Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pros and Cons of the Grapefruit Diet Plan

Fat loss is something which concerns us all, and we need information about different diets, how they work, and if they are safe or a risk to our health. The Grapefruit Diet has its advantages if you want to lose a huge amount of weight in a very short time. But be very careful, as losing weight too quickly can be dangerous, and the weight can come back on very quickly after a diet like this.

So let's learn a little more.

For those who want to lose quickly:

- The diet is simple in the fact that one has to consume half a grapefruit before every meal. The meals do not contain many calories, so a quick weight loss will usually occur.

- Grapefruit in and of itself is very good for us, it contains very few calories, and has a huge amount of healthy vitamin C.

- It contains Beta-Carotene which promotes a healthy heart. Antioxidants are found in the pith, although the pith is bitter to taste.

- The grapefruit diet does not tell you to go to the gym, so those who don't enjoy exercise do not have to do it!

- It is an easy, uncomplicated and cheap diet.

The Dangers of quick Fat Loss on the Grapefruit Diet:

- You will definitely not be getting the recommended daily allowance of different nutrients which you need to maintain your health.

- This diet does not contain very much protein either, which can lead to muscle loss.

- A loss of body fluids can occur on this diet which can cause dehydration

- No scientific evidence has shown that grapefruit causes the burning of fat.

- Too much acidic citrus acid can cause stomach aches and ulcers.

- Grapefruit interacts negatively with many drugs, especially cholesterol lowering drugs.

So before starting any fat loss diet, weigh up the pros and cons and decide if the diet is for you. Most quick fat loss diets do not work in the long term and the Grapefruit Diet does not teach you how to follow a daily healthy eating plan. A daily healthy eating plan is key to success in the long run.

One daily healthy eating plan which we highly suggest is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It focuses on when you eat, and not so much on what you eat, which is nice, because it keeps your metabolism burning calories more consistently throughout the day. Many people know what to eat when dieting, but not many people know how. This diet gives you that information, and the success stories are safe and limitless. You can check out our review here.

Reasons Online Diet Plans Work - Part Two

Online diet plans have really come to the forefront in recent years, with obesity hitting an all time high and so many people scrambling to find the magic weight loss elixir. While there may not be a magic pill, there is no question that with the right program, some hard work and online assistance, weight loss has never been more reachable. Here are some reasons that online diet plans are providing such great success:

Expert Advice without the Expert Price Tag!

Paid online diet programs normally have the assistance of expert advice. This comes at a certain cost. They also present you a number of tools to aid you in losing weight. Online consultations, e-books, and e-courses are regularly an imperative part of such paid programs.

Online Weight Loss Forums Provide Accountability

A higher degree of accountability is also obtainable by online diet tactics. When you are in a community setting, there is that competitiveness that can motivate you and aid you on sticking to your diet. When you are actually seeing your development in black and white, and where you may be experiencing problems, it's simpler to learn how to stick to your diet and persevere.

Online Weight Loss Provides Anonymity

Lastly, online dieting also offers a level of secrecy that is advantageous to many people. You'll be able to share your troubles with many people around the world without them knowing who you truly are. This provides a point of freedom that is unmatched for those uncomfortable enough talking about their weight problems. It may actually be the defining moment in helping some achieve their fitness and health objective.

When opting for a diet program, it is important to always bear in mind that your health is in the balance. Whether you pick a paid program or a free one, make certain that it functions on the sound values of sensible eating and appropriate exercising. Only then can a program produce long-lasting outcomes. Remember, losing weight and maintaining it for a long-term entails you to create changes in your lifestyle choices. This can be accomplished by following an online diet plan.

Online diet plans are reviewed extensively at [] Get the facts before you make your health and lifestyle change!

Pregnancy Diet Plan for Good Nutrition

Part of your responsibility as a pregnant mother is to provide your unborn baby with all the vitamins and minerals she needs to thrive. Your pregnancy diet plan should be carefully thought out so that it is nutritionally sound and free from harmful toxins.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables During Pregnancy

Fruits and veggies are packed with a number of vitamins and minerals your unborn baby needs to grow. For instance, cauliflower, broccoli and turnip greens contain the calcium your fetus needs for healthy bones.

Grapefruits contain the folic acid needed to reduce the risk of spina bifida in your baby. Oranges are full of vitamin C to help support a healthy immune system. Fruits and vegetables are always healthier for you and your unborn baby when they are organic and fresh.

Conventionally grown fruits and veggies are covered with pesticides that can enter your baby's body and cause health and developmental problems. If pesticides can cause damage to an adult, imagine the harm these chemicals can do to an unborn baby.

Organic fruits and vegetables are gown using all-natural methods. When you opt for organic produce, you reduce the number of pesticides entering your baby's fragile body. In addition, all of the vegetables and fruits you purchase during pregnancy should be fresh -- not processed.

Fruits and vegetables that are canned, jarred, dried and frozen may contain little nutritional value and they are full of sugar and chemical additives that contribute to diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and strokes.

Organic Lean Meats, Poultry and Eggs During Pregnancy

Lean meats are rich in the iron your baby needs to form hemoglobin to transport oxygen to the cells. When you don't get adequate amounts of this nutrient in your system during pregnancy, your baby will take what she needs from your iron reserves and leave you iron-deficient.

Poultry and eggs provide you with the protein your baby needs to form muscles, internal organs, fingers, toes and hair. Protein is especially important to have in your diet during the second trimester of pregnancy because this is when your baby is developing the most.

It's always safer to eat organic meat, poultry and eggs when you are pregnant. The livestock used to produce these products are not filled with dangerous growth hormones or antibiotics.

Fresh Seafood During Pregnancy

Fresh seafood is full of the omega-3 your fetus needs for healthy brain, retina and nervous system development. Over the long term, omega-3 can reduce the risk of behavior and developmental problems in children.

Omega-3 is especially important to have during the third trimester of pregnancy when your baby is developing most of her brain system. Pregnant mothers who have adequate intakes of omega-3 during pregnancy reduce their risk of preeclampsia, preterm labor and postpartum depression.

The fear of mercury contamination makes some pregnant mothers hesitant to add seafood to their diets. Too much of this substance in your body during pregnancy can put your fetus at risk for nerve damage.

Large predatory fish such as swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish have the highest level of mercury contamination and should be avoided. Other fish to avoid include orange roughy, marlin and grouper.

You can safely eat two 6oz servings per week of the following fish:

? anchovies

? rock lobster

? caviar

? catfish

? sole

? shad

? butterfish

? salmon

? ocean perch

? shrimp

? clams

? oysters

? sardines

? crayfish

? whitefish

? king crab

If you don't like fish, you can also get omega-3 from eggs, raw nuts, flaxseeds, dark green vegetables and supplements. Talk to your physician before adding omega-3 supplements to your pregnancy diet.

The perfect pregnancy diet plan should be full of nutrition. Find out how to jump start your pregnancy health at

Diet Plans and Programs

Do you ever wonder why those dieting products are so popular? Well, it isn't such a difficult thing to understand. People want to look their best, and these products are one way of achieving that.

It isn't just about the potential for being attractive to others, though. People need to be healthy, and being healthy means being in the best physical shape possible. And sometimes being in shape means effective dieting.

Naturally, there are all kinds of plans and programs out there that promise to reform your body into the shape you want it to be in. While they may promise the world, many of these products just don't deliver. And the fact is that not everybody needs a drastic approach.

With this in mind, I have three small tips that I know have worked for lots of people in the same situation you may be in. You can follow these whether you are currently involved with a diet plan or not.

The first thing to do is to rid your fridge of just about any drink except for water. Water is a wonder diet plan. Ditch the soda and the teas. And especially get rid of anything with sugar.

And don't be fooled by the so-called diet drinks. These things are a total fraud. They are loaded with all sorts of chemicals that are unhealthy for your body.

Next up, you really can't count on losing weight without exercise. You have to modify what goes into your body, but you also have to burn off the weight that already on your body. You may wear yourself out at first, but give it time and you will learn to love it.

Finally, my last tip is to stick to the organically grown foods that are out there. These are free of all sorts of harmless chemicals and compounds that manufacturers put into all sorts of foods you wouldn't expect to find them in. Ultimately, this puts less strain on your organs and cells and allows you to process nutrients more effectively.

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Healthy Daily Diet Plan - Eating Healthy Everyday is Easy

It can sometimes be hard to strictly follow a healthy daily diet plan with today's busy lifestyles. In an ideal world people would eat healthy all the time and therefore they would get all their daily intake of vitamins from their food only but in modern society it is imply just too easy to eat junk food and too time consuming to eat healthy foods.

The correct daily caloric intake for a woman is 2000 kcals and 2500 kcals for a man. That should only consist of healthy foods that are full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. They should not contain any junk food or fast food what so ever. A lot of people now take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly to account for their poor diets but this should not be happening. In this article I am going to give you a list of foods that should be included in your healthy daily diet plan.

Healthy Daily Diet Plan


Almonds are on the border line of being called a nut and being called a fruit but whatever you want to call them they are still one of the healthiest foods available. Packed full with fibre, healthy fats and protein you should try to eat about 30g of almonds per day.

Phyllium Husks

Probably the best method of getting added fibre into your diet. Physllium husks will help you to keep a healthy colon and can even help to lower the level of LDL cholesterol in your body.

