthy calories.

Week 1 - Double Up on Veggies - Cut Back on Milk and Cheese

First week, you'll drastically cut back on dairy products like cheese, milk and ice cream and focus on doubling your vegetables while. Here's why:

Vegetables provide us with vitamins and antioxidants that protect our bodies from damage and the effects of aging. Firstly, research has shown that supplements cannot be substituted for food in its whole form for the same benefits.

Vegetables like carrots or cauliflower are also great at filling you up with nutritious food whilst being low in calories. Therefore avoid smothering them with cheese or a cream sauce!

Dairy products whilst good for babies and children who need high-calorie, fatty foods; for adults it is the calcium we just require. Vegetables will give you calcium.

As we all know, dairy products add calories, raise your cholesterol and even increase your risk for some types of cancer. Removing dairy from your diet will therefore eliminate your overall risk to such illnesses.

Focus your attention in week one buying and eating your favorite vegetables and you won't miss the dairy.

Top Vegetables:

# Spinach

# Lettuce

# Peppers

# Broccoli

Prepare them in olive oil with salt, pepper and other spices.

Remember: NO cheese on the veggies!

Week 2 - Demote Meat and Go Nuts

Like dairy, meat's are really not that good for you. Meat provides your body with protein, but not much else. Meat contains saturated fats (the bad fats)

Nuts, on the other hand, contain protein as well as good fats including omega-3 essential fatty acids which regulate your cholesterol and increase brain function in terms of mental clarity.

It's true that vegetarians have the healthiest arteries in comparison to those who eat meat. Week two focusses on reducing one protein source (meat) and replacing it with another (nuts).

Continue to double your vegetable intake and eliminate dairy while you:

1. Decrease Your Meat Intake: Think of meat as a side dish to your veggie stir-fry. Use no more than half the amount of meat you usually eat and opt for low-fat meats like chicken and pork.

2. Go Nuts: High in protein and healthy fats, walnuts, almonds, and pecans are excellent, providing your body with excellent nutritional essentials, unsalted and in their purist form.

QUICK TIP: Put nuts everywhere! Have little bags of nuts in your car, at your desk, around your home. Eat a few when you are hungry, a handful per sitting is a good amount.

Week 3 - Get Fishy, No White Foods

Add fish to your diet and eliminate "white food" such as white flour and refined sugar which are highly processed and have almost no nutrients. Avoid any non-whole grain products and avoid anything with added sugar.

Fish is good for you, it contains omega-3, is high in protein and essential fatty acids, will reduce your cholesterol and install mental clarity.

Eat fish up to three times a week. Fish is a great meat substitute and is simple to prepare.

Note: Some fish contains mercury and pesticides, so buy locally if possible at a market, not supermarkets where pesticides are used to extend their shelf life and also contain saturated fats.

Some of the healthiest fish for longevity are argued to be salmon, sardines and anchovies.

Week 4 - Love Fruit, Avoid Chemicals

The final week includes increasing the amount of fruit that you eat whilst avoiding foods that may contain harmful chemicals.

The plan, eat fruit as a dessert at least twice a day. This gives you important antioxidants and vitamins, and make sure to wash the fruit as it will contain pesticides and chemicals that may be harmful.

1. Enjoy Fruit: Strawberries, Blueberries and Resveratrol found in grapes can satisfy that after-dinner sweet craving. Eat real fruit instead of juices as they put your blood sugar way up. Avoid smoothies which consist of tonnes of calories. Eat a whole variety of fruits, the more colors the better.

2. Avoid Chemicals: "Concentrated sugar" ingredients like high fructose corn syrup can directly cause immediate metabolic syndrome and lead to huge spikes in your risk of getting diabetes.

Note: Chemicals are basically a big "unknown". If you don't recognize something on the list, put the item back.

Longevity Health Conclusion:

In conclusion, continue to double your amount of veggies, eat more nuts, fish, less meat, no dairy or white foods and plenty of fruit. Such diets are common in Sardinia and Okinawa where the largest number of centenarians per capita exist.


To Top-Up your Longevity Health Plan - These NEW LONGEVITY HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS maybe the only solution to TRUE LONGEVITY

Best Fat Burning Diet Plan - Lose Fat Extremely Fast

So what is the best fat burning diet plan out there? What are you looking for? Are you looking for something that doesn't starve you or force you to go out of your way?

Well first of all, we are going to discuss several techniques in order for you to find the best fat burning dieting plan for you. We will also go over some fat burning foods, and how you should incorporate enjoyable exercise into your dieting routine.

By doing all of this, you will ensure an enjoyable fat burning experience for you, that is also very effective and easy on the wallet.

First of all - let's discuss how you should find the best dieting plan.

There are people out there that have literally created their own diet by coming up with a combination of tons of different dieting philosophies. I'm not saying you have to be the Socrates on dieting, but it does help if you start doing some research.

Research your body, go to the healthy calculator online (type it in the search engines), and find out what comes up.

You also may want to try going to certain dieting and forum message boards and typing in a request to see what the best dieting plans are.

Get ENGAGED IN A COMMUNITY! It makes losing weight so much easy when you are engaged in an online community, sharing facts, secrets, and knowledge about losing weight, exercise, and your body.

Believe it or not, the best dieting plans sometimes come from communities that have created a whole bunch of dieting plans from different truths and philosophies of different experts and dieting plan gurus.

This is just one of the ways - you also want to go to your local bookstore, a big Barnes & Nobles; and relax in the section - do some research, you can definitely do it so why not start today?

Some Fat Burning Foods

Boiled eggs are extremely good when it comes to burning fat. Do not live life without them! They are extremely high in protein, which makes them prime to that fat burning thing that you want to do.

Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Oatmeal - it's best to get the nasty one with no flavor in it - but any type of oatmeal is atleast somewhat healthy because soluble fiber that's in it that reduces blood cholesterol, and flushes out the bad digestive acids out of your system - by far one of the most underrated lose fat foods.

