Friday, June 7, 2013

Salmon As Part of a Healthy Diet Plan

If, for the longest time, you have been in search of a healthy food that will help you lose weight and at the same time keep your body fit and healthy, then eating salmon can be the perfect solution for you. Not only is it delectable, but it is also said to be one of the healthiest foods. Some of its benefits that have been well-known are:


Studies show that heart attack is one of the top causes of death in the world. This is because of people's unhealthy lifestyles. They are fond of eating foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. The fats then block the arteries of the heart, causing malfunction. But this can be avoided if one is to eat salmon. It is known to have a hefty supply of Omega 3. These are good fatty acids that help regulate the presence of cholesterol in the body, and thus, keeping the heart beating strong and healthy.


Likewise, salmon is also said to be one of the best sources of protein and amino acids. These nutrients are necessary in a person's daily dietary intake as it helps rejuvenate and energize the body. And not only that, protein is also the main nutrient that is needed in the regeneration of the muscles and cells in the body as well.


Having a good vision is very important in order to function effectively. And eating salmon can be very helpful in ensuring this. The Omega 3 fatty acids can help prevent macular degeneration as well as alleviate eye strain and fatigue that often causes the blurring of the vision.


Eating salmon is also proven effective in enhancing the brain functions. It has vitamin A and D as well as selenium and other amino acids which work to delay the effects of aging and deterioration to the brain cells. This, in turn, will help boost the memory and prevent other psychological illnesses like depression.

Enjoy delicious fish dishes year-round with our taste-tested salmon recipes. Inspired from cuisines around the world, we offer the best salmon recipes for every occasion.

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