Saturday, August 17, 2013

Diabetic Diet Plan for Type 2 Diabetes

In most cases, types 2 diabetes develops due to overweight problem. Hence, a diabetic diet plan designed for a type 2 diabetic patient serves two purposes. They are:

• Keeping the sugar level in blood under control
• Reducing the excess body weight

In truth, type 2 diabetes can be easily managed by following a well-designed diabetic diet plan. There are several such plans which are particularly designed for type 2 diabetic patients. A type 2 diabetic patient can choose any one of those plans which fulfills his needs.

Now let me show you a type 2 diabetic diet plan which contains food items which control the sugar level in your blood. This diabetic diet plan is divided into several parts. They are:

For breakfast: You can have two slices of bread. But you must avoid white processed bread. You must include one cup of skimmed milk. In addition, you can include one boiled egg and a fruit which has lower sugar content.

For lunch: You can consume one bowl of pasta made from whole grain. Along with it, add two types of vegetables. Then take one serving of meat, either chicken or turkey.

For afternoon snack: This is very essential to prevent the sugar level from dropping down in your blood before the dinner. You can have a fruit and then, two or three saltines or crackers. A half cup of tea or coffee with sugar-free sweetener can also be taken.

For dinner: This is a very tricky part of any diabetic diet plan. Hence, one has to be very careful while choosing food items for dinner. You can have three servings of meat or fish with a half of a baked potato. Then include two types of vegetables and a fruit.

For after-dinner: Here, a cup of milk with a slice of cheese or a few saltines is enough before you go to bed. This will maintain the sugar level in your blood till next day.

Now-a-days, diabetes is targeting more and more people regardless of age and sex. Hence, if you are a type 2 diabetic patient, then pick a suitable diabetic diet plan and begin to follow it properly from today. You can check out the author's website symptoms of diabetes for more information on diabetes.

Diet Plans - Lose Weight Now!

It is every person's dream to be slim, lose weight, and have the perfect body. Why are so many individuals overweight? It is a combination of laziness, heredity, not using the proper diet, and giving up to easily. Why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? Many people in today's society start exercising for a week at most and just completely give up. They over exert themselves and become sore, so sore it makes it a turnoff to exercise. You can't allow your body to get this sore! You need to gradually start slow and work your way into a full exercise routine daily by eating right and having the proper calorie intakes.

To achieve your target weight loss goal there is a new phenomenon diet on the internet called the fat loss for idiots diet. This diet works like a charm and there are millions of customer testimonials to prove it. This diet 4 idiots program allows you to eat the foods you WANT to eat not you HAVE to eat to lose weight. What do I mean? Well when you purchase this famous weight loss 4 idiots program you get an online menu generator. This is the best TOOL you will ever see in your entire life. All you have to do is plug in your favorite foods into this online menu generator and it will spit out a full 4 course meal guaranteed to lose you some pounds. Not only that, you have to follow this diet for 11 days and then you get 3 days were you can eat anything and absolutely everything you want. Most people can't believe this! You need to completely take advantage of these 3 days and PLEASE whatever you do, DO NOT SKIP OUT ON THESE 3 DAYS. This is essential for your body to keep these idiot proof diets going.

Take it from me, this idiot proof diet completely works all for less than $40.00. $40.00 is a cell phone bill, a few nights out at the movies, a cup of coffee a day from the gas station, etc... it is not a lot of money and worth it for your body. If you do not have enough time to exercise, don't worry! This diet still works with no exercising. It sure does help to exercise, but if you don't exercise this diet still will work with no problems. I weighed 372 pounds when I started this diet, I thought there was no I could possibly get my self down to 225 pounds in a few months. With a never give up attitude and this idiot proof diet program I was able to lose my target weight loss goal in absolutely no time at all! It was the best feeling in the world getting my body in shape and losing all my unnecessary fat. Keeping yourself in shape is difficult especially if you have no guidance in doing so. The worst mistake you could EVER make is give up! I wish you the best of luck in losing weight, it sure isn't easy.

Janet Sommers is a professional diet reviewer providing diet plans. She's been reviewing weight loss solutions, diet pills, diet plans, and exercise plans for over 20 years. Learn about her #1 diet at the Fat Loss 4 Idiots page. Visit for more information.

How to Find Your Perfect Free Online Diet Plan

I will quickly rush through this list. Just read it right to the end to see if you won't find a good strategy to find your perfect free online diet plan.

Social networks

This should be at the top of your list because it works. If you are not signed up with any social networking site then do that as soon as you are done with all the steps recommended here. There are a lot of people who are willing to share their free online diet plan sources in these sites.


You are either reading this page from a directory or the site you are reading it from sourced it from a directory. This goes to show the power of this Internet medium. You can choose to visit article or link directories, which ever you prefer - one or two of them should give you the info you need.

Search engines

Who hasn't used these before? The only problem is that most people do not know how to use them effectively. Here is a trick, try typing the words that contain the key information you are looking for and put it in inverted commas like this "free online diet plan"

Expert referrals from experts

Of all the points listed above, I prefer this one. There are a number of review sites where experts share their most valuable information about where to find information online and some do offer the diet plans right on their sites.

I may not be an expert but I have come across a few that have done it for me.

Here is my option Click here to see if this one will not do it for you.

The good thing about is that it's free. You get a coach, diet plan, access to more than 40 000! Healthy Foods to eat and more. Best of all you don't have to use your credit card. Get my drift? It's totally FREE!

The page has a limited time offer; the last time I'm not sure how long this FREE offer page will be up. Click here to check if it's still there.

Pregnancy Diet Plan - List of Dangerous Foods You Should Avoid While Pregnant!

One of the many things to keep in mind when you are pregnant is that your unborn bundle of joy eats and drinks what you eat and drink. There are some things that should be avoided in your pregnancy diet plan to keep you and baby healthy. You and your unborn baby need a diet that has a balanced amount of vitamins and nutrients for overall good health. It is vital to the health of you and baby to have a good diet plan. Below you will find a list of some things you should avoid because they are not safe for your baby. If you are eating any of these foods now, it is time to take them out of your pregnancy diet plan.

Fish containing mercury should be immediately eliminated from your diet as mercury has been linked to birth defects and brain damage. Canned tuna in moderation should be okay to consume while you are pregnant as it contains only small traces of mercury. Smoked seafood that has a label saying it is jerky, nova style, kippered or lox can be contaminated with listeria and should be put on your pregnancy diet plan as foods to avoid. Some canned smoked seafood may be okay to eat when used for cooking. Salmonella can live in raw meat, so any undercooked poultry or other meat should be avoided. Deli meat may be a quick and easy snack when you are hungry, but it is not good for the baby. It can be contaminated with listeria and could cause a miscarriage. If you cannot resist deli meat, and you do not want to completely eliminate it from your diet, you will need to reheat before you eat.

You want to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, so please incorporate a healthy pregnancy diet plan that will provide you and your baby all the healthy nutrients you both need. Make sure you get all the facts about healthy eating during pregnancy so you are fully informed about what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. The same holds true for what you drink. Putting together a healthy diet plan with the help of online information and your doctor is one of the things you can do to ensure the health of your unborn baby. Cravings can get in the way sometimes, but if you are careful and use certain foods in moderation you can satisfy your craving as well as follow a good pregnancy diet plan and be healthy.

Find out more about pregnancy diet plan, learn how to control a weight gain pregnancy and GET FREE stuff for your Baby Today!

Weight Loss Diet Plan

A weight loss plan is available for everyone out there, no matter what their health, age or dietary tastes and dislikes. Finding the right one will help you to achieve your goals effectively and safely.

To get on track with the best plan out there, the first thing you should consider is whether or not you want to pay for a service, or do it yourself. Looking at this now will help you to narrow your search.

Getting on a good diet isn't really that hard, however, depending on how much you know about nutrition will determine if you can handle making your own diet up, or getting professional assistance. Look below at the pros and cons and deciding can be easier.

You can either start with a program in your community, or else you can go online and register with one of the many services that are available. It really depends on what you like and what your needs are, so either one is good, depending on your situation.

A lot of office based programs offer many support groups and direct coaching from staff. Additionally, you can find quite a few that also have workout centers so you can enjoy the benefits of both diet as well as exercise.

The internet diet plans offer similar features, such as support and community, as well as a wealth of information that can be found at your fingertips. This is better for those who are a little more self motivated and independent and can do well on their own.

Pay plans are an alternative to researching and designing a diet plan on your own. It also frees up a lot of time because you don't have to experiment as much with what will work and what will not.

Signing up for a professional diet program is the preferred option, even though it does cost a little bit of money. But, the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks, and having that professional approach will help you to make your diet the lifestyle change you want to accomplish. Beds headboards and modern bedroom sets are always being utilized by luxury hotels.

Bodybuilding Pre-Contest Diet Plan

It's no secret that competitive bodybuilders are among the most successful dieters in the world at losing pure bodyfat and getting "ripped". Bodybuilders do things differently than the 95% of dieters who fail. And in this article I will outline the basics of a good bodybuilding pre-contest diet plan. This information will really help you if you are planning on competing in the future. And even if you are not really interested in getting on stage as competitive bodybuilder, but you would like to look like one, then the info covered here will help you get that lean "beach body" look.