Grilled Lean Meats- Grilled meats and eating fish are great things that you should start doing immediately. You may want to think about packing a healthy "fat burning" snack as there are literally hundreds of fat burning foods out there! Just start today and find out what tastes great for you!

Enjoyable Exercise

Nobody said exercise had to be tough, in fact, all you have to do is exercise 35-45 minutes a day, two to three times a week to lose some fat. Overtime, your body will want to workout more & more; you'll get used to working out and start loving it.

The hardest part is getting started - get that "mental snowball" rolling and start today!

Losing 9 Pounds in 11 Days using the FatLoss4 Idiots Program sounds like an impossible feat. It's not & If you are interested in how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days using the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" dieting plan, then visit for more information

Major Study Questions The Eat More Carbohydrate and Less Protein Diet Plan

I've been checking out the US government's information about the dietary recommendations contained in the food pyramid. Did you know that a major scientific study demonstrates the food pyramid is wrong? In fact, you might interpret from the data that the food pyramid is the most likely reason why there is rampant obesity and diabetes in the United States.

First, look at what the government says is healthy. I want you to do your own search so you don't think I'm attempting to lead you in the wrong direction. Just put "food pyramid" in your search engine. You'll know you've found the government web site because it ends in ".gov."

The US government recommends

Here are the top three recommendations copied and pasted from the government web site:

Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products;
Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts; and
Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

This is what nutritionists, dietitians and health experts have been following for the last 5 decades. Have you noticed how healthy we all are since following this advice... not. We now have rampant obesity and diabetes, exactly what was predicted by the nutritional experts who recommended something else. The government didn't want to offend the corporations who raised or manufactured grains, so they disregarded the opinion of the experts they hired to tell them the truth.

What research has shown

In the wording above, note the words "emphasizes" and "includes." In my opinion, the feds are saying to eat mostly that which is emphasized but also include some of the other.

Now put "2005 Omniheart Study" in your search engine and take a look. You'll find there were three "healthy" diets studied. In one diet they took the standard recommendations to lower blood pressure and substituted 10% more protein (half were animal protein and half were vegetable) in place of the carbohydrates. In the third diet they substituted 10% more mono-saturated fats (olive oil) for the carbohydrates.

The web site says all three of these are healthy diets.

The results were:

Substituting the protein or unsaturated fats for the carbohydrates in a healthy diet reduced blood pressure and lipid (fat) blood profiles. (Your doctor would be very happy. This is what they want to happen with the side effect laden statin and blood pressure drugs.)
Comparing the protein rich diet to the carbohydrate rich one, the protein one had a greater decrease in blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. (Again, your doctor would be very happy. And this was done with a slight dietary change from the one recommended by the US Department of Agriculture. No drugs were given in the research study.)

What does this mean for you? Go ahead and decrease the amount of grains and other starches you eat. Increase your protein and good fats (butter, olive, coconut, peanut, palm and grape seed oil). Observe how you feel.

So much of the research today is funded by corporations that have a monetary interest in the outcome. You can read the stories of whistle blowers who have revealed that studies with a negative impact on the corporations are stashed in some file. This study was not funded by a corporation with food ties. It was funded by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

Cathy Chapman, PhD, LCSW assists people in achieving their dreams of health, wealth and abundance. To receive your Special Report Diet Myths Evaluated: Myths, Differences of Opinion and Propaganda go to and fill out the form.

Choosing a Diet Plan

With all the diet plans to choose from, how do you choose?

First get rid of starvation/fad diets. You can lose weight fast but this is the quickest way to get into the yo-yo diet cycle. Starvation diets are the quickest way to lose as much muscle as fat and be in worse physical shape than when you started.

The rest of the diets fall into two general categories: low fat high carb and low carb high fat. The diet advice you probably have gotten all your life is that high fat is bad. That is not as clear cut as it was once thought.

A November 2007 study showed a very low carb diet and a low fat diet both reduced 2 prominent features of metabolic syndrome, abnormal distribution of plasma fatty acids and increased inflammation. The study summarized that a very low carbohydrate diet resulted in reduced inflammation compared to a low fat diet. An April 2008 peer review paper has found that carbohydrates are the controlling factor deciding if saturated becomes a problem.

So now we have to paths to weight loss success. You can choose either that appear to work well. The thing that is important is you can't mix the 2 diet plan types. Choosing the plan best for you can basically boil down to what you can live without the easiest: Meat or bread.

One thing researcher from both camps agree on: Highly refined carbs of all kind is a bad food choice.

The last thing to remember is to allow a few cheats. Any time you make a major change you will fall back to old habits. When adopting a new way of eating, remember it is not what you do ever time that matters as much as what you do most of the time. Don't be discourage when you fall off the wagon, just remember to get back on.

The best diet plan for you will be the diet you can live with the rest of your life.

For a more in depth look at the best programs on the internet check out my Weight Loss Secrets. For recommended books and articles check out my blog [].

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An Acne Diet Plan For an Acne Free Life

The benefits of following an acne diet plan have been discussed (and argued) for a long time. People that practice a holistic approach to healing have long embraced the idea that acne is actually a skin condition, not a skin disease. They believe the root cause of your acne lies in the fact that your body has little or no tolerance to elevated levels of hormones, chemicals, and/or toxins that can invade your body from many directions, including many of the foods and beverages that you consume at every meal.

If this is the case, it would then follow that adopting an acne diet plan that eliminates the foods that contain this material would appear to be a good idea. With that in mind, let's look at a couple of examples that show just how much your diet affects both the frequency and severity of your acne outbreaks.

Most of us first experience acne during our teenage years. This is a time of tremendous change in your body as you progress from childhood, through adolescence, and, finally, into adulthood. Your body's hormone production is in hyperdrive and your it simply can't tolerate the level of hormones that it is producing and is desperately trying to find a way to eliminate the excess. I know that this sounds a bit ironic, but it is true, none the less.

