Friday, April 26, 2013

Which Alcoholic Drink Will Hurt Your Dieting Plans The Least?

Cheers, this is the season of parties, and we all know holiday parties involve lots of food and alcoholic drinks. Too much of either of these is going to be bad for your diet plans and will be sure to affect your goal to have a flat stomach.

Parties alcohol and fatty foods

We are social creatures, thus parties and gatherings are common during the holidays and throughout the year. With that comes so some great tasting bad for you food and alcohol. This being the season of holiday parties that means more drinking and more food...

for some, more belly fat.

You want to know how to cheat the system to have all the bad stuff without the bad weight gain that is to be expected.

Sorry to say but all alcohol in not good for your fat loss goals, but I'm sure you knew that. You still plan on enjoying a few social drinks and want to know what will have the least impact on your diet.

The problem with alcohol in your diet

Drinking alcohol gets immediate priority in the in the substrate hierarchy. That means when it come to fat loss alcohol acts to suppresses fat oxidation, the breaking down of fat molecules for energy. Your body is processing the alcohol placing other metabolic activities to the back. Bad for burning stored body fat.

Extra calories

Wine, beer, and lots of mixed drinks are high in calories, so much so that any calorie deficit you have created can easily be turned into a surplus. Take for example a margarita, it is one of the highest calorie drinks available. I guess that is why they taste so good. An 8 ounce margarita will run you about 500 calories with sugar making up too many of those calories.

What alcohol you can have and lose weight

Enough of that you want to know what to drink that will have the least impact on your diet. I will do one better than that. I will tell y what to drink and the the best strategy if you are going to drink lots and want to lose that belly fat at the same time.

Follow the steps below to ensure you don't gain weight when you are drinking:

restrict fat the days you drink. That means choose between alcohol or party treats, don't have both
keep your carb intake low, again this means staying away from the holiday treats. That includes high carb drinks like the margaritas, beers, and drinks mixed with juices
fill up on lean protein, this will prevent you from being hungry
limit your drinking to once a week
your best bets for alcohol are vodka and whiskey mixed with water or a low calorie mixer. Or you can drink tequila, your choice.

I don't recommend you do this twice a week every week for an extended period of time. This is a plan for those rare occasions when you want to tie one on, like the holidays, your 21 birthday, a wedding, or something along those lines.

Regular drinking

If you go out and like to have one or two drinks with your friends or meals, just make sure you watch your calories. So long as you keep your calories in a deficit situation you will be ok, your diet won't suffer.

If you follow these recommendations you may come out of the holiday season a little lighter than when you went in. You can get leaner while drinking but you can't overdo the booze.

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