Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Three Hour Diet Plan

I am sure that we have all been caught up in the latest fashion diet, weight loss plan or sure thing to make us lose those important pounds. Some of them have been around for years and some of them come and go. Some have been around for ages before they eventually reach popularity and others never reach a notoriety that hits the radar. One of the latter is the Three Hour Diet, designed by Jorge Cruise. It entails eating every three hours, and helping to suppress hunger in the process. Many will scoff at the notion that by eating every three hours you can actually lose weight, so let's have a look at the reasoning behind the rationale.

The theory goes that if the body goes into starvation mode due to not receiving the correct foods regularly, it will hold onto the stored body fats rather than burning it for required energy. The consequence is that rather than depleting the body of fat, it burns muscle protein as an alternative so as to provide the required energy. When you are on the Three Hour Diet, not only does it provide necessary sustenance on a regular basis, thus avoiding the starvation mode, it also has the added benefit of keeping real hunger at bay. Some people benefit from setting an alarm to ensure that they eat precisely every 3 hours, but fifteen minutes either way isn't going to immediately put your body into the starvation mode.

So what foods to eat? There are some set menus provided by Jorge Cruise, but with the modern research and study into healthy nutrition, the information for what is a healthy diet is readily available. Ensure you take plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables at least to fulfill you 5-a-day requirement. Ensure that each meal is nutritionally balanced to include high, lean protein and some carbohydrates that incorporate soluble fibre and whole-grain nutrition. Six to eight glasses of water must also be taken. Too often the triggers for thirst are mistaken for hunger. Just ensure that no meal exceeds 400 calories, and that snacks are fresh fruit or vegetables or wholegrain snack bars that are approximately 100 calories. Your overall aim is to have between 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day, but broken up into 3-hourly meals and snacks.

This diet does take some commitment but allows you to eat pretty much what you want within the healthy eating, balanced nutrition arena. As with any diet (excepting possibly The Atkins Diet) avoid fried and fatty foods. Not only are they extremely calorific, but they have an adverse effect on the body bad cholesterol levels. In addition, they tend to be quite high on the glycemic index. This diet has proven to be very effective for many people, but does take a high degree of commitment. Then again, which diet doesn't? Hopefully you will see the reasoning and benefits of following such a plan, and will have the weight loss success that you are looking for. It quite often shows very quick results too. Incorporate it into a regular workout programme and you will have the body shape of your dreams.

For more information, diets and healthy eating plans plus other articles and resources to help you get that body you always wanted visit Martin's website at Lose Weight.

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