Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dr Atkins Diet Plan - A Miraculous Fat Burning Tool

Only lately, has Dr Atkins diet plan gain in reputation as every day more people becomes knowledgeable about the dangers of being over weight.

Because many individuals had a problem persisting with a low fat, low energy diet, they began to search for other ways to lose fat and they managed to find a very good one in a Dr Atkins diet plan.

As of late a considerable amount of people with weight problem have started using diet by Dr.Atkins, and the final results that majority of them achieved have produced a large exposure.

Atkins diet is based on a proposition of the reason why we grow extra fat. In theory by Dr. Atkins, ingesting high quantities of simple carbohydrates and sugars can result in weight gain.

The way in which our bodies manage the simple carbohydrates we include in our regular diet is more important then the calories we consume.

In an Atkins diet book, there are many references to occurrence called the insulin resistance. The basis of this theory is that people with weight problem have a trouble with their cells and that these cells cease to work as satisfactorily as they should.

In times when we consume excessive amount of sugars and carbohydrates, our bodies observe that levels of sugar are very high.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas gland as a method to gather sugar in a way of glycogen. That same sugar is then being accumulated in our liver and muscles for additional energy later in cases when we need it.

The difficulty is that our bodies have the limit in the amount of glycogen that can be stored at once. The second that we reach this limit our bodies commence storing it as fat, for emergency.

However insulin resistant individuals have a yet more difficult time storing carbohydrates. As your body is exposed to more and more insulin, it slowly becomes resistant to it.

Our body cells are essentially shielding them selves from large amounts of insulin in this way. Because of that, they create more fat and less amount of glycogen.

Accordingly insulin resistant man and woman start put on additional weight. Reason for this is that the carbohydrates are processed in fat instead of energy. Some common side effects are low blood sugar, high blood sugar, bloating, depression, lack of focus, fatigue, bad memory and sleepiness.

Furthermore insulin resistance has the ability to cause you a lot more health problems then simply having a few pounds more.

Very good cure for insulin resistant people is a diet low in carbohydrates. And that is the main part of Dr Atkins diet plan, reduced intake of carbohydrates. Some of the limited food groups are: any foods with high percentage of sugar and also some complex carbohydrates (grains, rice and bread).

In some cases even healthy carbohydrates such as whole grain bread and rice can be limited.

What Dr Atkins diet plan does is that it places a limit to your every day carb consumption to 40 grams of carbohydrates daily max. The result that this has on your body is that it places your body in a state of ketosis.

So what is a ketosis? Basically it is a situation when your body uses fat for fuel. One more significant ketosis consequence is that it has a very strong effect on an insulin production, which stops additional fat storing.

Together this will force your body to commence with using fat as a extremely efficient fuel resource and that will result in a weight loss.

Throughout ketosis, you will also suffer a good deal less carbohydrate cravings. This has happened to anyone of us, you start munching something sweet and there is no way for you to stop. Over time as you consume always more of carbohydrates you carb cravings will increase.

Many people who have tried diet by Dr.Atkins have conveyed significantly lesser craving for carbohydrates then previous to the diet. And yet you need to know that the earliest chapter of Dr Atkins diet plan is fairly restricted, and actually problematical for many individuals to stay on.

That is why many of them quit or do not achieve adequate results. You need to see it from the proper angle, Atkins diet is going to explain to you how to bring back the balance in your diet in the long run.

If you see it in this way you are going to accomplish something and will experience a significant decrease of body fat. Eventually as you make progress you are going to again start to reintroduce carbs to your everyday diet, the difference is you are now going to have the knowledge not to use them too much.

The original principles that are the basis of Atkins diet have since been used on several new low carb diets, nevertheless Dr Atkins diet plan was the original and it remains the most popular to these days.

Petter Solveig is an web based author and the owner of Atkins Diet Advice website. Drop in on us and learn all in relation to Atkins diet outline [], get tons of tips and free Atkins diet recipes []

Diet Plans To Lose Weight Can Help Your Fertility

We are bombarded by messages about food and diet and everything else almost everywhere we turn. However, it isn't always as simple as losing a few pounds, a lot has to do with the reasons why we need to reduce pounds and fat. For example, diet plans to lose weight can be a crucial part of successfully getting pregnant.

Pregnancy Starts With The Mother's HEalth

Hopefully by now, every woman who is attempting to get pregnant knows that losing ten percent or more of her body weight--depending on how far she is above a healthy weight to begin with--can improve her chances of both getting pregnant and successfully carrying a healthy child to term. The same goes for keeping the number of pounds gained over that time within a healthy range.

Of course, none of this--except the part about not putting on a ton of weight during the pertinent nine or ten months--applies to women who are already at a good weight. In fact being too thin is just as detrimental to conception as carrying too much extra poundage. Getting pregnant and carrying it successfully through to the end is very dependent upon the health of the mother.

The More Food In The Food, The Better For Everyone

This is largely common knowledge, however, while the weight of the mother is vital, how she achieves a given weight is important as well. Food can impact everything from a woman's fertility to her blood sugar and hormonal functioning, all of which are relevant during both conception and the overall term.

A diet plan to lose weight that incorporates healthy, single ingredient, organic foods is one of the best possible eating plans to achieve both these goals. Specific, healthy organics like yams can improve a woman's fertility. But foods that limit the number of chemicals and other preservatives that are deposited into the mother's system and therefore the child's will be better for both.

The same applies to foods that keep the eater full and with a solid level of energy. Strange diet foods that are mostly salt and sugar do not meet this rubric.

Meals and ingredients full of healthy nutrients and geared toward working with maximum efficiency in the eater's body, will make for maximum fat-burning and physical health all at the same time.

Another Area Where Diet Matters

What is not as well known is how much depends on the diet of the father as well. Foods can not only impact a mother's health and fertility, but that of the other parent's.

Anyone undergoing any kind of fertility treatment will have heard all the advice about weight, lopse clothing and keeping body temperature optimal. But often times, other diet and health issues may not have been as well disseminated.

The problem is that sometimes, efforts to get healthy can actually backfire on both parties. For example, "low fat" foods may well have healthy fats removed and sugar added, simply to lower calorie content. This will actually reduce most of the healthy benefits that the food might have once had.

This is not the worst of it, however. Many foods that are universally considered healthy can negatively impact fertility as well. Just as soy is known to negatively affect thyroid function in both genders, it can also significantly lower a man's sperm count, especially if consumed over long periods.

Thus the best diet plan to lose weight and improve all aspects of getting and staying pregnant will not include a lot of engineered foods with chemically complex names. Instead, the best diet plans to lose weight include healthy, organic, single ingredient foods. Ideally it will include them in proportions and portions that work with metabolism to provide the best overall effect.

Want to know more about the best diet plans to lose weight before--or during--your pregnancy? Go to

Calorie Shifting Diet Plan - Will it Set You For Another Disappointment

Calorie shifting has been one of the diet plans with ever-increasing popularity. People from left, right, and center are all raving about it - about how they got the perfect curves, that fat-free body in just months.

BUT with a lot of diet plans going in and out of fashion, one can't help but ask: is calorie shifting the best way to lose weight?

It's insane how A LOT of people throw their hard-earned dollars for books on fad diet plans, pills, supplements, etc. that claim to be the best way to lose weight, just to get that slim body.

And worse, they do so even if they know that 90% of the time, the so-called "best way to lose weight" system is pure snake-oil...they DON'T work!

So which category does calorie shifting fall under? Can it be rightly called the best way to lose weight? Or is it another snake-oil remedy?

Best Way To Lose Weight - Point 1

One thing that sets Calorie Shifting apart from the rest of the fad diets around is that it doesn't advocate dramatically reducing your calorie and food intake.

That's a huge PLUS I think.

Fad diets will almost kill obese individuals - the guys needing to lose weight the most. These plans force you to fight for your life on fruit juices and EXTREMELY low calorie meals.

Aside from such a system having side effects on your body, the chances of you getting discouraged and losing the will to lose weight are extremely high as it's impossible to be done.

If that's not the case for Calorie shifting, how will it cut those annoying pounds then?

Best Way To Lose Weight - Point 2

Tricking your fat-burning metabolism - that's the key behind losing weight through Calorie shifting.

"How on earth will you do that? You're saying the fat-burning metabolism has a mind of its own?" you might be scratching your heads.

Complicated as it may sound, the concept is really simple. Our fat-burning metabolism has a way of getting used to what we eat and our caloric intake.

For example, for 6 days you took in an average of 1500 calories.

BUT on the seventh day, you took in like 1000 calories. It's been proven that your metabolism will burn the amount of calories good for 1500 which means you get to lose weight.

By shifting your caloric intake in a timed manner, you're assured that no excess calories are left to accumulate.

Hence, the name calorie shifting.

Best Way To Lose Weight - Point 3

Lastly, calorie shifting doesn't claim that it's an end-all-be-all system and it's everything you NEED to lose weight.

Matter of fact, read any guide on calorie shifting and you'll see that they do advocate exercise. Another plus point as I see it!

Proper diet and exercise always come together...hand-in-hand.

Just settling for either one of them would not suffice for your weight loss goals. Calorie shifting proponents have been honest about this.

And a word of warning: if there is another diet plan you encountered which claims to help you lose weight without any exercise, run far away!