Green Tea

Drinking 1-3 cups of green tea daily has many good effects for the body including lowering LDL cholesterol levels. It is also used to help people lose weight.

These 3 simple foods added to your healthy daily diet plan [] will give you noticeable health improvements in a short period of time. You can expect to have more energy and more mental alertness throughout the day after only a few weeks of adding these foods to your diet. To get a list of healthy eating recipes that you can use during the busy working week visit []

A Better Daily Diet Plan

There is a better diet plan out there for you and your family. If you're worried about complicated menus and outlandish recipes, you're going to be in love with what's now available. After so many years of trial and error, people have noticed that better plans means better food, and better food means happy people. If you have a hard time sticking to a diet, you need to really try something new.

Many people seem to use the excuse that they have tried everything, and that's a lie. No one out there has legitimately tried everything. Some people say that they have tried everything, but that's not true, that's a fabrication. People just assume because they have tried and failed that nothing is going to work for them. That's why it's important to keep going after your goals and never giving up. If you want to make sure that there is an important thing for you, you need to make sure that a better daily diet plan is in your horizons.

A daily routine is much better than spreading out ideas. You need to make sure that your plans do not mean lackluster recipes. You need to make sure that you can stick to your diet plans without losing your mind. Many different people complain about how hard it is to stick to diets because they don't end up getting anything good to eat. It's true, there are a lot of diets out there that don't give you many options in regards to what to eat. In fact, more diets end up failing because of tastes than anything else.

Don't forget that your health is point number one in your daily routine. If you are not doing anything healthy you're going to miss out on the greatness that is out there. Something delicious is brewing out there, if you give it a chance. You are the only one that can decide to move forward, so make sure you're moving ahead of schedule and choosing to lose weight through better eating habits. If you don't like the taste of certain vegetables, you might want to look at the opportunities that exist out there in regards to eating better while being healthy.

You need to make sure that you're prepared for any meal. If you are going out to eat, you need to make sure that you are getting a great blend of variable meals. A better daily diet plan is out there. You don't know what is out there if you don't try, which is interesting to say the least. The online world is full of information free of charge, so use the tools you have in front of you to not just waste time and entertain yourself, but to make sure you're doing the greater good for yourself and others. Eat right, exercise, and enjoy the world around you for years to come. If you have a family, get them to participate in the diet as well, and see their lives transformed with weight loss and more as well.

Laura Mora is a college professor and have a master degree. She researches about dieting, health and fitness. For more great tips on a daily diet plan [] and if you want to change your mind about dieting, visit [].

Friday, December 6, 2013

Is a 1200 Calorie Diet Plan a Good Idea?

Losing weight is difficult enough without all the different "expert" opinions floating around out there. Most of which are there to promote a new diet or exercise plan. Weight loss is big business and there probably will never be an end to the fad diets that come out every day. The latest one, a 1200 calorie diet plan is being touted as the best way to lose weight. Is a 1200 calorie diet plan effective and should you follow it?

It will work best for someone who is relatively small in size to begin with. Someone who doesn't take in a high amount of calories normally and who just wants to drop a few pounds.

If you are looking to experience significant weight loss, (more than 10 lbs.), or weigh over 160 lbs. or more, this diet is most likely not good for you at all. The reason being, your BMR or base metabolic rate is going to be too high. The BMR is the amount of calories you need to eat in order to maintain your current weight.

To figure out what your Base Metabolic Rate is, multiply your weight by either 13, 16 or 19. Use the number 13 if you do no exercise at all during the week. Use 16 if you exercise about 3 times a week, and use 19 if you are fanatical about exercising. Once you get this number, subtract 500 for each pound you would like to lose per week. If the number you come up with is close to 1200, the 1200 calorie diet plan will be good for you. If not, take in the amount you came up with.

There are better ways to lose weight fast and keep it off.

Learn more at Fast Ways To Lose Weight [].

A Few Covert Methods for a Healthy Diet Plan

It is common knowledge that a daily healthy diet plan should contain at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. Here are a few ways to make getting those servings of fruits and veggies as fun and easy as possible.

Have a smoothie for breakfast. A fun, purple color is a hit with the kids after blending mixed berries (easily available in the frozen food section of the supermarket) and a banana with some yogurt and milk or juice. Loaded with vitamins and anti-oxidants, this is an easy breakfast to keep fresh and variable, just change-up the fruits to suit individual tastes.

Make trail-mix. It is not only less expensive in the long run, but by taking control of the ingredients, the good elements can be expanded while limiting unwanted additions. Buying nuts and dried fruits in bulk is a cost-effective way to pack a nutritious snack for an on-the-go lifestyle and aid in adhering to a healthy diet plan.

Substitute vegetables for bread. When snacks involve a dip of some kind (humous, salsa, guacamole, etc) swap the bread, crackers, and chips for celery, carrots, and peppers. It's an easy way to make sure you meet the daily recommended servings for vegetables that way.

Load up sauces and stews with extra veggies. The "Holy Trinity" of vegetables in French cuisine is called a mirepoix, consisting of carrots, onions, and celery. Not only will sauteing a base for sauces and stews out of these vegetables boost the flavor of what is being cooked, but it will boost the nutritional value as well. For example, this is a great technique that can be used to hide another serving of vegetables in a spaghetti sauce.

By incorporating these ideas into a family's healthy diet plan, meeting the daily recommended number of servings for fruits and vegetables can be convenient and enjoyable. This is a great way to lose weight quickly.

Niall Traynor writes helpful tips on health, diet and fitness

Ladies, Are You Aware of the Problems Caused by That No Fat Diet Plan?

Ladies, if you have been trying to find a no fat diet, then I have some bad news for you. Not only will this not help you to lose those excess pounds, but in the long run it is not beneficial to your health.

According to most experts in this area, the human body needs some fat in the diet to maintain optimal health and well being. This is not to say that you should intentional include this type of substance in your daily regimen, but suffice to say it is an important part of your intake.

There are too many plans available that try to convince you of the need to cut out fat entirely from your meals. This is only true in part, since the wonderful machine that is your body needs all varieties of food types in order to maintain itself.

If you are sincerely interested in finding a diet of this type, then consider one that is concentrated on low fat, rather than no fat. Why would you even consider risking your health on just a few grams of any one substance?

It has been proven over time by many studies that diet and exercise can help you to reshape that body and give you the kind of figure that you want. Since the most important part of any strategy is the ingestion process, you don't have to worry about working out.

Make sure that you eat enough variety of foods in your daily meal plan. Include fats and sweets sparingly, making sure that they are in the minority of your overall process. Easy weight loss is what most people are seeking. Lose those excess pounds by eating right and a normal activity level. Go to Easy weight loss Today!

Vegan Diet Plan - Tasty Way to Lose a Pound a Day

If you are interested in learning how a vegan diet plan can help you lose weight fast and keep it off for good, then take a minute to read this article and learn more about the delicious foods that vegans eat to stay slim.

Vegans don't eat meat or any animal products.You really don't want to put factory farmed meat in your system do you? And nearly every meat product in the grocery store comes from a factory farm.

If you think you will be deprived eating vegan, you won't.

Vegan Diet Plan

This is why so many people LOVE eating vegan and lose weight so fast doing it:

High Nutrient Low Calorie Foods

Vegans eat very nutritious low calorie foods so you feed your body extremely healthy food that also helps you lose weight fast. Eating the vegan way help you have tons of energy. You are actually feeding your body what it craves and what it needs to function at the highest level.

Eat a lot and still lose weight

Because the vegan diet contains low calorie foods, you can fill up and eat a lot. That is much different than other diet plans which limit your intake of food and leave you feeling hungry all the time. There is no deprivation with the vegan diet.

Many food choices

Vegans who want lose weight get to eat (or drink): delicious smoothies, healthy soups, yummy sandwiches, tasty casseroles and more. Basically anything you eat now, you can change it up a bit and make it vegan. You can easily put together all types of cuisine that is vegan based. So if you like Mexican food you can still have it. If you like Italian, we have got you covered!

A vegan diet plan is a "no-deprivation" way to lose weight fast and get healthy at the same time!

The vegan diet plan is so easy and so delicious! You can begin to lose weight this weekend and start seeing results you want! Get my free report that tells you how I lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks with my favorite vegan diet plan

Get the easy steps for how you can do it too

Making Your Diet Plan Work

I do not know about you, but the fact is that most people believed that dieting do not work. And you know what they are dead wrong because it work oh yes it does. You may be reading this either because you are on diet or you are about to start one, but I tell you this, the reason many say it do not work is because they are not pragmatic about their expectation. According to a survey conducted it was discovered after a dieting plan that only about 85% of people were able to shed some weight while just 15% of the people were able to keep it.

Why is this so? You may want to ask, the reason is not far fetch, and most people set unrealistic goals like losing 15 pounds in a week by cutting down on fatty foods, when it actually took them months or years to acquire it. The first step to get your dieting plan to work is to bring down your expectation to a more reasonable level. Though you desire to lose weight, it is not advisable to neglect the food stuff you like, because you may end up overeating them at a given eating spree. To get yourself started in your diet plan make sure you include protein, carbohydrate and fat in your meal. Protein helps to strengthen your bones and muscles; it is good to include a lot of protein in your meal as it will enhance your resting metabolism. Carbohydrates gives energy to the body for a small period of time and one thing about carbohydrate is that unless it is digested and utilize by the body it settles as fat in the body. Therefore care must be taken in the amount you consume.