The unfortunate part of this is that some people (those that have acne) are cursed with bodies that eliminate the hormone overload by emulsifying them in sebum oil (the Mother of all pimples) and secreting it out through your sebaceous glands, located in the hair follicles on your skin. This is where your acne formation begins.

For the truly unfortunate, acne outbreaks continue long after the raging hormones of adolescence have settled down. With adult acne, the process is the same, but the root cause is most often found in the chemicals that are used in everything from your clothes to the processed foods that you get at your favorite restaurant or your neighborhood grocery store. These chemicals and toxins tend to build up in your vital organs and trigger the same reaction that your teenage hormones started in your youth.

All of this ties into the wisdom of adopting an effective acne diet plan because many of the foods and beverages that you consume every day contain the very chemicals, toxins, and hormones that are causing your acne outbreaks in the first place. The plain truth is, every meal that you eat just adds more fuel to the fire.

My space here is a bit limited, but you can find a more detailed discussion of the benefits of adopting an effective acne diet plan, including specific examples of foods that you should avoid, at the True Acne Diet website.

You may also want to visit this link to learn about the most effective (and, most successful!) acne diet plan ever developed. Thousands of people (including Me!) have found it to be the road to an acne-free life!

Managing Weight Successfully - Why a Long Term Diet Plan Works Best

Managing weight can be likened to running a business. You will only get out of it what you put in. Imagine thinking about starting a business and not having a clue or idea as to how you are going to make it work. Can you imagine going to the lengths of looking for the right diet plan or weight loss program only to find you have no-idea what to do first or on a day to day basis in order to reach your goal or target weight. So being armed with the correct information prior to taking action can mean the difference between success and failure...

If You Knew You Were Doing it Wrong, Would You Still Continue?

Making the right decisions in weight loss and diet plans are critical if you are to succeed in actually shifting the desired weight and in the time scale of you're choosing. In order to manage weight successfully it is important to firstly find the right diet plan along with a tried and tested step-by-step formula that can be followed on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Achieving the right weight should never be rushed as this can lead to underlining medical problems as well as not being able to sustain the achieved weight due to lack of continuity within the crash plan that would have been adopted.

As with a business we should always focus on the long term results and once we have reached the desired target, having a solid foundation set in place that will allow us to maintain that steady stream. Apply this thought process to weight loss and choosing the right diet plan should become much easier.

No-one likes to start something that they cannot finish or maintain and to go to the lengths of getting serious about losing weight without first taking stock of exactly what it is that they are wanting to achieve as well as having or belonging to a program that will provide a fool-proof plan in order for us to get there.

So in order to manage weight successfully you should first make a list of what it is you expect to achieve and secondly set-out a time scale in which you think is a reasonable time to achieve your goals. Then simply search for a diet plan, program, or system that is able to provide you with everything you will need and a means of sustaining your target once you get there.

Weight loss in Any event takes as much forethought and planning as it actually does in doing. Anything worthwhile is worth planning.

There are a lot of Internet sites out there on weight loss solutions, but few of them are as comprehensive as this package.

Clive Anderson

9 Healthy Diet Plans to Gain Six Pack Abs

For some people, getting six packs abs is considered a hard work especially if they have a few extra pounds. The easiest way to gain six packs when you are a larger person is to lose weight first and burn more fats. Through this, it will be much easier for you to get a six packs abs without working out too much. Here are 9 healthy diet tips that you may follow if you want to lose weight before targeting a six pack abs:

? Low Carb Diet Plan is designed for fastest possible weight loss. This type of diet will give you 1104 calories and 51 grams of carbohydrates per day.

? Balanced Diet Plan is a non-fad diet that allows you to lose weight without feeling deprived. Average daily calories amount to 1100 not including the snacks.

? Low Calorie Booster Diet is a 14-day plan to boost your metabolism and speed up your weight loss. Total calorie intake on this kind of diet is 1007calories per day.

? Low GI Diet Plan is for a person who needs to stabilize his blood sugar levels. This type of diet plan is best for those who are suffering from diabetes or insulin insensitivity. The total daily calorie intake you will get from this amount to 1189, which of course depends on your gender and how much weight you wish to lose.

? Vegetarian Quick-Start Diet is for new and experienced vegetarians. This type of diet plan gives you tasty meals while losing weight fast and easy. Daily calorie intake from this type of diet plan amount to 1183 per day.

? 10-Minute Meals Diet is recommended for those who wants to lose weight and yet too busy to prepare a healthy meal for themselves. This diet plan gives you fast meant and makes weight loss easier. Total calorie intake is 1100 per day, and does not include snacks on the calorie count.

? Diet for Life is a diet plan recommended for an easier long term weight loss plan. This will keep you stay lean and healthy for life and gives you an average daily calorie of 1300.

? Vegetarian Diet for Life is also an easy long term weight loss plan designed for vegetarians who wants to stay lean and healthy for life. This type of diet plan has a total of 1250 calories per day.

? Cholesterol-lowering Diet is recommended for those with high cholesterol level. This type of diet plan is low in fat, low in cholesterol and high in fiber. Total calorie intake amount to 1146 calories per day, 21.5 grams total fat, 3 grams saturated fat and 130 grams cholesterol.

Remember that for you to be able to lose weight; you must eat healthy as well. While you are on a diet, and you think you are progressing, you can start on an exercise routine that can help you build up your muscles and gain a six pack abs. this time it will be a little less harder to work out because you have lessen the fat that needs to be burned and you can already concentrate on toning and sculpting your stomach.

Are you looking to get Gain Six Packs? Visit today for more information!

One Day Detox Diet Plan Cuts Future Medical Costs!

Every day that you spend fasting using the kind of one day detox diet plan that is recommended in Master Cleanse Secrets is a day that is bound to save you from spending money on health costs in the future.

Taking care of your health is one of the most responsible things you can do in this day in age given the current burdens on our health system due to diseases caused by bad diet and lazy lifestyle habits.

