Friday, April 5, 2013

Two Tricks to Starting an Easy Diet Plan

I know you have probably heard that old joke, "what's the most popular day to start a diet?" The answer is of course tomorrow! As funny and true as that joke is, I think the fact of the matter is that most of us don't know how to prepare ourselves for a diet. We think we can just decide to start and then go cold turkey. That isn't the case at all. In face, having an easy diet plan is a lot like running a marathon. It takes time to prepare and you are in it for the long haul.

Don't let that put you off though. Many simple little steps are needed to be successful with a diet, but the good news is they are simple. They are probably things you haven't thought of before!

Know Your Eating Type

This fact caught me by surprise when a friend of mine at the clinic told it to me. She said that the type of personality you have determines what kind of eater you are and what kind of struggles you will face as you try to diet.

Tenacious/Stubborn- This means that you will stick to your diet even if it kills you, but you may spend too much time thinking about how difficult it is. The trick for you is to keep a positive attitude and focus more on long term goals, since they will distract you from the now.

Impulsive- You are the kind of person who will eat whatever they want, whenever they want. Your struggle will be to keep out of sight and smell of foods that are a temptation. Make sure your fridge doesn't have anything in it you wouldn't want to eat on a diet. If you have a family this can be more difficult, but an easy solution I found is to buy a small refrigerator and chest to put in the garage or basement. This allows you to not see the other kind of food all the time but will still let your children or significant other enjoy them.

Habitual- You are a snacker. You need food when you watch TV or are doing mundane activities at work, but you don't monitor how much you eat. Your struggle will be to stop snacking without measuring portions. Eat an apple instead of reaching into a bag of chips. Or heck, pour some chips in a small bowl and put the bag away in the cabinet.

Don't Force Your Family to Follow Your Diet

I know this is contrary to conventional wisdom, but unless your family is as invested as you are in your diet, they provide a distraction. It is very hard to keep a positive attitude while the kids whine about eating rabbit food for dinner. Like I suggested above, let the husband and kids have a hidey hole where they store the snacks, which will keep attention from the fact you are on a diet.

The real trick to a diet sticking is to make it feel like nothing is changed. This leads to healthier habits and habitual weight loss. With that said, if your family is willing to eat healthier with you, without too much hassle or fuss, that is always the best way to go.

These two simple tricks to think about as you start your diet can make a world of difference. Remember, an easy diet plan is one that is thought out ahead of time.

Get serious about weight loss and start changing your life today. Click Here to get started with a great weight loss plan! Kathy Marks, a dietitian, has been helping people lose weight and transform their lives for 15 years. Visit for more information on how to transform your body and your life.

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