Steven is a long time health and fitness enthusiast and has been involved in diet, weight loss and exercise since 2002.

If you're looking for valuable and practical tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, so that you can loss weight naturally and rapidly to enjoy a healthier and happier life, do visit

On a 1000 Calorie Diet Plan? Stop Depriving Yourself - You Don't Have To!

So you are either on a 1000 calorie diet plan or thinking about starting on one. Before you do, you need to know why it isn't necessary to limit yourself to such few calories! There is a much easier way to lose weight fast, and it doesn't require counting calories, fat grams, or anything else. The best part? It's totally safe and healthy.

We have all been conditioned to think that we must count calories or use expensive diet plans that provide you with 300 calorie meals in order to lose weight. This is totally untrue! The real secret to fast weight loss is knowing what foods to eat and how to eat them. Let me tell you a little bit about a plan that uses a method called "calorie cycling". You can forget the 1000 calorie diet plan!

You probably know that a fast metabolism is essential in order to lose weight. What if I told you there is a plan that you can use to train your body to burn fat and calories like crazy, without expensive diet foods or supplements? You can actually turn your body into a fat burning machine, and it's easy.

Fat burning foods is the secret to losing weight fast. There are many foods that incinerate fat and calories that you probably don't know about. These are foods you eat every day! You just need to learn how to use them the right way to increase your metabolism and fat burning capacity. These aren't special foods - just regular, everyday foods like fruits, lean proteins, beans, etc.

There is an online plan that teaches you how to use these foods in a way that is so effective, you will never have to count a calorie or limit food portions again. In fact, most people who use this plan lose up to 9 pounds in the first 11 days - without feeling hungry! Now you see why you should forget those 1000 calorie diet plans.

Another little trick this plan teaches you is how to eat different "types" of calories at each meal in order to burn fat and calories. Knowing how to combine your meals to include the right amount of fats, proteins, and carbs is a big part of losing weight fast.

Are you ready to lose all the weight you want without spending tons of money on special foods or feeling deprived? You really don't have to resort to a 1000 calorie diet plan in order to get REAL results - this works. Learn more below!

You really don't have to starve yourself in order to lose weight faster than ever before! Find out how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan works, and why it has become the most popular plan EVER. Learn more about the best online plans at Lose Weight and Burn Fat.

Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan

Pregnancy diet plan is very important for women who just get conceived. In order to give the best start to your baby, you should take a variety of foods with sufficient nutrients. You should take about 4 servings of dairy products to fortify your baby with calcium and vitamin D for bone growth. Get protein from lean meat like chicken and fish every day, while ensuring that you have 5 servings of whole grain foods which are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibers. Top up your healthy pregnancy diet plan with fruits and vegetables, vegetable fat from nuts and sufficient water to keep yourselves from dehydration.

The first stage of pregnancy is important moment in your baby's development and you have to bear with pregnancy nausea as well. Needless to say it is vital to plan ahead for a healthy pregnancy diet. Your diet is not complete without source of folic acid like dark green leafy vegetables and orange which help reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Take red meat, potatoes and oats which are rich in iron to help production of red blood cells and transportation of oxygen around the body. Split your meals into few smaller meals would help if you often feel nausea. All these help in nurturing your baby's development with necessary nutrients.

A balanced pregnancy diet should also take into consideration foods which a pregnant women should avoid. If possible, refrain from caffeinated drinks during pregnancy as some reports have claimed that the energy booster may cause miscarriages. Total abstinence from alcohol is advisable during pregnancy as alcohol ingestion can be detrimental to your baby's mental and physical development. Avoid any uncooked or undercooked foods like sushi and raw eggs as these foods could be contaminated with parasite.

Your baby is what you eat. Go to Pregnancy Diet Plan 101 to learn more about well and balanced meals during pregnancy and you will be rewarded with a bouncing baby! Remember to read our Nourishing Pregnancy review to understand more about advises and guidance you can get from the book.

How to Make the Most of Your Long-Term Dieting Plans

After choosing a dieting plan and doing a detailed reading of the book that appeals to you the most, you will need to make the necessary intellectual and emotional commitments needed for success. Don't look at your diet plan as a temporary thing, something to discard or ignore once you've achieved your weight loss goal. There are several things you can do to help make the intellectual and emotional commitments to make your diet last a lifetime!

First, define your goals. Don't just think, "I've got to lose some weight." Pick a target, even if it's a moving target. Some dieters like to think in increments, for instance, losing 20 poinds, then then reestablishing a new goal until they arrive at a weight level they feel most comfortable with. Other dieters-to-be are more daring. Choosing a weight loss goal of 100 pounds might seem impossible for some, but for other dieters, it's their best and most direct strategy. Set a goal that you feel most comfortable with and stick with it.

Second, try to choose a realistic timeline for losing weight. It took years to put on those excess poinds. Don't expect to lose them all in a month! Get a good idea of how much weight you should reasonably expect to lose each week or month by reading your diet book thoroughly and following its guidelines.

Third, try to avoid as much stress as possible - especially during the earliest stages of a diet. Eating binges are often the result of high stress levels.

Fourth, buy yourself a good scale, preferably an accurate digital one. Be prepared to pay at least $40 to $80 for a quality scale. Be aware that some digital scales stop at 300 pounds. Some of the most sophisticated scales can also measure the ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass, referred to as the Body Mass Index (BMI). A Body Mass Index of over 25 usually indicates obesity, although variables such as height can influence your number. The Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Disease Control and Prevention (often called the CDC) offers a detailed explanation of the BMI and Java-scripted calculator to determine your own BMI.

Five. Weigh and measure yourself and write down the information for future reference. During the first week or so of your diet, try to avoid getting on the scale every day. While your body readjusts itself to this new way of eating, you might find your weight loss fluctuating or even stalling. This can be discouraging. If you absolutely must jump on the scale daily, do so at the same time each day, for instance, immediately after waking up. Your weight can fluctuate, up or down, by a pound or two durng the course of the day.

Number six. For an added visual reference and to really solidify the intellectual and emotional commitments required for your long-term dieting success, get a friend or companion to take a photograph of you each week. Do a front, back, and side shot. A digital camera works exceptionally well here since you can quickly compare photos of yourself from day one of your diet through your entire regimen. This visual enforcement of your efforts can be a great encouragement.

Seven. Let friends and family members know that you are on a diet. Support, understanding, and encouragement can be great things when you are embarking on creating a new you!

Finally, recognize 'toxic' friends. No matter how much weight you're losing, no matter how much your cholesterol has fallen, no matter how many pants or dress sizes you've lost, expect a friend (or relative) to continue to tell you how bad your diet is for you. There are enough studies available in medical journals and respected websites that prove the validity of making LIFESTYLE diet changes. These same studies encourage a balanced diet and many now encourage some level of supplementation. Nutritional supplementation makes sure your body has all the tools and raw materials it needs to keep you in top shape during your body's transformation.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health, wellness, and maintaining vitality as we fight the effects of aging and while we are dieting. Check out PillFreeSupplements where you will find more articles and information on how you can actually improve your general health while making your lifestyle diet change.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Why You Should Avoid The Lemonade Diet Plan?

This diet has been around for 50 years although it went viral after Beyonce, the popular music icon announced that she had lost 20 pounds following this diet. Attractive as it might sound, here are more details about this diet that should make you avoid it at all costs.

How does the lemonade diet plan work?

It works on the simple process of starvation. Lemonade, even when drunk in large quantities can provide only so many calories that will not equal what your previous diet provided. When the body starts to starve, it starts to lose water weight and muscle weight. There will be some fat loss as well although most of the weight loss will be in the form of healthy muscle. The reason why people lose muscle weight and not body fat during starvation is because muscle is more easily converted into energy than fat. Losing muscle would reduce your body weight but you would feel unhealthy and tired. Also, going back to a normal diet after following a lemonade diet for a few days will most probably result in accelerated weight gain. This is because your body's metabolism would have slowed considerably during the starvation process. It will take your body a while to adjust its metabolism rate even after you stop the lemonade diet as you would have gained weight by the time this might happen.

The myth about the lemonade diet being a master cleanse

There is also the common belief that a lemonade diet plan will rid the body of toxins in just a few days. This is not entirely true. The body will definitely have fewer toxins consumed as most solid foods contain toxins such as preservatives and other chemicals. However, this small advantage is just not worth it when you compare the detrimental effects a lemonade diet plan can have in the form of muscle loss, diarrhea, and changes to metabolism and so on.

Side effects of following a lemonade diet

For those who still follow the this diet in spite of its ill effects, they should be aware of the following side effects. Diarrhea and dizziness are very common. Headaches, fatigue, tiredness, nausea are also other common side effects.

In conclusion, the lemonade diet is a starvation diet that just cannot be good for you. You will lose weight but you have to understand that you will lose weight in an unhealthy manner by losing muscle and water weight. A much better alternative to the this diet would be any balanced diet that eliminates fatty items or bad carbohydrates. A good exercise regimen to increase metabolism levels will also benefit the body in more ways than one.

Instead of an unhealthy lemonade diet, try one of the healthy diets that you can find at this free diet plans website.

