Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What is the Best Diet Plan If You Can't Exercise?

Finding the best diet can be extremely confusing. Most people will become so confused they won't even start anything!

I am here to tell you that there is NO SUCH THING as a BEST DIET PLAN.

Within reason almost any diet can help you lose weight if you stick to it long enough. The most important thing is ANY diet is to look for a diet that you can stick to. I personally have tried dozens of diet and the ones I lost the most weight on were the ones where It didn't even feel like I was dieting.

Find a diet that is easy to follow taking these things into account: Your lifestyle (how often are you away from home, do you eat out on business dinners a lot etc), how much weight you need to lose, how fast your metabolism is, what kinds of foods you really enjoy eating.

Avoid these pitfalls when looking for the best diet for you:

- A diet that does not advocate eliminating large groups of food

- A fasting diet where you are either drinking water or lemonade

- Those stupid fad diets - cookie diet, McDonald's diet, candy diet etc

Remember, as I said before your MAIN GOAL is to find a diet that you can stick to long term. Obviously try to find a diet that includes the major food groups and doesn't require any crazy rituals. You want to be on day 3 of the diet and think to yourself "this doesn't even feel like a diet". I guarantee you that the majority of the time you will lose weight even on the crappiest legit diet if you stick to it long term.

If you cannot afford a personal nutritionist or program that can print or design meal plans for you it will come down to a lot of trial and error on your part. This is ok though. If you find that you are having to try TO hard then maybe the diet isn't for you. Also you should notice weight loss within the first 12-14 days.

Cant afford a nutritionist or personal trainer but still want to be 30 pounds lighter next month? See before and after pictures of EXACTLY how Phil and others did it without a personal trainer or nutritionist and still got his meals planned out for him to follow meal by mealy Visit My Weight Loss Success Story Weight Loss For Idiots

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