You also might be one of the millions of North Americans who do not have adequate health insurance coverage. This is why it might be important to adopt a preventative proactive strategy that can prevent you from developing diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer, obesity and heart disease. These are the illnesses that account for seventy five percent of all health care costs today that are largely preventable if you make changes to your life style by managing your diet and weight loss.

The Master Cleanse Kick Starts Lifestyle Changes

How effective are lifestyle changes when it comes to your health? The medical journal called The Lancet published a study that followed 30,000 men and women in six continents and found that simple dietary lifestyle changes could prevent over 90 percent of cases heart disease. Thus, the disease that accounts for more premature deaths and is more expensive than any other affliction is almost completely preventable.

Also notable is that the very same lifestyle changes that can prevent or even reverse heart disease can also help prevent or even reverse many other chronic diseases as well.

Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands With a One Day Detox

The key is food. You are what you put in your mouth and you are only as good as what you eat. The world is starting to finally really awaken to this fact and one day detox diets and cleanses are becoming popular yet effective ways to manage stress, fatigue, weight gain, acne and other problems.

Ideally you should detox for ten days or more but even a simple one day detox a week that consists of drinking the simple and inexpensive Master Cleanse Lemonade is extraordinarily effective when it comes to preventing health problems.

In Master Cleanse Secrets, you'll find more than mere information; you'll find practical guidance for how to use that information to become a better, more effective, more conscious human being. In a way it is a book that is about more than a cleansing diet has it provides simple, good advice as to how to transform your life for the better, by changing your body into a leaner, sleeker more efficient place for your mind and soul to live!

If you would like to learn more about One Day Detox then check out " How To Cleanse And Detox Yourself And Undo Years Of Damage In 10 Days Or Less "

That's Right -- This Report Will Show You Exactly How To Fully Detox Yourself In 10 Days Or Less By Using A Little Known, Yet Powerful Detox & Cleansing Solution!

Free One Day Detox Report.

High Protein Diet Plan - Women's Guide To Dropping Inches FAST

Using a high protein diet plan to lose weight is a painless and relatively easy way and get into your favorite skinny jeans without killing yourself doing torturous workouts at the gym or starving yourself until you pass out.

In fact, Asian women have been using multiple versions of the same basic high protein diet plan for centuries, and have mastered the art of burning fat and staying ultra-lean even just after having a baby!

Today we're going to look at how you can benefit from a simple high protein diet that will let you slim down while feeling great.

High Protein Diet Plan - The Skinny Asian Way

Now you're not going to learn ALL of the tricks and tips Asian women use to get their petite waistlines in just a single short article. But you CAN pick up some high protein diet plan suggestions that will get you on the road to the body you deserve without suffering:

1. Make your breakfast count.

Breakfast is so critical for true permanent weight loss that it's the very first thing I cover with new students in my local weight-loss classes. You must commit to breakfast, and you must fuel your body with the right foods to ignite its fat-burning potential for the rest of the day.

Some simple morning items you'll want to concentrate on are eggs (I go with 6 x egg whites and 2 x yolks), cottage cheese (excellent source of natural protein), tofu (yep, this relatively bland food is a great way to rev up your system), chicken, or lean meat.

Avoid things like muffins, croissants, any kind of white bread, store-bought fruit juice drinks (although you CAN have an actual apple or orange if you wish), oatmeal (yep, we Asian girls never eat this for breakfast despite what you've read. Bigtime carb), or cereal (another deadly carb).

2. Lunch time is the right time.

Lunch is the next big meal you'll plan for while on this high protein diet plan and it's important you don't fell prey to any fast-food nonsense if you're going out to lunch with the girls at the office each day.

Stick to sliced turkey, chicken, ham, pork, fish, or lean meat at lunch, and be sure to avoid things like hamburger buns (high carbs), french fries (no way), any greasy food like pizza slices (sorry), and the rest of the usual suspects.

Remember, if you eat right at lunch and get a lot of great protein in you'll be full and won't have that mid-afternoon drowsiness that many people get from falling blood sugar levels after eating a high-carb lunch.

3. Dinner is nothing to fear.

For your final meal of the day it's important for you to know two things. First, don't fear it. You're not going to fall off the wagon once you've had a great day of staying sharp on your breakfast and lunch, so don't build up fear about resisting typical dinner pitfalls. Second, the same rules apply here that they did previously. It's easy to remember your base food choices that feature protein, use them at dinner to make more exotic dishes to reward yourself for a great day of staying focused on your high protein diet plan.

Fish, chicken, lean meat, tofu, soy, and any other food composed primarily of protein are all fine here. Definitely stay away from any potatoes (common at American dinners), rice (no rice past lunch, that's the rule), and breads (biscuits are out).

No desserts for the most part, as 99% of our favorite treats have very little protein and a TON of sugar in them, which is the most common reason why you may not be losing weight.

These basics of the high protein diet plan will keep your metabolism firing all day, and all night too, and you should see results from your hard work in as little as a week. It sure beats killing yourself at the gym, that's for sure.

What If You Still Can't Lose Any Weight?

If you can't seem to make any progress towards getting the sexy and lean body you want even after being on a high protein diet plan you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

This solution works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Beyond the high protein diet plan. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone:

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

The South Beach Diet Plan in a Nutshell

There are plenty of different diet plans available to help us lose weight -- there are low-protein diets and high protein diets, low-carb diets and high-carb diets, low-fat diets and high-fat diet, and several variations of all of the above. Too often, with all of these choices and seemingly contradictory dieting instructions, dieters can end up getting frustrated and discouraged.