For effective diet plan, keep your motivation high and your goals realistic.

Philip Orhokomua is a health resource expert you can get free resource material by visiting:

Low Calorie Diet Plan - Start With the Lowest Calorie Foods First

Here's a low calorie diet plan - when you sit down to eat a meal, start by eating the lowest calorie items first. For instance, when you sit down at dinner, start by eating the steamed broccoli. Move on to the protein source. Then, end with the carbohydrates.

This low calorie diet plan accomplishes two things. First of all, the low calorie items also tend to be the ones with the highest nutritional value. How many times have you left almost all of your vegetables because you had filled up on the other things? It's not a good idea.

But even more importantly, when your stomach has had enough, it sends signals to your brain that it is full. Unfortunately, it takes time for the signals to travel to the brain - time during which you're still shoveling food into your mouth. If you eat the low calorie foods first, you let your stomach begin to fill with fiber rich nutrition. This means that when the "full" signals are sent to your stomach, you have eaten fewer calories.

There are many low calorie diet plans out there. Many of them involve restricting certain foods or placing a very low limit on the number of calories you can consume each day. The low calorie diet plan I'm suggesting is a less drastic program. It's one you can work into your every day life without any extra cost or supplies. Simply by eating your lowest calorie foods first at each meal, you will be able to lose the weight you need to.

This Low-Calorie Diet Plan is one of the many bits of advice you will pick up when you subscribe to my free diet tips newsletter at

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan - Incredible Steps That Reveal A Great Body Fast!

Have you tried the new fast weight loss diet plan? Did you know that even those supermodels are crazy about it? Very intriguing, right? Then here are the details.

If you are overweight or already obese then you are putting your health and even your life at risk. If you think that dieting will not work for you then now is the time to think again. Dieting will be your only way and hope to stay healthy and to live longer.

So to help you out, I will share with you some of the most effective but safest diet plan that will surely help you get into shape fast!

Here are the tips you need:

1. Have a regular workout

This is important f you want to lose weight fast. Working out will not only help you flushes away body waste and toxins but can also help your muscles to dissolve fat deposits on your body. You don't have to over exercise just to hit your weight target. A simple fifteen minute walking will do you well.

2. Say goodbye to fried foods

If you love friend foods then now is the time to help them pack their bags and say goodbye. Friend foods are very rich in fats and unhealthy calories that can only do one thing to your body and that is to give your body more and more fat deposits.

These two simple tips will surely give you a great start. Now who says losing weight is hard?

Getting excited to lose 10 pounds without the hunger pains? Then all you need is to avail our once in a lifetime offer of free acai berry formula which will not help you burn fat fast but will also make you feel full throughout the day! Grab now your own acai berry before you get left behind!

A Fad Diet Plan That Works?

It is time to educate women on why fad diet plans don't work. Too many women fall victim to the never ending stream of fad diet plans promising to lose weight fast.

I have seen it over and over and over again; women constantly on the lookout for the latest and greatest fad diet plan. They almost always result in the dreaded yo-yo weight gain cycle that actually causes women to gain more weight back than they originally lost!

I have the following advice for women who want to know how to lose weight fast in a safe and healthy manner.

1) One of the best ways to lose weight fast is to eat 4-6 small, nutritious meals throughout the day. Women are advised to ignore any fad diet plan which teaches anything different. The reason for eating 4-6 small, nutritious meals a day is to boost your metabolism. By eating small frequent meals daily your body has to burn more calories to digest these meals resulting in faster metabolism. This is an easy way to provide a little boost to your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. The more healthy food it consumes in small portions over the course of the day, the more fat is burned. Fad diet plans typically teach women to starve themselves which causes a great deal of damage to their metabolism.

2) You need to incorporate some lean protein into these 4-6 small, nutritious meals. The importance of adding protein is twofold. First, protein is a great nutrient that helps provide fullness and satiety. It will prevent you from getting hungry between meals and splurging or overeating. Second, protein is considered a high thermic effect food. Your body then requires more calories to be able to digest protein than it does for other nutrients such as carbohydrates and fat. This is another way to speed up your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day.

3) Fad diet plans tend to focus on one particular food that women enjoy eating. A fad diet plan should not be followed if it advises to consume any one food such as grapefruit only as this will lead to eventual failure.

A quick short term solution is the answer with fad diet plans and many times this doesn't even happen. To get permanent fat loss you have to make behavioral changes that you will follow all the time. Fad diet plans won't teach you how to keep your fat off and this is why it results in eventual failure and the return of the weight you just lost.

Are you fed up with Fad Diet Plans? Learn how to get started eating fat burning foods by downloading this free report "36 Rapid Fat Loss Foods" at Fad Diet Plans

Diet Plans for Bodybuilders

Vince Gironda, among the best bodybuilders of his period, previously said that "body building is 80% diet plan." Vince, recognized to his peers as "The Iron Guru," assisted to build Arnold Schwarzenegger into probably the greatest bodybuilders of all time. His acolytes list includes most of the largest names in bodybuilding from the 1950's to 1997. Obviously, he understands his stuff!

Vince was unwavering that the right diet plan was a crucial factor in muscle building. Over many decades he spent training champions he helped spread this idea.

The main ingredients inside a winning weightlifters diet are usable proteins, natural carbs (in the form of fruit and vegetables), fats, oils and nuts. The majority of determined bodybuilders also swear by dietary supplements that speed up muscle tissue growth and reduce subcutaneous fat on the body.

Bernard Beverley, a top biologist, observed that all human tissue is 100% biological. The implication of this is for weightlifters is that meals that are high in biological matter help develop that tissue in the best way. Many people mistake meals with a higher biological content with foods which are merely high in protein, although, not all proteins were created equal! Protein with an increased biological content is very similar to the protein that muscle tissue are created of in people. This implies the body doesn't need to change it and so it is instantly used by the muscles for growth and repair.

The ruler of biological content is the standard egg. Other foods with a high biological content consist of milk, meat from the organs of animals (heart, kidneys, liver), steak, lamb, chicken and fish. Beans and some vegetables are also excellent sources of protein, so you must attempt to include them within your diet regime, too.

Soybeans, that are traditionally described as being high in protein, are only 22% biological. You would have to consume plenty of soy to reach the same amino acid consumption as you'd with another higher quality protein foods listed.

When planning for a competition, the Iron Guru told his students to steer clear of anabolic steroids in favor of ingesting as much as thirty six egg whites everyday!

This diet program floods the muscle tissues with biological protein which they can use straight away. By giving them such an excellent source of fuel, you can help them restore themselves (and grow) rapidly. You should stick to this admittedly hard diet regime for six to 8 weeks before bringing down the amount of eggs to 1 or 2 every day, having reached your goals.

Further specific bodybuilder diet programs are focused on red meat and veggies, or dairy foodstuffs and fish. Each of those diet programs serves a specific purpose. None of those radical diet programs need to be followed in the long term, however.

Gironda recommended several supplementation's including Kelp tablets, desiccated liver, wheat germ oil and a range of lipotropic amino acids including inositol, choline, methionine and betain which is important for the metabolism of protein.

Another input the Iron Guru made to the sport was the concept of following a special, taxing diet program cycle directly before a competition so that you can obtain a last minute edge and reduce subcutaneous fats just in time for the big day.

He suggested avoiding carbohydrates altogether for fours days before eating normally for one. The students would repeat this cycle for 3 to 8 weeks until every muscle contour and vein was visible.

To sum up, an excellent bodybuilders diet needs to be composed of protein, good carbs, fats and fiber. 25% of your calories digested should come from protein, 40% from clean carbs and the remaining from fats and fiber.

You shouldn't follow the pre competition five day cycle weightlifters diet for more than eight weeks and supplementation's must always be taken as appropriate to avoid dietary deficits prompted by very exact dieting cycles.

I hope you enjoyed this article, if so why not check out my report on Shifting the moobs

Healthy Diet Plan for Preventing Heart Disease

The healthy diet plan that reduces the chances of having a heart attack is largely unknown by the majority of people at risk. Much skirmishing is going on in intellectual circles over what is the cause of the blockage of the arteries which precipitates a heart attack, but the general truth is known, if not widely publicized.

Why not?

Are We More Afraid of Offending the Sacred Cows of Agriculture -- or Killing the Golden Goose of Heart Surgeons?

Heart disease can have several major contributing factors. The most widely accepted theory is that the major blood flow to the heart becomes, over time, restricted by plaques -- fatty deposits of cholesterol.

Though our body makes its own cholesterol and it serves many useful purposes, this blocking of the coronary arteries is not a normal healthy occurence. It can and often does kill us.

Autopsies conducted on Korean soldiers (1950-53) who ate a mostly plant-based diet revealed little evidence of these plaques -- quite unlike what was found in the arteries of young American soldiers in that same war. Present-day autopsies of auto crash victims in the U.S. are now showing considerable plaques developing in children ten years old.

There are conflicting theories that propose to explain why these blockages or plaques form. The two schools of thought are basically the one that believes that eating a large proportion of animal products (meats, fish, eggs, dairy products) in our diet is the source of this plaque problem.

The other school of thought believes that eating some well-chosen animal products is okay, but it is refined sugar that is the catalyst or instigator for the inflammation of the arteries, which invites the cholesterol deposits to form as a protective measure.