I've been competing in bodybuilding competitions since 1995 so I've picked up a few tricks over the years and I'm going to share them with you here...

I personally start dieting for a contest at least 6 months in advance. I want to have plenty of time to prepare myself. For the first month I simply cut out all junk foods and eat nothing but clean foods. Such as beef, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, milk, protein shakes, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables, etc. I eat about 5-6 small meals each day. I drink plenty of water at least 1 gallon a day. I will also do about 30 minutes of cardio exercise 4-6 times each week, before breakfast. I will continue my regular weight training workout.

The second month of preparation is very similar to the first. I will still eat the same as mentioned above. But I will increase my cardio exercise to at least 45 minutes, 5-7 times per week, before breakfast. The whole idea of doing cardio before breakfast is to help burn up more stored bodyfat. At this time there is no food in your system to be used as fuel so you'll burn more bodyfat from your cardio. It also helps to jump start your metabolism for the day. After exercise your metabolism is elevated and remains so for

several hours.

The third month I get stricter with my diet. I will begin to cut back on my portions of starchy carbohydrates while keeping my protein intake high (between 250-300 grams of protein per day). I also eat more vegetables. My diet is now mainly foods such as very lean meat, poultry, fish, protein supplements, vegetables, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, etc. I will increase my cardio to about 60 minutes each morning before breakfast.

I'll also start taking a fat burner. For my last show I used "Palo Alto Labs Leviathan". I found that it worked great, I would take 2 caps twice per day on an empty stomach. Once before cardio and again before my weight training workouts because it helps give me an energy boost, curb my appetite, and raise my metabolism enabling me to burn more bodyfat.

The fourth month is pretty much like the third month with dieting and doing cardio each morning before breakfast. I will also start practicing my mandatory poses 3-4 days per week. At this stage I am getting lean and can start to see the definition showing in my abs, legs, back, chest, etc...

The fifth month before the contest I get stricter with my diet. I will eat approx. 1 gram of carbohydrate and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. I don't normally count fat grams, but they are kept as low as possible. But I will include essential fats through flaxseeds, fish oil, etc.

A typical day will go like this:


- take fat burner and black coffee

- 1 hour of cardio

Meal 1

- bowl of oatmeal mixed with protein powder

- egg whites

Meal 2

- chicken breast

- garden salad

Meal 3

- can of tuna

- garden salad


- take fat burner and black coffee

- weight training workout

- practice posing

- protein drink

Meal 4

- steak

- steamed veggies

- sweet potatoes

Meal 5

- protein drink

I also salt my food and even add a couple shakes of salt to my protein drinks. This may seem off the wall to most people. But I find that if I don't add salt to my diet I get bad muscle cramps when training. Don't worry you will not retain water, your body will adjust to a higher salt intake within a few days and as long as you are drinking lots of fluids your body will flush out any excess water. I'll keep doing this until 2 days out from the show.

I strive to be in shape one month out before the contest and then just keep with the diet, cardio, training, etc. to let my conditioning just harden up. I won't lose a whole lot more bodyweight, but my skin will get tighter and thinner.

I don't try and lift too heavy in the gym at this stage because I know that I will not gain any new muscle during the last month before a contest, I am just trying to maintain my muscle mass and get leaner. I basically have my posing routine down pat. I just want keep plugging away consistently. The temptation to cheat on my diet is very strong now. It is very important not too cheat. I keep my eye on the finish line and know that the dieting will be all over soon.

Carb Loading & Water Intake...

I do not carb deplete or carb load during the last week. I have tried all kinds of crazy stuff like this in the past and I found that it is best to just diet right up to the day of the show. Carb depleting and carb loading is too "hit and miss" you risk screwing up your conditioning, it may make you look a little better, or it could make you look a lot worse. You are better off playing it safe by sticking to your diet and then just slightly increase your carb intake slightly for a couple days before the show (i.e. instead of eating 1 potatoe at a meal, eat 2 potatoes, etc.).

During the last week I will increase my water intake to about 2 gallons per day. I will stop all weight training and cardio a couple days before the contest to let my body rest and recover.

Friday night before the contest I will cut back on my water intake and just have a small glass of water with each meal. I also take herbal diuretic capsules on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to help get rid of the excess water under my skin. I do not cut my water intake entirely, just cut back. Cutting out water entirely can leave you flat and smooth. You need some water in your system in order to pump up and pose properly.


I'll go to the tanning salon about 4 times per week during the last 6 weeks prior to the contest. This will give me a base tan. Then on Friday before the show I'll put on about 3-4 coats of ProTan. This is a spray tan that you paint on with a sponge brush. Saturday morning before the show I'll also put on a coat of Dream Tan. This is a dark tanning cream that you rub on your skin. I'll put a coat of this on Saturday morning, another coat before pre-judging, and again before the evening show. Dream Tan works great and it has oil in the tan so you do not need to use much if any additional posing oils.

Back Stage...

When I go to the contest I take a MP3 player with my posing music. I try to find a place by myself back stage so I can practice my posing routine. By doing this, my routine is fresh in my mind before going on stage in front of the audience and judges.

When pumping up before going on stage I will do some light, high rep, upper body exercises such as push ups, bent over rows, bicep curls, etc. with a rubber fitness band. Never pump up the legs or the abs, these muscles always look and flex better when they are not pumped. Do not pump up too much because it will make you shake when you pose. Just warm up and get the blood flowing to the muscles.

And the last thing that I recommend is to go out there and have a good time. Be confident and proud of your accomplishments and put on a good show for the crowd. At this point you have done all you can do, now it is up to the judges to decide the rest.

Lee Hayward is a Muscle Building Coach who is committed to helping aspiring bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts gain muscle, burn bodyfat, and develop the lean muscular body that they desire. Visit and sign up for Lee's FREE 10-Part Muscle Building Crash Course.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Truth About Diet Plans

Let's get right down to it....!

You want to lose weight so you go on what is called "A DIET" or "DIET PLAN". This diet plan is a special limited selection of foods and drinks chosen for health and weight loss. On the surface, this sounds good. So you go on this diet plan and follow it to the best of your ability. You start eating salads, more fruit, yogurt, and so on and so on. But you can't, maintain it or you lose a few pounds and pick it right back up. Next you try another new 'fad' diet that just came on the scene. Yet you get the same inconsistent results and FRUSTRATION.

So you say, "What is the problem? Why can't I lose weight PERMANENTLY? Why can't I get more energy?" I want you to pay close attention to what I am about to share with you.

Most Diet Plans are a one-size-fits-all treating everybody like they are 'equally' alike and that's impossible. Everybody is different even though they may be made with the same body systems and functions. There are 4 different body types and each has it's own particular diet that properly metabolizes food. Each type even has it's own exercises that best helps it's body type.

The reason why most people have problems loosing weight with Fad diet plans, exercise plans, and weight loss products on the market is because they do not take into consideration that each person is different based on their body type. That's why they don't work for everybody! So you end up eating the wrong foods, doing the wrong exercises, and wasting time and money. Once you provide your body the proper diet based on your body type, it will return to its natural weight.

Therefore there is a Superior Diet that was designed exclusively for your body. Your Superior Diet will cause you to be more energetic, get back to and maintain your natural weight, it is a fountain of youth that slows down your aging, and it fights off dis-eases, sicknesses, and ailments.

But The Problem Is More Than Being Overweight The solution to being overweight is not just to improve your eating habits of some foods to lose a few pounds, but to approach overweight-ness as a health problem because being overweight or obese is an unhealthy condition and your body considers it a dis-ease. That's why being overweight is considered such a huge risk factor in so may de-generative dis-eases.

Think about it, what good is it to lose a few pounds and still be a victim of Syndrome X with it's symptoms of high blood pressure, body ailments, fatigue, poor concentration, high cholesterol and even de-generative dis-eases. Of course one of the main symptoms is being overweight or obese (65% of Americans).

Simply put, being overweight or obese is an unhealthy condition from an unhealthy diet of cooked (dead) and processed food substances that your body can't properly use for it's fuel and nourishment. When one keeps daily adding more and more of these meals, then the body is forced to store most of these, cooked (dead) food substances as excess fat throughout the body.

Why? Because it can't get rid of it so it shoves it in different areas of your body. If you stop and take a look at your body in the mirror, you will see what I am talking about. The RESULT is an unhealthy overweight condition, which leads to sicknesses and dis-eases, in your body, premature aging, and in some cases DEATH!

Don't just take my word for it, see it for yourself. Take a quick look at your diet.

Let me ask you these two questions:

Are you on the 'I eat-everything-I-want-to-everyday-diet'?
Do you feed your appetites, cravings, and desires but neglect to provide your cells the organic (raw) nutrients they need to be healthy?
If you eat this way everyday you may already be a victim of Syndrome X on your way to de-generative dis-eases if you are not already there. You see just making efforts to loose a few pounds does not stop your health issues, so it is not going to do you much good.

Your daily intake of food and drink must have nutritional value to be able to digest and metabolize into cellular food that your body can properly use to re-generate, replace, renew, nourish and energize your 60 trillion cells! If not then you have wasted your time eating.

