Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Operation - Diet Plan

As a mom of two and 9 months pregnant, eating healthy is very important. I have to set the example for my children and take care of myself. By all means I am not perfect and do not have a slim figure. I have caved into some sinful cravings.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I will have plenty of pounds to shed after my baby is born especially since I was overweight when I got pregnant. My goal is to lose at least 45 pounds after my baby is delivered.

My plan of action is to eat slowly and stop eating when I feel full. My plate does not have to be cleaned. So many of use feel like we have to eat everything on our plate. Many restaurants serve these huge portions that can feed two people. Can you imagine how many calories and fat are being consumed? When I am at home I will serve small portions. I will try to listen more to my body.

I have tried every crash diet out there. The Cabbage Soup Diet. This is so boring who wants to eat the same thing everyday for about a week straight. I've tried Slim Fast and Medifast these two diets you have to drink shakes and eat bars. I have tried the Lemonade Diet or also called the Master Cleanse. That made my headaches so much worse, I could not hang on that diet.

I have decided that the only way to lose weight is build a diet that you can stick to. If you go on a diet that makes you eat the same thing every single day, you will get bored and dream about the foods you cannot eat. Shakes are good if you decide to make a smoothie one day or something but to have to supplement two meals a day with a shake is so boring.

Eat what you want to eat but watch your portions. If you want ice cream, serve yourself some in a portion that is directed on the container or about 100 calorie portions. Eat some chips but again watch your portions. At meals stop eating when you feel full. Drink lots of water through out the day.

Eating what you enjoy eating but not overeating those foods will allow you to not feel deprived. If you are on a diet that does not allow you to eat certain foods than all you do is think about those foods and then you "Cheat" and overindulge in that food.

So that is my advice and my diet plan for myself I will keep you all posted on how it goes for me. I just need to think about losing the little baby weight in my stomach first. So when this little one comes out. My plan begins.

Tiffany Stonecipher

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