Friday, October 11, 2013

Top Ways to Cut Calories From Your Diet Plan

When you are trying to lose weight, you usually focus on the big ticket items like the cakes and candy bars ,donuts etc. Making the small changes to your daily diet can really add up also and they are really not that hard.

Try a new or different vegetable dish once a week. Don't do the same old standard of microwaving them. Try sauteing them or stir fry them. Try cooking them with garlic and olive oil for a heart healthy treat. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that dieters need.

Make your plate half full of vegetables and the other half a protein and starch. This will give you some fiber and help count calories.

When you go to the store or to a vending machine at work with a chocolate hankering buy a peppermint patty instead of the higher calorie candy bars, saving yourself about 50 calories and still satisfying your sweet tooth.

Make it a skinny. Go with skim milk instead of creamer in your coffee. If you drink two cups of coffee a day and add creamer to each one that's about 60 calories per cup extra just in creamer. Skim milk has only 5 calories for the same serving. You'll trim off 5 pounds over a year and it doesn't seem like much but it all adds up.

Peel and eat oranges with your meals rather than drinking orange juice which has a lot more calories up to 200 calories a glass.

When you eat a sandwich or a burger leave one side of the bun off and eat the other bun and meat . Have some carrot sticks or celery sticks with your sandwiches rather than the usual fries that come with these kinds of meals.

When making meat loaf or taco meat use ground round or sirloin which is about 95 percent lean beef which is much leaner than ground beef. But you can buy ground beef in the 95 percent lean also. So if you prefer the taste of just want ground beef then go for the lighter versions. They may cost more now but in the long run they will be healthier and cost you less visits at the doctor.

With these few tips the calorie cutting will be effortless and you will lose weight without even thinking about it. But if you add these above tips to your overall diet plan then the weight loss will be even greater.

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