Essential Steps to a Successful Diet Plan - How to Really Lose Weight

Every successful weight loss plan will help clients modify their way of life. This is entirely significant to the long-term victory of the program. Unfortunately, it is now stylish to pop slimming pills or go for cellulite treatments to lose weight. The outcome from such programs will never be enduring because the person's lifestyle would naturally put all the weight back in. The very moment that these artificial programs are stopped, weight will come rushing back.

When a person changes his lifestyle, the unhealthy food and weight-gain activities will be eradicated from his daily life. An effectual weight loss scheme must have a built- in mechanism that helps clients refine their lifestyle.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water is significant to weight loss and preservation of a healthy body. The water reloads the fluids that will be utilized to make bicarbonate solution on the mucus membrane of our stomach lining. This guards the stomach from being burnt by its own acid fluid. A well-hydrated body decreases the desire to drink unhealthy drinks which introduce more pollutants to your body. The body does not need to retain excess water. Finally, a majority of people are continually parched though they seem to be leading normal lives. Many people have lost the capacity to make a distinction between food hunger and water hunger. An efficient water plan will help them reclaim their lost touch.

Sweetened drinks are beverages like cola, diet cola, tea, coffee, and beer. These are groups of substances that would obstruct and slug down heaviness reduction. One should include a systematic plan for reduction of these sweetened and diuretic beverages.

Most people presuppose that being drawn to an activity means that they actually want to do it. They busy themselves searching for the best miracle cure but never really get results. Involuntarily, they do not want to lose heaviness, but the manifestation of busy efforts permits them to gain fondness by loved ones, peers, and their own inner selves.

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A Healthy Diet Plan That Ensures Weight Loss and Muscle Gain For You

Hey people! I am back! Sorry for the time I have been away and silent, but now I am back. I am ready to tackle issues surrounding a Healthy Diet Plan That Ensures Weight Loss and Muscle Gain for you.

So the other day I was back at my local gym after missing out on the action for like two weeks. I must admit, it is not as easy as you think. Just going back to the gym to exercise after missing out for a long time and expect to go without aches and pains after working out. Anyway, I got a way to reduce the first workout pains to a bare minimum. One of the gym instructors told me that if you warm up well before exercising, which involves skipping rope and jogging on the spot for like 10 to 15minutes, and then take a warm shower immediately after your weight and abs workout, he can almost guarantee no aches or pains the next day you wake up. Try it and tell me if it works for you.

When I was at the gym, I also met a long lost friend of mine who is a Caterer and has vast knowledge on healthy diet plans. I can also say that he practices what he preaches going by how fit his body is. I mean, this guy has chiseled abs (six pack abs), and well defined muscle groups all over his body. So I always listen in on what he has to say on topics pertaining to muscle gaining and belly fat burning diets. We were just talking about fitness exercises in general, when I told him about a problem I had that I bet a lot of you readers have out there. The question is, How do I gain more muscle and burn belly fat at the same time?

This is what he said, "If you want to gain pure muscle, without the fat, you should focus on following a healthy diet plan that involves increasing the ratio of proteins you eat and then reducing the amount of carbohydrates you take in". Some of the foods that contain these proteins include, milk and eggs. There are some other essential foods that you should know about in a weight loss diet that take into account your health.

Reviews various weight loss diets and exercises that are easy to engage in and will ensure you burn belly fat and be the best you today. Healthy and Fit.

A Fat Burning Diet Plan Plays A Vital Role In Losing Weight

Having a good fat burning diet plan plays a vital role in your quest to lose weight and look great.

Most people think that if they just cut back their food intake then they should be fine with losing weight when in fact they are not even sure of what to eat and what to stay away from. For them, they think that by eating less than normal this will help them. This is totally wrong.

This is not the way to burn fat and shed off extra pounds. While it's true that you need to restrain yourself from eating certain types of foods, going on a diet doesn't mean you have to starve yourself.

This means you have to modify your eating habits so that you are getting the most essential nutrients and getting rid of 'junk' from your system. This means you need to stick to a diet plan that will help you reduce calories and increase your body's metabolism so that it will be able to burn fat more efficiently.

A fat burning diet plan should be able to achieve one thing. It should boost the body's metabolic rate so that it can burn fat. Fat loss happens when there is a deficit or reduction in the amount of calories in the body.

Here are fat burning foods you need to include in your diet plan to ensure that your body burns fat the way it should:

Green beans
Whole grains

Take note that there are other foods that can help you raise metabolism and burn fat. One good thing is since there are tons of foods that you can incorporate in your diet; you will have a better chance of staying full.

Generally, eating fruits and vegetables are great because they contain fiber. Fiber is great because they not only get rid of toxins in the body, they are also ideal for weight loss.

How? When you ingest the foods that burn belly fat, your body uses the cells from fat to digest it. A lot of bile is required when eating fibrous foods. This means more bile produced, more fat cells are used up. This is literally taking fat away from your system.

The fat burning foods mentioned above are great because they push the body to raise the metabolic rate naturally. This means the body is forced to use more energy to burn the foods.

A great example of a good fat burning diet plan that is not hard to follow is here:

For Breakfast have3 egg whites, oatmeal, and a banana.
As a snack have plain yogurt mixed with nuts and berries.
For lunch make a cup of brown rice, chicken breast or fish fillet, and some type of greens.
As a snack have a protein drink (for those who hit the gym).
For dinner have steamed fish fillet of cod with steamed vegetables like spinach or asparagus and a small potato.

Stick to this type of meal plan and you will see a significant improvement in your weight. It's really easy to lose fat without starving yourself as long as you have the discipline to eat only the things that are beneficial for your body.

For the best results make sure that you combine a good amount of exercise routines along with your fat burning diet plan.

Losing weight and achieving the goals you are looking for are important to many people out there. That is why finding a good fat burning diet plan is important. If you are looking to learn how to get ripped fast click a link.

A Free Diabetic Diet Plan is Now Available Online For Those Who Are Suffering

If you think you are developing diabetes or you know someone who is, you should get a free diabetic diet plan that is now being offered to the general public from physicians and nutritionists. A diabetes 1500 calorie diet is the only solution that can control 100% of your diabetic symptoms. It is a known fact that almost 100% of all major diets have their roots in a diabetic diet plan.

Fact: Medicine can not control diabetes, it only provides small patch.

Fact: Americans have been educated by companies that want them to eat foods that actually cause diabetes.

Fact: We have seen physicians who are not aware of how to properly control blood sugar levels through proper diabetic dieting.

Fact: You can lose 20-30 lbs following a diabetic diet plan.

Many Americans do not realize that diabetic symptoms are 100% reversible and preventable with the correct meal plan that moderates and controls blood sugar plasma levels. In fact, nutrition is the only "medication" that can effectively treat and prevent pre-diabetic or type II diabetic symptoms that have begun.

Diabetes is a deadly disease once it gets into full swing and is also one of the easiest diseases to prevent through nutrition alone. Everyone who is experiencing symptoms of this disease or is beginning to develop diabetes should get a free plan that is now being offered to the general public that can help reverse and prevent further instances of symptoms that may arise.

There is no reason why anyone should have to suffer with diabetes when free plans are being offered to the general public.

Click Here to get a Free Diabetic Meal Plan

All you have to do is answer 5 quick questions so they can get the right diet for you.

It's Free. Click Here to get a $200 meal plan for free.

Best Diet Plan to Burn Belly Fat

In order to lose belly fat you have to know what you're doing. You can either use a good diet plan or pay hundreds of dollars for a personal trainer or nutritionist. The affordable choice is to buy a program.

But which is the best diet to burn belly fat?

There are many ab programs which promise the world. However, most of of them deliver very little. In fact, most of them don't work at all since more trouble has been put into promoting them than into making sure they work at all.

I believe that the best diet to burn belly fat is the Truth About Abs program by Mike Geary. I have used this program myself so I can speak from personal experience, which is supported by the many testimonials I read when I first researched this program when I say that this is a program that does work.

Truth About Abs is a program which covers, in detail, the workout and nutritional guidelines you need to lose body fat in general and belly fat in particular. What I like about this program is that it's not just a fat loss program but an overall health program. Mike Geary clearly believes that a healthy life leads to a lean life which is something that I greatly support.

The program has many pictures to help you perform your exercises right and instructions on how to setup short but effective fat burning workouts to get you to burn fat, build lean muscle tissue, and flatten your abs.

Don't expect miracles or overnight results. I meant what I said when I stated that Truth About Abs is the best diet to lose belly fat with but it requires a true effort on your part, so don't give up too soon. The results will be gradual but they will come.

Visit Truth About Abs Reviews to see what this program is really about and whether it's for you.
Go to Is Mike Geary a Scam to read more about the man who created this program.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Teenage Diet Plan - 3 Easy Tips to Implementing the Teenage Diet Plan

Teenage diet plan assists you to develop healthy eating habits. Fad diets are on a rage in recent times. And most of the teenagers usually are attracted towards these kinds of diets due to many reasons such as peer pressure or let's say the easy solutions to weight gain or rapid weight loss programs, etc. But in real are these diets all healthy and safe? You doubt it right? But when you are drawn towards it you don't tend to think of anything else but it. At the end of it you feel betrayed. Moreover at times they just harm you in the longer run. Follow a diet plan which would be healthy and safe, it doesn't matter if it is slow unless it is ineffective. Read more to know about such plans.

