Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The 5 and 1 Diet Plan - Successful Weight Loss?

The Medifast 5 and 1 Diet plan's banner says it all - helping you lose weight and helping you keep it off.

The Basics

The 5 and 1 diet is among the most popular weight-loss product by Medifast. This recommends 5 meal replacements and 1 real meal per day, a "lean and green" meal that is composed of lean protein, salads and two cups of vegetables to break the monotony of meal replacements.

The meal replacements are formulated to have very low calories, thus it is possible to achieve weight loss of 2 to 5 pounds per week by undergoing this plan. These meal replacements come in various forms including soups, bars, oatmeal preparations and shakes that come with varying protein proportions. Every day, participants of this plan consume approximately 800 to 1000 calories, a calorie intake that is barely enough to make your body pack extra fats.

The rule is to eat these replacements every 2 to 3 hours. According to the principles of maintaining metabolism, this is a sound plan as it allows the body with just enough to process to keep its metabolism at peak. This diet also advocates drinking of at least 64oz of water per day. On top of this, other fluids may be consumed as well.

Why it's effective in triggering weight loss?

Do the math. With a daily caloric intake of up to 1000 calories and meal replacements that are engineered to keep you off from weight-loss-busting goodies, this diet plan definitely takes you to a weight-gain proofed zone. Forget about the lean and green meal, which could attempt you to consume more foods than you are actually allowed.

It is noteworthy that this weight loss plan was created for overweight people. Though the methods it advocates are drastic (take note of ketosis and dehydration), it surely has helped many people with their weight problems.

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