Thursday, October 31, 2013

BEST Weight Loss Plan, Period - Comprehensive Tried and Tested 5 STEP Diet Plan For Men and Women

Simply put - this article will explain what we consider the Official 5 Step Weight Loss Plan to deliver the best weight loss diet plan for you, that will ensure that you will definitely lose weight this year. Period.

STEP 1: Calculate your BMR

This is your first step. You MUST calculate what's known as your "Basal Metabolic Rate". This defines the minimum number of calories you need to power your body while resting. Or to put it simpler - your BMR is the energy you use to power your heart, respiration and temperature control.

A BMR calculator will determine whether it's too high or too low.

By calculating your BMR, this is a good indicator as to whether you will need to cut back on the calories or not.

So as your BMR accounts for 60% to 70% of your daily calories consumed, and it proves to high, you will need to calculate what your daily calorie intake should be according to your height, weight and age.

STEP 2: Calculate your Daily Calorie Intake

This is a simple procedure as you just input your weight, height, age and your activity levels and it will tell you the right amount of calories you should consume each day to maintain natural body weight.

Next, you will need to understand where you are going wrong with your diet, by inputting an average days food intake into a Food Calorie Calculator Planner.

STEP 3: Food Calorie Calculator Planner

Most Food Calorie Calculator Planners should be quite comprehensive so they can incorporate most of the staple diets form around the world, dividing each food calorie calculator into sections for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Juts input the typical servings you consume each day for the appropriate foods and it will deliver your current daily calorie consumption.

Now - there are a whole host of diets out there which just confuse people, so to cut to the chase - this is what a professional dietitian will advise if their advice is purely in your interest and there is no monetary gain involved.

You should cut most, if not all your "processed carbohydrates" from your diet, so your body will induce a state of what's now known as "Benign Dietary Ketosis". This is where your body induces a state of ketosis, which results in your fat reserves being used to burn energy, a suppressed appetite and a sharper mental focus.

You should consult your doctor or GP before you go ahead with this style of eating if you suffer from any medical ailments. By eliminating "processed carbs", this does not mean your are cutting carbs from your diet completely, as you should continue to eat "natural carbohydrates".

For your interest, "processed carbs" are foods such as: store bought cooked meats/cold cuts, bread, pizza, cakes, cereals, buns, rolls, ice cream, pasta, sausages/hot dog frankfurters cookies, biscuits, tacos, potato chips/crisps, sweets, candy, chocolate, all sodas, sugars and foods containing corn syrup, etc.

STEP 4: Exercise - Burned Calories Calculator

There's no 2 ways about it - if you want to speed up the rate at which you begin to lose weight, exercise is needed. Whilst cardio exercise is great, i.e a run, walk, swim or cycle - weight or strength training proves to deliver a continued METABOLISM FURNACE.

However, all forms of exercise deliver weight loss results, so if you'd simply like to stick to a sport or active hobby you like, you can calculate the of calories you've burned or will burn by the time spent doing this activity.

Note: The general rule is that one pound of fatty tissue on average contains 3,500 Calories.

The average daily calorie consumption for women is stated to be 2000, where as for a man 2500.

Therefore, if you were to eliminate 500 calories each day from your diet, after one week you will have lost a pound in weight.

To then speed the process up, by calculating the amount of exercise you will need to do to lose 3'500 calories per week, which will probably be equal to perhaps three 60 minute jogs a week, covering a mile every 6 miutes - you will then begin losing 2 pounds a week.

Statistics by dietitians state, that this is how 94% of dieters are successfully losing weight today, by these simple steps.

STEP 5: Natural or Medical Fat Burning Stimulants

The weight loss industry as your well aware is flooded with weight loss stimulants - those that either block fat or carbohydrates from entering your body of fat burners, which go to work on your fat reserves whilst you exercise.

Firstly, whether "fat blockers" actually work is debatable. Obviously your diet will need to be rich in fat for them to have any impact, but whilst fast food in the west does cause dietary problems, it is still the "processed carbs" which are consumed, especially in the West, in much larger portions.

Therefore, you might argue that a "carb blocker" would then be appropriate but as any professional will advise - there are no successful carb restricting supplements available on the market. There are a few that claim to be, but consumer reports state you should take their advice with a pinch of salt.

However, let's briefly say that they do work - they would have no way of differentiating between "processed" or "natural" carbs - so the results would be damaging to your body.

Bottom line: Cut the processed carbs out from your diet yourself and you will start to see a loss in your weight within the first week.

The alternative to fat blocking supplements are fat burning supplements. Whilst many of these style of weight loss supplements are marginally weak, if your are following this 5 step plan - fat burning supplements will come in useful, as it's exactly the fat reserves you want to reduce.

Depending on the volume you take however, treatment effects may vary form zero side effects to a fluctuation in your heart beat or the jitters, due to the quantities of green tea and/or caffeine found in them, which are both well know fat burning compounds.

But those of you who perform both cardio and strength training sports will know that they can deliver a powerful impact on your metabolism, should you wish to speed up your METABOLIC FURNACE to deliver one of the best weight loss diets for your body.

You can CALCULATE YOUR BMR with this DAILY CALORIE PLANNER which will also calculate your correct daily calorie intake.

For news on these new revolutionary weight loss/longevity supplements which men are taking to assist their new carb diets: WATCH THIS

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