Tips To Follow In The Diet

1. Consume low fat or fat free food

Have baked chips instead of the fried ones. Low fat does not increase your calorie intake thus assisting in weight loss. Include all the foods or supplements that would meet with your body requirements of vitamins and nutrients. Drink lots of water instead of sodas or aerated drinks. Do not think of losing weight quickly. Losing weight gradually is always a safer bet. So be patient with your diet plan.

2. Exercise regularly

Do not sit on your couch or sleep every time. Get up and hit out at gym. Take a walk or exercise on regular basis. Increase your physical activity. Indulge yourself in an outdoor sport which you enjoy. When you burn more calories you lose more weight. This is a healthy way to lose weight.

3. Be on check with your nutritionist

Prepare your weight loss plan with the inputs from your dietician. Let your dietician evaluate your progress. Trust me on this. Some expertise would always be helpful for your diet. Especially the teenage diets should have the constant monitoring of your physician. And most important of all learn to manage the weight you have lost.

Be strong and encourage yourself in your strive for weight loss. Teenage diet plan is always helpful and effective for teens unlike the fad diets.

Look, if you like to discover the quickest and easiest way to lose weight? I've some free advice for you:

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Heart Patient Diet Plan - Why Garlic Helps Prevent Heart Disease

For over 3,500 years people have recognized the amazing healing powers of garlic. Writings from ancient Egypt tell of garlic's powerful healing properties with its ability to cure over 22 diseases. The Egyptians recognized that garlic was indispensable in healing those with heart disease, lethargy, and even tumors. Clay representations of garlic have been found in Egyptian tombs which represented their desire for good health during the afterlife.

Originating in Central Asia over 6,000 years ago, garlic as a healing and culinary herb spread to Asia, Africa, and Europe. Folklore tells of garlic's ability to ward off the Evil Eye and even vampires. Sounds odd to us, but these were just some of the things that got the blame for illnesses. So garlic's ability to ward off these evils may actually be closely associated with its health benefits.

Garlic is a potent herb. The smell comes from the sulfur compounds that also provide many of the health benefits. Areas of the world where garlic is used routinely have a much lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than Western countries, especially the United States, where heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women.

Although there is some conflicting data, some studies have shown that garlic helps normalize cholesterol levels. The allicin in crushed garlic is believed to stop the oxidation of LDL, a factor that leads to atherosclerosis. The antioxidant properties help protect blood vessels from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals, one of the main factors in atherosclerosis.

Garlic is also used to lower high blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the biggest risk factors in developing serious heart problems including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. Garlic also thins the blood, helping it to flow freely. Another risk factor in heart disease is blood sugar levels that are too high. Garlic is effective in lowering blood sugar and aids in preventing late-onset diabetes.

There is a growing body of evidence that links bacteria responsible for periodontal disease to heart disease. Medical science has not determined yet the exact mechanism for this correlation, but there definitely is one. Garlic comes to the rescue again. One of the primary benefits of garlic is its strong antibacterial and anti-viral properties. The natural antibiotic nature of garlic helps the body fight infection. Whether it is periodontal disease, the flu, a cold or any other infectious illness, garlic has been shown to be as effective as many modern medications. Long used to fight serious diseases, it was utilized for typhoid, tuberculosis, and even the plague.

Although garlic supplements are an easy and less smelly way to get your garlic, adding high-quality garlic powder to recipes and sprinkling it on salads or sandwiches is an inexpensive and effective way to add garlic to your daily routine. Some of the benefits are lost with heat so add crushed garlic to soups and stews at the end of cooking.

Garlic can indeed help prevent heart problems. Make sure you include some in your diet each day!

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at heart patient diet plan

Create a Reasonable Diet Plan Menu That Will Help You Lose Weight

No one wants to go on a diet in order to lose weight. The very word "diet" makes me want to start eating everything that I'm not supposed to have! But every year millions of people decide to do just that. The first thing that most people vow to do is go on a strict diet in order to lose that weight and they create impossible diet menu plans to follow.

These days, it's hard not to feel like you need to lose weight because everywhere you turn, some news media outlet is spouting weight loss tips and tricks. The problem with diets is that they don't work. Typically speaking, most diet menu plans quickly cut all junk food and sodas out. All of the "bad" food is pulled out of the fridge, the freezer and the pantry and thrown away. Then the exercising starts and most people pray for a quick and painless weight loss.

The problem is that once you eliminate everything from your diet menu plan that you love and add foods that you don't normally eat on a consistent basis, you begin to feel deprived. Then the cravings start and it's only a matter of time before you are doomed to falling off the diet wagon. Then you start to eat all the "bad" foods again, the weight piles back on and you feel bad about yourself! It is a vicious cycle.

Let's face it, dieting is bad no matter how you look at it. You have to come up with a diet menu plan that you can live with and that doesn't make too many changes all at once. Any diet plan menu that severely restricts what you can and cannot eat will not work in the long run. Many times the foods you limit yourself to will not fill you up and you are hungry all the time too. This is just a recipe for disaster.

The best way to lose weight is to come up with diet menu plans that is reasonable and allows you to "cheat" while you make slow changes to your daily menu. The only way to make lasting changes in your life is to create a menu plan that slowly eliminates foods that you shouldn't eat and give yourself permission to "cheat" every so often.

You have to do what works for you and set yourself up for success. Sitting down and designing a diet menu plan that is healthy BUT flexible is one of the keys to losing weight and keeping it off.

Check this out to get free recipes and free menu plans - CLICK HERE

A Healthy Diet Plan - The Top Essentials You Have to Know

If you're like 90% of overweight people you've probably tried loads of ways to slim down, hopefully on a reasonably healthy diet plan You may even have had some success in losing weight from time to time. But the likelihood is, you've put it all back on again once you've come off the diet -- and maybe even gained more than you actually lost in the first place.

Maybe you go to bed thinking about food. Maybe you wake up thinking about food. Perhaps the stresses of life, emotional upsets and even celebrations cause you to overeat. If so, you know you're not thinking like your slim friends but you don't know what to do about it. Well, I can tell you now, the most healthy diet plan of all is simply to learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

Don't worry if you've tried and "failed" at losing your extra pounds. In fact there's no real mystery to getting slim. The key is to learn how to be in charge of your eating without giving up the foods you love or depriving yourself. How to enjoy being healthier but also how to eat what you want without guilt.

A truly healthy diet plan, if you like, is finding out how to recognise when you're really hungry or whether your desire to eat comes from a different place. When you are hungry it's absolutely fine to eat something. Just make sure you're only eating enough to reach the point of satisfaction -- you don't need or want to feel over-full.

But there may be emotions that you "push down" with food -- boredom, loneliness, anger and so on. If so, the starting point is to identify the emotion and think about how you can address it. This may be hard at first as you've become so used to using food to ignore the feeling. But you know deep down that eating doesn't actually solve the problem and the emotion won't go away through you stuffing yourself -- and piling on the calories in the process.

See if you can catch yourself before you eat for reasons other than hunger, and ask yourself what it's really about. If the feeling is really boredom, for example, phone a friend, go for a walk, read a good book or clear out your wardrobe.

And learn to limit your eating to "just enough" so that you recognise when you're satisfied (when your stomach is only a little, if at all, distended and you feel reasonably light) and stop at that point. If you only eat enough so that you're satisfied, you will become hungry more often during the day. That's fine. Eat little and often (every 3 hours or so) if you need to. Your body will tell you what it needs, if you'll just trust it a little.

In fact, as time goes on you'll find that you feel like less food than you did in the past. Your stomach, which has been stretched each time you overate, will re-learn how to feel good at its natural size and you'll feel uncomfortable taking it beyond that.

Because this new, and truly healthy diet plan says you can eat whatever you like -- no foods are off limits -- you may worry that you'll only want to eat fatty, sugary or salty foods. This may be the case at first, but as you progress with the system of listening to your body you'll find that you actually start to crave healthier foods too, and the unhealthy ones will fall out of favour.

In my own case, now that I've been following this plan for years, I've rediscovered a taste for healthy foods I previously rejected. Apples, for example, now taste incredibly sweet and delicious to me. Cheesecake, on the other hand, I can only eat in a very small slice, and I definitely wouldn't feel like it every day.

So this is, in a sense, not a healthy diet plan at all but a whole new way of living your life and responding naturally to your body's needs. I've shed my extra 40 pounds through living this way, I have more energy than I ever did, and I look and feel 100% better. Think about how this will work for you. Picture your clothes feeling looser, seeing a slim person smiling back at you in the mirror, and your friends complimenting you on your new figure!

Eager to lose weight straightaway, consistently and permanently? Then Judi Chambers' short online video series, Secrets To A Slim Mindset, is essential viewing. There's nothing to pay, and the proven system will have you losing fat right from the start! You'll learn how to get rid of all your extra pounds without struggle, and best of all, how to stay slim for life - the surefire outcome of this unique program. Click Secrets To A Slim Mindset [] to access the complimentary videos right away. You can be watching within minutes...

Top 3 No-Nos on the Pregnancy Diet Plan

Your pregnancy diet plan will contain a lot of healthful, nutritious foods to eat while pregnant in abundance. But your pregnancy nutrition plan should also help you steer clear of potentially harmful foods.

