Thursday, November 14, 2013

Diabetic Diet Plan

If you are suffering from diabetes, diet plays a vital role to cure the disease. Showing disregard in this aspect may lead to severe complexities. Proper diet, regular exercise and stress free lifestyle can easily cure the disease. Following a diet plans helps a lot and you must first arrive at your diet plan. This plan is normally based on your age, height, weight, sex and more. The main objective of this plan is to supply only those essential calories to your body thereby eliminating the unwanted and excess of calories. In this way you have more chances of keeping your blood sugar levels also under the control.

The whole concept of this diet plan is pretty simple. In order to be diabetic free you need to control your blood sugar levels. As everyone knows, all food items we eat are converted into sugar finally. Sugary food items like sweets are converted instantly into sugar where as other food like rice, bread that are rich in carbohydrates may take some one of two hours. Proteins come next in the queue and they take around 4 hours to break down into sugar and last come fats. So if you wish to reduce blood sugar level you need plan a diet that is not pretty much rich in refined carbohydrates. At the same time too much of fat is also not good for health as it leads to other complexities.

So you must go for a balanced diabetic diet by including more fruits and vegetables. You must avoid rice and try eating wheat as this contains less sugar. If you like eating bread you can go for brown bread than the normal one. You must also avoid soft drinks as these contain added sugars. Drinking more water is also a must and water must be the key ingredient in your diabetic diet.

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in diabetic foods to eat AND diabetes foods to avoid.

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