Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weight Watchers: A Healthy Diet Plan

A nutritious eating plan is also fourth factor to achieving a flat tummy. Think of your body as a car. The engine needs the best sources of fuel to function at the optimal level. To achieve this, aim for 3 meals plus 2 to 3 snacks a day and practice portion control. Include plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and legumes, lots of fiber i.e. cereals, whole grains and nuts. Eat lean meats such as turkey, chicken, beef, and oily fish such as salmon. Avoid foods and dairy which are processed and high in fat. Drink plenty of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day is ideal and helps the metabolism along and it's free! Water is a very good tool in fat reduction.

Diet alone will lead to sustained weight loss.

The idea behind a diet is to have a set number of calories for your body to survive but many of the so called healthy diets are not nutritionally sound for one and most definitely deprive the body of valuable food for energy. Once you come off and begin to eat normally again it is usually found that the weight lost all comes back plus a bit extra - just for fun!! Not.

If you follow a diet like this (and let's be honest, at some stage in our lives, we all have!) at first you will lose weight but then the end result is always sadly the same. You are kidding yourself because the only things you are losing are water and muscle, not fat. Less muscle equals a slower metabolic rate and you know what that means? - ewwww fat storage!!

Sometimes to dispel myths it takes a little shock tactic to drive the message home and we will do this now by simply telling you that following one of these types of diets, enzymes in your body responsible for what we call lipogenisis which is the process of storing fat neatly away in the fat cell, increases when you go on a diet and it seems to affect mainly women. The common term for this type of dieting is called the Yo-Yo diet which causes these enzymes to double increasing your storage potential to stardom it will only lead to one thing and that is you get fatter - Pretty nasty huh?. Makes more sense just to follow a healthy low fat eating plan - what do you reckon?J

Some foods have negative calories.

Sounds like a dream food, doesn't it? There is information available to us about these types of foods but there is not one scrap of factual scientific proof that is strictly speaking, of such things. While some foods containing negative kilojoules have been labeled, such as apples, cabbage, celery, carrots and green beans, just to name a few, most contain little or no real nutritional value either.

Based largely on the concept that if these types of foods once consumed will burn more calories during the digestion process it would stand to reason that many dieters believing that by regularly eating such foods, including the ones of little nutritional value and because of the 'negative kilojoules' concept attached to them, believe that they can consume great quantities. This may lead to a problem though because it encourages overeating which as we know is unhealthy and also could be a cause of malnutrition if this dieting approach was sustained over a period of time. This is because you are not getting a broad spectrum of the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need to live

There are only two genuine negative Kilojoule substances, the first being water which as we know doesn't contain any kilojoules at all and the second is cellulose! So keep dreaming!

Dean Piazza is the resident personal trainer @ homegymequipment.com.au homegymequipment.com.au. - Australia's Biggest range of Home Gym Equipment at Cheap prices. Dean Is the expert personal trainer on NineMsn, Australia's largest website portal and regularly appears in magazines with his training tips, weight loss comments and homegymequipment.com.au fitness equipment reviews.

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