Sunday, December 9, 2012

3-Step Weight Loss Diet Plan

Going on a diet to lose weight seems unbearable at first. It's always hard to get started in something that seems difficult, with no end in sight. To make things easier, here is a three-step weight loss diet plan to help you get started down the road to good health.

Step 1 - Break Down Your Food Categories

You need to start being well aware of the foods that you are consuming. You need to know how much food from each food group you should be eating, and set up your meals accordingly. In addition, you should be aware of what ONE serving looks like. For example, a plate filled with pasta is not just one serving - it's probably more like 4 or 5! The following are six distinct foods groups and examples of serving sizes:

Dairy Products

Dairy includes foods such as cheese, yogurt or milk. One serving would consist of 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of yogurt or 1 slice of cheese (30 grams).


This is an obvious one. Apples, pears, strawberries and kiwi are all examples of fruit. One serving would consist of a medium apple, or any other fruit that measures the size of your fist.

Grains and Starchy Foods

Examples of these would be pasta, bread or cereal. One serving would generally consist of 1 cup of cereal, 1 cup of rice or 2 slices of bread.


Generally, serving sizes are not necessary for vegetables. They are so low in calories that you can pretty much eat all you want, as long as they are not coated in any oil or dressing.


Foods high in protein include eggs, chicken, fish or steak. One serving would consist of 1 boiled egg, or a cut of meat or fish that is comparable in size to a deck of cards.


Fatty foods come in sources such as olive oil, sesame seeds or peanuts. One serving would look like 1 heaping tablespoon of peanut butter or peanuts.

Step 2 - Eat Small Frequent Meals

The next step involves incorporating two food groups in each meal. Simply choose two of the food groups from above, and select foods that fit into those categories. Vegetable are unlimited. Of course, try to eat slowly so that you are more aware of when you are becoming full before you over-eat. You should try to eat five or six small meals per day, spacing them out about two or three hours apart.

Step 3 - Treating Yourself

Don't try to completely eliminate all your favorite treats. Depriving yourself like that will only set you up for failure. You will do nothing but crave those treats, so allow yourself to indulge a little once a week. Make sure that the serving of this treat is limited in size. For example, instead of eating half a box of donuts, allow yourself only one donut.

Drink plenty of water to help maintain some fullness. In addition, eat your vegetables first to fill your stomach before eating your other foods. Staying disciplined - in addition to this 3-step weight loss diet plan - will help you lose the weight you desire.

Lisa has been writing articles for many years. She has a BA in Physical and Health Sciences, and enjoys working in this realm, among others. Come visit her latest website that reviews the best outdoor electric grills [], as well as other grills [] and more info related to these and other types of grills.

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