Your body has a natural healthy weight that it is trying to get back to. That's right your body has a natural weight that it was created to handle. When you feed your cells the organic (raw) nutrients they need, your body won't stay overweight or unhealthy. There is a diet designed just for you and you alone. This is your Superior Diet and when you follow it, you will not only maintain your natural weight, but you can have vibrant health without sickness or dis-ease!

Now that you realize that overweight-ness and obesity should be approached as a health issue and dieting should be based on your body type to bring permanent weight loss and healing to your body, you can see why most diet plans don't bring permanent weight loss results. They deal with counting calories, eating less of the same food combinations that caused you the weight problems in the first place!

For more information about My Superior Diet System and how you can get your Complimentary Weight Loss Session go to

This article is (C) copyright 2007 by Joshua Yamson. Mr. Yamson is a Head Diet Coach, Whole Food Nutritionist, Heath Restore Consultant, and Raw Juice Therapist. You can visit him at his company website If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Joshua Yamson, please call Nailah Ali at (317) 475-9617 or email

A High Protein, Low Carb Diet Plan That Works Effectively

If you have not been very successful in your weight loss program, even though you have already included exercises as part of the program, maybe it's time to reconsider your current diet plan. Does your current diet enforce you to eat healthily? Are you in fact cutting out sugar-rich foods? What you probably don't know, most successful diets are the one that enforce you to limit the amount of carbohydrates you consume. And a high protein low carbohydrate diet does exactly just that.

To be successful in any diets, in this case, a high protein, low carb diet plan, you need to understand what makes the diet works. Obviously, you need to know what proteins and carbohydrates do and contribute to your body. In simple explanation, protein gives your body a jolt of energy. Same thing with carbohydrates, but some have likened it to the effect of sugar. That's why carbohydrates restriction is imperative for people who have diabetes.

Before doing the high protein, low carb diet plan you also have to know which foods are high in carbohydrates and which are high in proteins. Generally, you would want to avoid eating white rice, pasta, sweets, and most crackers. These foods are known as the bad carbs, as they give you that sugar rush effect of raising the sugar level on your blood. For the good carbs, you can find them in many types of vegetables and fruits. Keep in mind that while you're on a high protein, low carb diet plan you still need some moderate amount of both carbs, as avoiding them completely will be unhealthy.

As for foods that have high level of proteins that you should be eating for your high protein, low carb diet, apart from meats, you might not know that nuts have the highest level of proteins of them all. The catch is, foods that are high in proteins are also sometimes high in cholesterol. Do it right and make sure your proteins come from skinless meat and unsalted nuts. That way you can limit the bad effect of cholesterol.

As in any diets, in order to effectively lose those unwanted pounds, make sure you're also doing regular exercises in addition of doing the high protein, low carb diet. By regular, it means doing the exercise daily on a fixed schedule. That way, you can lose the weight faster and get the slim figure that you ever so desire.

Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she's keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on prequalify mortgage which reviews and discuss about subprime mortgage lenders.

Weight Loss Diet Plans - Do They Really Work?

Low-carbohydrate diets: The carbohydrate content of the diet is an important determinant of short-term (less than two weeks) weight loss. Low (60 to 130 grams of carbohydrates) and very low-carbohydrate diets (zero to 60 grams) have been popular for many years. Rapid weight loss occurs, primarily due to glycogen breakdown and fluid loss rather than fat loss.

Low and very low-carbohydrate diets are more effective for short-term weight loss than low-fat diets, although probably not for long-term weight loss. If a low-carbohydrate diet is chosen, healthy choices for fat (mono and polyunsaturated fats) and protein (fish, nuts, legumes, and poultry) should be encouraged because of the association between saturated fat intake and risk of coronary heart disease.

Very low-calorie diets: Diets with energy levels between 200 and 800 kcal/day are called "very low-calorie diets," while those below 200 kcal/day can be termed starvation diets. The basis for these diets was the notion that the lower the calorie intake the more rapid the fat loss, because the energy withdrawn from body fat stores is a function of the energy deficit. Starvation is the ultimate very low calorie diet and results in the most rapid weight loss. Although once popular, starvation diets are now rarely used for treatment of obesity.

High protein diets: Some popular books recommend high protein diets. The effectiveness over long term has not established yet.

Mediterranean diet: The term Mediterranean diet refers to a dietary pattern that is common in olive-growing areas of the Mediterranean area. Although there is some variation in Mediterranean diets, there are some common components that include a high level of monounsaturated fat relative to saturated, moderate consumption of alcohol, mainly as wine, a high consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains, a moderate consumption of milk and dairy products, mostly in the form of cheese, and a relatively low intake of meat and meat products.

Thus, any diet that is adhered to will produce modest fat loss, but adherence rates are low with most diets. Although a low-carbohydrate diet may be associated with greater short-term weight loss, superior weight loss in the long-term has not been established. The optimal mix of macronutrients likely depends upon individual factors. A principal determinant of fat loss appears to be the degree of adherence to the diet, irrespective of the particular macronutrient composition. Behavioral modification to improve dietary compliance with any type of diet may have the greatest impact on long-term weight loss.

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read the benefits of Natural Slimming Pills in losing weight. Find information about Nightfall Treatment.

Do You Have Them - Diet Plans To Lose Weight

Diet plans to lose weight are everywhere. Eat this. Don't eat that. Take diet pills. Don't take diet pills.

It makes your head spin, doesn't it?

Are there actually any good, healthy diet plans to lose weight? What makes a good dieting program?

Excluding Food Groups

Some diet plans have you excluding or severely limiting entire food groups. While it may be alright on a short-term basis, and diet that excludes or puts undue limits on a whole food group isn't healthy in the long run.

For example, the Atkins diet is extremely low carb, making it hard to get in adequate fruits and vegetables.

A diet plan that severely limits fats makes it hard to take in healthy amounts of heart-healthy fats, like flaxseed and olive oils. One example of this is the Ornish diet.

Diet plans to lose weight that exclude food groups aren't terribly healthy in the long run, nor are they easy to stay on if you have a lot of weight to lose.

The One "Food Group" You Can Safely Avoid

Pretty much all healthy diet plans to lose weight agree on one "food group" that you should avoid -- highly processed foods.

Highly refined foods such as white rice, white bread, heavily sweetened cereals, white sugar and regular pasta don't need to be in your diet -- they don't have any real nutritional value.

Instead, think brown or wild rice, bran cereals and whole-grain breads and pastas. You can leave off the sugar, though.

What to Look for in a Dieting Program

Moderation is the key for a successful, long-term dieting program. You want a good mix of the food groups, in healthy proportions.

Except for programs that count every single carb, most diet plans agree that fresh vegetables are a staple for any healthy diet.

Look for a plan that allows heart-healthy fats in moderate amounts.

Don't write off protein as being bad, either -- just make sure you're getting it lean, or from cold-water fish like salmon.

Carbohydrates such as whole grains and fruits can be enjoyed in moderate amounts. Many diet plans restrict these to some degree, because of their glycemic index numbers, but they should still be included.

For more information about various diet plans to lose weight, you can review:

Gail Nettles is a reformed couch potato who is discovering just how good weight loss and fitness feels! She operates the website as a resource for women over 40 who want to lose weight.

Low Fat Diet Plans - 5 Tips to Help You Follow a Lot Fat Diet

Many people think that the way to weight loss success is a low fat diet plan. However a low fat diet plan does not mean you will lose weight - you still have to make sure you are eating the right amount of calories and aren't overeating. This can be a little trickier when you are used to high fat foods because you will not have the same weight sensation you get after eating a meal.

Low fat meals are much better for you health and the World Health Organisation along with many Doctors around the world recommend that we get fat from 10% of our calorie intake. The Standard Western Diet comes in around 30-40% from fat and when we shift to a lower fat intake it can feel like we aren't eating enough.

So choosing a low fat diet is a great way to lose weight but most importantly you will be doing wonders for your healthy. You just have to be aware that there is the potential to overeat at first. Once you have gotten past the first few days or week then eating less fat should be less of an issue.

The best way though to tackle it maybe to start and gradually work up to less and less fat intake. Below are some tips to help you transition and start off successful.

Tip #1 - Monitor your diet for a few days. Write down everything you eat for a few days and then put this into (it is free). This should give you a good indication of how fatty your current diet is and give potential clues to where you can improve.

Tip #2 - Eat plenty of fruit. Fruit is very easy for your body to digest and is the perfect food for humans. Eating fruit will help you reduce the amount of fat you eat because they are low in fat and satiate you quite quickly. The best thing to do is eat 2-3 pieces or more (depending on appetite) half an hour before every meal. Try to see fruit as a meal itself and get your head around the fact that fruit should not be just a snack!

Tip #3 - Find some great healthy appetizing recipes from websites such as It is very hard to maintain a low fat diet when you eat meat everyday as meat is a very fatty food (this also includes lean cuts that can be around 50% fat as well). Trying new things and finding new recipes you love that you can stick to is how you will create change in your life.

Tip #4 - Find a plan you can follow. If you really struggle to make the changes alone it may be better for you to find a meal plan to follow. There are plenty to choose from out there and there are also delivery services you can use to get what you want!

Tip #5 - Make sure you drink plenty of water. Water will keep you hydrated and help you avoid false hunger sensations that will lead to overeating. These are only a few tips but should help you go in the right direction in terms of health and weight loss.