The South Beach Diet, however, is not based on a single gimmicky weight-loss principal -- it teaches the dieter to choose the amount, and type, of carbs and fats that will help them to lose weight. A common problem for certain diet plans is that they allow for bad carbs and fats to be consumed. This can leave the dieter feeling hungry and even lethargic which may lead to weight gain. However, the South Beach Diet Plan teaches you how to choose foods that allow you to feel full, and give you more energy at the same time. If you eat right, you could lose up to 10 pounds in two weeks. If the South Beach diet plan is followed, quick weight loss is something that is promised as a part of this weight-loss program.

The South Beach Diet, which was created by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatson, will help you to lose weight. It has three phases - the first two being for a specific length of time, and the third for a lifetime of good, healthy eating and safe weight loss. This diet plan allows for three normal meals a day, two snacks, and a variety of foods. Which, this makes the South Beach Diet an excellent choice for a diet program -- one that shows you which foods to eat, how to maintain healthy portions, and an overall program that does not leave the dieter unsatisfied.

Phase One

For phase one, the portions are normal, but there are no carbs allowed during this period. As a strict introductory phase, it should be followed for two weeks. The emphasis is on lean meats and low-glycemic-index veggies, and during this time the weight will come off fairly quickly.

Phase Two

In the second phase, more of the previously forbidden foods are gradually introduced, and the weight loss should be from one-to-two pounds per week. Ideally, one should remain on this phase until the desired amount of weight has been shed.

Phase Three

This is the lifetime phase, and it is for maintenance and healthy eating and living. Sometimes people will see their weight climbing upward when they stop following phase two. That's when they must go back to phase one. But, the diet is so varied that this really does not need to happen. Overall, the South Beach Diet is geared to all lifestyles and budgets, and is not at all difficult to comply with.

While the South Beach Diet plan may be an excellent choice for those who have decided to lose weight, as with all diets, one should consult a health care professional before embarking on any new weight reduction program.

To get more information and tips on anything health and fitness related diets, supplements, weight training etc., please visit my website at

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Secret To A Low Carb Diet Plan

It seems like the debate rages on year after year. Which is better a low carb diet or a low fat diet? There are many proponents of both types of diets and both claim that by following them you can reach a healthy weight. Interestingly enough, in a recent letter published by "Harvard Health" the author made the statement that a low carb diet plan would win "hands down" in terms of losing weight quickly.

It seems that researchers are still somewhat mystified about why it is that many people do lose weight faster when they follow a low carb diet plan than with other types of fat loss diets. At the same time, it seems that not every person has the right body type to really benefit most from following a low carb plan, and some people do better when they follow a low fat diet.

Part of this has to do with body typing and how different people have different types of metabolisms which respond differently to the various approaches. Those who do well on a low carb diet plan seem to be people who are more "sensitive" to carbohydrates. These would be people who have strong cravings for more carbs, such as donuts or pasta, even after they have just eaten more than enough to fill them up. They also tend to get sleepy or drowsy when they have eaten a meal heavy in carbs.

What these reactions indicate is the way in which that person's body is processing the carbohydrates. And, it seems that not all bodies process things in just the same way, aside from what some scientists may say. Those who are sensitive to carbs tend to have metabolisms that more quickly turn the carbohydrates into sugars, spiking the blood sugar levels and wreaking havoc with the insulin levels in the bloodstream as well. For these people, following a successful diet plan [] like low carbs can level out their blood sugar and this in turn reduces cravings and helps the body to function correctly in many ways.

Some medical doctors worry about putting people on a low car diet plan because often that means that people tend to eat more foods that are high in fat. However, there are many healthy recipes that people can follow when dieting with a low carbohydrate plan that can help them be sure they have the proper balance of healthy food in their diet.

Because a low carb diet plan does limit the amount of foods like rice, potatoes, bread, and pasta, some of the volume is made up for with more proteins. There are many excellent chicken recipes and been recipes available to low carb dieters that can help them make creative and tasty meals and prepare them in healthy, low fat ways.

Combined with an excellent exercise program like resistance tubes [] this diet plan will help you keep the weight off and the carbs low.

Susan Pitts is a weight loss consultant, if you want to know more about diet and weight loss visit []

Diet Plans That Work - How to Eat Bad Foods Everyday and Still Lose Weight

Losing weight is not easy and it's made particularly difficult if you try to completely cut out everything you like. It's demotivating to not be able to have anything you like at all. But I have two tips to hand that will help you to lose weight without waving goodbye to every single food you love.

First of all, eat a salad or a homemade soup before you meal. Any dressing you use on your salad should be fat free, vinegar based dressings etc. And never used canned soup - make soup from scratch with fresh ingredients for the best effect. The reason that this helps is simply because by the time you to come to eat your main meal, which is the food you really like (which may well be less than great for you and your weight loss regime) you will already have started eating and feel a little fuller. This means that you will eat less of the bad food and thus fewer calories. This is often known as calorie crowding because you crowd out some of the bad calories.

The second tip is to eat grapefruit or an apple after your meal. These are examples of particularly high fibre foods and foods that contain a lot of fibre assist in speeding up your digestive system. This in turn has a positive effect on weight loss. A healthier digestive system really helps when it comes to getting your metabolism going.

Again, these are two tips that are easy enough to incorporate into your own routine and diet. Being able to keep some of the foods you like in your diet while trying to lose weight makes the whole process much easier and increases your chances of sticking with the diet plan for longer, thus losing more weight and keeping it off. CLICK HERE to Lose 5 Pounds by next week! Get effective diet tricks that work at

Lose Weight Diet Plan - 5 Simple Strategies to Move Your Way to Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight without losing your mind over food deprivation?

Well, there is definitely an easier way to do so without getting hungry. The trick is that a person should always have a lose weight diet plan. By recklessly engaging oneself in a diet, you may put your health at risk, both physical and psychological. Hence, it is always best to start from somewhere. Exercise has always been a part of any successful diet plan. If you do not wish to engage in expensive gym programs, you can always undergo simple actions.

Not many people see that a little effort can go a long way. So, here are some of the activities you can do to lose some pounds on your diet. Mind you, these are exercises which are both fun and healthy for you. They can be done anywhere and can help you sweat your calories off.

