Monday, March 25, 2013

Can a High Protein Diet Plan Shed 2 -4 Pounds of Ugly Fat Weight Each and Every Week?

High Protein Diet Plan | Beyond Atkins | Don't Be Afraid Of Fat Anymore | More Green Vegetables Please

Beyond Atkins

The Atkins Diet Revolution stunned the dieting world when it released a diet that went against everything that the experts were teaching at the time.  Not only was it contrary to the experts but it also worked!

Years later, upon looking back we can see that Atkins was on to something big.  However, his plan was also fatally flawed and unhealthy in the long term.  For example, long term ketosis makes most of us absolutely miserable.

And miserable people can't stay on a diet for long.  The secret to going beyond Atkins is to take what works and leave behind what does not. 

Going into fat burning ketosis for a few days a week, for instance, gives us all the benefits of a low carb high protein diet plan without the draw backs of an awful mood.  Because we are cycling low carb and high carb we can do it!

This is one of the real secrets to rapid (2 -4 pounds per week) fat loss, cycling a high protein diet plan with a more moderate one depending on body type and activity levels.  This is pure gold dieting advice.

Don't Be Afraid Of Fat

When eating low carb on certain days we must not be afraid to eat a good portion of good fats like olive oil or flax seed oil.  We NEED those calories, because going too low in calories will stall all progress.

We DO want to lower calories slightly from day to day, but again, lowering them too much will cause fat loss to come to a dead stop.

More Green Vegetables

One of the biggest drawbacks to a high protein diet plan is a lack of alkaline minerals and a tendency towards acidosis.  Simply modifying a high protein plan by adding a good number of green vegetables can turn the tide.

The secret is to eat a balanced diet which is always changing from day to day, in carbohydrate intake, in calorie intake, etc.  If we can master these techniques then rapid fat loss (2 -4 pounds of fat a week) becomes a reality.

High Protein Diet Plan | Calories, Carbs, & Hormones

Calories, Carbs & Hormones

The hidden and guarded secrets of fitness models, actresses, and even bodybuilders is combining a high protein low carb diet plan with variations to it.  These variations make all the difference in the world.

See, it's all about keeping our fat burning hormones high and our fat storing hormones low.  If we can achieve this all of our fat loss and weight loss goals become easily achieved.

We don't need some over hyped dangerous pill, or hours on a treadmill, once we have the know how all we need is to manipulate (slightly) the foods that we're already eating.  How cool is that?

* Unleash the raw power of food and hormones - and Lose Fat Fast.

The secret formula of pattern eating - unlock the untapped potential of your own hormones: Click Here.

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