IMPORTANT: If you are struggling to lose weight and want to stay low in fat check out our low fat diet plan [] or get your food delivered with a diet meal delivery service.

The Acai Berry Diet Plan - Follow This and You Will Lose 40 Pounds Fast!

You must consider two main areas for a successful weight loss: Workout and nutrition. This article will give importance to the acai berry diet plan. Read the article all the way, follow, and apply it in your daily life so that you will lose 40 pounds fast. Below are the details for nutrition:

1. Buy fresh food -

The best food to consume are those fresh from the natural origin. On the other hand, it is not good to eat foods from the can, preserved, frozen, and processed. Eat the fresh and healthy goods like vegetables and fruits. It will definitely cut out the excess weight.

2. Avoid sodas and other fancy beverages -

Since these drinks are rich in sugar, it will just make you crave and eat more. There are people who gain weight by drinking fancy drinks not by just eating food. Sodas are rich in calories that will promote more weight gain than lost. Water is the best form of liquid to take for better hydration and digestion.

3. Eat little but frequent meals -

By having it this way, you will avoid starvation that promotes weight gain. This will help you remain and feel full all throughout the day. It will also give you extra energy at the same time high metabolic processes for cutting out the excess pounds.

Below are the details for workouts as part of the acai berry diet plan:

1. Stay active as much as possible - it can start from small to big calorie burning. You can still enjoy your hobbies by inculcating some steps or exercises to help increase the metabolism.

2. Build muscle - If there are more muscles, the tendency is for you to burn faster. Toning plays an important role to achieve your dream weight.

3. Each week, try to have a minimum of three workouts in a week. An hour is ideal already to be successful; it does not have to be that long for it might stress you out.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now!

Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Slim-Fast Diet Plan - How It Can Help You Slim Down

Slim-Fast is a combination of diet shakes. The company has developed pasta, developed soups, meal-in-one bars as well as snacks which are meant to be food supplements. Slim-Fast has outlined an approach that has four steps to get you the results you desire. There is emphasis on regular physical activity, sensible eating habits, portion control as well as support from other people.

With the Slim-Fast diet plan, you are expected to lose 10 percent of your body weight in the first six months. This is one to two pounds every week. This diet plan is backed up by research is convenient for any adult. Make sure you control the portions and supplement the meals as advised. This diet involves six small meals or snacks every day. You are advised to use the Slim-Fast products as a snack once and a substitute for two meals daily. For the rest of the day you are free to select what you want to have. You should be wise and eat healthy so that you can boost the slimming program.

There are no calorie counts in this diet so you can do away with your calorie-count tools. There are no foods that are forbidden so you can still indulge in your favorite foods. The Slim-Fast puts emphasis on fruits, vegetables and lean meat. The idea is to control portions which mean you will burn more calories than you are taking it. This will lead to weight loss with the assistant of the Slim-Fast products.

The Slim-Fast diet is just one of many diets. If you are serious about losing weight, what you really need is a complete guide and coach to guide you on your journey.

Click Lance Steele's Site [] to download your FREE Weight Loss Guide and get a FREE subscription to Lance Steele Weight Loss Coaching.

Diet Plans for Women - Why Looking Sexy Doesn't Mean Going Hungry!

The old way of dieting doesn't just suck... it's ineffective! At least, it isn't nearly as effective as diet plans for women that don't completely ignore your psychological and emotional well-being. Again, old school dieting sucks, ladies. Nobody wants to go hungry, and this article will show you just how to avoid this awful fate.

The truth is, there is no one right diet plan to follow. The reason there is so much conflicting diet information out there is that all kinds of stuff legitimately does work. We have several intricate body systems that can each be manipulated by various ways of eating to create a multitude of results. Weight loss is one of, and perhaps the most sought-after of these results.

So yes, diet plans for women come in many forms, and contrary to what sales representatives from each of them try to convince you of, they're not ALL garbage EXCEPT for the one they're pitching to you. Most of them are truly based on science and will work if you are able to adhere to them. But therein lies the challenge. Most diets are too painful to stick with.

In fact, many of the diet plans for women you will encounter are either so regimented or limiting that fewer than 5% of the ladies who attempt them will ever last longer than a week. That's one in twenty! Not too encouraging, is it? For this reason, it is an excellent idea to employ a little common sense and do some sound, logical research right at the onset.

And I'm not talking about researching different diet plans here. I'm talking about taking a personal inventory and researching yourself and your habits. You want to make this as easy on yourself as possible. So honestly answer the following questions:

* What is my hunger threshold?

* Do I honestly believe in my heart that I'm someone who follows through?

* What is my overall anxiety level?

* Am I a thrill seeker (dramatic) or do I prefer things to stay calm (easygoing)?

* Do I overeat, eat the wrong kinds of crap, or both?

* Would I rather eat pizza all day... or cake?

Answering these types of questions about yourself can really provide you with the insight necessary to sift through all the diet plans for women that promise the world and put yourself in a position to select a diet plan that YOU will be willing to stick with and enjoy real, life-long results with.

Just remember this. Health is your number one priority, or at least it should be. There are enough healthy diets out there that you don't need to choose something that is illogical, extreme, or dangerous. The best diet plans for women will encourage you to eat only natural foods, not eat a crazy amount in one sitting, and don't let yourself get too hungry between meals.

Are you thinking about Diet Plans for Women? If so, visit our website where we have all the tips on how to do this safely and successfully.

Are you tired of not being able to lose weight? Are you ready for REAL Easy Quick Weight Loss Diets?

Best Dieting Plan For 2009 - Areas to Consider When You Want to Lose Weight

If you are one of the many people in the world overweight, you are probably aware this can threaten your health, and in some cases be fatal. Roughly 350,000 folks die each year in the USA alone due to overweight health problems. The obesity factor and gaining weight is defined as body mass index, better known as BMI, in the range of 30-60 lbs. To know what your BMI is, simply divide your height by your weight. The end result is your BMI.

Since there is now much public information and a ton of awareness groups, individuals are becoming very informed on the danger of being overweight. The mental effect and well being this plays on someone can many times outweigh the physical health results: many overweight people have sleep, fatigue,and depression problems as a side effect. Unfortunately, even being slightly overweight can cause immune system problems as well.This can make your body more susceptible to viruses, flu and even pneumonia in some cases.

There are a few different ways to keep your weight in order. The most important is knowing proper nutrition. Today, it is very common to make a meal and not even consider the calorie intake in that food. While it may be way to common, we have the power in our hands to take this seriously and change our outlook on dieting. You can find many forums on the web discussing weight loss, as well as groups telling what might have worked for them in the past and present.

There are tons of recipes on the internet that are healthy, yet still delicious to eat. The FDA has a general food site, containing a huge amount of information relating to maintaining good dieting habits - if you are on a quest to lose weight I urge you to bookmark this site now.

Of course nothing beats a good exercise routine in trying to lose weight. When you are overweight your metabolism is slower. Getting in the habit of using 10 minutes at the start of your day to have a walk, aerobics, or even jogging this will speed up your weight loss. So instead of saying I"I wish I could lose some pounds" get in a routine today and start seeing results quickly. Remember, a dieting plan is no pain, no gain.

If you have struggled with diet plans in the past and want something that actually works, subscribe to our FREE fat loss e-course lose 10 pounds for idiots today and start getting results fast! This FREE e-course has helped thousands, and will help you lose unwanted pounds as well.

Best Diet Plan to Lose Weight - Learn the Secrets to Success - Part 1

Why do so many people try to lose weight and fail? It seems like such a simple question, but if anyone had the absolute answer as to why and the solution to the answer, they'd be a billionaire! On my way to work this morning, a heard a staggering statistic that the annual cost of obesity and related health problems in California is over $40 billion. That's right, billion with a "B". Those of you that are aware of the current problems the California legislation is having trying to pass a budget, would know that by magically eliminating obesity overnight would solve the problem of balancing the budget without cutting anymore programs. If fact, you'd have plenty left over for education, after all the budget deficit is only $26 billion. The budget mess in California is a totally different topic, I only bring it up here to emphasize the magnitude of the obesity problem in California alone without even considering the rest of the USA or westernized cultures. It's a huge, huge problem (no pun intended)!

I'm going to do my best to answer this question and propose a solution in this multipart series of articles. As I see it, the problem has two major components. One is education and the other is motivation, the latter being the most important. Obviously, education is important because people have to know what to do before they can act on it. However, the motivation to do what you know you should is more important. If education was the only problem, then over weight and obesity would not exist in the health care profession or for anyone else with the knowledge of what to do, including this author! I confess I'm overweight and I'm just starting to do something about it now. However, I've known for a long time what I should do.

I'm going to attack the problem logically based upon several well established, scientific facts. It involves some very basic math, but it's easy to understand even for those math challenged individuals. If you're weight is remaining constant, then your Calories Eaten = Calories Used. If you're gaining weight, then your Calories Eaten > Calories Used. Finally, if you're losing weight, then your Calories Eaten

We started to learn about the "Calories Eaten" part of the equation using Bob as an example. We'll continue on with Bob and the "Calories Eaten" part of the equation in "Best Diet Plan to Lose Weight-Learn the Secrets to Success - Part 2". Until next time...