As you make choices and changes to your lifestyle after you find out you're pregnant, it's important to make these changes as you can. Don't stress about these habits and try to stop them cold turkey.

The detox you might suffer from doing so could make you quite sick, and your body is under enough stress as you adjust to pregnancy. Taper off your usage slowly for the best results.

No-No #1: Caffeine

Caffeine raises your heart rate, decreases the amount of calcium in your body, can lead to dehydration, and increases your blood pressure. Because caffeine crosses the placenta, it has these same effects on your baby as well. In addition, it causes lower fetal birth weight and weakens your baby's adrenal glands.

In a perfect world, you would abstain from all caffeine use during pregnancy. However, even just lowering the amount of caffeine you consume can have a profoundly beneficial effect on your baby's health. Experts agree that you can do perfectly well-and your baby will be just fine-if you consume around 150mg of caffeine per day. That's the equivalent of one cup of coffee or two cups of black tea.

So try stepping down your usage of caffeine to make this level. Once you do, you can try switching to green tea, then white tea, and finally herbal teas, if you wish.

No-No #2: Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners include aspartame (Equal), Splenda (sucralose), and saccharine (Sweet N Low). These sweeteners are used as a substitute for cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup, but they can actually increase your cravings for sugar and can cause your insulin production to increase, which can lead to diabetes.

Besides these effects, these artificial sweeteners are made with chemicals that can cause a range of troubling problems within your body. Aspartame has been linked to various neuropsychiatric disorders, saccharin use causes a range of side effects and reactions, and sucralose has been linked to enlarged kidneys and liver.

If you use artificial sweeteners, stop consuming them the moment you find out that you are pregnant. Instead, begin using natural sweeteners such as stevia, xylitol, agave syrup, and raw honey, which will curb your sweet tooth without the troubling side effects of these chemicals.

No-No #3: Sugar

Sugar is a socially-acceptable indulgence, unlike tobacco and alcohol, for pregnant women. Yet it causes a range of problems that are actually exacerbated by pregnancy.

In addition to weight gain, tooth decay, and gum disease, sugar causes rapid fluctuations in blood sugar that can cause you to feel faint, dizzy, and hungry between meals. Sugar can also trigger the increased insulin production in your body that leads to gestational diabetes.

Increased sugar consumption has also been linked to babies with a larger birth weight, making delivery more difficult. Avoiding sugar is the best way to cope with these problems.

Fortunately, there are plenty of all-natural sugar substitutes which do not cause the same problems and changes in the body. Nor do they contain the caloric punch that sugar has. Try using stevia, agave syrup, raw honey, or xylitol instead of sugar when baking or to sweeten your tea or coffee.

By cutting back on, or completely eliminating, these three pregnancy diet no-nos over the next nine months, you are giving your baby a great start in life. And you are weaning yourself away from bad habits that could make a profoundly positive impact on your own health.

Are you looking for the best advice for pregnancy diet plan? Need advice on the best foods to eat while pregnant? Visit for exercise recommendations and eating tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Which Diet Plan is Best For You?

Weight loss supplements are of interest to most people who find it difficult to lose weight. Most people would like to find something that will make them lose weight overnight. It takes time to get obese, so considering this, it will take a while to lose this weight again, and it is unrealistic to think that it can happen within days.

Remember that when you decide to follow a weight-loss diet with the aid of a commercial diet plan, this does not mean that you will lose weight and still be able to carry on with your bad eating habits. Once the decision has been made to lose weight, do yourself a favor and stick with it.

? Many weight loss supplements and diet pills are not entirely safe, so the best thing to do before buying any product is to first consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you suffer from any health problem.

? There is a general warning not to take diet pills, as they are on the whole not good for our health.

? Many of them contain laxative substances, which cause weight loss, which is just temporary. Obviously, when you stop taking them you will regain the weight.

? It does not profit you to lose weight if you have to lose your health as well. Many diets have horrible side effects that could cause you many problems.

? Some products cause a racing heart and palpitations, breathlessness, diarrhea; sever stomach cramps and many more uncomfortable side effects.

? You could even get coronary heart disease or problems with your liver or kidneys.

? As you can imagine it is not worth getting health problems in order to lose weight.

So when it comes to diets, what will your choice be?

There are many fad diets around that come and go, as the claims they make cannot be verified. If all the diets really worked there should be less obese people around!

What is the right way to lose weight?

The answer to this question is to eat more regular small meals per day. By eating more often and only small portions you will give your metabolism a kick-start. Don't forget to drink plenty of water and have a regular exercise program to help burn the calories. Burning fewer calories than what you are taking in causes weight problems.

Mabel enjoys blogging on various subjects of general interest that she has researched.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Drop Excess Fat By Following Diet Plan

Should you be like millions of other overweight people in the world, then you are struggling together with your obesity issues. For some folks, excess belly fat is one of probably the most troubling areas of the body, where losing the weight seems almost impossible. The fact is that losing weight is challenging, but it is possible whenever you have the best plan in place.

Everyone knows that the weight loss industry is a very big business and most of the info about nutrition and workout is meant to confuse you, so you would spend more and a lot more cash on all kinds of weight loss related products.

Abdominal exercises are mostly for strengthening the abs muscles. If these muscles are covered by a layer fat once you begin abs exercises, they will still be covered by this layer of fat right after an ab workout routine.

The main problem with stress is that it contributes to the production of cortisol, which has been linked to fat build up around the organs, leading to belly fat.

When you are a stress eater, then the first issue that you simply desire to do is learn to manage your stress. You'll be able to talk to your doctor, take a stress management class or even begin yoga to assist you accomplish this goal. Second, you might need to change the way you eat, and add about thirty minutes to an hour of physical exercise per day to your routine. With this plan, you can lose the belly fat swiftly, and keep it off.

It is really important to combine both the correct cardio training with weight training for the ideal outcomes. Your cardio workouts really should be moderate or high intensity for 20-35 minutes or so. And if you train with weights then use heavy weights with low reps, also focus in your larger muscle groups like your legs, back, chest and shoulders.

The truth About Six Pack Abs Is Right Here - Weight Loss Secrets.

Free Online Diet Plans

The name of the game is weight loss. The strategy is to find the best plan. Often the best advice is free, which is why I would like to tell you about my experience with find the best diet.

I have experimented with just about every diet there is. Low Carb diets made me crave carbs very badly, which did not help me. The low fat diets I tried were quite restrictive and I did not enjoy the elimination of food in my diet. I believe that anyone can lost weight, but the strategy to do must be realistic or we will end up forfeiting the game, so to speak.

What I am proposing is a way to lose weight that is quick, realistic, and enjoyable, all at the same time. The idea is to change the size and frequency of our meals. By increasing our meals to 5 times a day and making each of those meals smaller we are giving our metabolism a boost. The more energy we have the more energy we will burn.

Now, of course, you will want to continue eating healthy food, which is easier for your body to break down.

Quick Tips

Do not eat before bed (your body will not have a chance to break it down properly).

Take a walk after dinner (or whenever you can). Walking is a great non-strenuous activity that is also wonderful for clearing your head.

Stay positive about your body image. Know you can achieve your ideal weight and stick to it.

I have personally invested a lot of time, energy, and money into various diets that have not been successful. It took me awhile to find the perfect diet plan. Hopefully I have helped you in your journey towards losing weight by saving you time and showing you what I found that helped me lose weight and keep it off for good.

Relax and let change happen. Visit Change Within Me for more on living your life naturally and stress-free.

Understanding Healthy Diet Plans

The word diet refers to an eating program, a way of life or a lifestyle with respect to eating. It is something everyone is on and refers to a regular intake of food. The idea that it is something that you go on in order to lose weight is a misconception.  

A diet is not something one uses to lose weight rather we all have our own particular diet which could be referred to as normal, however, some of us could benefit from modifying our diet and if we wish to reduce our weight then the term 'healthy diet plans' should be used.  

For the latter part of the 20th century up until today, healthy diet plans have become very fashionable and commercial in the Western culture. It is estimated that at 25% of the population in the USA are on some form of weight reducing diet.  

There are many healthy diet plans on the market claiming quick weight loss - the choice of diet and the claims made are astonishing. It is difficult to ascertain how successful in the long run these diets are as many of these diets are boring, expensive, complicated and tedious after a short period of time.  

It is therefore no surprise that 99% of people who start out with healthy diet plans, either give up or fail in achieving their goal weight.  

The body does not understand the concept of dieting. The body actually recognizes dieting as a sign of starvation and slows down the metabolic rate. In slowing down, the body protects the stores of energy (fat) that have accumulated until the starvation period is over.  

Healthy diet plans often result in the deprivation of glycogen. This slows the body down resulting in tiredness, depression and irritability. These are all common complaints dieters suffer from  

In order to maintain normal levels of Glycogen it is essential that your healthy diet plans follow the rule of thumb that you should be eating at least ten calories per pound of normal body weight. Therefore, if you wish to attain an ideal weight of 150 pounds, the daily calorie intake should contain at least 1500 calories.  

Glycogen also controls the appetite. Insufficient glycogen will trigger sensations of extreme hunger, even though you have just eaten. Where there is too little glycogen in the blood the autonomic nervous system is triggered and certain mechanisms are set in motion.  

