Monday, November 11, 2013

Why Self Made Diet Plans Fail at Weight Loss

When you try to lose weight, the first thing you do is watch your diet by eating low fat and fat free foods. Maybe try some of the fad diets like the GM diet, Atkins Diet, Raw Banana Diet or the Lemon Detox Diet, or just a plain crash diet. In the first couple of weeks, you see some weight loss, but in just 2 months, you gain the weight back.

Firstly, all fad diets are extremely unhealthy- Read here about GM diet side effects, Atkins diet side effects, why the Raw Banana diet is unhealthy and the Lemon Detox diet as well as why crash diets are unhealthy.

Then, everyone's body has a different chemistry. Due to this, a generic diet plan besides having possible side effects will not result in effective weight loss.

Also, many diet plans are not made for Indian diets or vegetarian diets, so many of the diet components either are not allowed in your diet, or are not available in India.

When you decide to try a diet by yourself, you are literally making yourself a guinea pig, since you don't know if it will work for you. Creating a diet plan is very time consuming. To implement it, is even harder. With the lack of understanding of diets, your body chemistry and lack of experience in creating effective diets, before you start, you've already shot your chances of losing weight on the diet.

Often self made diet plans are very unrealistic, so they are great to make, hard to implement and even harder to follow. Besides, many self made diet plans have unbalanced nutrition and thus unhealthy.

So, how do you make an effective diet plan? Without understanding the science of diets and weight loss, its impossible to make an healthy and effective diet plan.

To make a real dent in your weight loss goals, meet the professional for an customized and effective diet plan. For diet plans in Delhi, call us at 98718-00943, or email at

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