Glen Grimditch earned his M.S. and Ph.D. from UCLA in Kinesiology and has published numerous scientific articles in peer reviewed journals regarding diet and exercise. These article references are listed on his website, []. His goal as an author is to provide accurate information regarding diet and exercise to the public based upon scientific data to counteract the misinformation that runs rampant on the internet. For those who want to start a diet to lose weight that really works, you can get more information about diets on our company website, [].

The Only Diet Plan You Will Ever Need

There are so many diet plans out there, it is obvious why people are lost when it comes to dieting. Everyone is looking for that magic diet that will melt off the pounds in record time. These diet plans usually lead to frustration and failure and it doesn't have to be that way.

So what makes up an effective diet? An effective diet should accomplish these three things:

1. Boost metabolism- increase fat burning even while you are inactive

2. Create a slight caloric deficit- you take in slightly less calories than you burn

3. Keep insulin levels low- insulin is the hormone that controls blood sugar levels

Boosting Metabolism

To put it simply, your metabolism is the amount of calories your body burns to operate on a dialy basis. Boosting your metabolic rate can have a dramatic effect on your daily calorie expenditure. So how do we boost our metabolism?

1. Break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day

2. Eat lean, protein rich meats with every meal

Breaking up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller meals ensures that your body has the fuel it needs to function optimally. Each meal should include a good lean protein source and green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach. Protein requires more calories to digest than fat or carbohydrates. You can include a piece of fruit with your early meals but you should avoid it in your later meals.

Create a Caloric Deficit

Creating a caloric deficit basically means eating less calories than you burn. There are formulas out there that you can use to estimate your daily calorie expenditure but I think for most people just wanting to lose weight they aren't necessary. If you stick to the foods that I recommend you should steadily burn fat and trim inches off your waist.

Keeping Insulin Levels Low

There are many health advantages to keeping your insulin levels low. Chronically elevated insulin levels can lead to diabetes and excess fat storage. Vegetables will do little to raise insulin concentration in the blood. You should get most of your carbs from green vegetables and fruits. One or two spikes in insulin levels throughout the day is fine but you want to avoid high insulin levels for an extended period. You accomplish that by avoiding foods that are very starchy.

So What Foods Should You Buy

Your food choices at the grocery store are very important. You want to avoid purchasing unhealthy foods. Don't even go down the potato chip aisle at the store. Remember, if it's not in your house, you won't be tempted to eat it. Here is a list of what you should be buying at the store:

* Plenty of lean meats (chicken, sirloin, lean ground beef, lean ground turkey, lean turkey breast)

* Fish (salmon, tilapia, etc.)

* Fresh or frozen green veggies (broccoli, spinach, asparagus, celery, etc.) do not buy the cans

* fresh fruit (grapes, bananas, blueberries)

* regular oatmeal

* extra virgin olive oil

* coconut oil (for cooking)

This list offers lots of choices to create variety. Variety is essential if you want to stick to the diet.

Putting it All Together

So what would a typical day on this diet look like? It should look something like this:

Meal 1

5 oz. chicken breast 1 cup of oatmeal mixed with blueberries

Meal 2

5-6 oz. of lean ground beef or turkey 1 cup steamed veggies 1 banana

Meal 3

5 oz. chicken breast 1 cup steamed veggies

Meal 4

5-6 oz. salmon or tilapia 1 cup steamed veggies

Meal 5

5 oz. chicken breast 1 cup steamed veggies

This is just an example. You can eat whatever meats you like as long as they are lean. I would avoid eating a lot of fish. You should only include fish in three or four meals a week. Just remember that you want to avoid a lot of carbs later in the day.

Helpful Tips

1. Drink mostly water- its ok to have a zero calorie beverage every once in awhile such as diet coke but I would limit them to no more than one a day

2. Take a good multivitamin- this will ensure that you are getting all your vitamins and minerals

3. Take 10 grams of fish oil daily- there are numerous benefits to taking fish oil, its benefits are well published all over the web

4. Pre-cook your meals- this saves a lot of time, I usually cook everything on Sunday and pack them into ready-to-go meals in the refrigerator for later use

5. Experiment with different seasonings- use different seasonings while cooking to create more variety

6. Exercise- any daily exercise can go a long way in increasing your metabolism and burning extra calories

Get Out There and Get it Done

This truly is the only diet plan you will ever need. You shouldn't even consider this a diet. This is a way of life. These are solid eating habits that will give you the body you want and help you keep in shape.

If you are looking for more diet articles and healthy recipes, visit my blog at

Diet Solution - High Energy Diet Plan

Wouldn't you love a diet that gave you lots of energy and helped you lose weight?

It's all possible when you choose the right diet, a diet that provides a constant abundance of energy to your body.

Let me explain, did you know that some foods provide long term energy and some foods provide short term energy?

It's true and both are important - but you should be focusing on foods that provide long term energy...

Even many of those foods only provide energy for three to five hours and after that your body needs more energy.

That's why it is important to eat every few hours two or three hours in between meals is ideal. They don't have to be large meals, but they should all contain foods that will supply you with long term energy.

This energy allows you to move around more throughout the day and as a result the amount of calories you burn through exercise is increased even if you don't realize it.

You're probably still wondering how do I lose weight if I am eating all the time?

Well, it's all about eating the right foods, foods that won't be stored as fat as long as you are getting enough food throughout the day.

It's true your body will not store nearly as much food as fat when it knows it is getting a constant supply of food each day, but eating junk food will still result in fat storage because it provides little nutritional value.

What makes this really work is choosing healthy foods that are not processed such as fruits, vegetables and even meets they will provide you with fullness so you won't starve as well as provide you with that necessary energy you need throughout the day.

If you want to know how to lose the fat permanently listen up! Right now, your current diet may be destroying your life.

To find out how we can solve your diet problem go here to see the diet solution

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Diet Plan to Lose Weight - Do it the Anabolic Way

You can easily lose weight with a well planned diet. The Anabolic diet is a new, safe and healthy diet created by Dr. Mauro Dipasquale. This diet involves five (5) days of low carbohydrate intake during the week and a high carbohydrate intake on weekends. If your question is, "how on earth will this diet help me lose weight?" the Anabolic diet can help you lose the pounds without losing muscles, by converting your body into a fat burning machine - now that I have your attention, lets continue.

This diet is great for anyone who is serious about losing weight - this diet can also work for people who wish to gain weight (yes, some people need to gain weight).

You can start on the Anabolic diet, its easy just follow these steps:

a) You will need about four weeks so that you can condition your body to easily adapt to the Anabolic diet. Your body needs these 4 weeks in order to turn your body into a fat burner for energy instead of using sugar. Once your body has adapted, you can now concentrate on losing weight.

b) You have to know your daily calorie intake, this diet works by cycling your weekly intake of carbohydrates (carbs) because you do not have to tally eliminate carbs in order to lose weight: below is a sample of how to divide your carbohydrate intake:

Monday to Friday - Protein 40 percent, Fat 60 percent and Carbohydrate 25 grams (max)

Saturday and Sunday - Protein 15 percent, Fat 25 percent and Carbohydrate 60 percent

c) Covert your calories into grams, its quite simple:

- 9kcal = 1 gram of fat

- 4kcal carbohydrate is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrate

- 4kcal protein is equal to 1 gram of protein

d) Finally, you can begin your diet by eating every 3 hours every day, at the end of the day you would have had about six meals.

Benefits of the Anabolic Diet for losing Weight

Lose Fat - with this diet you lose nothing but fat because you force your body to burn fat for energy instead of sugar by avoiding carbohydrate for 5 days. Your body will begin to store less fat because you eat lots of it during the week. You will be able to lose stubborn fat for example love handles.

You gain muscle

You will definitely have more energy - to some people losing weight is supposed to exhausting, but with the Anabolic diet, you will be full of energy because you would be controlling your carbohydrate intake. You will no longer experience blood sugar rundowns again. Your mood swings and irritability will disappear.

No more hunger pangs - fat is known to satiate, you will feel full for a much longer period. With the Anabolic diet, you will never feel the pangs of hunger, because hunger pangs usually make it difficult to lose weight in the first place. This diet is not an overnight magic diet, like other crash diets, in order to get results you need to be determined and patient.

I am Dr. Maulik Vyas with 8 years of expertise in the medical field. I have seen many patients ailments, weight loss was their major problem. You can learn more about HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT QUICKLY at my Website. If you like, you can watch my video on How To Lose Weight Quickly at YouTube.

links there are - website url: and YouTube video url: respectively.

Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan Make to You Slim and Fit

 Rapid weight loss diet plan can help you have a flat belly within a few days but it depends a lot upon your ability to diet and exercise, and the capability of your body to burn fats.

Here are a few tips to achieve rapid weight loss:

First of all, keep in mind that every person's body responds in a different way to the diet plan or exercise regime he/she follows. Hence, some may start losing weight within a few weeks while others may take time to show any noticeable change.

Many people think that to follow a flat belly diet you need to go on a crash diet or cut down on your eating drastically. However, such a thing is totally wrong. If you do this, you will deprive yourself from essential vitamins and minerals that will only make you hungrier. If you feel hungry, you will desire to eat more and you will soon start putting on weight. Keep in mind; you should never skip your meal.

