Thursday, March 14, 2013

College Diet Plan - Put These 3 Tips in Action Today to Lose the Freshman Fifteen

Moving away to go to college is all about finding your new found freedom to become the person that you want to be. You get to choose everything about your lifestyle, including your diet. Unfortunately, it is very easy in our society to choose bad diet habits that cause you to put on weight. Many older adults struggle with this as well, so you're not alone. Put these three college diet plan tips into action to turn it around. You will lose the freshman fifteen in no time!

1. Aim to eat 5 or 6 small meals

Studies show that eating five or six small meals evenly spaced throughout the day is better for your weight than eating one to three large meals. You may know this already, but it can be difficult to put into practice, especially since you are on-the-go all of the time. Well, if you know that you will be away from your cafeteria or kitchen for a long period of time, it is absolutely vital that you pack healthy snacks to take with you to bridge the gap in between your meals.

2. Control your portions

In order for your small meals to be balanced, it is important that you control the portions that you eat. For example, if you eat a steak with your dinner that is 14 ounces, it will take up too many calories and turn your small meal into a large one. Steak is a great source of protein, but a 6 to 8 ounce portion would be better. For this college diet plan, I recommend smaller portions of many different kinds of foods per meal.

3. Slow digestion is the name of the game

This is very important. Your college diet plan will not succeed if your meals do not satisfy your hunger. If you leave a meal hungry, you will just be compelled to impulse eat later. Choose meals that have good amounts of proteins, good fats (like fish or olive oils), whole grains, and fiber. These types of food will fill you up and digest slowly, so that you will stay full for a while.

Put this college diet plan into action today and you can begin to lose the freshman fifteen.

I realize that this college diet plan is short on specifics.

To get more info, I recommend that you check out the Freshman 15 Challenge. Here, I go through methods to lose the freshman fifteen that are tailored to your unique lifestyle.

I used to be a college student, and I managed to keep the freshman fifteen off throughout my college years, and I know you can too. So, take the Freshman 15 Challenge, because you don't want to miss out on your chance to look your best!

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