Healthy diet plans should be gradual in nature so that the 'anti-starvation trigger is not set in motion.

If you would like more nutritional information described in this article please visit our blog website called Nutritional Information Alternatively there are many good nutritional based courses found at the college link below.

Nigel Arding is business owner of a private vocational college, CanAm College located at and writes articles in support of the many unique courses available at the college.

The Fastest Diet Plan Methods and Poorly Focused Diets

Many of the weight loss programs that promote the fastest diet plan methods are high on the failure scale because they key on the incorrect methods.

They focus solely on reducing weight to reduce waist size and completely ignore the essential factors of nutrition, body fat and muscle.

Correct and lasting weight loss is about reducing the body fat to a more normal state than it is about simply doing "anything it takes" to lose weight, like the fastest diet plan methods often promote. Losing weight is the result of appropriately reducing fat levels through nutrition, exercise, and muscle retention.

If you ignore the percentage of body fat and you ignore, as well, body nutritional needs that the fastest diet plan methods might suggest, your body is prime for fighting back and weight loss to reduce your waist size will be difficult to maintain.

Additionally, by ignoring proper levels of body fat and nutrition you reduce the all important muscle mass that is essential to your bodily fat burning process.

Few people understand that muscles burn fat and if the muscles are reduced to the wrong mass that an insufficient amount of fat will be burned to lose weight and reduce your waist size, after the initial weight loss.

Yes the fastest diet plan is often responsible for you losing fat fast, but it might, depending on the plan, result in a reduction of muscle mass as well and the body cannot continue to burn fat to maintain the weight loss.

In addition to this, if too much weight is lost the body will go into safety mode and tell the muscles to burn less fat to conserve. Thus adding to the reason the body cannot continue to burn more fat in the future.

Be careful to insure that the fastest diet plan you chose also considers nutrition and the maintenance of muscle mass so that you will not just lose weight fast at first then gain it all back later, much to your dismay and future desire to attempt to lose weight.

Richard Crandall provides tips education and information about health and fitness subjects to help reduce unhealthy weight from the body and keep it off. His information is gathered from a lifetime of personal experience and from other health nutrition experts.


The Perfect Diet Plan: Eat Starchy Carbs After Exercise Only

Are you one who absolutely loves bread, pasta, rice, and other sugary foods? If you are, you're not alone. Most cultures have a fantasy with these foods. After all, what's life without grilled cheese sandwiches, spaghetti, cakes, cookies, and candy? Many dream of these decadent foods during holidays and family gatherings. Yet, for many, these foods are a daily desire. However, if you are trying to lose weight, these are not the best foods to have in your diet. The best way to lose fat fast is to save starchy carbs for your after workout meal. It's just one of the rules of the perfect diet plan.

Is the perfect diet plan a "low-carb" diet? Absolutely not. Many are confused about carbs. The fact is that there are different categories of carbs: vegetables, fruits, and starches. You will find most of your nutrition in vegetables and fruits, so these are the types of carbs you should include with most of your meals throughout the day. Though starchy carbs do provide a great amount of fiber, they do not provide your body with the plethora of vitamins and minerals as vegetables and fruits. With that being said, most of the starchy carbs discussed in the previous paragraph would not even be considered nutritious whatsoever. Healthy starches are whole grain foods such as oatmeal, brown or wild rice, and sweet potatoes. They are digested much slower than processed breads and pastas as well as sugary foods like cake, cookies, and candy. Most processed carbs are "cheap" carbs that put your body, and metabolism, in the danger zone for health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Again, carbs include natural and organic vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Though whole grain foods are healthier than processed breads and pastas, they should be limited while trying to lose weight or body fat. Even though whole grains are still in the carbohydrate family, your body still digests them differently from vegetables and fruits. Without going into the whole physiological aspect, starchy carbs (whole grains) are basically digested much quicker. Therefore, it's very easy to gain weight rapidly with these foods. The best time to eat these foods are "after" a workout for those who are trying to bust fat. In fact, this strategy works significantly well for those with stubborn and hard-to-remove body fat stores, as well as for those who are trying to gain muscle yet minimize fat gain.

So, what type of carbs should you be eating for a well balanced menu plan while trying to lose weight or body fat?

Each daily meal - green leafy vegetables and metabolic boosting fruits. The ratio of vegetables to fruit should be 4:1 to 5:1. Vegetables shall include foods such as kale, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Metabolic boosting fruits shall include apples, pears, grapefruits, and berries.
After exercise (within 1-2 hours) - unprocessed whole grain and starchy foods such as whole oats, brown or wild rice, sweet potatoes or yams, and whole grain breads and pastas. (Beware of any intolerances or allergies from gluten or wheat. Gluten is an ingredient found in flours such as wheat, rye, and barley that may cause inflammation for those who cannot tolerate it.)
After exercise (within 1-2 hours) - exercise recovery drinks that contain both protein and carbs. The ratio of protein to carbs should be 1:2. Exercise recovery drinks can be a replacement for the whole grain and starchy foods after exercise.

Limiting starchy carbs does not have to be difficult. Use them as your "treat" for after exercise. Tell yourself that you have to earn those higher carb meals by exercising first. If you still to this motivator, you will shed those unwanted fat pounds quickly. After all, the best way to lose fat fast is to save those starchy carbs for your after workout meal. It's just part of the perfect diet plan.

About 911 Body ResQ & Abby Campbell
911 Body ResQ ( ) provides information on how to achieve maximum fat loss and lose belly fat fast without gimmicky diets. Owner Abby Campbell is a renowned certified fitness nutrition and personal training coach, a research analyst, an author, and a copywriter. She has helped thousands achieve maximum fat loss goals and invites you to preview 911 Body ResQ's dieting plans. Just click on this link: 911 Body ResQ's Dieting Plans.

Very Low Calorie Diet Plan - How to Lose a Ton of Weight

Have you heard of the VLCD plan, otherwise known as the plan for "very low calorie consumption per day". Some even call it "extremely" low. You can lose a serious amount of weight on this plan. Let's find out more in this article now.

How Does It Work?

Basically it's a totally liquid diet. You eat about 800 calories per day or even less. The liquid recipe contains a bundle of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, "good fats" and protein. Either you can make your own liquid or you can buy a special pre-made powder to mix with water.

What's The Catch?

Well, there's no real catch. You are supposed to do this diet with medical supervision and the plan should never be used by children. Also you need to drink plenty of water if you don't want to be constipated.

How To Do It?

Because you are supposed to be supervised, there are various clinics that will give the diet to you. For example, Medifast, Optifast.

Some people do this for months on end but you can end up getting weird health problems like hair falling out and easily bruising etc. It's much better to do something like this or similar (e.g. eating smoothies for 2 of your meals and having a regular meal in the evening) for just a week and then transfer to a better long term plan with small but permanent and sustainable weight loss.

Clearly, eating nothing but liquids is not sustainable - who would want to do that for the rest of their life?

Lose 22 lbs in 10 Days! Discover how in my free report and secret extreme weight loss tips at

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Diabetic Diet Plan For a Healthy Lifestyle

Keeping diabetes under control should start with a healthy lifestyle. A regular and balanced diet can work miracles on your blood sugar levels. Here are some points to remember when building a diabetic diet plan.

Build a meals timetable and follow it religiously. Try to eat at the same hours each day. This can be tricky if, for example, you work in shifts or don't have a lunch break but, to the furthest extent possible, try to follow a regular meal schedule. You could even go as far as asking to do only day shifts, even if this means a cut in salary. Remember, your health is at stake.

Switch to a healthier, organic diet. Stay away from all foods that have a large dosage of carbohydrates (potato chips, pizza and anything baked with white flour) and totally eliminate soft drinks from your life. They contain huge amounts of sugar (a couple of teaspoons per cup) that will poison your body and make your blood glucose level go through the roof. Starches, fruit, green vegetables, low fat milk and derivatives (like yogurt) should be on your day to day menu. As refreshments, natural juices are recommended, provided they are consumed in moderation and don't contain large amounts of glucose. Sugar has to be replaced by alternative sweeteners. Alcohol is known to raise the blood glucose level, so avoid it.

When in doubt on what and how you should eat, ask your diabetes treatment team for advice. Your physician should advise you on the right dosage of insulin or pills per day and how you should adjust it according to what you eat, and your dietitian should be able to help you build a diet plan that suits your lifestyle, your daily routine and the way you usually eat.

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in diabetic foods to eat AND diabetes foods to avoid.

Why Are Diet Plans for Weight Loss So Popular?

Why are diet plans for weight loss so popular even though they rarely work?

Why are Americans willing to give more than $40B of their hard earned money to the diet and weight loss industry when the statistics show that the pounds lost will be back before they know it?

Did you know that results of a 2006 study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine, showed that most people who participate in diet plans for weight-loss "regain about one-third of the weight lost during the next year and are typically back to baseline in three to five years?"

Why is everyone so enamored of the latest diet fad - be it low fat, low carb, high protein, raw food or HCG? How many diet books and plans for weight loss have you been sucked into during your life? It would be sobering to see all the money that I've spent on diets, books, programs and exercise plans through the decades stacked up right here before me. I wish I knew then what I know now. I would have invested the money in things to make me happy and bring me pleasure instead. (How easy it is to connect the dots when looking back!)