There is not space here to point by point address the merits of these two conflicting theories.

What is most important, it seems to me, is to cover all the bases and safely pass through life without any heart disease -- for any reason.

Mainstream medical protocol in the U.S. usually consists of a little song-and-dance of gently reminding the patient that he or she really should watch their weight, eat less red meat and more of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Then, either sooner or later, out comes the prescription pad and one is written for a statin drug, which forces the patient's liver to make less cholesterol.

Most heart patients are unwilling to significantly change their diet and exercise routines, especially when they know they can pay -- or, more accurately, their insurance can pay -- for a drug that will let them continue to eat as they always have.

The statin drugs may solve one problem, but the create other problems such as diminishing the body's manufacturing an essential enzyme for energy production, Co-enzyme Q-10. This can produce some serious, even fatal side-effects. such as rhabdomyalgia.

At an early age, I developed an unconscious desire to avoid the sad deterioration of health I witnessed in several close family members as a result of heart disease, so I decided to find the best assurance that I could to avoid it.

It turns out that there is a whole school of cardiologists who have demonstrated success in attacking cardiovascular disease head on through a healthy low-fat diet plan. Through changes in diet alone, their patients have made their plaque buildups shrink and even disappear as seen in detailed high-tech scans of the same arteries.

These Are Patients Given Up For Dead by Modern Mainstream Medicine

To me, it makes the most sense to attack the problem of cholesterol buildups by stopping/reducing my consumption of cholesterol, which is only found in animal sourced foods.

I can cover the other base -- the theory that it is inflammation caused by high fructose corn syrup, in particular -- by avoiding that unnecessary food ingredient. No problem.

Not to brag, but it seems preferable to make diet changes now, compared to possibly being offered the option of being sawed open and having 3 or 4 heart arteries replaced with ones scavenged from dead pigs or other cadavers.

And, you know what? This healthy diet plan for avoiding heart disease is easily worth giving up fondly remembered deep-fried chicken and barbequed pork ribs. Good health for a long life is worth it.

To learn more about the evidence that this Healthy Diet Plan can prevent and even reverse heart disease, visit the page "Low Fat Diet" at (Unless you want to join "The Zipper Club", that is.)

A Pregnancy Diet Plan Will Have You Looking Good and Feeling Great

Here is a suggested pregnancy nutrition diet plan;

- Fruits and Juices. Small glass of fruit juice or canned fruit, pieces of fruit.

- Grains. 6 ounces per day including a slice of bread, cup of cereal, 1/2 cup of rice, small pancake or two and a half cups of vegetables.

- Proteins. Min 5 ounces per day including 1 ounce of lean meat or fish or 1/2 cup of nuts made up of almonds and pistachios.

- Drink. 6 to 8 glasses of water per day and 3 cups of milk per day consisting of either milk only or 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of yoghurt, or 2 ounces of natural cheese.

It's important to pick the right foods that contain all the vitamins and minerals you need to sustain you throughout your pregnancy. Most of this should come from sources such as vegetables and fruits and could include the following. Vitamin C from foods like grapefruits, strawberries, broccoli, papaya, cauliflower, green peppers and tomatoes will help build up immunity from diseases. Iron deficiency anemia prevention needs food like chicken liver, sardines, oysters and mussels. Fibre rich foods could include whole grains, pasta, cereals, fruit and veg. Calcium rich foods like milk, yoghurt, cheese and tofu. 1000 mg of calcium intake per day should keep your bones healthy. Your pregnancy diet plan should NOT include foods that contain harmful chemicals that could affect the health of the mother and baby. Foods to be avoided include;

- Raw shellfish and undercooked seafood which may contain harmful viruses and micro-organisms.

- Swordfish and tilefish are high in mercury and this is a chemical that could damage your baby's development.

- Any undercooked meat, poultry or eggs can upset your metabolism or lead to food poisoning.

- Lastly, avoid anything unpasteurised or herbal supplements.

If you work on the basis of eating an extra 300 calories per day and sticking to the pregnancy diet plan guidelines above, it will help your enjoyment of carrying a child and increase your chances of everyone staying healthy.

For a step by step guide to looking good and feeling great both before and after your pregnancy, plus advice on morning sickness and more, head over to to find the answers.

Choosing the Best Diet Plan to Suit Your Needs

It is no secret that obesity is an epidemic in the United States, so naturally it seems that just about everyone is on a diet at one time or another. And of course, there are so many diet plans out there that it is hard to decide which is the best diet plan. However, if you look at it another way, dieting is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.

We all have different nutritional needs. Even those who follow the same weight loss plan such as Weight Watchers need to tailor the plan so that it is right for them. For example, a nursing mom following the Weight Watchers plan would have different caloric needs than a woman who isn't nursing, and some women require more calcium than others depending on age.

The Best Diet Plan

When it comes right down to it, what is the best diet plan for you? One way to find out is by visiting your health care provider for a physical who can then refer you to a dietitian. Your dietitian will be able to work out a plan based on your nutritional and caloric needs. For example, if your Dr finds that you have high cholesterol or are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes then the appropriate plan would be designed for you.

Whether you work with a dietitian or try to lose weight on your own, keep in mind that what might work for one person wont necessarily work for you, and fad diets that promise quick weight loss and tell you to stay away from specific food groups are not a good idea. So unless your Dr suggests avoiding certain foods then go ahead and eat the foods that you enjoy in moderation. Just be sure to eat a good variety of nutritious foods such as whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy and healthy fruits and vegetables most of the time. Websites such as offer tools to help you personalize a meal plan based on your nutritional needs.

Losing weight isn't easy but finding the best diet plan for you can make all the difference in the world. It also helps to find healthy substitutes for some of your favorite foods so that you don't feel deprived. For example, diet smoothies are a great substitute for a bowl of ice cream and can help curb a sweet tooth. Also try substituting low fat ingredients in your favorite recipes to reduce fat and calories.

Most of all, keep in mind that if you do occasionally splurge on your favorite food you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Losing weight and keeping it off is a way of life so if you overindulge once in a while just be sure to get back on your diet plan starting with your very next meal.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Cookie Diet Plan - Discover How Celebrities Lose Weight

For those of you who are a lot like me because you also need to shed a few pounds, there is a program out there that has proven results. The Cookie Diet plan, created by renowned physician Dr. Sanford Siegal of Miami, is a weight loss tool that works. After learning of the Cookie Diet plan by seeing a segment about it on the news, I decided to give it a try myself. It was really pretty easy compared to other weight loss programs I have tried.

Like many of you, I have a genetic makeup that makes it a little difficult to shed pounds, and that combined with the fact that I just hate going around hungry all the time really made it hard for me to stick with a diet long enough to see any real results. Despite my good intentions and high hopes, I usually failed to lose any significant amount of weight, and when I did, I often just put the pounds back on again later. Then, I saw the news segment one morning, and the Cookie Diet plan made me a winner - or should I say loser?

The Dr. Sanford Siegal Cookie Diet was easy to follow, and it actually worked. I dropped thirty pounds over the course of a few months, and now, if I see the scale start to move up a bit, I go back to eating cookies, and all is well once again. The diet is really pretty easy to follow. All you have to do is eat six cookies a day and have a meal that consists of lean protein (chicken) and vegetables. That's all there is to it. Of course, it is always a good idea to consult your physician before starting any kind of weight loss program, so I did that too.

It was fully endorsed by my doctor, as the diet contains no drugs whatsoever. It is food, plain and simple. The special cookies are formulated to help you get rid of your hunger pangs, and if you are not hungry and listening to that growling belly, you can stick to your diet. The amino acids, special kinds of proteins, have long been known to suppress the appetite, but until Dr. Siegal came along and made these delicious cookies with these proteins in them, I had never even heard of any kind of food that contained them. It truly makes sense. Eat food that contains ingredients that curb your hunger pangs, eat less, and lose weight.

On TV, I saw the doctor and one of his recent success stories, a young man by the name of Warren Thompson from Tempe, Arizona. Warren heard about the cookie weight loss plan, and in about three months time, he lost over seventy pounds. Dr. Siegal created these cookies decades ago, and his patients in his obesity practice have been the lucky ones until recently.

Now, I have joined the ranks of Warren Thompson and the thousands of others who have eaten cookies and lost weight, and thanks to Dr. Siegal's wise initiative to get these special cookies available to anyone who needs to lose a few (or several) pounds, just about anyone in the US can try the Dr. Sanford Siegal Cookie Diet plan. The cookies come in several tasty varieties, and they are now available beyond the sunny walls of Miami. Several malls throughout the country are carrying the cookies in kiosks, but even if you don't see the kiosks at your local shopping center, you can just click your way to weight loss by ordering the cookies online.

Get more info about the cookie diet plan and visit

Tyler Tefit is a fitness and health enthusiast. He enjoys sharing his experience and research with others on the internet. Visit his site for additional information on this important weight loss topic.

A Healthy Thyroid Diet Plan Can Produce Weight Loss

Huge numbers of people have problems with an under active operation of the thyroid gland (hypothyroid). A few know about the condition, yet most of them are not. Independent of the additional health consequences this disorder has, it makes the metabolic process less capable. Fortunately you can achieve the specified fat loss when you undertake the correct thyroid diet plan.

