Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to Start Your Diet Plan and Lose Weight

You have made a good start just by decided to lose weight. An easy and balanced diet is the key to lose weight successfully. Unfortunately, people fail to eat healthily hence they gain so much weight. Your aim is to lose weight and ditch the unwanted fat, or at least want a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) you deserve. For that, you will need an easy diet plan to follow. For most people, it is a challenge even to start to take the first step to lose weight. You have skipped this hurdle already.

With so much diet or weight loss information out there, how do you know which one is effective for YOU, and only you?

A right attitude is the way to start. Examine the causes that contribute to your weight problem is the first point. There is no point of switching to salads from day one but we are all amazed that this is the first thing most people do. They changed their diet totally and they failed to meet their aim just after a few days. So, what is the point of doing that?

After you have examined your diet, you can then follow the weight loss plan that suits you.

1) Set realistic goals and write them down. Be honest to yourself and aim for gradual weight loss.

2) Positively ask yourself how much weight you expect to lose per week. Set a time frame for your plan and discipline yourself and stick to it.

3) Eat what your body needs during the progress. Never forget the fact that eating the wrong food would make you fatter or even worse, become malnourished.

4) Exercise (yes, exercise) but not excessively - and eat a balanced diet as mentioned above.

5) Drink adequate amount of water. It is advised that an adult should drink 1.5L of water (about 8 glasses) a day to help hydrate and detox the body.

6) Examine your lifestyle. Balance both work and leisure. Do not forget to relax and de-stress yourself after a hard day from work. Stress is a 'fat factor'.

7) Allow yourself and your body some time to adjust to this plan. Nothing works over night. Remember, you are what you eat.

8) That's it. What you need to do now is to maintain it. Keep it up!

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