Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Simple Guide To Diet Planning

Before any kind of physical and weight-loss goals can take place, a good REALISTIC plan is crucial. This helps create the perfect mind-set as you feel a new surge of motivation.

I always recommend a weight-loss plan that consists of five basic steps over a six week period. Here is a basic guide for getting started on a healthier eating plan. This includes plenty of healthy Whole foods, Simple but regular exercise, and natural health product tools to keep you motivated, educated and energized!

Goal Setting : Write IT DOWN

- Writing down your weight-loss plan or health goals will actually help to motivate you - Keep it realistic, according to YOUR actual health issues.

- Aim for no more than 3-4 lbs per week for weight-loss, ( too much may cause decrease in metabolism & cause discouragement. )

- Write down a plan of action you will take including healthy foods you will eat, simple exercises, and include a natural detox plan to give you a good fresh start.

Use some Helpful Cleansing kick start methods:

- 8 oz. Water, Lemon, 1/4 tsp. Cayene pepper or sassy water- several times daily

- PLENTY of Raw fruits / vegetables & Whole Grains daily

- Natural detox methods or detox teas

Use Calorie Reduction Guidelines recommended: 1200 -1600 a day -according to your health and activity levels

- Healthy Meal and Snack Choices based on YOUR likes and Calorie needs

- Low calorie Healthy Snacking between meals a must. No Going HUNGRY!

- Daily journal entries of everything you eat, at least for the first week if possible. Yes, that means EVERYTHING.This is a real eye-opener!

Add Exercise:

- 20-30 minutes daily- increasing gradually as needed. Start walking or even Dancing to your favorite music, taking stairs, always moving legs & stretching at your desk or computer, etc.

- Plan daily Practical Exercise based on YOUR lifestyle and health Issues

- Weekly weight monitoring to keep tract only- ONLY once or twice a week- Do not get discouraged here.

Join a Support Program or Forum: This will keep you motivated, Here's what to look for:

- A Program designed to keep you motivated

- It Continues to educate and inspire

- Should give you help in Planning Meals and Exercise

For more info on all natural and safe alternative news and recommended Products visit: [].

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