It is important to gather more information regarding the main features with the issue before choosing its ideal remedy. The sluggish metabolic rate typically delivers for fat gain and also inhibits the body from shedding fat efficiently. There are numerous of ways that the metabolic functionality may be enhanced, but the issue is the fact that a few might restrict the development of bodily hormones within the thyroid gland making the hypothyroid ailment even more difficult. Because of this people being affected by this sickness need to be particularly cautious about going on a certain diet plan because its unproductive treatment method can result in significant health issues including heart conditions, diabetic issues and cancer. As a result, you will need a unique thyroid diet. Fortunately that it is out there.

You can accomplish adequate fat loss, nevertheless you should be patient and most importantly enthusiastic. You will need to go through thyroid diet and more importantly avoid your own urges. The perfect outcomes probably won't occur immediately, but they will happen and whenever this occurs you'll be thinner as well as healthier looking as well as fitter. You may be certain that taking on the correct form of diet plan is most effective - this is exactly what physicians advise to individuals to relieve symptoms of both the hypothyroid and also weight problems without making the previous more serious. There's also workouts you can try out because there are certain kinds which often promote both the function of the gland and in turn fat burning capacity. In addition, staying physically productive generally assists the weight reduction process. Thyroid Diet

Great Low Fat Diet Plan

Decreasing the intake of fat in your diet will surely promote weight loss. Furthermore, it will help in reducing your body's cholesterol levels. Most people consult nutritionists in order for them to come up with a low fat diet plan that will help them achieve their health and fitness goals. Low fat diet plans can easily be achieved by common sense. The objective is to eat food that are low in fat content and eat more fruits and vegetables.

So choosing a low fat diet is a remarkable way to lose weight but generally you will be doing wonders for your healthy. For a fool-proof low fat diet plan, avoid fried food at all times. Frying is a cooking process that allows food to seep fat that is harmful for the body. Consuming copious amounts of fried food will make a person gain weight and at risk for heart disease.

Another way is to consume generous servings of fruits and vegetables. Most fruits do not contain fat and they are more on sugar and carbohydrates. Eating fruits are not only filling, they also contain fibre which aids in digestion and seeps fat from our bodies. Vegetables are also ideal when doing low fat diets because like fruits, they are filling and contain fibre which promotes total body health.

Food preparation is most vital in sticking to your low fat diet. Baking, broiling and grilling are three cooking methods you should use when cooking your meals because they will lessen the amount of oil in your food.

By simply following these steps, losing weight and losing fat will surely be easy.

Discover some simple best way to lose weight that can help to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit today for your complete guide. For free lose weight ebook you can visit my blog at

The Tasks of Parents in Making a Diabetes Diet Plan

Diabetes is a metabolic condition that does not only occur in adults but on children as well. Being a parent of a child with diabetes entitles you to take responsibility on monitoring the condition of your child at home. Home care is vital especially on the choice of food that you put on the plate of your child for every meal. The meal can have a great impact on the control of the blood glucose level of your child.

Once your child is diagnosed by a physician to be diabetic, you will be aware that having a diabetes diet plan is essential. The diabetes expert will be able to provide you with the information on the choice of food. A dietitian can also help in the proper planning of specific foods to include in the diet. It is important that the child will be present and be part of the whole diet plan since the foods will depend on the taste of the child.

Since you will mostly prepare for the diabetes recipes of your child, you must make sure that what you are preparing will be able to help control the blood glucose level of your diabetic child. You must also explain to your kid that there will be some changes on the timing and the amount of the food that your kid will eat because of the metabolic condition. Letting your child be mindful of what is happening promotes cooperation from him or her in following the treatment regimen properly.

Aside from the education that you must provide to your child about the condition, it is your responsibility to finalize the list of food that you will include in the meals. Since you are the one doing the grocery task, you must double check whether you are buying the right product and read through different food labels. Check out the calories available in every food and the percentage of the content of a certain food product.

A diabetes menu is a healthy diet so it is not such a trouble in making plans for it if you are already practicing healthy food choices in your daily meals. It consists of high fiber diet and nutritious foods like the fruits and vegetables. You must also be aware of what of protein rich foods you will incorporate in every meal. Foods with carbohydrates are most specifically focused for it can cause an increase or decrease in the diet.

Lastly, you must consider what snack preparations you will let your child have for school. If your child wants to buy in the cafeteria, you must orient him or her about what type of foods to eat while having a break at school. But you can stress out that it would be much better to have what you have prepared so that you will be assured that what your child eats will follow the diabetes diet plan.

These are the things that you must consider if your child has diabetes. You must be particular when it comes to the food of your child because the diet is part of the management of Diabetes. Getting the right kind of food for your kid will keep you worry free.

The diabetes diet plan is important especially if you have a child who has diabetes. Eating the right kind of food is important for your child to manage the condition and prevent any problems on experiencing different kinds of complications. To find out more about how to choose the right kind of food, visit

Importance Of a Three Meal Diet Plan

Best Tips To Meal Planning:

Meal planning is such an important concept for those who are in a weight loss program and especially for those trying to get six pack abs.

Before you come up with a diet, you need to know your meal times and plan the perfect daily schedule for each of your meals you are going to have.

Also meal timing is not just important, but you need to have planned what meal you're going to have beforehand so that you don't end up changing your whole meal plan by going out to eat or something.

Meals should be eaten every 1.5 to 2 hours, and one of the biggest concepts you need to have down is that you need to eat bigger meals in the morning.

Eat bigger meals in the morning and decrease calories per meal as the day progresses, so the smallest meal is your last meal.

There are three very important times for food intake that you need to have down for your diet plan, and they are Breakfast, Post-workout, and pre-bedtime.

It is essential to have these times down and to eat the right foods during these special times, so that you lose fat faster and maintain lean body mass much easier.


The Biggest Meal, Breakfast:

Breakfast is very important because it sets a metabolic trend for your body for the upcoming day.

You have just had an overnight fast when you were sleeping and your body is all ready for nutrients to get it through the day.

Your metabolic rate is also higher in the morning, so more calories can and should be consumed during this time.

For men, another important thing to remember is that testosterone levels are higher in the morning, which is an important concept to remember for one main reason.

That main reason is that testosterone is the muscle-building hormone for men and the more you have available, the more muscle you will develop.

Your breakfast meal should provide enough protein during the first meal of the day to allow maximization of testosterone output so that it can support the building of lean muscle mass.

Don't think that men are the only ones that need that extra protein in the morning, because women can benefit from protein in the morning as well.

Remember that your breakfast meal is the biggest meal of the day and the most important one as well.


Post-Workout Meal For A Better Body:

Now, your post-workout meal is absolutely the most important time of the day if you are one who is trying to build a better body.

What you do in the 1-4 hours following a workout can determine what kind of gain you will make in building your physique and if you will get leaner, stronger, or more muscular.

The greatest nutrient uptake occurs after a hard weight-training workout, and this makes sense since you've depleted most of the nutrients in your body.

Many experts recommend consuming 50 percent of your total daily calories within the two to four hours after a hard workout, and the reason for this is because your body needs the most calories of your day after you've worked out and lost a lot of nutrients.


Pre-Bedtime Meal, The Most Essential Meal:

Now your last meal is your pre-bedtime meal, which should be considered as an essential part of a weight training program.

Your body requires key nutrients to be taken before bedtime to optimize muscle building and fat burning, and to lower muscle breakdown during sleep, which all connect to weight loss.

For the perfect pre-bedtime meal for optimal results, there are a number of things you have to keep in mind.


#1 Maximize Hormones, Lower Insulin:

First, you need to maximize and minimize key hormones, specifically increase the GH (growth hormone) and testosterone levels (for men), while lowering your insulin levels as well.

It is important to lower your insulin levels so that your body maximizes the release of GH, which lowers fat storage.

Do NOT consume and carbohydrates within 4 hours of your bedtime, because this will increase your fat storage, which is not what you want unless you're trying to gain weight.


#2 Protein, Protein, Protein:

Secondly, the body needs plenty of amino acids to be available for protein synthesis during your sleep.

The importance of taking protein before bedtime cannot be stressed enough.

Since protein synthesis and breakdown occurs during sleep, it is vital to provide the body with a bunch of amino acids by taking a protein drink before sleep.

Research actually shows that consuming essential amino acids can stimulate protein synthesis and muscle anabolism.


#3 Hydration For Maximum Results:

The last key to your pre-bedtime meal is to is to hydrate appropriately so that all your nutrients are used effectively and muscle cells can function way better.

Drink a few glasses of water within 3-4 hours of the actual time you go to bed.

If you are aiming to lose the most amount of weight in the least amount of time, keep these key points in mind and follow this meal plan strategy to the best of your abilities.

Remember stay consistent and don't give up, because with this meal plan you will lose more weight much faster and gain a lean, muscular body much easier.

This is an important concept for six pack abs since losing weight is essential for revealing those six pack abs and toning that stomach.

I've actually found the #1 Abdominal Program and the perfect solution to getting the best, most ripped abdominals. I've seen the phenomenal results myself and I want to share it with you. If you are really serious about getting amazing "six pack" results, this program is for you. Check This Out Right Now.

You can even get this FREE REPORT to show you which diet plan really works and how to really Get Results through an extremely powerful diet plan.