Eat healthy food materials such as vegetables and fruits such as apples, apricots, oranges, mangoes, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, etc. You can eat food that has high protein content such as fish, chicken, etc. You may also eat food materials that are rich in fiber such as whole grain bread, peanuts, seeds, beans, etc. These help you in eliminating toxic substances which slow down your digestive system.

Drink ample amount of water in a day. This helps you in cleansing your body from all the toxins from your body. It is advisable to drink 8 big glasses of water daily. Sleep is one of the vital things you must do. Sleep not only gives rest to your body but also rejuvenates it. If you do not sleep well, you will feel stressed and tired throughout the day.

Avoid food that contains high amount of fat and calories. Stay away from foods with saturated fats, fried foods, high sugar foods such as chocolates and candies, junk foods such as burgers, doughnuts, etc. You need to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages to make your body respond in a better manner to your weight loss efforts.

Exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories and fats. The more you exercise, the more you will sweat and the more you will burn calories and fats. If you do not have the time for exercising, then you can join a gym and hire a trainer to help you with some weight lifting exercises. You can also lose weight without lifting weights. This can be done by doing simple activities such as walking, jogging, dancing, running, swimming or any other daily activity. You can also do exercises and have a flat belly naturally through stability ball exercises.

Detoxification is also one of the best methods to lose weights by excreting toxins from your body. Many people indulge in expensive detoxification programs, however, you can simply do body detox by wearing detox foot pads. All you need to do is wear these foot pads and detoxify yourself.

The above diet plan can be a rapid weight loss diet plan if you exercise and eat the right way.

Visit Lose Weight Products to get awesome tips on losing weight.

Glycemic Index Diet Plan

The glycemic index diet plan is one of the most popular diet plans among overweight people. If you are looking for a way to reduce your weight efficiently, the glycemic index diet plan will suit you. There are many benefits of eating a low carb diet. You will be able to reduce the sugar level in the blood stream. If you are a diabetic, a low carb diet will help you to maintain your sugar level and control the diabetes condition.

If you are persistent with the glycemic index diet plan, you will also be able to reduce your cholesterol level. The amount of good cholesterol, which is high lipoprotein cholesterol, will increase in the blood stream. On the contrary, the bad cholesterol called low lipoprotein cholesterol will reduce in the blood stream. Besides, it can provide more satiety in your meal. You won't feel hungry quickly because the glucose level in the blood is raised slowly.

Most people eat processed foods from the supermarket. During the processing stage, the fiber and natural grains are removed. As a result, the body will digest the food at a faster rate. The faster the food is digested by the body, the sooner you will become hungry again. When you are constantly hungry, you have a tendency to eat more food and become overweight. With the glycemic index diet plan, the quality of the food you eat will improve. You will eat food that has a high amount of unrefined carbohydrate. Foods rich in unrefined carbohydrate take longer time to digest. They take longer time to digest because they are not processed. Besides, it also prevents your body from many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, diverticulosis and etc.

To cultivate a healthy diet plan, you should reference the index daily. Many websites offer glycemic index information for different kinds of foods including breakfast, bread, vegetables, snacks, fruits and staples. You should eat low and medium glycemic food often. Your glycemic index diet plan should consist of fruits such as cherries, peach, apple, and grapefruit. You can drink fruit juice as well. You should make the fruit juice yourself instead of buying packaged fruit juice.

Packaged fruit juice is processed and contains refined sugar. If you want to add sugar to your meal, you can use healthier sugar such as honey and brown sugar. Foods that are assigned with a glycemic value higher than 70 should be reduced in your diet. If you don't know how to create a low glycemic index diet plan, you can seek out a good GI guide to get tips.

Jonathan is main contributor and co-creator of the new web-site: Get lots more info there on a Glycemic Index Diet Plan and also check out our free 10-part mini-eCourse, "Glycemic Index Secrets", it might be all you'll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)

Acai Berry Diet Plan - Are You Incorporating the Berry Into Your Diet Correctly?

Since the Acai Berry has been garnering international praise and recognition, many people are wondering if there is an Acai berry diet plan. I personally do not know of one that is in existence, but I will explain how to incorporate the berry into your personal diet program correctly. There are a few tips that can really help increase your results.

Since there is no official Acai berry diet plan we have come up with a list of things to do to incorporate this super food into your existing program. Here is the list:

1. Follow the product instructions -most likely you are taking the berry in a juice form. Every company is different in the amount you must eat due to potency of the berry in the juice. Follow the instructions of the company's product you are using. If you must drink it once a day then do it in the morning. If it is twice a day make sure that you do it in the morning and the middle of the day. This will ensure that you get the maximum dosage of the fruit.

2. Do Not alter your eating plan - If you get a drink that tells you to not eat and just drink the juice make sure you do not do that. This is a supplement that is meant to add to your program and not take away from it.

3. Consistency- Make sure you are consistently drinking the product to make sure you receive the health benefits. Just like anything else in life, you only get major results when you are consistently doing something.

These are just a few tips that can help you get the most out of your Acai berry diet plan. There are so many good things you can receive from incorporating this berry into your eating program. Make sure these tips are followed and you will definitely receive the biggest rewards. CLICK HERE To Lose 20lbs In 30 Days With Acai For Free

Easy To Follow Diet Plan Starts With - Eat Less, Expend More Energy

An easy to follow diet plan seems to be a misnomer for a lot of people. After all, most people consider diets (as in eating plans to lose weight) as usually difficult things to do. If not with the procedure that one has to undergo could be very complicated - avoid carbohydrates, fast for two days, zone food into different groups, etc.

A diet plan that is easy to prepare and follow at the same time is a planning about diet that does not require the dieter to remember so many things just to be successful in it. In a successful planning about diet one just has to remember one thing: eat less, expend more energy. This could be very easy if the dieter eats smaller portions but in regular intervals of 3 hours. Very easy, right?

In an easy to follow planning about diet, all vegetables and fruits can be eaten in those meals that happen every three hours. Have a plateful of lettuce with a whole avocado or broccoli and apples. The greener one's plate is and the more purple the fruits are, the better. These signify a high volume of fiber, which aids in digestion and antioxidants that counter toxin actions in the body.

Another reminder for this diet plan is the amount of dressing and flavor enhancers one can have with fruits and vegetables. It is understandable that a lot of people find vegetables bland and tasteless, and therefore they feel the need to add sauces and dressings to make their vegetables and salads more appealing. Most dressings and sauces are sources of fat that ruins a diet, so it is most wise to keep vegetables au naturel. Besides, fruits are there keep the flavors of a meal more exciting and varied.

It is a general truth that nothing in life is easy. An easy to follow diet plan can only be easier if coupled with the determination and a positive mindset.

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1200-1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan - Tips For an Easy Diabetic Diet Menu, Help Decrease Diabetes

A calorie controlled diet enables you to take control of your daily intake of calories. So I am sure you can realise that a 1,200-1,800 calorie diabetic diet plan will enable you to take full control of the amount of calories you take in each day and ensure that the amount lies between 1200 and 1,800.

The benefits of having a 1,200 - 1,,800 calorie controlled diabetic diet

You can control your sugar levels in your blood stream.

Control your weight, if you need to lose weight or gain weight this is a great way of doing so.

Helps you to maintain a controlled diabetic diet which will effect your diabetes and enable you to benefit from having more control over your diabetes.

There are several ways to benefit from using this type of weight control methods and they help to control your diabetes. The key to any calorie controlled diabetic diet is balancing out the different food supplements needed to maintain a balanced diet.

One of the most important being carbohydrates, carbohydrates are the main source of Glucose which is your body's main source of energy.

In a diabetic plan the overall aim is to have a balanced diet which enables you to control your diabetes. The main ingredients in the balanced diet are Carbohydrates, protein and fat. The overall idea is to keep your diabetic plan balanced, do not take an excess of fat as this could lead to excess weight and obesity is the number one cause of diabetes, so ensuring everything is balanced is essential.

For more information regarding ways to control, prevent and live with Diabetes read our diabetic guide [] website. Are you bored and fed up of eating tasteless, dull diabetic meals? Why not spice up your life with our delicious diabetic recipes. 52 weeks worth of free diabetic recipes sent straight to your inbox each and every week!

Join our growing diabetic community & become part of the family by subscribing to our diabetic newsletter right here [].

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Comes With Free Diet Plans

Everybody loves everything that is for free. A few years ago, during the infancy of the Internet and the small inhabitance of the global village, fast foods and other express food houses have long conquered the palate of the working people.

Yuppies, executives and even the skilled workers have long valued time because as they say time is money and the more time they can do their job the more pay they could get. But with all the rush of the urban life and because of the distorted eating habits of the urban worker, a healthy diet was set aside for a healthy wallet and a wealthy lifestyle.

After a few years of customizing and upgrading, the need to do everything online has caught up with everyday living. From online pizza orders to online gaming, from online studying to free diet plans, people now do almost everything online because they can get so many pieces information for free. Because of so many years of fast food build up, a lot of free diet plans website have mushroomed overnight to remind people that there is a need for them to look at how and what they eat.

