Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Good Diet For Teens - A 6 Point Teenage Diet Plan

A good diet for teens does not provide a quick solution or rapid weight loss. Many of these, even if they work, are potentially dangerous. Far better is a teenage diet plan that is sustainable and maintains health in a growing and developing body.

A key difficulty is that many of the foods that teens enjoy contain sugars and fats and are the main reason for a teen being overweight. Fried foods, potato chips, buttered popcorn, sodas, and the like, add calories with little nutritional value.

Another concern is when a teen adopts a vegetarian diet without understanding that the nutrients contained in meats, poultry and fish have to be replaced, as they are especially important in a growing teen. This means a wide range of vegetables are required to compensate.

Likewise, there are concerns when teens start drinking herbal teas. These can have an effect very similar to a diuretic and cause more frequent trips to the bathroom, resulting in possible dehydration or complications with the colon.

Also following fad diets they have seen on television or in magazines, which promote rapid weight loss, can actually be injurious for teens, though harmless to adults. Diets which employ a reduction in calorie intake may cause the body to compensate by storing fat and reducing energy output. This is a survival mechanism which helps the body to cope with those occasions (such as famine) when the food supply is reduced or unavailable.

The effect is also triggered if the teen adopts a starvation diet and willingly reduces food intake. The body tries to compensate.

1. A good diet for teens involves first sharing the problem with other members of the family, especially those who are buying and preparing food.

2. As well, the teenage diet plan needs to be supported by a program of activity, as this is required for healthy bone and muscle development and to attain an attractive body shape. Planned exercise could include working out with weights or using a treadmill. There are also sports such as swimming, basketball and athletics which provide the physical challenges the body requires.

3. Instead of aiming for fast weight loss, longer term benefits will be gained by adopting a plan that includes enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats to provide the balanced nutrients required for good health as well as weight loss.

4. If too many carbohydrates are causing a problem - starchy food such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta - and sugary drinks, a diet which is rich in green vegetables and proteins may be recommended. Improvement will appear in less than a month and can be easily maintained until the ideal weight is reached.

5. Also, increasing the number of meals to six smaller portions will encourage the body to continue burning calories instead of storing fat. This can produce results in as little as 14 days.

6. Rest periods give the body time to recover from the day's events, prepare for coming activity and to cope with the physical demands of a diet plan.

It's unwise to aim at losing weight overnight. With proper guidance from a doctor or dietitian - and a good set of scales - a suitable eating and activity plan can be designed that will be a good diet for teens and have continuing health benefits as well as achieving that desired body shape.

Get details of a remarkably successful natural weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots. More information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at:

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