Lose Weight And Improve Health With A Vegetarian Diet Plan

Vegetarianism is growing in popularity, and for many people, a vegetarian diet plan is their answer to healthy weight loss.

First, it is important to define what a vegetarian diet plan is. There are many different types of vegetarian diets. Some vegetarians eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. Others may also eat cheese and other dairy products and drink milk. Some may also eat eggs.

An obvious advantage of any vegetarian diet plan is that it is likely to be low in fat and cholesterol. Consequently, vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of heart disease and illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Nevertheless, vegetarian eating plans can be deficient in important nutrients and you have to make sure you give your body enough vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients. Therefore, planning is very important. If you don't ensure a balanced diet, you can become malnourished.

A particular benefit of a vegetarian eating plan is that it usually encourages a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables along with some whole grains. It can, however, be difficult to get enough protein in a vegetarian diet. You must learn how to mix various beans and grain dishes to provide you with a complete protein. Iron intake can also be inadequate. Spinach and beans can provide the required iron and soy is high in protein content.

Vitamin and mineral supplementation may also be necessary to ensure adequate nutrition. B12 vitamins, in particular, are very important for your health and are difficult to obtain in a vegetarian menu. It is critical to supplement B12 in this type of diet plan. The other alternative is to eat a lot of whole grain cereal, soy milk, broccoli and spinach. To lose weight using a vegetarian plan, you will still need to restrict high calorie foods.

The key to an effective vegetarian diet regimen is variety. To get full nutritional benefit, you will need to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, beans, and whole grains. If you choose to eat dairy, make sure you limit your intake to non-fat or low-fat milk and cheese.

A vegetarian menu plan can be an excellent way to lose weight. Research has shown that vegetarians usually consume far fewer calories than meat eaters daily. Body mass index is also usually lower for vegetarians. Nevertheless, vegetarians can still be overweight if they eat poorly. It is important to eat healthy and to control the amount of food eaten. Used wisely, becoming a vegetarian can help you achieve your ideal weight.

Are you looking for a quick weight loss plan? Be sure to read my article on a weight loss exercise plan that will work long-term and get you started right!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What Are Diet Plans That Make You Lose Weight Fast?

Is that something you believe would be healthy, or unhealthy, losing weight that quickly, in such a short period of time!

Well too bad there isn't yet, otherwise you would probably die almost immediately losing weight *THAT* fast. However, I do have some great news that you will want to literally "SINK" your teeth into!

What if there was a diet plan that make you lose weight fast? I'm talking about a one of a kind program that would make you sink your teeth into, and not gain it back! I've struggled all of my life losing weight so I know it's something very difficult and a very emotional topic to talk about and discuss with others.

Losing weight is not something you would want to discuss with others because of embarrassment, or being called names (I know I was, I'll be the first to tell you!) or being made fun of. More so, discussing it with someone who HAS NEVER BEEN IN YOUR SHOES BEFORE!

There is definitely different ways or different methods in losing weight quickly, but doing it naturally and healthy. You can lose weight quickly and keep it off if you know how to do it properly. You can even lose weight as quickly as 9 lbs in 11 days, or 18 lbs within 3 weeks, 25 lbs in a month is even feasible as long as you keep focused!

If there's anything out there that's going promise you more, it's not real! What is real is what I've gone through, and many others as well. This is definitely a great way to jump start your weight loss, and keep it off as well.

"Diet plans" make you lose weight and gain it back, a change in "lifestyle" will keep that weight off for good!

I know losing weight is very hard and takes a long time! Visit my website and you will receive some great free information that will drastically reduce your inches and increase your metabolism! For more information on how to lose weight naturally and keep it off (which is VERY important!) while not starving yourself, visit

5 Reasons Why Weight Watchers is One of the Top Diet Plans

Since the early 1960s, Weight Watchers has been a kind of guru for people struggling with weight problems. So why do I think they are one of the top diet plans?

1. Because they do not tell people what they can or can't eat. The goal is to help people make healthy eating decisions and encourage them to enjoy more physical activity, thereby losing weight safely and sensibly -- and keeping it off.

2. It has local group meetings, members get motivation, mutual support, and encouragement in handling the challenges encountered in the process of changing behavior. The meetings are confidential and safe places to talk about food and food-related issues. For those who can't get to the meetings, Weight Watchers has added a number of tools on its web site.

3. If you like to track and control the calories you eat? You'll want the Flex Plan -- which essentially is Weight Watchers' traditional program. What if you prefer to focus on eating wholesome foods without counting or tracking? The new Core Plan is for you. Both plans recommendations the daily intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy, water, protein, multiple vitamins, sugars and alcohol, healthy oils, and whole-grain foods.

The Flex Plan

This plan is the cornerstone of the original Weight Watchers philosophy Eat the food you love and lose weight. No foods are prohibited. Instead, each food is assigned points based on the food's calorie, total fat, and dietary fiber content.

The Core Plan

This plan allows members to control calories by focusing their eating on a core list of wholesome nutritious foods, but without counting or tracking. The list includes foods from all the food groups: fruits and vegetables; grains and starches; lean meats, fish, and poultry; eggs, and dairy products. The foods in this core list are low in fat and calories. An occasional treat outside the list is allowed.

4. Members are helped to make changes in behavior, focusing on self-monitoring and accountability. For the Flex Plan members, there's an easy-to-use journal called the QuikTrak System for recording food choices, plus the POINTS Tracker. Core Plan members have a self-monitoring method involving a Comfort Zone scale to assess hunger and fullness on an ongoing basis.

5. There is a moderate path to weight loss and lifelong healthy habits: How to plan a more balanced diet, control cravings and impulses, reduce time spent sitting, and increase activity.

Change Your Life With a Raw Food Diet Plan

If you are interested in eating tasty food and still watching your weight then you probably realize that eating fast food everyday is not such a good idea. Stop and think about it for a second. Imagine eating burgers, pizza, pasta, cookies, cakes and pies everyday. They taste great but come on, is it such a good idea? I say that as a joke, but more people than you think actually do it.

Often when people plan out a diet they have to weigh out their food and eat only a prescribed amount of each food, but this is not the case when you are following a raw food diet plan. Not only can you eat as much raw food as you want but you can have foods that are tasty to eat and that will provide your body with plenty of nutrition. You can reduce your weight, improve your health and feel younger within days of starting to eat a raw food diet.

Many people have not considered using a raw food diet plan to improve their health or lose weight. The media has not given much attention to the raw food way of life but the information on the internet, numerous books and personal testimonies have created a new awareness of the raw food lifestyle. Many people think its difficult to change the way they eat, but with a well planned out raw food diet plan, eating well can not only be convenient but affordable. This is especially true when you analyze how much time it takes to cook a traditional cooked meal.

Breakfast with a Raw Food Diet Plan

A quick breakfast can be composed of two cups of green vegetables spinach, broccoli, and lettuce. This is basically a quick salad that has your preferred flavor added by either a salad dressing or yogurt to add flavor. Place them in the blender; possibly you may want to add a squeeze of lemon or lime and a sliced fruit. Mix for twenty seconds, pour and enjoy. This is a delicious smoothie that will give you plenty of energy every day, as well as provide you with plenty important nutrients. This takes about 5 minutes to prepare and drink, if you want more substance to this quick breakfast consider adding soy protein powder or oats.

Lunch with a Raw Food Diet Plan

A raw food lunch could be made of lettuce wraps stuffed with carrot slices, banana and avocado combined with a small bag of mixed unsalted nuts. For your drink, try a carrot or tomato vegetable juice. You could even make the juice yourself in about 10 minutes and this includes clean up. Another great idea is a bag of 3-4 different types of vegetable slices. Choose the ones you like and do not be afraid to venture out a little. The variety will keep things interesting. Personally, I have tried things I have only seen in whole-foods-type grocery stores that I could barely keep down. They had me running for the sink to spit it out, but that is all part of the experience when you try out a raw food diet plan.

Dinner with a Raw Food Diet Plan

Dinner could consist of zucchini pasta together with pesto sauce accompanied by a side dish made of almond flour garlic bread and then for dessert, banana ice cream. For the zucchini pasta, simply peel the zucchini and mix it in with your noodles. This pesto sauce is usually a quick mix of garlic, pine nuts and extra virgin olive oil. An easy way to make banana ice cream is to freeze a couple of bananas then peel them and puree through the blender. This surprisingly gives you very much the same consistency as ice cream; just make sure to eat it while it is still cold.

I love to eat. No doubt about it. So when I made the commitment to switch to a raw food diet plan, I took into consideration all of the things I used to like to eat like, burgers and fries, sandwiches and any kind of chips and dip and some kind of thick pasta sauce with fettuccine noodles. In place of these, through trial and error, I created my own veggie burger recipe and oven baked a potato cut into the shape of fries and sprinkled with a little sea salt. My favorite sandwich now is several kinds of leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, green peppers and whatever other veggie I can fit on two slices of whole wheat bread accompanied with thinly sliced, oven baked and slightly sea salted potato slices that are surprisingly crisp when baked just long enough and I now use vegetable based pasta with a little olive oil and tomatoes in place of the heavier traditional thick sauces.

So be creative and use your imagination. You will be surprised at what raw foods can do for you not only for the health benefits but you will also enjoy the true tastes that Mother Nature intended them to have.