Recent surveys show the alarming rate of obesity in almost all parts of western world and some parts of the urban southeast. That level of alarm caused many non-profit organizations to give free online guidelines and diet plans for the people who have been so much on the go and not so much health conscious. The Internet has also become a haven of almost limitless free diet plans websites that offer free access to anything online about diets.


Today, there are a lot of websites that offer free diet plans that are easy to follow and are adapted to the lifestyle of people on the go. These free diet plans don't only come with simple weight loss strategies but also come with diet recipes that are easy to make and are less time consuming in preparation. These websites that offer free diet plans are usually put up by gym trainors and dieticians who are more or less knowledgeable in giving out diet plans.

Experts suggest that when you are adapting a free diet plan, always ensure that you are about to consume a balanced and complete diet to be able to set your goals realistic and attainable. You can use these tips in double checking if the free diet plan you have chosen is good for your total well being.

1. Whatever the free diet plan says, make sure that you consume at least 6 small meals and snacks daily.

2. Plan your meal ahead. To be able to have a successful diet, make sure that you pack your foods--especially those recommended by the free diet--the night before so you're sure that you have plenty of fresh and low-fat foods around you.

3. Choose a free diet plan that is simple. Since you got the diet plan for free, don't get too caught up in the specifics so it wouldn't be so frustrating when it fails.

4. Eat your foods slower and monitor your calorie-intake.

5. Choose healthy food selections such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and the like.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

7 Day Diet Plan - The Cabbage Soup Diet

If you want to lose weight with a 7 day diet plan then you can chose the cabbage soup diet. Like the name of the diet suggests, the diet is over 7 days and is only a temporary weight program and should be terminated after 7 days. This particular diet is ideal for rapid weight loss for special events like weddings, vacations etc.

With the cabbage soup diet, you may eat/drink as much cabbage soup, fruit and drink as much caffeine and tea as you wish but little else. Other foods types are permitted but are minimal or very restricted. The reason that this diet works is because it is low in calories and not suppose to be a substitute for a lifetime of good nutrition. This diet program is not nutritionally sound, and I urge you to stop after seven days. The cabbage soup diet is also called the 'Sacred Heart Diet' or the 'Mayo Clinic Diet'. However it has no association with any Sacred Heart Hospital or the Mayo Clinic. The amount of what you lose on this diet is important muscle tissue. If you have not been will gain the weight back as fat, which is not muscle and therefore you will become fatter.

What is eaten during the 7 day diet plan?

Day 1- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only fruit and drink black coffee, cranberry juice, unsweetened tea, and water.
Day 2- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only raw or cooked vegetables but no fruit allowed.
Day 3 - Drink as much soup as you want and a combination of the first 2 days of eating fruits and vegetables.
Day 4- Drink as much soup as you want, eat up to 8 bananas and drink skim milk.
Day 5- Drink soup at least once, eat 6 fresh tomatoes, 10oz to 20oz of beef, chicken or fish, and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water.
Day 6 - Drink soup at least once, eat 2 to 3 beef steaks with fresh salad or vegetables.
Day 7 - Drink soup at least once, eat vegetables and brown rice, and drink unsweetened fruit juice.

During this 7 day diet some people will experience being light headed, dizziness and lower ability to concentrate. The soup can taste bland to some people but a little seasoning can be added to improve the flavor. Because this diet is for rapid weight loss, when people go off the 7 day diet plan, the weight loss can be regained.

For your FREE video to discover how to LOSE 11 pounds in just 7 days - please visit to get slim now!

What is the Best Diet Plan - The One That Works

Many people wonder what the best diet plan is to lose weight quickly. There are many plans that are effective for fast weight loss. Some are healthy, some aren't, and most are costly. Let's discuss some of these plans, and I will tell you about a plan that will help you lose weight fast. This plan is healthy and costs less than one weeks worth of food on most diet plans!

In your opinion, what is the best diet plan? Is it Jenny Craig? Good diet, but are you full and satisfied with the portions of food you get? It's also pretty costly. Once you lose the weight, it will be hard to keep from putting the pounds back on once you resume normal eating habits.

Perhaps you have tried fad diets, like the cabbage soup diet or vinegar diet. Yuk! I would be sick to death of eating nothing but cabbage soup for a week or so. And the thought of taking a tablespoon or two of vinegar makes my skin shrivel just thinking about it. Okay, so you did one of these diets. Did you lose weight and keep it off? Besides that, not very healthy when you aren't getting the nutrients you need.

Okay, what is the best diet plan? Plain and simple. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the diet plan that will work, just like it has for millions of people already. This plan requires no special foods, no diet pills and no expensive weekly pre-packaged meals. In fact, the total cost of this plan is less than one weeks worth of food on most of the other diets.

With the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan, you learn how to combine calories from different food groups to increase your metabolism and burn fat. It's pretty simple. If you combine the right amounts of fats, protein, and carbohydrates, you will lose weight - and fast! There is no counting total calories or liquid fasts. Nothing like most diets you have seen, guaranteed. Again, what is the best diet plan? I think you're beginning to figure the answer out.

You can program your body to burn calories and increase metabolism simply by the foods that you eat. The portions and number of times per day that you eat plays a crucial role in this plan, and once you learn how it works you will understand how some of your skinny friends stay that way and eat like a 200 pound man. It's called "switching calories" and it works.

Like most people, you've probably tried many diets without much success. Change your life for the better and lose all the weight you desire without sacrificing your health. It's time for you to try what I believe is the best diet plan on earth - Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is absolutely the quickest way to lose weight in the world today. Find out how you can lose 9 lbs. in only 11 days! Visit The Skinny on Weight Loss for details, tips and more ideas.

Diabetes Types and Diet Plan

To manage diabetes, one should have proper information about diabetes and should follow a diet plan to control blood glucose level.

Diabetes Types

Type 1 Diabetes - In type 1 diabetes (Insulin dependent diabetes), also known as juvenile onset diabetes, patients depends on insulin. Some important points regarding type 1 diabetes are -

1. There is usually sudden onset.

2. This form occurs mainly in the younger age group.

3. There is an inability of the pancreas to produce adequate amount of insulin. This may be caused by virus or due to autoimmunity.

4. The child is usually underweight.

5. Acidosis is fairly common.

Type 2 Diabetes - In type 2 diabetes (Non-insulin dependent diabetes), also known as adult onset diabetes, patients do not depend on insulin. Some important points regarding type 2 diabetes are -

1. It develops slowly and usually milder and more stable.

2. This form occurs mainly in adults. Women who have had large babies are also prone to develop this type of diabetes later in life.

3. Insulin may be produced by pancreas but action is impaired.

4. The person is usually overweight.

5. Acidosis is infrequent.

6. The majority of patients improves with weight loss and is maintained on diet therapy.

Diabetes Diet Plan

1. Dietary calorie should be 60-70% from carbohydrates, 15-20% from protein and 15-25% from fat. The minimum amount of carbohydrates should be 100g to prevent ketosis.

2. Fat with high poly unsaturated fatty acids like vegetable oil is preferred (sunflower oil, gingelly oil, corn oil) than animal fat and hydro-generated fat which contain more saturated fatty acids. Fish and chicken are preferred than meat and egg.

3. Simple sugars should be restricted since they are easily absorbed and have a high glycaemic index.

4. Whole wheat is preferred to rice because it contains 'Ascarbose' which allow carbohydrate to be absorbed slowly.

5. Food exchange lists should be followed to prevent hypo and hyperglycaemia. The exchange systems should be followed to avoid monotony, dietary constancy and flexibility.

6. Sodium intake is to be no more than 6g daily. Sodium is restricted to 3g in hypertensive diabetic patients.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Here is an excellent Diabetes supplement that will help you to control blood sugar level. Also know Diet for diabetes for healthy eating.

Is a Raw Food Diet a Good Diabetes Diet Plan For Treating Type 2 Diabetes?

A raw food diet is classified as a diet which involves eating foods that have not been processed, and a simple answer to the question of whether or not a raw food diet is a good option for diabetics as a means of treating type 2 diabetes is a resounding yes. In fact eating a thorough raw diet for a couple of months is 'guaranteed' to return your blood sugar readings to the normal blood sugar range. There have been many examples of people who have 'cured' their diabetes by eating nothing but a diet of raw foods. They have also lost a significant amount of weight in the process.

Is eating a raw diabetes diet plan sustainable? To some people yes, to others it can be difficult. If you are used to highly calorific, fatty foods, then launching 'cold turkey' into a raw diet will be difficult to sustain, and if you do it for a month, or two months, then you need to have effectively changed your eating lifestyle to match the raw diet as closely as possible, otherwise the weight will pile back on, and the diabetes will return if you go back to your old eating habits.

There are a few qualifiers for the raw diet, and these are you need to avoid processed foods, avoid dairy, no meat, no alcohol, no sugar. To many, that may sound like 'what's left to eat?' and that's a fair question. The key ingredients for a raw food diet are essentially fresh fruit and raw vegetables and raw nuts. Many people who choose this type of eating plan, end up buying dehydrators that enable them to create some far more appetising food items, that are still raw, whereby the essential enzymes in the raw foods haven't been damaged or destroyed by heating over a certain 'enzyme destroying' temperature during the dehydration process.

