Do you want a great set of visible abs, but you're having a rough time getting rid of that stubborn belly fat standing in your way?
I know how you feel. It can be frustrating working out hard in the gym, on the treadmill, on the elliptical trainer and doing crunches - I've been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. That is until I figured out an abs diet 'secret' that helped me lose 55 pounds and get lean enough to finally see the abs I had been working so hard to get.
If you're tired of spinning your wheels at the gym and being frustrated by your lack of results... keep reading, I'm going to reveal what you need to know in a minute (probably less). No you won't have to hire one of those crazy personal trainers at your gym to "pump you up" or buy some lame old abs fitness program sold on late night television.
Okay here's what you need to know...
Sexy six pack abs are developed in the kitchen, not in the gym.
Don't get me wrong... exercise is important, but it only accounts for about 10% of your results. Most of it, 90% comes from your nutrition program and your eating habits. So if you want that lean shrink wrapped abs look like Ryan Reynolds or Taylor Lautner, you need to focus on an abs diet plan to get you lean. Now a lot diet books and fitness magazines will tell you "go low carb", or "go low fat" and others say "eat 6 small meals a day". But I'm going to tell you what I did to lose that 55 pounds that I mentioned earlier.
Here's what I did: I ate less.
It's true.
Let me explain: I started eating less by limiting the size of my portions by putting smaller amounts of food on my plate. I also used smaller plates.
I won't lie. It was a challenge at first (because I like to eat), but I stuck with it. I found some pretty easy ways, some nutrition "tricks" if you will, to help me get it done.
By controlling the size of my portions, I limited the amount of calories I consumed. I didn't go crazy with it or anything like that, but I ate fewer calories. And between my new way of eating and working out at the gym, I started losing the weight & stubborn belly fat.
Yes I made some changes to what I ate by adding in healthier foods (the ones your wife or girlfriend have been telling you you need to eat) and by ditching some of the foods that are bad for burning belly fat (you know... the ones that taste so good).
But this is the big secret to my six pack abs diet success: I took in fewer calories than my
body used, so I was at a calorie deficit. And this deficit (from how I ate, what I ate and working out) was the thing that helped me drop the 55 pounds and torch the excess body fat!
Warning: If you have bad eating habits, DO NOT try to make up for it by amping up your fat burning workout routine. Because no matter how good your workout is... it cannot make up for a bad diet.
Here's what you need to remember if you want sexy visible abs like "The Situation" from Jersey Shore:
Calories are what counts when you want get rid of stubborn belly fat and lose those extra pounds! If you take in more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. If your body burns the same amount of calories as you consume, you will maintain your weight. And if you burn more calories than your body uses, you will lose weight.
Remember those easy 'tricks' I mentioned that helped me lose 55 pounds with my abs diet plan? You can get 5 of my best six pack abs diet tips, that have been proven to work for weight loss and melting stubborn belly fat for free. And I've included some bonus exercise tips that will help you get even better results from your fat loss workout routine. Here's the link to my 5 proven six pack abs diet tips to lose abdominal fat article: