Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why You Should Abandon Low Calorie Diet Plans

If you are following certain low calorie diet plans such as 1200 calorie diet or 1500 calorie diet, then you should continue reading this article. In this article, we will discuss 3 points - why low calorie diet plan is a bad choice, what are the actual problems that you should target, and how you can adopt a healthy weight loss diet that actually works. After reading this article, you should know that a low calorie diet plan does not solve the right problem and you should avoid adopting it.

Firstly, you should understand that low calorie diet plans are only focusing on the symptom, which is excessive calorie intake. People usually gain weight because the calorie consumption rate is higher than the calorie burning rate. A low calorie diet plan focuses on a one-sided approach which is to reduce the calorie consumption. However, in reality, we should focus on both issues in order to lose weight healthily and effectively. Therefore, many people often find that it does not provide a very good result.

As aforementioned, we should focus on both problems, which is reducing calorie consumption rate and increasing the calorie burning rate. While a low calorie diet helps in reducing the calorie intake, it actually reduces our calorie burning rate. This is because when our body is facing malnutrition (calorie in this case), our body will turn on the survival button and reduce the usage of that particular nutrient. Therefore, after a long period of time, the effectiveness of the low calorie diet will fall, thus causing a plateau.

In order to solve this problem, you should adopt a rotational nutrient diet. A calorie-based rotational diet, is generally a low calorie diet too. However, it involves fluctuation between high calorie, low calorie and medium calorie intake. By doing this, our body will still receive "sufficient nutrient" signal occasionally, thus will not reduce the calorie burning rate. Instead, our body will increase the rate of burning due to the signals. As a result, we are able to lose weight more efficiently as compared to a general diet that requires you to restrict certain nutritional intake.

In conclusion, low calorie diet plans do more harm than good. That is why you should abandon it and start a rotational diet. We should lose weight holistically and not in an extreme manner. By doing so, we will be able to lose weight healthily and effectively.

Currently, I'm following a free 7 days diet course at this Calorie Shifting Diet Plan website. I find that the free course is very effective and I have managed to shed some weight from the free course. If you are having trouble with the low calorie diet plans, you should try this Calorie Shifting meal plan to aid you in losing weight.

Choosing a Diet Plan

With all the diet plans to choose from, how do you choose?

First get rid of starvation/fad diets. You can lose weight fast but this is the quickest way to get into the yo-yo diet cycle. Starvation diets are the quickest way to lose as much muscle as fat and be in worse physical shape than when you started.

The rest of the diets fall into two general categories: low fat high carb and low carb high fat. The diet advice you probably have gotten all your life is that high fat is bad. That is not as clear cut as it was once thought.

A November 2007 study showed a very low carb diet and a low fat diet both reduced 2 prominent features of metabolic syndrome, abnormal distribution of plasma fatty acids and increased inflammation. The study summarized that a very low carbohydrate diet resulted in reduced inflammation compared to a low fat diet. An April 2008 peer review paper has found that carbohydrates are the controlling factor deciding if saturated becomes a problem.

So now we have to paths to weight loss success. You can choose either that appear to work well. The thing that is important is you can't mix the 2 diet plan types. Choosing the plan best for you can basically boil down to what you can live without the easiest: Meat or bread.

One thing researcher from both camps agree on: Highly refined carbs of all kind is a bad food choice.

The last thing to remember is to allow a few cheats. Any time you make a major change you will fall back to old habits. When adopting a new way of eating, remember it is not what you do ever time that matters as much as what you do most of the time. Don't be discourage when you fall off the wagon, just remember to get back on.

The best diet plan for you will be the diet you can live with the rest of your life.

For a more in depth look at the best programs on the internet check out my Weight Loss Secrets. For recommended books and articles check out my blog [].

Mediterranean Diet Plan Sample

These days it is really easy to follow Mediterranean diet menu because most of the restaurants have a choice of Mediterranean dishes, so that is not a problem to eat outside.

The majority of Mediterranean dishes are easy to prepare, because most of the products shouldn't be prepared, you just need to cut them.

Especially easy to cook are all kinds of pasta (just boil it for about 15 minutes).

Also you can call it simple diet because you do not need to count anything; you just need to eat named types of products.

While the diet does not cause a big weight loss, it helps develop a habit for a healthy diet that permanently eliminates the dropped kilograms (you will lose 1 kilogram per week).

The diet gives you an opportunity to choose from a variety of tasty dishes.

There are a few restrictions on the amount of food and alcohol (do not consume more than 100-150 grams of fish and meat a day and not to drink more than one glass of wine a day. This diet is very healthy in lowering pressure and normalizing level of cholesterol in blood. Many people who tried to follow this diet claim that it helps reduce pain if you have arthritis.

Sample menu for the day:

Breakfast - some fruit, a bit of fresh bread and fruit juice or water.

Lunch - salad with tuna, anchovies, olives, olive oil and several cups of water.

Dinner - a large sweet pepper stuffed with rice, meat, tomatoes and herbs, sprinkled with olive oil and baked; salad and fresh bread; a glass of red wine.

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Alkaline Diet Plan - A Way to Prevent Premature Aging

When I reached the age of 25, I always felt sick and weak. I had a hard time to figure out what the causes of my health problems were. I consulted with more than one doctor, yet the illness was still there. Alkaline diet plan has been the best remedy to my health problem.

I have experienced premature aging at the age of 25. I came to know that the main cause of premature aging is too much acidity in our body. If you are always eating more of the acid foods than alkaline foods, your body becomes acidic. There are some symptoms that can be seen during premature aging.

Among these symptoms are:

1. Weakness and Fatigue.

Weakness and fatigue are associated with premature aging. Too much acid intake may cause an unhealthy lifestyle. Drinking alcohols and smoking are not good for your health. Alcohols are acid forming drinks. Cigars fall under acid category too.

You will not see the effect of your too much acid intake at an early stage. However, when these stuffs began to accumulate in the body, they will cause illness. And these illnesses are shown by symptoms such as weakness and fatigue.

I am not used to drinking and smoking, though I may say, I used to include dairy products in my everyday snacks. I even did not include lots of fruits and vegetables in my previous diet. Stress from work also caused my body system to be more acidic.

2. Aches and pains in the body.

When you feel pain anywhere in your body, it means that something is wrong. Surely, there is an unbalanced fluid pH. If your body pH is not maintained at its optimum, the cells will not function well.

The body cells need nutrients and minerals to enable them to help our body produce enough energy. If the cells are damaged, our tissues and organs will definitely be compromised too. It is because cells make them up. And organs and tissues make up our body.

We experience pains and aches in our joints and muscles. Oftentimes, when we experience premature aging, we suffer from arthritis and other bone diseases. In turn, we cannot do our tasks.

3. Emotional disturbances like depression.

Too much acidity causes emotional disturbance. If you do not eat the right foods, you will not have a healthy body. If you do not have a healthy body, it means that you do not have a healthy mind too.

Alkaline diet plan is the answer to having a healthy mind and body. Together with regular exercises, you can achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Alkaline foods help your blood to deliver the oxygen and other nutrients properly. Exercise also helps oxygen to be delivered uniformly in the body.

Acid foods hinder our blood to carry the oxygen all throughout our body. It is because they let the red blood cells clump together. In effect, it gets harder for them to pass through the bloodstream. And the nutrients and oxygen are not delivered properly.

These are the symptoms of premature aging. Alkaline diet plan would best suit someone who suffers from this. And I know for sure, that like me, many people have been experiencing it. I am glad I have overcome this situation.

So, if you feel any discomfort, like aches and pains, you should try this now. You just have to remember that alkaline food to acid food ratio must be 4:1.

Do not lose hope if you suffer from premature aging. You just have to be aware of the causes and take time to reflect on them and renew your lifestyle. Have an alkaline diet plan now! Grab your free newsletter and get an alkaline diet chart also for free. Visit now.

Calorie Based Diet Plan - Fat Loss 4 Idiots

When you think about most people who go on a calorie based diet plan tend to shed weight quickly for the first week or so ,but surely after that the results start to fade or come to a complete halt. The reason this happens is your body has a routine it used to. When starting a new calorie based diet plan your body gets shocked and goes into a state of panic their for it starts shedding weight in order to survive. Fat Loss 4 Idiots breaks away from the routine of traditional diets and breaks new ground with a method called calorie shifting.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will calculate for you a good healthy calorie based diet plan that will keep your body guessing never getting into routine or a state of panic. With the diet you will eat at scientifically proven intervals to keep your body on its toes and keep the fat burning process at full speed. You will see results because your body will need the extra calories it was getting before and it will tap into the fat stored in your body thus burning fat very quickly. You get a new menu every 11 days. So your body will never get used to routine and you will continue to see results for as long as your on the diet. Their is a generous amount of food types from each triangle of the food pyramid so that you will never get tired of eating the same foods over and over again.

Although this is one of the easiest diets to stick too, it will suit everyone. With a little dedication you can see amazing results. If you have been struggling to lose weight and tried other popular diets, but found them hard to stick too Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one the easiest that I have tried. If you can follow easy step by step instructions you can shed those extra pounds.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots can help get you on the right pathway. []

Finding The Right Weight Loss Program For You - Weight Loss Diet Plans Are Not The Same

Finding the Right Weight Loss Program For You/Weight Loss Diet Plans are not the same

With all of the options available it is easy to get confused when you are looking for the right weight loss program. Many people bounce from one weight loss plan to the next until they completely give up altogether. Don't lose hope though. The right weight loss program is out there, waiting for you to find it. The right weight loss program is going to include healthy cooking tips as well as meal planning ideas. With a little patience and a bit of work you will be able to shed that weight you have been hoping to be rid of. In this article we will discuss how there is a weight loss diet plan for losing weight that should work for nearly everyone.

The first step is to stop and answer a few questions honestly. How often do you eat daily? Do your snacks include foods that are high in calories and low in nutrition? Do you eat daily? How much exercise do you get daily? What do you eat between your meals? You can tell where you need to put in a bit more effort after asking yourself these questions. What can you do to make a positive change?

Changing eating habits

Everyone knows that changing habits, especially eating habits, isn't easy. You are going to have to get serious and work on achieving your goal of dropping weight to succeed. To make your weight loss diet plan a success you need to start by being in control of what you eat. Plan ahead and bring your lunch with you to work instead of hoping you can find something to eat when it is time for lunch. Bring along healthy fruits and vegetables for snacking on. Instead of eating large meals eat six small meals spread throughout the day to increase your metabolism and burn off your calories faster.

Currently we have more obese people worldwide than ever before and the problem is continually increasing. The number of people who follow diet trends is increasing as well. Dieting can be one of the worst things to do to your body. While you are on a diet you reduce your food intake, give up what you like, and you replace these foods with things you don't like. These foods that are often low-carb, are also frequently low on nutrients as well. If you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs you aren't going to be healthy.

You might lose some weight in the beginning but this will be temporary and your health will pay the price. Many diets, and all crash diets, are just not the way to lose weight safely. Something else that will keep you from losing the weight you are trying to shed is giving up eating things you enjoy eating.

There are many people who can make this work for a while, some longer than others. Giving up foods you love will eventually backfire and cause cravings. These cravings will undermined your weight loss program and eventually become a mental thing that you cannot shake. The more you think and long for the food, which is usually a sinful dessert, the more you are going to want it.

Letting the Cravings Win

Cravings will finally hit a point that you will give in, often pretending that this is going to be your only weak moment. Once you have given in you can't go back. You are going to take one bite, one taste, one piece and so forth putting yourself back to square one every time you find yourself under pressure. It is possible for you to end up with more weight afterward than you started with before forbidding the food in the first place. This is how binge eating starts. Binge eating habits are a direct result of poor weight loss diets gone wrong.

This type of diet doesn't work because the diet isn't contributing to your overall health, especially long-term health. Even small groups of people who have been successful on weight loss plans you'll find your health isn't improved if you deprive your body of the nutrients that are vital to your overall health and well being.

What does a healthy weight loss program include?

As an alternative you can eat raw fruits and vegetables. This natural, healthy way to eat will cause several digestive enzymes to mix with your food. Raw vegetables and fruits are a naturally low fat, low carbohydrate, natural source of enzymes that are easy on your stomach and they reduce need for your body to produce enzymes. The end result is a higher energy level; increased alertness and overall improved health while you lose weight.

With this weight loss plan you cannot just jump headfirst into the plan. You need to progress gradually making sure you don't go into crash diet mode. Instead you need to follow the proper weight loss diet program with an addition of fresh foods being a component of the overall fitness plan. By increasing gradually you are going to find yourself healthier and happier than you thought possible. You need to remember to include a lot of water daily. If you drink a full glass before meals it is easier to remember as well as useful in filling spaces up in your tummy. Water will help you to increase efficiently.

Weight loss programs are more than just food

Weight loss diet plans do not rely on just dieting to be successful. You have to add a fitness goal and plan into your weight loss program for it to be effective. With your time being a precious commodity that you do not have an excess of, a fitness routine may be difficult to squeeze in. you can start with little things to include more physical activity into your day. Park away from buildings and walk to them. Walk at a brisk pace when you have the chance. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can. Use simple exercise workout routines that you find that can fit in your break schedule.

Little changes in your routine will help you to increase permanent weight loss and improve your overall health condition. Keep in mind there is no simple weight loss diet; instead there are proper lifestyle changes that can improve your overall health and well being.

Daryl Plaza is a regular contributor to a informative website to help you find the best cell phone calling card to suit your needs.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lose Weight Fast and Easy: Diet Plans Worth a Try

If you want to try a lose weight fast and easy diet or find delicious low-calorie swaps for your favorite high-calorie foods, know that you can attain your goal. It's easy to say "I'm going on a diet" but for those who have a big appetite, some techniques are needed if the ultimate goal is to lose weight without sacrificing meal satisfaction.

Try browsing health sites for a dietary program that may suit you. Or check out hot new diet cookbooks that'll teach you to whip up your favorite comfort foods using ingredients with volume but with few calories. For example, for a snack like chili cheese nachos, use ingredients like light soymilk, a few ounces of fat-free cheddar cheese, fat-free cream cheese, fat-free sour cream, a cup of low-fat turkey or veggie chili and salsa. Love creamy shakes?

Use light vanilla soy milk, fat-free vanilla ice-cream, fat-free powdered creamer, zero calorie sweetener, mix in a blender and enjoy in a tall glass. For your regular meals, opt for natural low-calorie soups like comforting chicken noodle soup with 130 calories and three grams of fat in a 12-ounce serving.

Those looking to lose weight fast and easy diet using tried-and-tested techniques. Among the diet plans with good success rates is the South Beach diet. This dietary program has three phases. The first one involves eating three balanced low-carb meals. Meat, chicken, turkey, shellfish, vegetables, eggs and nuts are recommended during the first phase.

It is assumed that by the time you reach the second phase, you're no longer craving for carb-rich foods. Certain foods like pasta, sweets and fruits are allowed in the second phase. The third phase allows food from all food groups and focuses on weight maintenance. Whole grains, olives and avocados and other healthy foods are ideal. You simply need to adjust the amount of food eaten if you begin packing in pounds again.

There are other ways to achieve a lose weight fast and easy diet and target burning 500 calories. This is assuming that you have built lean muscle mass, and are looking at losing a pound each week. To eliminate the extra pounds, work out around 20 to 30 minutes thrice a week to increase metabolism, and fuel up with muscle-building foods. Eating a balanced diet should go with this fitness plan.

If you're not losing your ugly body fat in 14 days yet, then this one simple secret trick may be all you need to get the results you're looking for. Want to find out what the simple trick is for FREE? Then click on the link below.


The Bariatric Lap-Band Diet Plan

The diet plan following a bariatric Lap-Band surgical procedure is important to losing and keeping the weight off. For the first few days, only a clear liquid diet is allowed while your stomach adjusts to the procedure. For the first three months, liquids with caffeine in it (such as coffee and tea) are not allowed, and carbonated drinks (such as soda) is never allowed during the entire time the band is inserted. The carbonation could cause the stomach to swell and increase in size, which is contradictory to what the band is trying to do (which is to decrease the amount the stomach can take in and hold).

Following the first few days of surgery, different kinds of liquids and soups can be introduced into the diet, such as protein shakes and baby food. This will be your diet for about a month. It is very important that you get enough protein, so several protein shakes a day are necessary. You will need to consume about 2 ounces of a protein shake every hour during the day along with two ounces of other kinds of liquids about 3 times a day. You must take small portions almost constantly to keep from getting malnourished. Your newly banded stomach will not be able to hold very much at one time (usually only about 6 ounces at the most).

After about another month of drinking liquids and soups, (about a month being about 5-6 weeks), you will be ready to eat shredded food (food that has been through a food processor). At this point, you will be able to eat just about any type of food as long as it isn't starchy. Starchy foods are foods such as bread and potatoes, and other starchy vegetables. It will be harder to lose weight and to keep the weight off with those foods in your diet. bariatric lap-band diet

HCG Diet Plans - The Importance of Protein As a Weight Loss Aid

When on any of the HCG diet plans, protein is an important component. The protein portion of this diet is crucial because of the metabolic effects that contribute to successful weight loss. Not are proteins are the same in their metabolic properties, so it is important to follow the specific dietary instructions.

"Postprandial thermogenesis" is a medical term for the additional energy needed for the digestion of food that can represent up to 10% of our caloric needs. You are more likely to lose weight by increasing your caloric needs by ingesting a good source of protein. This added protein requires more energy for digestion. There is a greater likelihood of losing weight when you increase the caloric needs of your metabolism. As more calories are burned, the more you will deplete your fat stores.

Protein as it is being digested provides an actual appetite suppressive effect. We are uncertain as to how this actually works but it is seen in clinical practice. Individuals who eat more protein especially early in the day actually have less appetite. One group of individuals that ate a protein rich breakfast and were not given any limits on subsequent food choices, consumed about 30% fewer calories the following day than the other group who ate a presumably carbohydrate rich breakfast. The implication is that the protein digestion process somehow induces some degree of appetite suppression. This effect can be helpful when combined with HCG diet plans.

One of the goals in the HCG diet plans are to normalize blood sugar and insulin levels. Protein in the diet tends not to elevate blood insulin levels. Carbohydrates tend to increase blood sugar and blood insulin levels, which is a problem because insulin is a fat storage hormone. By displacing carbohydrates with protein in your meals you will minimize the fat storing effects of elevated insulin levels in your body.

When you are on a restricted calorie diet such as the HCG diet, your body will metabolize sources other than fat stores, it will also look to muscle tissue to satisfy its caloric needs. It would be great if your body would automatically take the needed calories exclusively from fat, but unfortunately that is not how it works. Protein added to the diet along with pharmaceutical HCG has been shown to effect the body in such a way that it will tend to take the needed calories from fat instead of lean muscle.

You may want to consider taking a fiber supplement to buffer the decreased bulk in your diet. One side effect of reducing calories is constipation, the fiber supplement with help to alleviate this issue. Powdered supplemental fiber may contain sugar so make sure the brand you take is sugar free.

In conclusion, when following a low calorie diet, it is recommended to incorporate both high levels of protein and pharmaceutical HCG to assist with optimal fat burning and appetite suppression in order to reach your weight loss goals. This concept should be followed when on any of the HCG diet plans.

Learn more about the hCG Diet. Stop by Dr. Larry Vickman's site where you can find out all about our hCG Diet Plans and what they can do for you.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan - 5 Top Tips to Ensure You Don't Give Up on Your Diet Within a Week!

The reason most diets fail is because we tend not to be realistic in our aspirations. A healthy weight loss diet plan should have some simple guidelines to follow and you should set yourself achievable goals.

If you think about it, during most diets you have started - Have you ever felt like you were starving? Have you ever felt a complete lack of motivation and felt like just giving up? Have you ever felt weak, lethargic and generally tired?

If you answered yes to any of these, chances are you were going to fail that diet before you ever started. A healthy weight loss diet plan is about making the correct choices and not robbing yourself of happiness and health!

1) Try to spread your eating throughout the day. Rather than sticking to the standard 3 square meals a day, split these into 4-6 smaller meals. If you are eating more regularly, you are less likely to snack. Remember as you are eating more often, a meal will consist of smaller portions. A banana and an apple could therefore constitute one of your 6 meals for the day!

2) Eat slower! Sounds silly doesn't it. However, your brain is actually what controls your eating requirements and not your stomach. If you are hungry, once you have consumed some food it takes 20 minutes for this to register with your brain. Therefore, if you shovel your food down in 5 minutes flat, you will be looking for something else to eat immediately afterwards.

3) When starting a healthy weight loss eating plan try to stick to certain basics in terms of the foods you eat - Fish, skinless chicken and turkey, low fat meats, low fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grain cereals. There is enough variety amongst these simple foods to create numerous different meal ideas.

4) Stay away from foods high in sugar. Sounds obvious, but be honest, Do You? Avoid pastries, sugary treats, candy, cream cakes, iced buns, etc. These types of food have absolutely no nutritional value. They give you an immediate sugar rush followed by complete lack of energy.

5) How many times have you heard it before - drink plenty of water. Water will help flush harmful toxins out of the body and can help to raise your metabolism. With your metabolism being kept at a healthy high rate, you are more likely to burn off unwanted fat. You should aim to drink anywhere from 1.5 litres to 3 litres of water daily. This will very much depend on your size and physical activities. I will leave you to decide what you believe is the right amount for you. A good way to start a healthy weight loss diet plan is to drink a large glass of water before and after each meal. This will help to control hunger and also keep you fuller for longer! 

Do you desperately need to loss excess pounds and fat or do you need further tips on a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan?

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Healthy Diet Plan - 3 Highly Effective Weight Loss Plans Under $50

When it comes to losing weight, there is literally tons of information online available to anyone looking to lose either a little, or a lot of excess weight. If you're searching for this type of information, and trying to figure out what is the best diet for weight loss, then you could probably use a little guidance in deciding which program to follow.

I know it can be a bit frustrating to visit 10 weight loss sites and read about 10 different ways to shed those unwanted pounds. I mean, a person can literally get stuck in "information overload" when it comes to choosing a healthy diet plan that they feel comfortable in following.

This is especially true if you have already tried many plans, and you're still searching for one that you really like. You see, the reason why so many people fail on any particular diet plan is because they often pick a plan that's not suited for their lifestyle, or, their personality.

When you go shopping for a car, the results you're looking for is something that will get you safely to and from where you want to go. Similarly, when you go looking for a new pair of shoes, you know that when you put them on, they'll help you walk from point A to point B. In reality, there are many more things that you consider when buying a car or a pair of shoes. It's not just about transportation, or covering your feet. You also consider style, luxury, how it makes you look and feel, etc.

This same principle applies when looking for a healthy weight loss diet plan. All diet plans have the end goal of helping you to lose weight. But, they all go about it differently. You should consider what types of foods you'll be eating, when you'll be eating them, how much you get to eat, what kind of stages does the plan have, what does it cost to get started, is exercise built into the plan, or not mentioned at all, the basic science behind the plan, and, most importantly, is the plan easy for you to follow?

Here are three top diet plans that have worked for many people without busting their budgets:

Every Other Day Diet (EODD) - This best-selling weight loss plan was created by a guy who doesn't even like dieting. His name is Jon Benson and he's a fitness author and life coach. He created the Every Other Day Diet for people who don't particularly like to diet, but do want a no-nonsense way to lose weight, while still enjoying tasty food.

This plan works so well because Jon has created what's called the SNAPP eating system, which tells you exactly which foods to incorporate into your diet every day. The plan has three phases designed to assist the beginner, the person looking for intense fat burning, and people who are into extreme bodybuilding style fitness. Most folks will feel comfortable sticking with phase one. EODD allows you to have "feed days" where you get to eat whatever you want. He also offers motivational support for everyone on the plan.

Carb Rotation Diet - This is a great plan for those looking to lose 25 pounds or less. There's been lots of discussion in books and the media about the amount of carbs a dieter should consume. Some plans want you to eat a lot of carbs, while others want you to eat very little. This can get a bit confusing. The Carb Rotation Diet does exactly what the title says - it rotates carbs in your diet, so that you're never going hungry, or feeling overstuffed with heavy food.

The creator of this plan, Jason Hunter, is a registered dietitian who is well versed in what various types of food can do for your body. His plan incorporates calorie cycling, so you'll always be eating healthy meals that include protein, carbs, and a certain amount of fat. This type of carb eating plan is way better for your energy level and overall health.

Yay Food Diet - People who have a lot of weight to lose (30 pounds or more) have the most difficult challenge ahead of them. First of all, there's the psychological hurdle to cross to convince yourself that you can even lose X amount of weight. It's so much harder to lose weight when you're going it alone and have no one to share your anxieties and questions with.

The creator of the Yay Food Diet, Rachel Rofe, understands exactly what this feels like, because she's been there and done that. She successfully dropped 100 pounds and her story was featured in Woman's World magazine. Not content to rest on her own success, she created a diet membership site where anyone can go and feel like they're amongst friends. This is a diet plan and support group all rolled into one.

Discover how these plans can change your life and help you shed pounds permanently. Take action to look and feel your best!

Go here now: []

To Lose Weight and Keep it Off, Go Find a Support Group Before You Choose a Diet Plan

Losing weight sounds easy enough, for we all know what we are supposed to do... just eat a little less and exercise a little more.

The problem is the food we like to eat, the amounts of food we like to eat, and the bad habits we have gotten into. Bad habits are extremely difficult to break. Some people would call those bad habits an addiction, but since it is such a nasty word, with negative social stigmas attached, let's just talk about bad habits instead.

If any of us have a weight problem, it has been caused directly by our bad habits. Bad eating habits include eating too much food, eating the wrong kinds of food, snacking between meals and drinking soda pop of caffeinated beverages when what our body craves and needs most to be healthy is plain, un-adulterated water.

We know it's all true. It's great in theory... but actually doing it and making it part of your lifestyle takes a lot of hard work and a support circle of caring people who believe in you and will assist and encourage you in your efforts to lose weight and to keep it off.

Anybody can go on a diet. We have all done that at one time or another and failed. In fact, most of us have gone on diets over and over again through the years. It doesn't matter what diet you go on, what matters is the diet you stay on. You see most folks believe they can go on a diet, lose five or 10 pounds, feel great at what they have achieved by that time, and so they reward themselves by getting back into the food and the old bad habits.

All the weight you just lost comes back again, and then you find you've added a few more pounds for good measure. It happens to everybody, and this is what makes a diet and weight loss industry so lucrative for people who would sell you something.

There is always the latest, greatest diet from a celebrity doctor or dietitian to the stars... and women magazines churn out new articles every month of the year on how to lose weight and keep it off. But if this stuff actually worked, why would any of these magazines need to write more than one authoritative article on losing weight.

What I advise, straight from my heart, is to ignore all of the the fads and find your self a support group first of all. It doesn't matter very much whether you go to Weight Watchers, Gloria Marshal, Gut Busters (for men) or Overeaters Anonymous (OA). They will make you feel welcome and they will help you to lose weight. The first three are commercial, while OA is a 12 steps organization; that means it is a not-for-profit group run along the lines of AA.

Feri knows about dieting but he writes for web sites and one of his latest is all about network security services and having a good network security policy.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Without a Diet Plan Your Diet is Doomed to Failure

Most people do not realize that the majority of all dieters fail in their diets. Why? Simply put people do not do the research necessary in dieting or understand How to Choose a Diet. They usually do not realize the variety of diets and that all diets are not created equal. There are low cal diets, ultra low cal diets, high fat, low fat and everything in between. You need to realize that dieting is not something that you will discard once you reach that elusive goal. You will need to be on some sort of maintenance diet the rest of your life. This is not because of you, but of the low quality of foods out their. As you will learn the food companies do not spend their advertising money if didn't work.

Simply one of the biggest reasons for people failing in their diets is boredom and not understanding what is involved in dieting. As you will learn their are many components that compromise a diet and some things that most people take for granted. What are these?

One of the first fallacies of dieting is that it easy and you do not have to work at it. This will get you every time. Most people do not realize that you need to change not only how you eat but many of your habits and begin to exercise. You have a whole lifetime of building bad habits for your diet and most people feel it will only take a couple of weeks to break these habits. This people will be one of the hardest things you do. The odds are against you in succeeding! Their are companies that will sell you diet books, supplement and dietary aids not in the hope of you losing weight but that you will buy again and again. They do not want a slim people, they would be out of business.

The cards are stacked against you and now you need to learn what the proper steps in dieting are. You need to learn why you can only eat certain foods and how dieting, goal setting, changing your habits and the diet all need to work together in a blueprint for success. On top of all of this you need to be able to stay on the diet and follow it through. You need a diet that will not allow you to get frustrated, take up to much of your time, and have enough variety that you will be willing to stay on the diet well after you have lost the weight. For you to lose weight you do not need to understand how the body breaks down certain chemical compounds and how food fits into this, but you need to know that the diet you are on is one that will give you the best and safest chance for success in dieting. Not every diet does this as you will start to realize. You will also realize that most diets are designed to get you off to a good start in the first few weeks and then gradually fade away. Most people that are writing these books understand that the initial weight loss will sell the books and is usually only water. When you body adjusts to this new diet the weight will gradually creep back up. If the diet was actually a sound program you would loose only one to two pounds in the first week and every week thereafter. You would have components to the diet that will address changing your poor eating habits, a exercise program, goal setting and a diet that fits your tastes and lifestyle.

The first thing is to find out what diet will fit your tastes and you lifestyle. Do you have the time to prepare the meals or are you a danger in the kitchen or you just do not have the time to cook. There are diets out their that are good and can address these types of styles. Do you have family support because this is important. The more people that support you and help you eat the correct foods and do all the other things necessary for you to lose the weight will help make losing weight and keeping the fat off much easier. To have someone to exercise with you, if it lifting weights or walking around the block, having someone to do it with you is always better for you. Having the support will make your journey much easier.

You need to find a diet that gives you all the necessary skills and components to make your diet successful. You need to get a diet that will help you make out goals and also help you in behavioral modification, breaking bad habits, eating the correct foods in the correct amounts and have a exercise program that will be the deciding factor as to how much and how fast you lose weight. When looking for the diet that fits you make sure you have all the necessary information and components that will allow you to succeed. Realize that going on a diet has to be something that you take seriously and work at because it is not easy.

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Best Diet Plan For 2009 - Things You Need to Consider When Wanting to Lose Weight

If you are overweight, then you know it can be a threat to your health and can ultimately be fatal. About 350,000 persons meet their death every year in the USA alone because of complications with their weight problems. Obesity and the gaining of weight is generally defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, between 30-60 lbs. To determine your body mass index, all you need to do is divide your current weight with your height. Take that result - that is your BMI.

Thanks to many public information campaigns and enhanced education, a good majority of people are recognizing the health threat of a high BMI. The mental aspect also seems to outweigh the physical consequences: those who are overweight tend to deal with depression, sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, and are more susceptible to a heart attack or a stroke. Another unfortunate fact of being just a little overweight is the fact that it causes the body's immune system to weaken, thus allowing the body to become more prone to common viruses as the flu - and even pneumonia.

There are several ways for you to prevent gaining weight. First, you need to familiarize yourself with proper nutrition. These days, it is all too common for us to cook and/or prepare food without even considering what we are including in the food we eat - many times, we don't even care to calculate the calories therein. While this is very commonplace, only we have the power to change our attitudes towards such a scenario. There are many online forums on the internet which discuss subjects like weight loss, and you can also learn the struggles and aids others have used to improve their weight complications.


You may also find some great recipes online which are tasty - yet still beneficial for weight loss. The general food pyramid site, operated by the FDA, contains a great amount of information concerning how you can maintain proper dieting - it should be in your bookmarks right now if you are indeed trying to lose weight.


Exercising is also very beneficial. If you are overweight, your metabolism is no doubt slower than it should be. If you simply take ten minutes out of your day - preferably the morning - you will find that aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking or jogging, will help you lose weight much faster - rather than sitting around, complaining about your weight, and doing absolutely nothing about it.

The Masterplan Weight Loss System [] is becoming a favorite among those who are searching for a simple, yet effective diet plan.

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If you have tried other diet plans and have failed, then visit [] today to take advantage of this proven and effective dieting system.

Diabetic Diet Plan

If you are suffering from diabetes, diet plays a vital role to cure the disease. Showing disregard in this aspect may lead to severe complexities. Proper diet, regular exercise and stress free lifestyle can easily cure the disease. Following a diet plans helps a lot and you must first arrive at your diet plan. This plan is normally based on your age, height, weight, sex and more. The main objective of this plan is to supply only those essential calories to your body thereby eliminating the unwanted and excess of calories. In this way you have more chances of keeping your blood sugar levels also under the control.

The whole concept of this diet plan is pretty simple. In order to be diabetic free you need to control your blood sugar levels. As everyone knows, all food items we eat are converted into sugar finally. Sugary food items like sweets are converted instantly into sugar where as other food like rice, bread that are rich in carbohydrates may take some one of two hours. Proteins come next in the queue and they take around 4 hours to break down into sugar and last come fats. So if you wish to reduce blood sugar level you need plan a diet that is not pretty much rich in refined carbohydrates. At the same time too much of fat is also not good for health as it leads to other complexities.

So you must go for a balanced diabetic diet by including more fruits and vegetables. You must avoid rice and try eating wheat as this contains less sugar. If you like eating bread you can go for brown bread than the normal one. You must also avoid soft drinks as these contain added sugars. Drinking more water is also a must and water must be the key ingredient in your diabetic diet.

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in diabetic foods to eat AND diabetes foods to avoid.

EODD Diet Plan Book - The Truth Behind the Diet!

Since 2004, Jon Benson's EODD diet plan book has been creating success stories from many people who claim to have failed at every other diet and weight loss program out there. So what makes the EODD diet plan book so different than any other programs, products, and books out there? Jon Benson created the program with the struggling dieter in mind. More times than not when starting a diet, you start off strong for the first week maybe two, but at some point you seem to just fall off.

When you start putting off workout routines for another day and start eating your favorite foods, that's when you know you have fallen off. It's no wonder that majority of people fail all diets out there. Every single one has you cutting down your calorie intake and shying away from all of your favorite foods and before you know it you are right back where you started. What has made the EODD diet plan book so successful is the fact that you can still lose that unwanted weight, but still eat the foods you love! Instead of cutting down your calories every single day, the program takes a different approach by shifting your calorie intake from day to day.

On one day you can eat whatever you want--pizza, tacos, hamburgers, pasta, whatever! Now every other day you focus on eating foods that are rich in protein as this helps you burn fat quicker. When shifting in your calorie intake, you confuse your metabolism to constantly work at burning calories. So on days when you are eating light and protein rich foods, your body is burning calories at a rate as days you eat foods you love. This is why the EODD diet plan book has been so successful since 2004. No more strict diets to follow, no more exhausting workout routines. Just follow the EODD diet plan book from start to finish and you will see the results you were looking for.

To find out how you can lose up to 21 pounds in 3-4 weeks- Click Here! With a money back guarantee and so many success stories, you have nothing to lose but that unwanted weight!

Things To Watch For With A Calorie Diet Plan

Total values for caloric intake is something that needs to be determined on an individual basis, not set at being the same for every person. Not every person is built like the next person. Therefore, the total number of calories that each individual person should consume in a day's time, for healthy weight-loss, should be determined differently from one person to another.

A majority of the calorie diet plan options that people use these days to lose weight also do not generally allow for a very wide variety of food products to select from. The items that a person is allowed to choose from is usually very limited and many of the choices do not contain an adequate amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. In order for a person's energy and metabolism to stay at the proper levels that the body's system requires to perform various functions efficiently, the body must receive the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals found in several types of foods. Unfortunately, most of the calorie diet plan options that many people end up failing at, are those that put way too much attention on the numbers of calories consumed and not enough attention on the overall health of the person.

Engaging in a regular exercise plan and other physical activities on a routine basis is often another important factor that is often neglected when a person focuses all of their attention on a calorie diet plan. It is not at all uncommon for a person to lose quite a bit of muscle mass instead of excess fat when they are on a calorie diet plan. This fact alone is a big reason why more attention should be paid to regular exercise regimes and engaging in other types of activities as well.

Are you ready to get off the diet merry-go-round? Stop all the fad diets and discover The Diet Solution. You can lose weight, burn fat and still have more energy than ever before. Visit to finally stop dieting and start living.

You Can Now Get a Free Diabetic Diet Plan to Help Prevent Diabetes

If you are suffering from diabetes or if you have risk factors from your family that give you the potential to have diabetes, then you may want to check out a free diabetic meal plan made by professionals. Did you know that fitness competitors and bodybuilders, when they want to lose fat they will actually go on a diabetic diet? Many people do not realize this but the science that makes people lose fat is the same science that prevents diabetes and can prevent you from getting this disease.

If you already have diabetes, free diabetic diet plan can help you curb some of the symptoms that you are experiencing. For example, in fitness training when people who have diabetes try to go on a diet they are immediately put on a diabetic meal plan to help them lose body fat and while this is happening symptoms of diabetes in their body reduce by half.

If you already have a diabetic diet plan that you're following then you might want to check yours against one of the free diabetic meal plans. We have seen doctors create diet plans for diabetics that have been completely off mark. A simple understanding of blood sugar level control throughout the day can not only help you lose a lot of body fat but can also help with symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetic diet planning is very simple once you understand it, however few do. Your diet is something that shouldn't be guessed at, especially if you are suffering from diabetes. However, a simple check can help you find out this information or shed some light on how to eat correctly in order to lose body fat and stop diabetes dead in its tracks.

Fact: Staying on the proper diabetic diet could save your life.

Click Here to get a Free Diabetic Meal Plan

All you have to do is answer 5 quick questions so they can get the right diet for you.

It's Free. Click Here to get a $200 meal plan for free.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Lowdown On Low Carbohydrate Diet Plan

With the sudden boom of dieting in the country, different diet programs have been introduced in the country. Although many experts believe that proper exercise and not only diet can lose those pounds in a healthy way, many people still believe in the power of diet programs and diet plans. One of the most controversial kinds of diet plans is the low-carbohydrate diet program, which focuses on the reduction of carbohydrate consumption in the body.

According to the theory, when carbohydrates are no longer being taken in, the body will be forced to use fats and water as alternative sources of energy; thereby helping to shed off those unwanted pounds.

Fats, unbeknownst to many, can actually be converted to energy. The body just doesn't use it as the first priority because it is more complex in structure and therefore, harder to break down and convert into energy. Among the popular low carbohydrate diets in the country is the Atkins diet.

Despite arguments from its critics, low carbohydrate diet has proven its effectiveness in terms of losing that extra weight. To date, it counts millions of followers not only in the country but also outside America.

Actually, cutting down on carbohydrates in the diet is a practice that people have been doing for years. When people cut down on their rice or bread or do not eat rice at all, they are reducing their carbohydrate intake. Of course, because it is not an official diet plan they are not really restricting themselves completely. When you are under a diet plan, you are not allowed to eat any kind of carbohydrates.

One of the advantages of low carbohydrate diet is the fact that it can actually increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is really good news to people who have a heart problem. This is perhaps the reason why Atkins diet was used for cardio patients. This diet plan can also reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body. Triglycerides can be dangerous when combined with a high level of LDL or bad cholesterol. Both can increase the risk for heart attack and heart disease.

Low carb diet plans are also found to be good in balancing mood swings. They will not be prone to extreme lows such as depression or extreme high. People who are under the program are found to have fairly stable energy levels unlike those with high carbo levels.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

The Mediterranean Diet Plan - Is It Right For You?

The Mediterranean diet plan has been around for a good many years now, but just doesn't get the publicity like the Atkins diet or others diet plans you hear about so often. But is this weight loss plan right for you? Let's take a look.

Mediterranean Diet Plan Ingredients

This diet plan calls for a lot of fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, breads, nuts, beans and potatoes. You can also have chicken in smaller amounts and little to no red meat.

One of the main ingredients in foods and preparation is the use of olive oil. Olive oil provides so many benefits and is recommended by the American Heart Association. It doesn't raise cholesterol levels like other oils do, which makes this part of the diet plan very healthy indeed.

An interesting note with the Mediterranean diet plan is that heart disease is actually much lower in the Mediterranean countries than it is right here in America. I believe this is directly attributable to eating foods that are included in this plan.

Another excellent part of this diet is that eating fish 3 times a week is encouraged. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish are another big health benefit as well.

The biggest negative with the Mediterranean diet plan is the breads and pasta that they include on a daily basis. As you know, breads and pasta can really pack on the pounds with most people, a fact that can't be overlooked.

Although the Mediterranean diet plan is one of the most heart healthy plans available, it may not be the solution you are looking for in a weight loss program.

By the way, you can learn more about How To Lose Weight as well as see the results from the plan I've been on and much more information on weight loss on my blog at

Is Your Diet Plan Not Working?

Would you like a diet guaranteed to work? Let me guess, the answer is YES. Would you like a million dollars and maybe.... World Peace?

Again, the answer is... probably yes. OK, with all joking aside, and these rhetorical questions out of the way, let us talk about losing weight. Leaving these other small issues to another day!

Those of us with a few (or maybe more than a few) extra pounds and extra inches need a working solution. Any diet can be guaranteed to work IF you follow it correctly, but having the will power to stick with it for any length of time is the problem. The one type of diet that works fairly well for me is a low carbohydrate diet. Choosing a low carb diet allows eating larger amounts of food and more satisfying types of food and still drops the pounds quickly.

The first week or two of low carb dieting is the hardest, but if you can make it through this period successfully, then cravings ease up and even go away. As with all things worthwhile it takes good planning to accomplish your goals. Shop well ahead of time for the things needed to prepare meals. Small amounts of moderate exercise and drinking lots of water is also a big factor in how well you do.

There has always been discussion and disagreement about this kind of dieting. Some folks swear by it, and some despise it. I believe some that really, really hate it have their own hidden agenda, but that is beside the point. The question I have to ask myself is, knowing that being overweight is unhealthy, and with my present diet plan not working, and the fact I am not getting any younger, are the so called risks of low carb eating worth it?

This is an individual's own decision.

Do your research, know your options, and know yourself and your will power. Do not be afraid to try some new things, and if something starts to work for you, keep tweaking it until you see more results. You may be glad you did!

Click the link below to see more details of low carb dieting. Diet Plan Working? Good luck

The Healthy Diet Plan That Works

Whether you want to gain or lose weight and regain your health, this healthy diet plan actually works to help you attain your goal weight.

The importance of protein

From our schooldays, we learnt that proteins are the building blocks of life. They are needed for growth and repair. Therefore, the diet has to be protein rich.

Lose weight now

If you are not sure of your protein and calorie requirements, take the average and work your way from there. For women that translates into a 1200 calorie daily diet which supplies around 100 gram of protein. For men it means 1500 calories and 150 gram of protein. The physically active or athletic person will need more protein and more calories.

In order to lose weight, simply replace two meals a day with a portion-controlled and healthy protein shake mix. The main meal of the day should comprise healthy foods with lots of color in it.

Snacks should be low calorie but nutritious. And have lots of vegetables and fruits. Don't forget the importance of exercise.

Maintaining weight loss or losing weight slowly

For either of the above, simply replace one meal with a shake. Have healthy low calorie foods and avoid junk foods. Make sure that your diet is protein rich.

Gaining weight

Not everybody wants to lose weight. Some people are too thin and want to build their body. For them, it is important to have sufficient calories and include protein shakes to every meal as extras. Various supplements and high protein can be had as snacks. Make sure that you do not exceed more than 50 grams of protein in any one meal.

Planning your meals

When planning your shakes, mix the protein powders with low fat or skim milk or soy milk. Add fruit for additional nutrition.
Have high protein snacks, whether bars, soups or nuts. These will keep hunger pangs away and add nutrition to your daily diet.
Your meals should be based on a main protein like white meat, lean red meat, or soy substitute for vegetarians. Add lots of vegetables and fruits for vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Whole grains or breads and pastas made from whole grains will provided added protein and nutrition as well as fiber.

Do you need supplements?

If your calories are restricted, you ought to use supplements, which provide more bang for your buck in the form of added nutrition. These can help you with your metabolism, give your energy and eliminate unnecessary fat from your diet.

They will boost your immunity and help you manage stress. They will also take care of heart and bone health, keeping your fitness and energy levels high.

Author was overweight for most of her life. But she slimmed down and regained her figure and health. If you want to receive Tatti's personal tips and recommendations visit

The Greatest Reasons Why People Do Not Lose Weight, Even With a Good Diet Plan

Several people consider weight loss to be like emptying a bucket with a spoon. A tablespoon out of the bucket today, tomorrow, next week will over time empty the bucket. This is not true when it comes to our bodies. When we lessen our food consumption, our bodies try to store more calories the next time we eat more than the body requires. Therefore even though we are lessening our food intake much of the time, we will not lose weight if we have additional calories some of the time.

Physicians hear this problem too often: "I am dieting, but I cannot seem to lose any weight." For several people, losing weight can be a frustrating task. Despite how much they try, nothing seems to change. What is happening? Identifying the issue is only part of the answer.

Some of the most general reasons why people do not lose weight are:

Much of our social activities include eating, as well, restaurants portions have gotten bigger (especially fast food).

We do not exercise as much as in the past and it is unacceptable to be hungry.

We do not remember the additional food we consume everyday, or we think we did not eat as much as we did. Lastly, we do not understand how weight is managed.

It is also imperative to remember that when we accumulate fewer calories in a day, we tend to be less active, which most likely originates from our biological make up to maintain body weight for survival.

The easy rule of weight loss is that you have to constantly burn off more calories than what you consume. Any kind of weight loss diet is acceptable as long as calorie intake is constantly decreased each day. A diet that is healthy with some amounts of veggies, fruits, grains and lean meat or fish is ideal.

Exercise will help, but if you are not an athlete, you will have to reduce your calorie intake as well. Know it is OK to be hungry when trying to lose weight. When your goal is met, every day is for maintaining. If you go back to your old habits of eating more and not exercising as much, the weight will pack itself back on.

Many people are not aware of how much exercise is required to lose weight without reducing calories. Additionally, exercise makes you hungry. If a dieter can avoid not consuming any more than was consumed before commencing the diet can burn off an extra 500 calories every day, that individual can shed a pound each week.

Just by walking or running 1 mile, or five miles on a bike burns 100 calories. If you maintained 5 miles a day, everyday and not consume any more food than you were before the diet, then you can lose 1 pound per week. On the other hand, you can reduce 250 calories per day and do 2 and a half miles to accomplish the same goal.

Anyone is capable of losing weight. Not everyone can or should be thin, but everyone can attain a regular healthy weight. One must understand that we cannot eat all we want, whenever we want. We can eat well when food is on the table, however our food consumption must be balanced with exercise to achieve and keep at an optimal weight.

Don't waste your time and money. If you really want to lose weight, we have reviewed several successful diet plans for quick weight loss. You can also watch my videos about healthy diet plans to lose weight quickly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Can a Low Carb Diet Plan Help Me Lose Weight?

If you look around the internet, you will find all kinds of diet plans that promise to help you lose weight, lose fat, look great, and feel great - all without the help of any drugs or extreme exercise. While some of them may work, many of them are based on false science that leaves you dehydrated and losing only water weight. The best way to lose weight these days is by choosing a sensible low carb diet plan that you can stick to over time.

If you don't know what a carbohydrate is, think of it as anything other than fat or protein. In other words, all starches such as breads and potatoes, all sugars such as fruit or sweetened foods, cereals, vegetables, and just about anything that isn't meat or fatty. Carbohydrates are good for you, as long as they haven't been processed. Refined sugar, such as what is found in sweetened fruit juices, cereals, and sodas is one of the worst things that you could eat because you are getting empty calories. The sugar has no nutritional value other than providing you with energy.

A low carb diet plan helps to eliminate these empty calories from your diet and replace them with carbs that are truly providing you with both energy and nutrition. A low carb diet plan is especially good for people with all levels of diabetes since they can help them keep their blood sugar levels under control.

When you go on a low carb diet, you might think that you would suffer, but in fact you will get to eat more of other types of food, such as protein, which are equally fulfilling. It is an easy diet to stick to, and one that you can count on in the long-term for permanent weight loss.

Marc Ilgen is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a low carb plan. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of various diet solutions and many others including discounts and best prices at Marc's blog:

General Guide to a Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan

Whatever your reason is to embark on a quick weight loss diet plan - whether it is to look slim and attractive for modeling or to lose excess fat before a body building competition - it is important to bear a few important guidelines in mind when figuring out your own quick weight loss diet plan. These guidelines will allow you to have a balanced and healthy diet plan to lose weight effectively, quickly and safely.

1. Ensure that your diet is balanced and complete.

Your quick weight loss diet plan must be holistic in nature. Going on a 'starvation' diet or depending on pills and tablets for accelerated fat burning will not be a healthy way to achieve weight loss. Having a balanced and complete diet is the best way to ensure that. What do we mean by a balanced and complete diet? Your daily quick weight lose diet plan should consist of all major food groupings of carbohydrate, fruits and vegetables, proteins, fat, minerals and water. This will ensure that sufficient energy fuels are available for daily activities, enough protein are available for growth and repairs, and enough fiber, fat and water are present for necessary human functions.

2. Have smaller and more frequent meals.

After you have plan your dietary inputs, your food intake should be divided into smaller meals over 5-6 takings in a single day, instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. Smaller meals allow for easier digestion and absorption by the body thus ensuring that all the nutrients are not wasted. Research has shown that people who eat more frequent meals are able to lose more fat and stay leaner than those who eat three times a day. When there is a long interval between meals, a hormone called ghrelin is secreted into the body. This hormone, also known as 'hunger hormone', slows down fat metabolism and increases appetite. This can cause over-eating that may promote weight gain. Frequent meals on the other hand, maintain sugar levels constant and reduce ghrelin levels which are good for fat utilization.

3. Avoid a high fat and high calorie diet.

For a normal person aiming to lose weight through slimming eating habits, it is important to reduce the intake of fat and high calorie food groups like carbohydrate. There are two reasons for this. The main objective of your quick weight loss diet plan is to lose weight through higher fat utilization. Thus, decreasing the fat and calorie intake will mean that less energy fuel is available for the body to use. The end result is that the body will increasingly tap on the fat reserves of the body for fuel. Secondly, any excess fat or calorie intake can be easily converted to fat storage in the body if activity levels are not sufficient to expend these food classes. It is therefore crucial to avoid such high fat and high calorie intake in your quick weight loss diet plan.

4. Increase fiber intake.

Increasing fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables has three advantages in a quick weight loss diet plan. One, it fills up tummy space meant initially for carbohydrates. In this way, ghrelin level will be lower, leading to better fat utilization again. Two, the minerals and nutrients that are abundantly found in fruits and vegetables actually improves digestion and other bodily functions which will help weight loss. Thirdly, fruits and vegetables contain much less calories than most fruit groups thus lowering the possibility of fat accumulation in the body system.

5. Eat slowly.

Having arranged a proper quick weight loss diet plan, it is now important to realize that eating slowly will aid weight loss. There is a psychological reason behind this. Research has shown that it takes about twenty minutes for our brain to register that our stomach is full and therefore does not require any more food. If we take our time to eat, not only will digestion be more efficient, but when the time is up, the brain will send a 'full' message to the body to slow down or stop food intake further. This will help in weight loss.

To ensure that your weight loss campaign is successful, your quick weight loss diet plan should follow the guidelines as set out above as much as possible. Ultimately, we want to loss weight to feel and perform better. There is no point in having methods that allow for quick weight loss but are not safe in nature. Your welfare at the end is most important. So, do lose weight in a proper manner.

Mike Mass

Safe Diet Plans

My new year's resolution for the past three years has been to give up my existence on junk food and get going with a healthy, stable and safe diet. I have tried on numerous occasions during all these years to get to a plan which provided me the correct supplements to keep my body fit and healthy. I am however, going to make the same resolution next year too.

The reasons are aplenty, but in my opinion, the most important amongst them is that I have never been able to home on to one single plan which appealed to my taste and also gave me the required supplements to keep my body in shape.

The internet, the print media, the hoardings, advertisement corners, newspapers supplements etc. are all filled with numerous diet plans which will make you look like Rambo, and make your brain cell zoom into hyperactivity. They claim to be lifelong remedies for all ills. Wow!

The truth, however, is far from that.

Remember the Morgan Spurlock story of eating for 30 days straight at a fast food joint and the consequent affect on his health. He filmed the state of his health during and after the 30 day saga and put that documentary as an entry to a film festival. His health got so bad that he got the best documentary award in the Sundance Film Festival for his documentary Super Size Me. He got it in the horror category. Gained 25 pounds in 30 days and got spooked or life.

The lesson is simple, No diet plan is perfect. At least, its not a one-for-all solution. A diet plan which might one day become ideal for me might turn out to be the worst thing that ever happened to you. A diet plan has to be made according to the health statistics of a person. So, what constitutes a safe health plan? Doctors and physicians around the world have grappled with this question for a number of years and almost all have converged to a common set of answers. What differentiates one plan from another is the implementation. They differ in the type, quantity and flavor of food used. The common characteristics of every plan are as follows :-

· It should be nutritious.

· It should provide an equal proportion of all natural elements to the human body.

· It must be timed in a manner that the person using it can adhere to it in the normal course of his activity. A diet plan which requires extreme change in living habits is bound to fail.

· It must have an equal proportion of watery and semi solid constituent.

· Avoid saerated drinks, liquor and red meat in excessive quantity while planning the diet.

· It must not be reward based ie. If you don't exceed the limit today, you can eat an extra morsel tomorrow types...

· Must have variety.

· Ingredients mentioned in the plan must be available to the person using it. A person living in the tropical region cannot have the luxury of eating the GM diet.

· It must be simple to plan and easy to execute.

This list is not exhaustive, but essentially covers the common set available in almost all diet plans.

Now that sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? All these gems of wisdom are available on almost every website which boasts of weight loss, diet control and fitness. So why is no one happy with his diet? The problem lies in the combination of all these points being available in a single diet plan. The search is on and as I said earlier, I know my next year's resolution; Find a safe diet plan.

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800 Calorie Diet Plan - A Powerful Way To Lose Weight

If you are planning to follow an 800 calorie diet plan, you should know that it is classified as a very low calorie plan, which necessitates the supervision of a doctor or physician. This type of diet is designed to help individuals lose weight in a period of 3 to 6 months. However, prior to employing this diet, make sure your body mass index is greater than 30 as you are likely to lose about 3 to 5 pounds per week using this diet plan.

Following this type of diet would entail eliminating regular food and replacing them with liquid diet. Your physician would require you to get involved in both physical activity and behavioral therapy as part of this diet plan. Your regular meals should be substituted with special nutritional products, which are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Regular foods can also be substituted with food items that contain the necessary amount of nutrition of your body. More often than not, special nutritional products are those with 100 calories mixed with water.

While in an 800 calorie diet plan, you should ensure you are being monitored carefully by your physician. This is to say that you should see your physician every 2 weeks so he/she can check the changes in your weight, pulse, and blood pressure. You should also undergo blood tests every 2 weeks to monitor any drastic caloric restriction as well as the need for potassium supplements.

On the other hand, this type of diet may have side effects including fatigue. This is because you have low intake of calories. More so, you may experience nausea, diarrhea, and constipation. You should take note that while you are in this type of diet, the side effects would be clear within a few weeks.

Finally, you should be able to commit to healthy eating if you want to succeed with an 800 calorie diet plan. You could start gaining weight easily as soon as you stop this diet. As such, make sure you keep your healthy eating permanent, take food in moderation, and conduct daily physical activities.

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What Is The Best Diet Plan - Lose Weight The Right Way

There are several diets and weight loss plans in the market but you need to be careful regarding which one you opt in for or choose. You should always choose a diet plan or a weight loss program according to your body type. The best way to choose the best diet plan is to know what your long term and short term goals are with weight loss and choose a diet which suits it. Read on to find out some of the best diet plans which are known to work.

Detox diet- This is one of the best diet plans out there which is known to work well with most individuals and has helped them achieve their weight loss goals. This diet mainly focuses on detoxifying your body that is removal of toxic substances from your body. It basically involves all natural foods and products to help detoxify your body.

Water diet- This is known to be by far the best and a free diet plan which is hundred percent natural and helps you lose weight tremendously. As the name suggests this diet is basically about losing body weight by drinking water. Also eating raw foods also helps you lose weight tremendously simply due to the fact that processed foods have been known to affect your health a great deal.

Green tea diet- This is also one of the best and most effective diet plans to lose weight and achieve the desired results in no time. This diet plan basically focuses on using green tea to curb hunger and appetite. This diet is the simplest and the easiest to follow as all you need to do is drink 4 to 5 cups of green tea a day. The biggest benefit of this diet plan is that this can be easily used in conjunction with other diet plans.

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Do You Have a Diet Plan to Lose Weight?

We all know the trouble of shaping our bodies to the figure we want. Getting those perfect abs, that rock hard chest, or those toned legs all take time and knowledge of what steps to take. Now I want to ask you, what steps are you taking toward your goals? Have you taken a step today? Do you have a diet plan to lose weight?

If your new to the fitness world and have found or been looking for the gym to help take you to the next level, remember it will take more than just a gym membership. ONLY 5% of people with gym memberships will obtain the results they desire. Why is this? Well, 95% of gym members don't have a set plan on what to do next. If you've attended a gym for years and still haven't seen the results your looking for, then it's time to take a look at what you've been doing and change it. A diet plan can usually push you to the next level.

Here are some quick tips to help you plan for your fitness goals. First, start writing down what you do each day. Keep a journal of your workouts as well as what your eating. If you can see what you've done in the past, then you can change it later if needed. Keep measurements of yourself. You always want to know where you were and where you are now. If you don't do this the mind will play tricks on you. Since changes do happen slowly, your own eyes have trouble actually seeing the results. That's why we require numbers to help us see what we've attained. Don't let your weight bring you down...a better number to pay attention to would be your body fat percentage. And lastly, do some research. It doesn't take but a few minutes to read a fitness article or have a small chat with a local personal trainer.

So don't wait till next week to plan your next step. Start right now. I want to know:

What's your strategy?

You can add different healthy foods to your diet plans to make things interesting. There are new weight loss noodles, Asian treats, which can help lower your weight. You can read more articles by Travis Petelle at Go Healthy Fitness.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Why Self Made Diet Plans Fail at Weight Loss

When you try to lose weight, the first thing you do is watch your diet by eating low fat and fat free foods. Maybe try some of the fad diets like the GM diet, Atkins Diet, Raw Banana Diet or the Lemon Detox Diet, or just a plain crash diet. In the first couple of weeks, you see some weight loss, but in just 2 months, you gain the weight back.

Firstly, all fad diets are extremely unhealthy- Read here about GM diet side effects, Atkins diet side effects, why the Raw Banana diet is unhealthy and the Lemon Detox diet as well as why crash diets are unhealthy.

Then, everyone's body has a different chemistry. Due to this, a generic diet plan besides having possible side effects will not result in effective weight loss.

Also, many diet plans are not made for Indian diets or vegetarian diets, so many of the diet components either are not allowed in your diet, or are not available in India.

When you decide to try a diet by yourself, you are literally making yourself a guinea pig, since you don't know if it will work for you. Creating a diet plan is very time consuming. To implement it, is even harder. With the lack of understanding of diets, your body chemistry and lack of experience in creating effective diets, before you start, you've already shot your chances of losing weight on the diet.

Often self made diet plans are very unrealistic, so they are great to make, hard to implement and even harder to follow. Besides, many self made diet plans have unbalanced nutrition and thus unhealthy.

So, how do you make an effective diet plan? Without understanding the science of diets and weight loss, its impossible to make an healthy and effective diet plan.

To make a real dent in your weight loss goals, meet the professional for an customized and effective diet plan. For diet plans in Delhi, call us at 98718-00943, or email at

Slim Fast Diet Plan - Fact and Fiction!

Slim Fast has been around for awhile. Back when liquid diets were growing in popularity, here came Slim Fast. People loved the path that offered very little caloric intake and that was through easy to use, easy to carry beverages that were tasty but provided no lasting substance. Liquid diets are really starvation diets that promise quick weight loss. There is NO WAY to get your full sustenance through liquid alone.

The Slim Fast plan advocates meal replacement. A variety of shakes replace breakfast and lunch meals. You should have your own choice a dinner is a sensible meal that represents all of the food groups in healthy portions.

The plan has evolved over the years. Slim Fast offers not only shakes but also snack and meal replacement bars. They have expanded what can be eaten for the Slim Fast meals. The Slim Fast plan promotes weight loss through eating less and exercising more.