1. Walking

They say that if you take about 30 minutes a day just walking, it is already considered as a form of exercise. Make sure that you take the time to do so. If you have simple errands such as walking your dogs or taking the laundry to the Laundromat, you can just walk. If you are going to places with short distances, do not bring a car. Just walk. It's really healthy!

2. Cleaning

Not many people know but cleaning can actually burn a few calories. Using the vacuum cleaner requires you to bend, crawl and stoop a few times and this is already a simple form of exercise. Remember, doing simple stretches and lunges when you are cleaning can help you lose weight during your diet plan troubles. At the same time, you will be able to get rid of the dirt and dust your furniture sets are keeping.

3. Swimming

Swimming has always been a great pastime for people. Compared to other sports, it is not that tiring. It is actually a fun sport to do. Because of the pressure brought about by the water, the muscles are toned. At the same time, it can help strengthen your circulatory and respiratory systems. If you do research, swimmers have a good form.

4. Biking

Biking around the block is a great for a weight loss plan. Not only will it help you sweat off your calories, it can also help tone your legs and other parts of your body. At the same time, it is a good form of transportation. It is very economical too!

5. Stairs

If you work in an office building, you should consider using the stairs, especially if your floor is just close to the ground floor. According to some studies, climbing up the stairs can help people burn off a hundred calories. So, the next time you come face to face with an elevator and you are following a lose weight diet plan, consider the staircase!

Now you have the moves to help you burn a ton of extra calories, you need the weight loss diet program that helps you cut out bad calories and ensures you eat the right foods Click the following link: Best Diet Plan - discover the revolutionary new diet that is taking the internet by storm and find out what it will do for you to help you lose lots more weight, faster and permanently!

Diet Plan For Weight Loss Tips - Easy Diet Plan to Lose Weight Permanently

People who want to lose weight permanently have to understand finally, that it does not happen instantly and you do have to work hard to lose weight. If you do accept the fact that it takes time and a lot of hard work, then the chances of succeeding for you are a lot higher. Having the right diet plan for weight loss, is obviously on of the most important parts.

Although diet alone is not enough to lose weight permanently but if you combine both a smart and healthy diet plan with regular exercise, then you certainly have more chances. It is always difficult to follow a diet plan just because all diets work, by cutting calories very low and staying on very low calorie diets for long periods is impossible. And if you want to lose weight for a long period, then time after time you have to cut your calories more and more and that leads to disaster. But anyway here is a easy diet plan tips that do not lead to disaster.

Diet plan for weight loss tips

Everyone knows that eating 5-6 meals a day instead of 2-3 big ones is much better. Eating frequent small meals boosts your metabolism and this means you burn more calories and lose fat a lot quicker. So are you doing that? If you are planning to lose weight with only a diet then you have to work really hard. So this for you easy very important.
Make breakfast your largest meal of the day. The average eating pattern for most overweight people is very bad. Usually people don't eat breakfast or their breakfast is only a sandwich, followed by a large junk food lunch and the day ends with a very large dinner and usually a late nigh snack. But this is the opposite of what you are suppose to do. If you eat the most at breakfast then you are less likely to store the food as fat, because you have been fasting overnight. Having a large evening meal is more likely to be stored as fat because your body burns less calories at night.

Get the best diet plan for weight loss [] from the number one diet book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - (BFFM), a complete fat loss success system based on the little-known secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models - the leanest athletes on earth. BFFM is rated by as the #1 diet e-book on the Internet with users in more than 135 countries worldwide.

In this exciting and revealing book, you will learn all the nutrition, training and motivation tactics you need to lose stubborn body fat quickly and easily at any age, without pills, supplements or gimmicks. Click here to learn more: []

How to Find Diet Plans That Work Best For You

A huge research study was conducted to find out what weight loss plan actually works the best. The people who conducted the study did not specify any particular diets but the respondents were told that all the well-known diets such as low-carb, low-calorie, and low-fat were present. In this article you will find the surprising things that they learned through that study and we will shed some light on which diet plan really works the most.

Are you ready to look at the results? According to the study, all the fat loss plans tested produced results that are almost identical to each other. In other words, all were able to produce their target number of pounds lost in a period of time. What?

This research is trying to say that no matter which weight loss plan you choose to follow, you will still lose weight. So how do you know then which one to use? It seems that to answer that question we must look at things that are not in the rules of dieting.

First let's see what you need to do for your weight loss plan to be successful. The important thing with any diet plan is that you will get results if you simply stay with it. What you need now is a diet that doesn't completely overhaul your lifestyle and does not stop you from living your life.

It is quite common for people to go on a diet that completely changes all that they were used to doing. There's too much effort involved in this kind of weight loss plan and sooner or later you won't be able to maintain it.

Try a diet that will let you eat food you usually eat while still giving you the proper techniques to help you lose weight. Go on a diet plan that does not only change your diet but also your behavior. An example would be addressing mindless eating or speed eating.

Finally, go with a plan that will require you to think differently about how you eat and what your weight loss plan will be. If your mind is set on thinking that weight loss isn't that necessary then nothing you do will work. Start the change with your mind if you want to see the results in your body.

In a nutshell, to get the diet plan that is perfect for you, you would need to choose one that gives you the right dieting tools and one that changes your behavior about eating and weight loss.

Tired of being fat? Grab your FREE COPY of Truth About Weight Loss report and get updates on effective Diet Plans That Work

Workout And Diet Plan For Building A Firm Body

To build a firm body I highly recommend a strength training program. Strength training not only builds your muscles but also works on joints and tendons. Your muscles are what helps in burning fat when you are not working out. Did you know 1 pound of muscles will burn 50 calories per day? Just imagine if you just replace 10 pounds of fat with 10 pounds of muscle. You'll be burning 500 calories without even lifting a finger.

But for you to reach that level you have to start strength training program.