Diet plans are popular because everyone wanting to lose weight believes that the weight is the source of their dissatisfaction and thinks there is a miracle, a silver bullet, that will help them lose weight quickly and alleviate their pain and suffering so they can live the life of their dreams. (If only! Everyone who has ever lost weight has had to face the fact that only one thing changes when you lose weight - the number on the scale. You are still the same person with the same job, home, friends, beliefs and insecurities.) And because most programs and diet plans for weight loss work in the short term for at least some people, they gain credibility and popularity.

The Problem with Diet Plans for Weight Loss

But, here's the big problem. Diets are something you go on and go off. Most of them work while you are on them, but are not designed to be continued for a lifetime.

We are dazzled by these diet gimmicks, each offering a one-size-fits-all approach designed to hook you into believing you can somehow change your body without considering your lifestyle, your personality, you beliefs, your job, where you live and your physical makeup.

You look in the mirror and decide you need to lose weight for your upcoming vacation or class reunion or to make your ex jealous. As soon as the event is behind you, you give up the diet plan and settle back into your old familiar eating and lifestyle patterns. And like a boomerang, before you know it, the pounds are back.

Fad diets offer short term solutions at best and can do metabolic damage at worst. You go on them. You go off them. And because these diets are fads and gimmicks that cannot be sustained you end up jumping from last season's diet to the next latest greatest weight loss solution and then to the next.

Diet. Lose Weight. Gain Weight. Repeat.

You know the definition of insanity, right? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result!

How many times do we have to watch Oprah lose and then gain back the weight? How many times to we have to lose and then gain back the weight?

A Better, Saner, More Fun Alternative to Diet Plans

What's the solution? Stop Dieting. Just say NO to the next crazy diet fad plan. Call a truce with yourself. Stop beating yourself up. Try something different, something radical. What do you have to lose? You can start to change your life and your relationship with food as soon as your next meal without a formal diet plan or program.

Try this. Before grabbing that muffin or bagel or bag of chips take a couple of deep breaths and ask yourself...

How am I feeling
What do I need?
Am I hungry?
What am I really hungry for?
What do I really want?
What choice is best for me in this moment?
Am I trying to meet other needs/desires through food and/or dieting

If you determine that you are truly hungry and really want the muffin and feel like the muffin is the best choice for your body, than by all means eat the muffin. Savor it. Enjoy it. Eat it with gusto. And then get on with your life.

But, if you are stressed, or tired, or sad, or depressed, or overwhelmed or scared, or bored, or the muffin just happens to be staring at you from the break room counter, step away from it and give yourself permission to seek what you truly desire. You deserve it. You really really do. It's all up to you. And if you would like a little support, I am here to help with gentle nourishing weight loss coaching, a personalized approach to weight loss that focuses on the whole you from the inside out.

Martha McKinnon is a health coach and yoga instructor who believes that eating great & losing weight can be simple & delicious when you focus on nourishing the whole you - body, mind, & soul. Her website is Stop by for a free copy of her E-cookbooklet full delicious granola bar recipes.

Low-Calorie Diet Plan For Losing Weight Fast

Before diets like Atkins and other low carb diets came to the market, the popular way to lose weight was a low-calorie diet plan. These diets are still popular, but it is best to follow such diets under the supervision of a doctor, especially the very low-calorie plans.

The concept behind this type of plan is very simple. Your body requires calories to do all the basic functions and day to day activities. If you cut down on calories then your body will utilize the stored fat for generating energy and you will hence shed some pounds.

The good thing about the low calorie diet plan is you can eat anything as long as you don't exceed the daily calorie limit.

However switching to very low calories, typically less than 800-1000 calories is tricky. With very low calories your body may start utilizing lean muscles instead of fat for generating energy. And when you stop this type of diet you will gain a lot of weight fast enough. This happens because your body recognizes this as an end of famine and starts to store all that you eat as fat for later use.

If you want to follow a diet that is based on limiting calories then first thing is to decide on the minimum calories that you require for day to day functioning. For women leading a sedentary lifestyle this may be 1800-2000 calories and for men it would be 2000-2400 calories. However if you are more active then you may require an additional 500 calories per day.

The second step would be to keep a track of caloric intake. You will have to read the labels on food items and maintain a dairy to keep track of what you eat. This is critical if you are serious about a low calorie diet plan. There is no point in guessing and following this diet. You will have to know the exact amount of calories that you are consuming.

When you cut down on calories you are bound to feel hungry. This is because the portion sizes will be much smaller and your stomach may not fill up. You may have to live with hunger pangs until your stomach gets used to the new regimen. If you feel extremely hungry then eat some fruits.

Make sure you include all the food groups - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Keep down the level of fats consumed. Include lots of fruits and vegetables that have high fiber content. This will help in giving you the feeling of fullness.

Even when following a low calorie diet plan it is important that you make sure your diet is healthy and includes all the nutrients. Moderate exercises can further help you to speed up the weight loss.

Do you want to know more about low calorie diet plans? To get access to some amazing diet plans that are proven to work for sure, visit my blog by clicking - Quick Weight Loss Diets.

Vegan Weight Loss Diet - Vegan Diet Plan Ends Fat Girl's Weight Loss Battle

If you think a vegan weight loss diet might be the answer to your weight loss efforts, then take a minute and read how it changed my life for good and helped me lose weight fast in a healthy manner. And see how I have kept the weight off now for many years.

Vegan Weight Loss Diet

I had weight struggles for years. I dealt with obesity as a child and then in my teens I went on every diet I could find to lose weight. I was unhealthy and overweight. I was forced to buy huge clothes to cover up all my fat because I couldn't stand the teasing at school.

As an adult I continued to search for a healthy way to eat and not get fat. I wanted a diet that fed me nutritiously and gave me energy. And I wanted to be able to buy my clothes off the rack in the size that was appropriate for my height and build.

I tried every diet you have heard of - lemon diet, Atkins diet, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, cabbage soup, Master Cleanse, fasting, and many more. Every one of them were difficult and I wanted to get OFF them as soon as possible. And as soon as I got off the diet I gained weight back.

Then I tried a vegan diet plan and found that I could lose weight FAST without deprivation or hunger. I got to eat lots of delicious foods that are also super nutritious. I finally found a diet I could stick with the rest of my life. And I have. No more weight loss / weight gain roller coaster!

Give a vegan weight loss diet a try and you will see how easy it can be to lose weight fast and be healthy and slim for the rest of your life.

The vegan weight loss diet is so easy and so delicious! You can begin to lose weight this weekend and start seeing weight loss results fast!

Get my free report that tells you how I lost 13 pounds in only 2 weeks with my favorite vegan diet plan

Get the easy steps for how you can do it too

Principles of The Zone Diet Plan

The Zone Diet has been around since around 1995, when fatty acids research scientist Dr. Barry Sears published the New York Times bestseller "The Zone". This book was aimed at other doctors but it was found rather quickly by the general public. Since that time he has authored several other books on the subject. The Zone can be summed up as a state of hormonal balance in the body which can be achieved by your diet. It is especially about keeping key hormone's in a balanced zone since the wrong amount in your body can trigger weight gain. This hormonal control is at the center of the Zone Diet. In fact, a craving for Carbohydrate's is essentially a byproduct of making bad hormonal choices at meals. But when you make Zone Diet meals, the real cause of these cravings will be largely subdued.

Dr. Sears states that current health care for most people primarily focuses on treating symptoms, as opposed to the maintenance of wellness. Results from the Zone diet tend to occur right away because your blood sugar is automatically stabilized. Thus, you feel less hungry and more energized throughout the day.

There are several fundamental principles of the Zone Diet, according to Dr. Sears.

First, be certain that every meal leads you to the Zone by eating the correct combination of low-fat protein (such as lean chicken or pork), the right type of carbohydrate such as fruits and/or vegetables (starchy carbohydrates such as breads or potatoes are not as good), and a dash of "good" fat (such as olive oil). He says it is a good idea to eat a Zone meal within about an hour of waking up in the morning. It is also good to eat 5 times a day.

And you should not let more than 5 hours go by without a Zone meal, even if you are not hungry. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Another important principle is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day (about a half gallon).

And finally, remember that if you get off of - remove track, do not worry because there is not guilt in the Zone. Just make sure that your next meal is a Zone meal to get you back where you belong.

In the Zone, no foods are completely off limits. "That means you can eat anything, as long as it has the right balance of protein, carbs, and fat", says Dr. Sears. Wine is even allowable because of the substantial amount of antioxidants it contains.

You may reprint this article electronically and in print presuming the byline is included and the web address hyperlinked.

Edna Hemingway is a writer and researcher of Weight Loss Issues. For more info. go to

7 Most Common Mistakes People Make With the Acai Berry Diet Plan

The acai berry diet plan could prove to be a very good option to your slimming regimen if you avoid some of the following common pitfalls. Read on, learn and educate yourself before embarking on any new diet programs.

1. You need to exercise. As great as the acai berry supplement is, you need to get your body moving and increase your metabolism with the help of exercise. A lot of folks are embarrassed to go to the gym. Start walking with a friend, or check out workout dvds from your local library.

