Monday, April 1, 2013

Calorie Shifting Diet Plan - The Hottest Diet on the Market

Plenty of weight loss products and programs have come out in recent years. Some have been partially successful while many others, like diet supplements, were complete shams. Some are harmful to the psyche, as well as the physique, while some are effective only for a short period of time. Starving and lessening the amount of fats and carbohydrates have their own negative effects. People are always on the lookout for new and proven diets in the fight to be fit and healthy. One of the newest and popular programs on the market is the calorie shifting diet plan.

An average male needs about 1800 calories and the average woman needs about 1300 calories to maintain a certain weight. What the calorie shifting diet plan does is vary the number of calories you consume each day. This tricks the body into burning more calories by increasing your metabolism. You eat more often, about every 3 hours, and you eat certain foods at certain meals during the day to achieve this shifting calorie effect. You do not need to exercise on this program, but exercise always help in getting you fit and healthy.

Shifting calories has been found to be very successful where normal low fat and low calorie have failed. When you eat fewer calories each day, your body starts to burn off fewer per day. This diet gets around this by tricking the body into thinking it is getting more calories than it really is. By eating every three hours, your metabolism never fully stops, which helps you burn more calories. Then add in the specific food you are supposed to eat, and you can transform your body into a calorie burning machine.

Buy the Shifting Calories book, and put calorie shifting to work for you.

I lost 25 pounds in 3 months using this diet. Find out more about the Calorie Shifting Diet Book [], and how it helped me lose weight.

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