Thursday, October 31, 2013

Easy to Follow Diet Plans - Is There Such a Thing?

Many people spend a good proportion of their adult lives actively on a weight loss plan so the words 'Easy to Follow Diet Plan' can be music to a dieter's ears. However, while many weight loss plan reviews will swear that their diet is easy to follow, it in fact makes astro-physics look easy; remember the blood type diet?

We consumers want a diet that's genuinely easy. We want the food to be available in our local stores, not from some corner of a far off jungle growing on the only fat burning tree in the world. This is especially the case when you're struggling to lose weight after childbirth; you've got a new baby to run around after so you need a weight loss plan that requires next to no 'special' preparation.

So is there really a plan that lets you easily lose weight after childbirth - or indeed at any time in your life - without eating less than your guinea pig does?

Well, we've discovered 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots' and its simple concept really does suggest that it requires no special effort at all. Its claim to be '4 Idiots' would also appear to be true because even my husband understands the principle! There are no complex menus or minuscule portions because it's not so much about what you eat as HOW you eat.

The plan approaches weight loss from a new angle; the theory is that by eating foods in certain combinations and eating them on a 'shifting' basis - like crop rotation for your stomach - your body will burn rather than save the calories you take in. The claim is that at the end of the eleven days, you'll have 'tricked' your body into losing weight.

There's an online generator that's part of the program which produces an eleven day menu for you, and you eat what it tells you to. Again, there doesn't seem to be any eye of bat or coral reef orchid shoots to try to hunt down because it's all about everyday foods. This weight loss plan claims to make your metabolism work for you rather than against you by altering when you feed it and the combination of foods you feed it.

It's without doubt true that the best plans for losing weight are those which fundamentally alter the way we ourselves - and the way our bodies - deal with food and 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots' would appear to show us how to do just that. But is it as effective as weight loss plans that show us how to combine exercise with sensible eating, such as the 'Fit Yummy Mummy' guide? I guess we'll only know by trying it out so if you've tried the 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots' weight loss plan, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if it worked for you so we can share it with the millions of dieters who are waiting for that dream of an easy weight loss plan to become reality!

See why FatLoss4Idiots was our top choice for the easiest to follow Diet Plan [] And find helpful reviews on other easy to follow Weight loss programs [] at Five Star Reviews.

Shopping around for the right diet plan is easier when you know what each one can offer you.

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