The Slim Fast bars are nutritionally balanced. They contain vitamins, minerals, and protein to help dieters fight off hunger during the day. The plan encourages participants to stay away from high fat foods like fast foods, fried foods, and processed snack foods. By eating healthier foods, weight loss occurs.

The shakes on the Slim Fast plan are measured and ready to drink. There are no powders to mix and no measuring to be done. Each shake contains a list of all of the vitamins and minerals they contain. When they started, the only flavor was French Vanilla. Now there are several chocolate varieties plus strawberry, banana, and orange cream. Slim Fast recognizes that taste is important for people trying to lose weight. A diet plan that sacrifices taste is prone to high failure rates.

Slim Fast also offers support for its dieters. Visit the Slim Fast website to find out more about the tools available to those that follow the plan. The program doesn't leave dieters stranded after weight loss. They can learn how to replace those Slim Fast products with regular food and maintain their new weight.

Exercise is encouraged on the Slim Fast plan. Be careful about the activity that you choose. Walking is still the best exercise for overall body conditioning. Choosing an exercise program that is high intensity can lead to problems with hunger. The low calorie count of this plan does not fit with those who are professional athletes or who follow an exercise program that requires a greater amount of protein from their diet.

Participants can shop for food as normal. The shakes can get pricey since you are drinking two each day. The sensible dinner suits the entire family since well-balanced meals are healthy.

Todd Wesley is helping men and women shed the extra pounds by introducing them to the TRUTH behind weight loss. Lose Weight Now!

Diet Meal Plans - The Recommended Weight Loss Healthy Diet Plan: Components and Features

Due to certain unavoidable circumstances, you may be required to take some meals and not others because of your medical condition. You may even be required to take those meals which are not your favorites and this may force to change your diet meal plans suddenly. This should not at any time injure your health because there are healthy diet meal plans for any medical condition. Weight loss is especially problematic because almost all the foods we eat contain some amount of fat which is not recommended for weight loss plans.

The word healthy is very important in this article and you should take it seriously. Your weight loss diet meal plans should not affect the normal body functioning or its immunity. Precisely, you should never starve yourself in order to lose weight because this will cause other serious health problems. You may be required to take little but well balanced and healthy meals and you may feel hungry before your body adjusts to the new eating plans.

Though there are certain diet meal plans which are almost universal and recommended for any one who wants to lose weight, your physician may proscribe or prescribe certain meals and do the opposite to another person who is having the same weight gain problem. This may be for instance if you have an underlying health issue like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, depression etc because the effects of certain foods on these other diseases and conditions must also be considered even if they are good for weight loss.

Though it is the most relied source of information on the latest diet meal plans, the internet information should be relied on with caution and you should take reasonable steps to establish the expertise of the author of any article on diet meal plans. Incase you get conflicting, you should consult your physician and the opinion of your local medical professional should prevail because some foods which are recommended else where may be referred to in a different name in your local area or not recommended at all.

Most weight loss diet meal plans concentrate on restricting o the intake of certain foods but the best ones also put a lot of emphasis in encouraging the frequent intake of some others especially those which increase the body metabolism and boost body immunity. Some foods have also been proved to contain some types of fats which are easily metabolized by the body and are as such safe for intake. Only the foods which contain fats which are not easily metabolized by the body and those which are deposited in the body tissues and organs should be avoided in all diet meal plans . Most diet meals plans experts recommended that you should balance and take your meals to ensure that you lose anything between one and two kilograms every week and you will need to be dedicated in order to attain this objective.

Simon Lovell is author of The Lunch Box Diet which is one of the best diets available for those who want to lose weight. You can start The Lunch Box Diet and get great free bonuses for a limited time.

Ideal Weight Loss Diet Plan - How to Set Up and Start Your Program Effectively

More often than not, people who need to lose want to shed off the extra pounds the quickest way possible. So what really is the smart and ideal weight loss diet plan that is guaranteed to keep those unwanted fat at bay? Are there some things that you should take into consideration on how to jump start your weight loss program?

Here are some points to consider when planning that ideal diet plan:

First and foremost, pick an ideal weight that you should target to achieve. Never make the mistake of falling in love with a weight that you know is unachievable. You may only end up starving yourself thus it is recommended that your goal should be realistic.

Count by the calorie-

Just because the label says that the product is free means that it will not make you fat. Manufacturers of these products usually add extra sugar to make up for bland taste. Extra calories which are not consumed by the body will be stored as fat.

It is imperative that your diet should not scrimp on vitamins and minerals-

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals. In order for weight loss diet plan to work, the body should be nourished with the right nutrients.

Take also into consideration the beverage that is ideal for losing weight-

Water is no doubt still is the best especially for people who want to have a jump start to their weight loss program. Unlike the other beverages, water is free of fat and calorie. It helps fill up your stomach without making you fat.

Remember, fat will not burn itself in over a day. A weight loss diet plan will only be effective if you will set your goals right. Keep in check the things that you eat and drink. Plan your diet carefully and stick by and you are sure to have a jump start to a smart weight loss program.

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Detox Diet Plan For a Flatter Belly

The detox diet plan will give you a head start on cleansing and make it easier for you to lose weight and flatten your belly. When your body has too much of the wrong food to process it holds onto fat simply because it is overwhelmed. The detox diet plan will provide relief and alleviate stress from the digestive system and liver.

24 hour fast

The best way to detox your body and flatten your belly is to start with a 24 hour fast. If you are taking prescription medications, please consult your doctor before starting this process. Choose a day when you do not have to perform a lot of physical activities. Weekends usually work well to start a detox diet plan.

During a fast, you will need to drink large quantities of water with fresh lemon juice to prevent yourself from getting dehydrated. Starting and ending the day with a glass of hot water and fresh lemon juice will help the detoxification process by cleansing the digestive system, liver and kidneys. Lemon and grapefruit juice are great fat burners.

Eat Raw Foods

After the initial 24 hour fast, the next step on the detox diet plan is to eat raw food for the rest of the week. This includes raw fruits and vegetables (in salads) since they are the easiest food for the body to digest. These foods provide the body with the most nutrition and also have a cleansing effect on the body. Raw foods will also help to speed up the body's metabolism and will help to strengthen the immune system. The high fiber content in vegetables and fruit is an excellent source for helping to flush toxins out of the body.

After week one, begin to cook your vegetables. Try to use organic fruit and vegetables. The best way to cook your veggies is to steam, bake or grill to prevent the loss of many important vitamins and minerals. Try to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Fresh herbs are great way to add flavor to your vegetables.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Don't be surprised if you seem to feel worse for the first few days. Stick to the detox diet plan and you will soon start to feel better. This often happens because you are eliminating foods that you have become dependent on. Withdrawals can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, aches and pains and even flu like symptoms. These symptoms will pass, do not panic, it just means that your detox is working and you are on the way to a flatter belly!

Throughout your detox program, drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Walking for 15 to 30 minutes every day will also help you to detox your body. Drink two cups of either carrot or apple juice each day, great for the liver! Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you like and include spinach, broccoli, asparagus and sweet potato. If you use this plan to detox your body, you will see an amazing improvement in your overall health and a flatter belly!

Follow these ultimate secrets and life changing tips to aid you in your detox diet plan and achieve a flatter belly.

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Kelly Beck is a qualified Pilates Instructor who is passionate about fitness and health.

Choosing Your Diet Plan

Dieting seems to be the most frequently thought and tried activity among almost all women. That does not mean that men do not diet. But, you will not find as many of them as women. Choosing a diet program is truly torturous. The toughest thing about this is you are not sure which diet plan is to be adopted and you are apprehensive about how hard it will be. Many of us do not have in us what it really demands to lose weight. So we tend to look for short cuts, quick results and easy, relaxed plans.

Following the strictures of a diet plan is quite hard. There are certain normal diets. They do not make you hungry. It is tagged normal because in these diet plans you will comfortably have three meals in a day.

Then there are diet plans where you just do what is said above - three healthy meals, some little snacks, and drink liters of water. Follow up these by having a few diet pills as part of the diet plan. This is not a bad plan at all. It is worth giving a try.

Do not forget all those fad diets - dieting on cabbage soup, boiled eggs, eating just grapefruits and several others. Of course, these diets will definitely help you lose weight. But, there is a second part to it. What comes back to you soon after a while is what you lost and more.

Take time to decide which diet plan is best for you. Do not rush. The delay is worth it. In the meantime make sure you do not become heavier. Live with the three-factor plan: eat three healthy meals, have some snacks, and have liters of water every day. That takes care of the problem for a while.

Check out this unique Weight Loss Plan to lose weight with no restrictive fad diets, long boring cardio workouts and the need for super-human willpower.

And, check out also the incredible weight loss program - The Diet Solution Program