2. Don't under eat. If you don't eat enough calories, your body will slow down your metabolism because it thinks its in the starvation mode. The initial weight you lose will be water, then your body will hold on to dear life any calories you give it.

3. You need a support system. If your family really wants to help you, they won't expect you to make them fattening dinners and desserts. If they want those kind of meals, they should prepare them for themselves within reason. They should support you by becoming active with you as well.

4. Don't shortchange yourself by purchasing only prepackaged diet foods. They often contain hidden sugars and are nearly never enough to make you full. Treat yourself to nutrient and fiber dense foods.

5. Don't skip breakfast. Face it. A lot of us aren't hungry in the morning because we ate too much and too late the night before. Your body needs the fuel to get through the day, not to sleep.

6. Don't ignore a laxative effect. Some loose stools when you first start the program are normal, excess diarrhea accompanied by fatigue and dehydration is definitely not normal. Cut back on the supplement until you are used to it.

7. Avoid scams and inferior product. The popularity of the acai berry has brought about a lot of scams. There are supplements that have questionable ingredients added such as caffeine and unregulated herbs.

Plan your Acai Berry Diet Plan with thoughts and passion. Only purchase Acai Berry Supplements from an established retailer, where free trial is given so you can safely try it and decide for yourself.

Find Out More

I've done all the homework for you! CLICK HERE For Trusted Reviews And Grab Your Safe FREE Trial ===> Acai Berry Diet.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Phen375 Diet Plan - Does It Work?

What makes Phen375 stand out as a popular weight loss supplement is the fact that its manufacturers do not just encourage Phen375 to keep using the product, but it also provides suggestions on how to lose weight the healthy way. When you buy Phen375, you also get access to many diet tips and a diet plan that suggests foods which do not only help people lose weight, but also to live healthier lives.

Phen375 is a fat burner that works by increasing a person's metabolism. Metabolism refers to the use of energy in order for the body to support its internal processes, as well as perform daily tasks. With an increased metabolism, fats are burned faster and weight is reduced. Phen375, works best when complemented with a diet that provides the body with essential nutrients and a regular exercise routine that can burn excess calories.

What is the Phen375 Diet Plan?

The Phen375 diet plan emphasizes consumption of natural foods which are free from too much preservatives, salt, sugar and fats. A person taking Phen375 is encouraged to have at least 6 meals of small portions, which will provide the energy source needed by the body at a constant rate. This is different from what most diet pills recommend, where the dieter is not allowed to have frequent meals, but instead, is asked to take one full meal and go hungry the rest of the day. This defeats the purpose of weight loss, because when the body is put on a starvation mode, the metabolism also slows down, so fats in the body are not being broken down fast.

Healthy eating should be everyone's goal, not just to lose weight, but also to live longer. Another aspect of good health is getting rid of toxins that may have accumulated in the body through the years, caused by wrong eating habits. This is done by drinking the right amount of water everyday and eating foods that are rich in fiber, which helps the body eliminate wastes faster.

Healthy meals, as endorsed by the Phen375 diet plan are low in calories, but rich in disease-fighting nutrients that can help the body achieve optimum health. It encourages a Phen375 user to learn better eating habits that can produce good lifetime results. The key is in following the Phen375 diet plan that comes with your purchase of the product and in practicing the suggestions given on a regular basis. Your goal is to create new eating habits that will only happen after following the Phen375 diet plan for several days.

Most behavior scientists will tell you that you need to do something consistently for at least 21 days before it becomes a new habit, and so do that with the Phen375 diet plan. Follow the plan to the letter for 21 days and see the changes not just in your weight, but in your food preferences.

Create optimum health for yourself by using a weight loss supplement that has been proven to work. But don't just stop there! Undo your bad eating habits and learn new, healthy ones that will not only help you lose weight, but will also help you live longer. Learn how to lose weight with Phen375

Smoothie Recipes For Detox and Protein Diet Plans

If you hate counting calories or Weight Watcher points to keep your weight under control, or if you are counting away so you can loose a few pounds, Stop. That is right, just stop. Every article you ever read talks about the importance of eating 3-5 small meals everyday as the key to keeping your weight under control. But finding healthy meals that are satisfying and different every day can be a challenge.

But you can win the battle of the weight with the help of a wide-variety of smoothie meals which offer vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants that are both flavorful and satisfying. But every day, more and more health-conscious people are adding smoothies to their daily diets. Smoothies can be used any time of the day; breakfast, lunch, mid-meal snacks, or dinner.

Smoothies will help you combine fruits and vegetables in a wide variety of tasty and flavorful combinations while also fulfilling many of the vitamins and nutrients you need for a meal plan that works best for you.

Regardless of your diet; be it a detox diet plan, protein diet plan, high, or low carb diet plan, smoothies can be seamlessly included in your diet. Simply mix the ingredients needed o help you manage your diet and keep your weight under control. You will find smoothies will give you the basis of a diet you can stick to because they are both delicious and filling. And you can try a new smoothie every day.

Don't worry if you can't imagine what to use, or where to start. Go to Best Fruit Smoothies to find a wide variety of smoothie recipes. The site posts a new smoothie recipe every weekday!

For those of you counting calories, try one, or both of these tomorrow: one for breakfast and one for a great afternoon snack

Apple Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie

Combine in your blender

1 banana cut in chunks.

1 kiwi peeled and cut in 4 sections

1 cup of strawberries (if fresh about 4-6) You can also use frozen

1 cup of cold apple juice

1 Tbsp honey

Blend the ingredients until smooth. If you use fresh strawberries over frozen you might need to add little more apple juice to reach the consistency you like best. Everyone in your family will love it. You can add a tsp of the chia seed Mila too, which will give you even more added vitamins and minerals. Please visit Mila Healthy Living for more information about Mila.

Apple Carrot Smoothie

Perfect for lunch or as an afternoon snack, this recipe is also a low calorie smoothie, perfect to keep your weight under control.

Before you can make this smoothie, take a bag of carrots cut the tops and scrub the skin. You do not have to peel the carrots. Boil about 1-2 cups of water, depending on the number of carrots being used and gently cook until the carrots are tender. Put the cooked carrots in the refrigerator to chill.

When it is time for lunch, in your blender mix

2 cooked carrots (chilled)

1 cup of cold apple juice

1 tsp of Mila (" target="_new milahealthyliving) Added to give you a boost of healthy Omega 3s

Please visit Best Fruit Smoothies for a new free smoothie recipe every weekday. More and more people are realizing that smoothies can be successfully added to almost any diet plan. Regardless if it is a detox diet plan, a protein diet plan, or a low carb diet plan, smoothies can be made with ingredients that support your goals

The Detox Diet Plan - A Closer Look

The foundation of the detox diet plan is the theory that our bodies become storehouses for the toxins contained in the foods and beverages we consume, the air we breathe, and the water in which we wash. When those toxic accumulations become large enough, they begin to damage our health. Signs of serious toxic buildup include fatigue, wrinkled and dull skin, fluid retention, aching joints, and cellulite.

The Three-Day Fast

A detox diet plan is designed specifically to address the issue of toxic buildup in the body's organs. Fasting is one of the most important elements of a detox diet plan. It is so important, in fact, that the most enthusiastic proponents of the detox diet plan recommend a seventy-two hour fast during which you will consume only filtered water. No food, not matter how nutritious, is allowed during this period, even though you are expected to continue a light level of activity. You should not undertake the fast if you are in a very warm or cold environment.

The Monotrophic Phase

Once you have completed your three day water fast, you are ready to begin the first phase of the detox diet plan. This phase is referred to by detox experts as the monotrophic phase of the detox diet plan, because it requires the person detoxifying to eat only one kind of fruit for each meal. If you choose bananas (you can choose whatever fruit you like, but make sure you like it a lot!) you may eat bananas and nothing else. You can eat bananas until you are full, but only bananas. You will also be eating bananas for lunch and dinner, but with dinner you can wash the bananas down with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice ( it doesn't have to have bananas in it.)

The detox diet plan typically features two phases for the detoxification process to occur. The first phase is said to occur after the first three days of fasting. It is known by many detox experts as the monotrophic phase of the diet as the person involved in the plan only consume a single type of fruit with every meal. If you are preparing for your breakfast, for instance, you only need to choose a particular kind of fruit to consume and you are limited to only that. No more, no less. This also holds true as with your lunch and dinner. You might also be given a glass of fresh juice before you take your dinner meal.

You'll be eating your single fruit for about a week, which is the length of the monotrophic phase of the detox diet plan program. That's a full seven days, which is the amount of time it will take for all to your accumulated toxins to be released. You should also experience a noticeable weight loss in this phase of the detox diet plan.

The Final Phase

The next phase of the detox diet plan will continue for a month, during which you'll be adding raw organic veggies and more fruits to your daily menu. You may begin to feel nauseous and tires after a few days in this phase of the diet, but the experts will tell you those feelings are the natural result of your body's cleansing itself.

Keep in mind that there is no scientific proof that the detox diet plan successfully rid your body of toxins, and it has been shown to cause some uncomfortable side effects. So before you begin such a radical change in your normal eating habits, talk to your doctor.

You can also find more info on alcohol detox protocol. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Diet.