Many people who choose to follow the raw diet eating plan, do so for a set period like 60 days, and then once they have normal blood sugar range readings, they revert to a vegan diet, whereby they can slowly re introduce certain foods that allow some more flexibility in what they can eat.

Maintaining good diabetes diet plan is essential to minimize the damage high blood sugar can do to your body. It's not rocket science, but from the time you become diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, having a good diabetes diet plan to follow is a definitely must, but it needn't be a life sentence, because it really does provide the opportunity for you to start living a healthy, fulfilling life. If you want to get on top of your diabetes naturally, there are natural ways to control and normalize your blood sugar levels that definitely work. To find out how this can help you to control your pre diabetes, or type 2 diabetes condition, go to Diabetes Control

Ripped Muscle Diet Plan - Build Muscle and Drop Body Fat by Eating Clean

Most of us have come to the harsh realization that to lose body fat we must change our eating habits. There's just no way around it. There's no super diet pill that's going to work if you don't eat clean. You can even get surgery these days to remove some fat, but if you don't modify your diet plan then you'll be right back where you started. So eating clean is a must. But what many of us hard core weight lifters and bodybuilders worry about is losing hard earned muscle and strength while dieting to get ripped.

Let me first say that we're not talking about getting shredded for the stage when you're a few weeks out from a bodybuilding competition; that's a different ball game altogether. What we're talking about is dropping your body fat to a healthy level to where you can see the muscle that you have. You want to see some striations and you want to be ripped to some extent. You certainly don't want to be one of those weight lifters, strong or not, with a gut hanging over your pants. Your diet is the key element that will separate you from them.

To build muscle and to get stronger you need plenty of quality protein. Anywhere from one gram to one and a half grams of protein per day per pound of bodyweight is a good rule to stick with. I'm not going to argue the low carb versus no carbs versus high carbs and so forth. It's not so much the carbohydrates, it's how much and the types of carbs you're putting into your body. A solid plan to follow is a one to one ratio of protein and carbs. So if you eat a meal with 45 grams of protein, you shouldn't have any more than 45 grams of carbs. The types of carbs should not be filled with sugar or from processed foods. They should come from sources such as whole grain foods, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, fruits, and vegetables.

You also need healthy fats. Egg yolks, almonds and other types of nuts, olive oil and flaxseed oil are a few examples. The important thing to remember is to stay away from trans fats and don't get too much saturated fat in your diet. For the sake of simplicity, take in a little fat each meal and supplement with flaxseed or fish oil. A good example is if you're eating eggs, cook six to eight egg whites and one or two whole eggs. I use eggs as an example because whole eggs are loaded with vitamins, nutrients and amino acids.

Obviously training intense with heavy weights reaching muscle overload is a no-brainer for building muscle. Cardio training comes into play as well. This diet portion is imperative though if you want to grow and drop body fat at the same time. I personally have started eating chicken breasts (2 at a time), tilapia fillets (2 at a time), eggs, milk and protein shakes for my sources of protein and have not let my carb intake go too far over my protein intake, getting those from the carb sources listed above. I usually get enough healthy fats from whole eggs, milk, peanut butter and I also supplement with flaxseed oil. I was in fear of my strength going down but I've actually gotten stronger and leaner over the past couple of weeks while implementing this meal plan. As for cheat meals, save them for the weekend, or just pick one or two days a week to have a meal or two that may not necessarily fall into the diet plan, such as pizza; my personal favorite.

Jason M. Stallworth
Owner of

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Choosing The Right Diabetes Diet Plan For You

Diabetes is fast becoming an epidemic in the developed World. Over 17 million Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and this figure is rising. Thousands more are pre-diabetic, the precursor before full blown diabetes. The importance of following a good diabetes diet plan has never been so great.

The most worrying aspect of this is that there has been a huge rise in the cases of children contracting the disease. Our fast food and low exertion lifestyles are causing us to increase our waistlines and become obese. Obesity is a direct link with diabetes.

There are three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 is when the pancreas produces insufficient or no insulin at all and has therefore got to be controlled by replacing the lack of insulin manually through injections. This type is often diagnosed in childhood. Thankfully, type 1 diabetes only accounts for around 10% of diagnosed diabetics.

Type 2 diabetes can be contracted at any time but is especially prevalent during adulthood. It can be controlled through diet and is sometimes backed up with medication such as insulin injections and tablets depending upon its severity. This is the most common type of diabetes and it is usually treated by going on a good quality diabetes diet plan.

The third type of diabetes is gestational. Diabetes can occur during pregnancy and must be monitored closely as it can prove additional strain on the internal organs and the unborn child. The good news is that with gestational diabetes it often disappears after the birth, so tends to only be a temporary condition.

There is also good news for those type 2 sufferers as not only can it be controlled with diet, it can in some cases be reversed if specific diet plans are adhered to.

The first step to getting clear is to lose weight. The majority of diabetics are either overweight or obese and this is a contributory factor of why the illness has occurred in the first place. Following a good diabetes diet plan will help you to shed the pounds safely and steadily. In fact, following a plan is a healthy option for anyone wanting to feel healthier.

There is nothing particularly different about a special diet and it's a myth that you cannot eat your favorite treats. It's more a matter of ratios of sugars, fats and carbohydrates that is the key to success.

Some diet plans will advocate stripping carbohydrates out completely and then introducing them back in gradually until the body accepts them again.

For more information on creating your own free diabetes diet plan along with over 500 delicious low sugar recipes visit

Heart Patient Diet Plan - 8 Quick Tips for Lowering Your Risk for Heart Attack

The month of February is designated National Heart Month as it is traditionally full of images of beautiful Valentine Hearts! To celebrate a healthier heart, here are some quick tips for lowering your risk for heart attack, stroke and related cardiovascular disease. Working on incorporating as many of these tips into your lifestyle can help prevent damage to blood vessels and the heart while helping the cardiovascular system restore its health through healing.

Switch from soda to unsweetened green tea. Brew your own and carry it to work or play in a stainless steel water bottle. Green tea is loaded with heart healthy antioxidants that help prevent damage to blood vessels. Drinking just two cups a day has been shown to have heart protective benefits.

Take a relaxation break. Routine quiet times throughout the day can lower blood pressure and stress hormones that wreak havoc on the heart and cardiovascular system. Just pause and take a few deep breaths, or stretch a little and let your body slow down. Longer sessions of meditation or yoga have great benefits for the heart.

Eat healthy nuts. Not candied ones, but raw, natural nuts. Almonds, walnuts and many other nuts have been shown to lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood stream. Nuts are high in calories so don't overdo it. Just a handful a day can help protect the heart with healthy fats.

Take a walk. Walking gets the body moving, pumping blood, pulling fresh air into the lungs. A brisk two-mile walk every day can help control weight, strengthen the heart, and improve circulation. Blood pressure lowers and Type 2 diabetes can even be controlled with daily walks.

Quit smoking. We all know the damage that smoking does to the arteries and lungs! If you can't quit, cut down. Any reduction in smoking helps the heart.

Get plenty of sleep at night. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation damages the heart. A busy lifestyle can lead to five or fewer hours of sleep at night. This can more than double your risk for heart attacks. Aim for a full eight hours. Some people need even more. Sleep is a time for the body to restore itself. If you have trouble falling asleep, try deep breathing exercises just prior to turning out the lights. People who get adequate sleep have better weight control and overall health.

Start strength training. Adding strength training to an overall exercise routine strengthens the heart muscle and helps it beat with efficiency. Although aerobic exercise should be a part of a daily routine, strength training sessions can be two or three times a week.

Stop eating fast food. Loaded with saturated fat, sugar, salt and additives, most fast food is damaging to more than just the heart. Chronic diseases and obesity are more and more blamed on a diet full of highly process food and frequent stops at fast food restaurants.

Follow these 8 tips and you will have a healthier heart this February!

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at Heart Patient Diet Plan

Michael Phelps' 12,000 Calorie a Day Diet Plan - Is This Program Healthy For Your Body?

Nothing is sweeter than getting many gold medals in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. It is possible with Michael Phelps, an athletic swimmer with great body. This Olympic Star confessed that all his life, it is full of sleeping, eating, and training. Have you ever wondered about Michael Phelps' 12,000 calorie a day diet plan? How does it work?

He is not into diet for he eats food dieters are avoiding like pasta, pizza, eggs, sandwiches, and the like. Monitored and structured activities in a day, for he swims from one pool end to another. It is very important for him to eat 10,500 to 12,000 calories a day. We are actually overwhelmed with the amount of food calories he is eating, at the same time having that perfect and athletic body. How that did take effect?

The scientific explanation with Michael Phelps' 12,000 calorie a day diet plan deals the calories he burns with all his training, exercises, practice, work out, swimming and the like. To enable his muscles to function correctly and properly, he must eat the right amount and type of foods so that the worn out muscles to be repaired, and recovered in preparation for another set of activities. Our muscles need nourishment at the same time fuel to be prepared on future endeavors. The great sources of his calories are from carbohydrates, the main source of body's energy.

Is this program healthy for your body?

The answer is it depends, however, no recommendation for other people, not unless you have the same lifestyle, physical built, and routines just like an Olympian. If you are an athlete, or you are determined to be like him, you can do it. The advice is to consult your physician or nutritionist as to what type of foods best for you to be fit and slim.

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