Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is the Acai Berry Diet Plan Effective?

If you have been watching television of following health food news, you have no doubt heard of the acai berry diet plan. From popular talk shows to news segments, this little fruit has really made some headlines, but not always for good reasons. Essentially, these diets are weight loss plans which utilizes the acai berry, a newcomer to the American supplement market. You may have heard some pretty wild claims as well. Some acai berry diet plans lead you to think that you will shed huge amounts of fat by doing nothing more than consuming their product. But is this berry really a miracle fruit or are companies simply capitalizing on American ignorance about this new discovery?

What Acai Diet Plans Promise

It may seem pretty bold, but there are some companies claiming their acai berry product will cause you to burn fat without any change in your current diet or exercise program. Some may include fine print which also recommends regular exercise and a healthy diet, but for the most part they pin the weight loss on compounds in the berry itself. Weight loss is the primary claim from many of these companies, but some will go so far as to say their plan will increase your metabolism and your sex drive and can even help reverse the signs of aging. So how much of this is true?

What to Expect

You can certainly believe that the acai berry is one of the healthiest foods available. While it is logistically unreasonable to attempt to ship fresh samples of this fruit to the United States as they are spoiled only 24 hours after being harvested, you can still get substantial nutrition from freeze-dried supplements and products. However, there is no evidence to back it up as a standalone weight loss product. You should not expect to lose any weight on an acai berry diet plan unless you are also exercising and eating a healthy diet. If you do lose weight without changing anything else, you may want to consider checking the supplement ingredients label for additives which might be causing the weight loss. While native Brazilian's call acai berries 'rainforest Viagra', there is no scientific evidence which supports the claim that it will cure erectile dysfunction.

Why the Deception?

Simple. Profit. Companies make a lot more money from a product if they guarantee weight loss. Many health supplements are good for you, but none of them will actually cause you to lose weight. Acai berry is no exception to the rule. While it is an extremely nutritious supplement and may act as a boost to a diet and exercise plan, it will not burn fat by itself. If you come across an acai berry diet plan which claims that the supplement will cause you to lose weight, you should be wary of that product.

Get Pure Acai Berry Supplements For Optimal Health!

The acai berry diet plan may not be the answer to weight loss, but it can be the perfect "diet" for optimal health. To get the most from these nutritious berries you need to take a high-quality supplement. Visit us to find out what to look for and to see what products we recommend.

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