Some weight loss plans won't work for you no matter what. Some will work every time (as long as you follow the instructions faithfully). And some may work to a limited extent or for a short time. But one thing is for sure.
Supplementing your diet plan with these three easy weight loss exercises just two or three times a day can greatly speed up your progress and give you a trimmer, more athletic figure than a diet plan alone can produce.
Exercise 1
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands on hips facing the front. Without moving your hips turn the upper part of your body slowly to the right. Turn your head as far as it will go to look over your right shoulder. All the while breathe deeply and steadily through the nose. Draw your right elbow back and push your left elbow forward to help. Keep this position for around 30 seconds, increasing gradually to one minute when you are more used to the exercise.
Then turn to the left and repeat the exercise on that side.
Exercise 2
This is an isometric exercise, or rather a set of them. This means you are tensing a set of muscles against a static object. These exercises can be performed either standing up or sitting down. Place the palms of both hands on your forehead and press back, using around 90 per cent of your strength, and at the same time resist the move with your head. Breathe in sharply through the nose as you start this exercise, for up to 2 seconds, and exhale steadily through the nose for about 5 seconds before relaxing.
Then place the palms of your hands over the back of your head and push forward, resisting the move with your head as before. Inhale as before for around 2 seconds and then exhale for the remaining 5 seconds. You can then, optionally, perform two more similar exercises by placing your left hand against the left side of your head and pressing to the right, resisting the move with your head, and then pressing with your right hand against the right side of your head.
The breathing is important so as to gain the most benefit from these exercises. All this will strengthen your neck muscles and gradually whittle away any excess flab around that part of your body. You'll look and feel a whole lot trimmer.
Exercise 3
This is the easiest one of all - a really fast weight loss exercise - and, as in Exercise 2 above, can be done either standing or sitting. You can have your hands on your hips or hanging loosely at your sides. Contract and tense your stomach, pulling it in as far as you can. Pretend you are trying to let your trousers, or skirt, as the case may be, drop to the floor without actually unzipping in the usual way. Again, breathe in for about 2 seconds (though you can't breathe in as much as normal as you are contracting your lower body) and out for around 5 seconds before relaxing. This exercise will help you get a firm and flat stomach.
All these exercises are beneficial to your health generally as well as helping you lose weight and look trimmer. Try them.
Don't just play at losing weight. Do it for real! Decide for yourself which weight loss plan is right for you at []