Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Greatest Reasons Why People Do Not Lose Weight, Even With a Good Diet Plan

Several people consider weight loss to be like emptying a bucket with a spoon. A tablespoon out of the bucket today, tomorrow, next week will over time empty the bucket. This is not true when it comes to our bodies. When we lessen our food consumption, our bodies try to store more calories the next time we eat more than the body requires. Therefore even though we are lessening our food intake much of the time, we will not lose weight if we have additional calories some of the time.

Physicians hear this problem too often: "I am dieting, but I cannot seem to lose any weight." For several people, losing weight can be a frustrating task. Despite how much they try, nothing seems to change. What is happening? Identifying the issue is only part of the answer.

Some of the most general reasons why people do not lose weight are:

Much of our social activities include eating, as well, restaurants portions have gotten bigger (especially fast food).

We do not exercise as much as in the past and it is unacceptable to be hungry.

We do not remember the additional food we consume everyday, or we think we did not eat as much as we did. Lastly, we do not understand how weight is managed.

It is also imperative to remember that when we accumulate fewer calories in a day, we tend to be less active, which most likely originates from our biological make up to maintain body weight for survival.

The easy rule of weight loss is that you have to constantly burn off more calories than what you consume. Any kind of weight loss diet is acceptable as long as calorie intake is constantly decreased each day. A diet that is healthy with some amounts of veggies, fruits, grains and lean meat or fish is ideal.

Exercise will help, but if you are not an athlete, you will have to reduce your calorie intake as well. Know it is OK to be hungry when trying to lose weight. When your goal is met, every day is for maintaining. If you go back to your old habits of eating more and not exercising as much, the weight will pack itself back on.

Many people are not aware of how much exercise is required to lose weight without reducing calories. Additionally, exercise makes you hungry. If a dieter can avoid not consuming any more than was consumed before commencing the diet can burn off an extra 500 calories every day, that individual can shed a pound each week.

Just by walking or running 1 mile, or five miles on a bike burns 100 calories. If you maintained 5 miles a day, everyday and not consume any more food than you were before the diet, then you can lose 1 pound per week. On the other hand, you can reduce 250 calories per day and do 2 and a half miles to accomplish the same goal.

Anyone is capable of losing weight. Not everyone can or should be thin, but everyone can attain a regular healthy weight. One must understand that we cannot eat all we want, whenever we want. We can eat well when food is on the table, however our food consumption must be balanced with exercise to achieve and keep at an optimal weight.

Don't waste your time and money. If you really want to lose weight, we have reviewed several successful diet plans for quick weight loss. You can also watch my videos about healthy diet plans to lose weight quickly.

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