Todd Butcher is a former diving instructor, bartender of 13 years and more recently spent 12 years as an IT pro. He now works from home as a promoter of healthy products and writes articles on numerous subjects focusing on the benefits of raw food living.

An avid runner, vegan and 3-time Ironman Triathlon finisher, he focuses on cultivating a society of happier people doing the things they want to do rather than what they have to do. His philosophies on life are taken from the teachings of Buddhist Grand Master Wei Chueh of the Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Houston, TX. Living the right way means settling the mind and enjoying life.

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

If a glucose level of pregnant women is disturbed, this is termed as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a temporary phase and usually fades away when the baby is born. But the pregnant woman who has suffered from gestational diabetes is at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes at any stage of her life.

Gestational diabetes, if properly controlled does not harm the baby. But if left untreated the elevated glucose levels in the blood may cause the baby to gain more weight and as a consequence, it may either harm the baby's shoulder during birth or a cesarean section has to be planned.

Gestational diabetes is sometimes referred as a double curse. It leaves the pregnant women in a dilemma of what to eat and what not to eat. As something good for the baby may not be good for her diabetes and vice versa. The following are given some of the basic guidelines for the gestational diabetes diet.

o Instead of skipping meal a gestational diabetic women should take 5 smaller meals a day.

o Reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the breakfast, as now the insulin resistance is at its maximum in the body.

o The quantity of carbohydrate should be consistent in each meal.

o Increase to consume fiber rich foods.

o Drink at least 1 1/2 liters of water daily.

o Do not try to lose weight during pregnancy.

o Take at least 3 servings of iron rich food, 4 of the dairy milk products, 1 of vitamin C rich food.

o Take at least 1 source of folic acid daily and 1 source of vitamin every alternate day.

The daily diet menu can be designed keeping into account the above mentioned tips. Here I'll be giving you a gestational diabetes diet plan for one day. The goal behind this diet plan is to provide the mother and the fetus the constant and consistent energy without elevating the sugar levels in the bloodstream.

The key idea behind the meal plan is to eat smaller meals of equal nutrient value after regular intervals throughout the day. The sample gestational diabetic diet is given below:


Egg hard-boiled - 1

Whole wheat bread - 1 slice

Fat-free margarine - 1 tsp

Grapes - 1 cup

Skimmed milk - 1 1/2 cup

Mid-morning Snack

Whole wheat bread - 1 slice

Peanut butter - 3 tsp

Diet jams - 3 tsp

Skimmed milk - 1 cup


Whole wheat pita bread - 1

Cooked black beans - 1/2 cups

Chopped tomatoes - 1/2 cup

Cheddar cheese - 2 Tbsp

Salsa - 3 tsp

Olive oil - 1/2 Tbsp

Mid-Afternoon Snack

Apple - 1

Peanut butter - 3 tsp

Skimmed milk - 1 1/2 cup


Chicken breast - 3 ounce

Pineapple - 1/2 cup

Sesame seed - 3 tsp

Sesame oil - 3 tsp

Soy sauce - 2 tsp

Green beans - 1/2 cup

Cooked rice - 1/2 cup

Strawberries - 1/2 cup

Evening Snack

Air-popped popcorn (plain) - 5 cups

The aim of the given meal plan is to provide the pregnant women and the growing fetus a constant source of energy. Though the caloric requirement varies a lot from women to woman, but still on an average a pregnant woman requires around an additional 300 calories a day. These calories should be sufficiently loaded up with the essential ingredients with the regular intake of water.

Discover the top warning signs and symptoms of diabetes and how you can cure your diabetes naturally at

Best Fast Weight Loss Diet - 3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast With a Diet Plan

Starting today, you can follow a diet which will guarantee fast weight loss. If you are really in a hurry and want to take off some calories very fast then this diet is for you. Just put your best efforts forth and you can really lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

Here are the basics - you do this by slashing a lot of calories from your diet. By cutting off carbohydrates and sodium you will you can really lose body fat very fast. But let me tell you one thing, use this diet to lose weight extremely fast and don't use it for long time because long term result of this diet has not yet been researched.

So here is the diet that you have been waiting for:

Eat less carbohydrate: Don't eat mote than 40 gms carbohydrate each day. It is equivalent to half cup of whole grain (like rice, whole-wheat pasta ) with some veg soup to start with. Have two fruits daily. Don't eat high carbohydrate vegetables like corn or carrots. Go for cabbages or peas. Have some blackberries or blueberries for fruit. Don't at all eat potatoes, pasta with high in carbohydrate or much sugar.

Control how much calories you eat: Consume not more or less than 100o calories a day overall.

Cut down sodium: For best fast weigh loss, don't eat not more than 1200 milligrams of sodium each day. So don't have more than half teaspoon of salt each day. Avoid add salts to foods for these days. Drink lot of water so that your body always stays hydrated.

Moreover, if you are already doing some exercises, do 30 minutes of running if possible. That will make you more healthy while you lose weight.

Check out Fat Loss 4Idiots online program, which guarantees to dramatically Lose weight at Home Safe & Naturally,Remove Unwanted Fat with 6 months Money Back Guarantee! There is absolutely no reason in the world for you not to try these incredible program out for yourself. Go Check it out!

Calorie Shifting Diet Plan - A Program Worth the Try

Tired of going to the gym every day? Are you missing some of your favorite food now? Well, this is how you would feel if you aren't satisfied with how your diet program is going. The thing is, it is really hard to find the right approach especially when you see a lot of advertisement promising you a quick result in a short time. If you do a wise research you definitely will find one.

Here's the good news. If you don't have much time researching for a new diet technique then here's a recommendation you may take. Why not try the Calorie Shifting Diet Plan? Before you even say you're not trying it, better read more.

Calorie shifting is a new dieting trend where you don't have to measure each and every food that you eat or restrain yourself from the most delicious food on earth. You don't even have to make it a daily routine to meet your gym instructor (but exercising would be a good way to maximize the effect of the diet). As a matter of fact, you can eat what you want and still lose some pounds.

On the first eleven days alone, you would be able to lose around nine calories. Not a lot of diet programs can help you achieve that. The longer you stay with the program, the more fats lost. But what could be the secret behind the seemingly fast and effective result?

With your body taking in food with varying amount of calorie, it will get used to metabolizing them. Unlike starve dieting where your food intake is too little and would even lessen your number of meals in a day, the body tends to have a slower metabolism since it is used to processing only a little food amount.

?Another great advantage of going for Calorie Shifting Diet Plan is that all the food in your diet menu is just found right in your fridge. While you need to have a careful meal planning with the traditional dieting, calorie shifting is so easily managed. As a matter of fact you don't need to do the planning yourself. With calorie shifting having gained so much popularity, you can find a lot of resources on the net. All you have to do is follow it or do slight modifications. Check on your weight now and you'll see how eleven days of diet can make a huge change.

Barbie B. has discovered the most efficient way to lose weight without depriving one's self from consumption of their favorite meals. To know more about this great news check out this sites Calorie Shifting Diet Menu and or Calorie Shifting Diet.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Best Life Diet: The Only Diet Plan You Will Ever Need Again

All of the trend diets out there are giving dieting itself a bad name. Anyone who has tried out one of those dangerous diets understands the rollercoaster that that type of dieting is. You lose a little weight but you can't continue the dangerous diet so you start to gain all of that weight back and you look for another dangerous diet plan to cling on to. There is a war going on between your body and the diet you are undertaking, and the only one losing out is you. The Best Life Diet plan teaches you how to lose weight, but it does it in a way that will last.

The diet encourages an understanding of healthy eating and exercise. Instead of altering the way you eat for a short time, and switching back to your old ways when the weight has been lost you are supposed to make life altering changes that will stick with you for the rest of the life. You are going to learn great tips such as eating the right foods and how to properly exercise so your metabolism is in tip top shape. The weight should melt off and actually stay off, but just keep following the guidelines and you will fell incredibly well!

There is nothing to worry about with this diet it is completely safe to do and it will in face make you a much healthier person over the long term. If you are looking to drop a quick twenty pounds I would advise you to steer clear of this diet for a more drastic one, but if you want to slowly burn through your excess weight, and continue to be healthy and slim for the rest of your life the Best Life Diet is the one for you.

The whole program is all about gradual change and you will not be asked to give up anything major in the beginning. As you follow along with the Best Life diet, losing weight as you go, you will be asked to swap out the unhealthy foods that you eat such as white bread, fried foods, and high-fat dairy products for healthier alternatives. You won't be giving up the things you love, simply trading them out for their closely related cousins.

The Best Life Diet plan isn't an exciting new diet that will give you instant satisfaction, but it is one of the best paths to a healthier and happier life.

To your success,

Matthew Hell

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Detoxification Diet - Body Detoxification Diet Plan That Really Works

Body detoxification diet is used to detoxify all body organs in order to restore your body to its normal form. Detoxification process is mainly targeted on the skin, gallbladder, lungs, kidneys, liver small and large intestines. In order to eliminate toxins from the body it is important that you should go for well planned cleansing program for your good but do consult to your doctor before starting one such program.

Try to make your home a healthy home by clearing your home of unhealthy choices like potato chips fruits, junk food, do nuts, sugary food, artificial flavors and salt. Now, bring some fresh and vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice, millet and whole oats. Go for healthy digestive foods like apples and pineapples. Use dried leaves peppermint leaves to make digestive tea also flax seeds can be used to aid digestion. Try to drink herbal teas but in limit as these have a strong laxative effect and should be consumed in moderation.