Strength training program for weight loss

Before you start out with any kind of program, don't forget proper warm up and stretching for your muscles. Also don't forget to include joint exercises like neck circles, wrist circles, shoulder circles etc. This'll help you with your joints problems in long run.

For a good strength training program.

You need compound exercises like squats or lifts. Do not include isolated movement exercises like curls. In strength training you should be lifting heavy weights for low reps. For example you can lift 3 reps for 6 sets. Bodybuilders use high number of reps which are not meant for strength training.

You can also use bodyweight exercises like Bodyweight squats and push ups or may be handstands or pull ups. I prefer to do 4-5 full body workouts per week. You can use this settings if your body can handle it.

For cardio, You should include HIIT(High intensity Interval training). I prefer doing Sprints. They work the lungs and all your anaerobic system. You can run 100 m for 10 reps as sprints. They are tough.

Diet program to go with strength training

One of the best diet you can follow if your goal is weight is low carb diet. Now when I am talking about low carbs, that doesn't mean you have to cut your carbs like in atkins diet. No, our goal is to cut our carbs enough so that we can burn our fat without shutting down our metabolism.

In this diet, you'll cut your carbs, improve your proteins and fat to create fat burning effect in your body. Coupled with strength training exercises you'll lose fat in no time.

Read more about workout and diet plan for building a firm body. Varun Writes daily articles on his website and blog at Natural weight loss.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dukan Diet Plan Versus Every Other Day Diet - Which is Better?

In this short article I want to compare two popular weight loss plans: the Dukan Diet Plan and the Every Other Day Diet (known as the EODD diet for short). I hope that by the end of this article you will be able to decide which of these plans is right for you...


The Dukan Diet book is cheaper than the Every Other Day Diet, but the latter offers various bonuses and online support so it's only reasonable that it will cost a bit more.

Eating Plan

The Dukan Diet is a high protein weight loss plan. During the early stages of the diet you have many all protein days. The program is highly restrictive as it takes a while until you can once again eat things like bread, pasta, and other tasty food items. If you're the sort of person who needs carbs on a regular basis, you will find the Dukan Diet plan extremely restrictive and hard to stick to. This doesn't have to go on for the rest of your life, only until you lose the excess weight but it may take some time to accomplish.

The EODD Diet is a lot less restrictive. The diet gets its name fron the eating plan it uses: on one day, you need to eat high protein, high fiber foods but on the other you can eat practically anything you want including bread, pizza, and so on. Of course, you don need to do this in moderation, you can't stuff yourself silly, but you can still enjoy yourself every other day.


There are good results with both plans. The Dukan Diet is very big in France, which is where it originated from. The Every Other Day Diet has been used by many men and women from around the world and too has produced results for many people.

How to Choose

If you're OK with going on a nearly all protein eating plan (and later protein and vegetables) then the Dukan Diet may work for you. If not, then it may be way too restrictive for you and the Every Other Day Diet plan is likely a better choice for you to use at the moment.

Visit EODD Diet Review to learn more about this program.

Visit Dukan Diet Review for more on France's new diet sensation
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Acne Diet - Do Diet Plans For Acne Really Work?

Finding an acne diet to help you have clearer skin can be confusing, especially since there are so many programs on the market to choose from. Even if you are skeptical, then you can make your diet work to help you clear acne with the right plan.

Acne Diet Plans

When you are choosing your acne diet, make sure that it has had positive results for other people who suffer from it. In other words, check testimonials which are an important part of the research plan. You could easily find diet plans for acne online, typically for fewer than thirty dollars.

With a price this low, you can begin saving money automatically. You won't need to depend on over the counter or prescription medications when choosing a diet plan for acne as your main treatment. Results can happen with several days of changing your diet, and you may even clear up within just a few days if you have mild or moderate issues.

Benefits Of A Diet Plan For Acne

The idea that it's caused by dirt, bacteria or even genetics are all common myths that you may hear about. The truth is that you cannot get rid of acne simply by washing your face, or by taking round after round of antibiotics that are so commonly prescribed by doctors and dermatologists for breakouts.

An acne diet will begin to heal it on the inside, by helping to eliminate toxins and chemicals that are released by the skin every day. Since your body is made to eliminate waste through the skin, the foods that you eat, and the beverages that you choose, really do matter when you are fighting breakouts.

Foods To Eat

On most of the plans for an acne diet, you will eat normal foods. The only things that you will need to eliminate are processed and "sugary" foods, which should only be a small part of your diet, anyway. You will also need to drink plenty of water, especially in the beginning stages so that you can flush the toxins from your body. Once you are past the initial stages of the diet, you should begin to see major improvements in your skin.

While you may think that acne diet plans would be difficult to follow, the main parts are actually very simple. Once you know which foods to avoid, and which to include, in your meals, you will be able to plan ahead for snacks and cravings.

We have found some of the best acne treatment products on the market. Fight back against acne today and check out our acne treatment reviews to get you on the way to clearer skin.

Best Fat Loss Diet Plan Reviews - Review Of Fat Loss For Idiots Online Calorie Calculator

Have you tried the Atkins diet, Dottie's, Kevin Trudeau, and Hoodia to lose fat without success? The reason is because the fat loss diet plans are not using the calorie shifting way. You would need to learn how your body metabolism works to get in shape fast. Some of the most effective ways to lose fat involve working around the metabolism to burn body fat quickly shedding off up to 8 pounds in 10 days or more.

Some of the best fast fat reduction diet plans will explain to you how you can lose weight even while you are eating more. These programs enhance the rate of your body metabolism such with a pre-selected diet plan. You will be able to calculate your daily calorie portion requirements in different foods by the use of an online diet program calculator.

This diet plan generator is configured to produce a random list of each day's menu of foods that will keep your metabolism gunning like a red hot brick furnace continuously burning your body fat to pulp.

Some of the best fat loss diet plans that use this method are based on the principle of calorie shifting. Calorie shifting diet calculators work on the premise that your metabolism rate can only predict your next food intake based on your past eating habits. Your body cannot precisely predict the amount of calories you will eat tomorrow or the day after that.

The online daily generator therefore computes the most random meal menu that eventually confuses the metabolism rate such that it continues to break down the calories long after it's done with the food in your body. Once the process has finished burning the ingested calories, it will turn to the nearest fats and burn them too into energy thereby reducing fat deposits.

The problem with most no carb, low fat diet programs is that they fail to utilize the metabolic rate to trigger burning of fat in your body. Once the body detects a sharp drop in the amount of calories being taken, it adjusts the metabolism to a slower rate to accommodate the lower carbohydrates and calories intake.

Contrary to what most people belief, metabolism does not continue at the same rate if you make drastic changes to your diet. The fact is it just sits at your next lower calorie scale and does not burn even an extra ounce of fat. The trick lies in knowing how to keep the metabolic rate sustained.

When you get the right fat loss program that utilizes the calorie shifting principle, you will not have to reduce calorie that you eat or starve the body of necessary food and energy.

Find out the most effective online diet plan calculator by following the links in the blog : Download the 9lbs in 11 days Online diet calculator Now

What is the Best Online Diet Plan?

There is a multitude of diet programs available on the internet today. In fact, there are so many dieting plans on the market today that it becomes very difficult to choose the right one. How do you know which one will work for you? Research shows that there is no conclusive evidence that any one plan is superior over another in being able to achieve and maintain the desired long term weight loss results. The plan you choose should depend on many factors. Do you have time to go to weekly meetings? What types of food do you like? Do you like to cook? How much do you want to spend? Do you exercise?

There is no "one size fits all" diet program. Your daily activities and daily habits need to be considered before choosing any program. Choosing a program that does not correlate with your daily habits or food preferences will likely cause you to become frustrated and, more than likely, you will not stick to the plan long term. In order to be successful with any diet plan you must be committed and stick to it or the desired results will not be achieved.

What type of dieter are you? Do you want to lose weight fast for an upcoming event such as a wedding, vacation, or reunion? If this is the case, then you are going to have to be willing to drastically reduce the amount of calories that you eat daily as well as incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine. Diets geared to this type of dieter like the Medifast diet have been proven to get quick results. However, most people are not committed to this type of plan and end up gaining the weight back after a few months due to the rigid schedule that these types of plans demand.

Are you the type of dieter that wants to learn and gain knowledge about health and well being? Do you like to cook and prepare fantastic meals while learning how to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle, or do you prefer to buy healthy prepackaged meals? Are you a social person who likes to share your successes or failures with other people that have the same interests? EDiets, Weightwatchers, and Jenny Craig are diet plans that cater to this type of person. However, it can be very time consuming and very expensive to stay on these types of plans long term.

Are you a frugal dieter? Do you want a simple inexpensive diet plan, without monthly charges, that you can administer yourself on your own terms. Most people fall into this category. However, just like any diet plan these types of programs require commitment in order to achieve and maintain the results desired. There a hundreds of these types of diet plans available online.

So, what is the best online diet plan? That is a question only you can answer. Ask yourself some questions, consider your daily habits, do some research, consult your physician, and you will be able to find the best online diet plan that will work for you.

Would you like to learn more about a diet plan that has been proven to work? If so, visit the best online diet plan.

For more information on weight loss go to Rapid Safe Weight Loss!

Can a High Protein Diet Plan Shed 2 -4 Pounds of Ugly Fat Weight Each and Every Week?

High Protein Diet Plan | Beyond Atkins | Don't Be Afraid Of Fat Anymore | More Green Vegetables Please

Beyond Atkins

The Atkins Diet Revolution stunned the dieting world when it released a diet that went against everything that the experts were teaching at the time.  Not only was it contrary to the experts but it also worked!

Years later, upon looking back we can see that Atkins was on to something big.  However, his plan was also fatally flawed and unhealthy in the long term.  For example, long term ketosis makes most of us absolutely miserable.

And miserable people can't stay on a diet for long.  The secret to going beyond Atkins is to take what works and leave behind what does not. 

Going into fat burning ketosis for a few days a week, for instance, gives us all the benefits of a low carb high protein diet plan without the draw backs of an awful mood.  Because we are cycling low carb and high carb we can do it!

This is one of the real secrets to rapid (2 -4 pounds per week) fat loss, cycling a high protein diet plan with a more moderate one depending on body type and activity levels.  This is pure gold dieting advice.

Don't Be Afraid Of Fat

When eating low carb on certain days we must not be afraid to eat a good portion of good fats like olive oil or flax seed oil.  We NEED those calories, because going too low in calories will stall all progress.

We DO want to lower calories slightly from day to day, but again, lowering them too much will cause fat loss to come to a dead stop.

More Green Vegetables

One of the biggest drawbacks to a high protein diet plan is a lack of alkaline minerals and a tendency towards acidosis.  Simply modifying a high protein plan by adding a good number of green vegetables can turn the tide.

The secret is to eat a balanced diet which is always changing from day to day, in carbohydrate intake, in calorie intake, etc.  If we can master these techniques then rapid fat loss (2 -4 pounds of fat a week) becomes a reality.

High Protein Diet Plan | Calories, Carbs, & Hormones

Calories, Carbs & Hormones

The hidden and guarded secrets of fitness models, actresses, and even bodybuilders is combining a high protein low carb diet plan with variations to it.  These variations make all the difference in the world.

See, it's all about keeping our fat burning hormones high and our fat storing hormones low.  If we can achieve this all of our fat loss and weight loss goals become easily achieved.

We don't need some over hyped dangerous pill, or hours on a treadmill, once we have the know how all we need is to manipulate (slightly) the foods that we're already eating.  How cool is that?

* Unleash the raw power of food and hormones - and Lose Fat Fast.

The secret formula of pattern eating - unlock the untapped potential of your own hormones: Click Here.