Try to drink 1 glass of water with half lemon squeezed in to it upon arising. This recipe will help you to relive constipation. Later, go for fresh fruits, cooked oats with apple juice or whole grains. Eat fresh fruits and drink herbal cleanse teas on mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

Lunch and dinner: Eat steamed vegetables and raw salads use only unsaturated vegetable oils like flax seed or olive oil. Avoid salad dressings with salt, sugar, or artificial flavors and other preservatives. Do not try to perform any type of athletic activity during detoxification period. Water is the best natural cleanser. Therefore, try to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.

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Importance of a Diet Plan For Weight Loss and Healthy Living

People often talk about the best diet plan which can provide them good health. However, very few of them know what exactly a proper diet plan is. Especially woman takes it as a way to lose their weight without even knowing the real importance.

In fact, a diet plan should be aimed to provide healthy living to people. It should not only be focused for losing weight. Rather, it should be in sync with weight and healthy living. Being slim and trim does not always mean being healthy. One should always maintain his or her body mass index (BMI). That is very important in order to stay healthy.

So What Is Proper Diet Plan?

As stated above, a diet plan should be focused for healthy living, not just losing weight (until a person is overweight). Proper and balanced diet means taking essential ingredients required for body as well as avoiding extra food intake or habit of emotional eating.

Therefore, a proper diet comprises all essential nutrients required for body. It should have proper intake of vitamins, carbohydrates, fibers, and minerals so that the body can get all essential requirements fulfilled. Although modern busy lifestyle forces people to change their eating priorities, but one should always remember than leaving out traditional home-made food and migrating to junk foods just for saving some time is not a good idea.

For healthy living one should adopt the habit of eating green vegetables, cereals, and seasonal fruits, because only these things are essential for staying fit and healthy. Apart from all these eating sufficient amount of water is also important, as water is required to keep body hydrated. Lack of water in body can result in several problems.

Diet for Weight Loss

Well, diet for weight loss should be different than normal balanced diet suggested for a person with normal body mass index. Increasing weight is a common problem among next generation people. Proper weight loss diet is important for everybody facing problem of excess weight. It leads to several health problems and if not cured affects a person mentally too. Increased weight often reduces confidence of people suffering from it.

Well, ideally a person suffering from obesity should consult a weight loss diet expert. Because, depending upon the seriousness of excess weight diet patterns may vary. The same applies when a person start losing weight due to changed diet pattern. Usually, for a weight loss diet one should include cereals and fiber based food rather than fat and carbohydrate rich food. Even drinks containing added sugar should be avoided.

In summary, a diet plan should be according to the prime objective (either losing weight or just staying fit). However, it is advisable to consult dieting experts for the best results.

Planetdiet is the diet and weight loss center for those who wants to lose weight fast [] and stay healthy.To know more and more health related tips and tricks, one should visit: Diet Plan for Weight Loss [].

The Wrong Diet Plans To Lose Weight Will Sabotage Your Metabolism

The first rule of dieting is to cut calories and the second is to stop eating anything you enjoy, because if you like it, it can't be good for you--or so we are supposed to believe! Along with damaging your ability to enjoy healthy foods, this just makes it harder to drop pounds, and is not an actual feature of good diet plans to lose weight.

You may be following all the steps, but if you're using one of those diet plans to lose weight that focus mainly on cutting your calories, you impede your metabolism's ability to burn calories along with a host of other things that make you think you're the problem.

Bad Diets Are Hard To Follow Because They Don't Work

A lot of the weight loss guides suggest having a "diet buddy," that is someone who motivates you through both support and competition - although none of the guides mention that one of the things that's supposed to help you lose weight is the desire to get skinnier than your "buddy."

This is an interesting idea in light of the fact that one of the most emotionally devastating things you can do while on a diet is tell people you're trying to lose weight, which, if you've just started, or worse, are struggling will only lead you to feel like a failure for not having numbers to report.

If you're already weak from hunger, there's nothing that's more likely to make you wash down a double cheeseburger with a pint of ice cream than the thought that, if only you had more willpower or were a better person, you could lose that weight. The truth is you probably aren't the problem.

Calorie restriction lowers your willpower, your metabolism and your body's ability to burn fat. That's far from the recipe for successful weight loss.

Your Metabolism Needs Calories

This is not to say that the true secret to a diet plan to lose weight is to gorge yourself on anything you want. But, believe it or not, the secret to a successful weight loss/fat-burning regimen is eating. As long as you're eating the right things.

Part of the reason calorie restriction fails is because while it cuts out bad things like sugar, salt and bad fat, it also winds up removing things like protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and good fats too. The fact that many diet foods replace fat with sugar doesn't help any.

The fact of the matter is that anytime you cut calories, whether you've been overeating or just eating the wrong things, your body fears it is about to face starvation and starts hoarding calories - especially those that create fat - to protect against the same.

So, if you have to reduce calories, what you need to eat are healthy foods that your body will process in a way that doesn't create stored fat. That is, you need foods that work with your metabolism to keep it working at the maximum level.

Healthy Foods Burn Fat

Lean protein, like that from grass-fed beef, a handful of nuts or beans not only provides you with necessary energy. It helps to build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat, which keeps your metabolism up where it needs to be. It's the same with other healthy foods.

Any diet that restricts fruits and vegetables is doing your body a disservice. The various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and yes even calcium and vegetable protein in these foods are all things our bodies desperately need for energy, good brain functioning and just generally staying alive and healthy.

Eating these foods in portions and proportions that keep your metabolism at its best will not only help you burn fat, but keep you feeling good mentally and physically. And that is the easiest way to avoid drowning your sorrows - and diet plan to lose weight - in ice cream or Halloween candy.

Want to know more about realistic and fulfilling diet plans to lose weight? Visit to find out how to drop pounds without going hungry.

Atkins Diet Plan - It's Really Not Easy

You can easily be bored with the limited carb choices but it does get better as you reach the last two stages. Your doctor can explain the possible health risk associated with the Atkins diet. The Atkins diet plan is not easy but if you stay with it the results will amaze you. An internet search for Atkins diet will yield hundreds of results.

The Atkins diet tries to trick your body into burning fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. If the Reactions are really troublesome you should seek treatment. You can find ways to ease these reactions on the internet and in books about low carb diets.

You might get dizzy, have cramps, and other physical effects because of the changes in your diet. It is possible to ease the dizziness and cramps. There are things that can be done to ease the discomfort of leg cramps and other symptoms. Remember minerals like Potassium, are flushed out of your system quickly.

Take a 90 milligram supplement instead of a banana to replace potassium. Relief from symptoms should be felt in about an hour. While on Atkins follow these suggestions for staying healthy. Listed below are some suggestions that might help you get through the time it takes your body to adjust to the diet.

If your weight loss slows or stops before you are close to goal weight, check how many calories you are taking in. Water is also necessary to your kidneys functioning properly. Drinking enough water to equal half your body weight will keep you out of the kitchen and in another room all day. Not drinking enough water can lead to buildup of ketones which can cause serious health problems.

Weighing yourself more than once a week will only frustrate yourself. If you don't see a drop in inches and pounds, check for hidden carbs and sugars. You will feel your best when you eat the right amount of carbs. Make sure the carbs you do eat are chock full of nutrients. Sugar is off limits on the Atkins diet. Regular exercise improves your general health.

Beware of promises that you will lose huge amounts of weight without exercise. Convert food into energy faster with exercise. Strive for a balance in exercise if you aren't a little tired after a session, you probably aren't doing enough and if you are too tired to move you probably did too much.

The doctor can tell if your post exercise aches and pains are normal or not. To gain maximum benefit from your exercise and dieting, slowly build your routine. Don't take more than the recommended doses of any supplement without your doctor's consent. If you are tempted to cheat, checking your journal will remind you what happened the last time you did that.

Some people overeat and some eat barely anything when under stress, recording what you eat will explain weight loss or gain. If you go off program, don't beat yourself up, just get back on track as soon as possible. Anything significant should be entered because good stuff affects you too.

Knowing you have to list everything is important especially for diabetics so they can see how foods affect them whether its negative or positive. Recording your blood sugar levels in the journal is an obvious fact. Doing this will teach you to recognize patterns such as when your levels are highest or lowest.

You and your doctor can use the journal to recognize what you have been doing right and to build on it. Try to choose foods made from whole grain flour. If your weight loss stalls or slows significantly, try eliminating all caffeine. Having short term goals will keep you motivated.

The amount you lose in a week or a month is not as important as a steady weight loss. Losing more weight than that is potentially dangerous. Yo-yo dieting , losing weight and gaining it back to get out of starvations mode, than losing, etc. may be as dangerous as being overweight.

With the Atkins diet, you have the maintenance phase to use for the rest of your life, so you don't have to return to the old way. Only use diets that suggest a slow to moderate weight loss and possibly some nutrient supplements. So the element of a safe workable diet are balanced meals, exercise and supplements.

Not all supplements can do what they claim, so do your homework before you buy. All natural ingredients have one advantage. Supplements and medications often don't mix well, it might be a good idea to take them separately a few hours apart. You won't need supplements if your diet is well balanced.

If your looking for tips and advice on Atkins diet plan or Low carb diet plans, Martin Smith had a resource of information available on his site.