Sunday, October 6, 2013

Best South Beach Diet Plans

In dieting, there is no such thing as perfection. No one is going to always eat the right thing. There will be times when allow yourself an indulgence or two. Actually, not being perfect is part of the South Beach Diet. It's expected that there are times when you will fall off the wagon. But, there are ways to make the best out of the South Beach Diet plan. Here are some tips or hints that will make following the plan second nature:

1. Eat till satisfied (but not stuffed) - There is a reason why you're not expected to weigh and measure everything you eat. First, it's cumbersome, especially in social situations such as restaurants or at a friend's house. Second, you should be satisfied. So, you should eat until your hunger is satisfied but not stuffed.

2. Use the right carbs for satisfaction - This is especially true during Phase 1. By using the lowest glycemic index carbs, you prevent carb cravings while regulating your blood sugar.

3. Take advantage of snacks - The plan is designed to allow you two snacks a day. The reason is simple - not eating for long periods of time leads to dips in your blood sugar which causes carb cravings. Having small snacks between meals keeps your blood sugar level. So, pack snacks and enjoy.

4. Remember to include sugar stoppers - Although fiber is great in getting in the way of carbs, it is not the only thing that does the trick. Fats and proteins slow the speed with which your body absorbs carbs. For example, a little olive oil or cheese with your bread is actually better than having it plain. So, if you are going to eat something with a lot of carbs, make to sure to pair it with protein or fat.

5. Plan for dessert - Yes, you heard that right. Between dinner and bedtime is a dangerous time for people on a diet. All of your good intentions are challenged. It could be your routine to have something or you need something sweet after a savory dinner. So, leave a little room for dessert.

6. Jump back on - Everyone falls off the wagon. It may be the holiday season, a stressful week at work or a special occasion. It's ok to indulge once in a while. Just remember, jump back on the wagon. If you have gained weight, go on Phase 1 and then 2 until you have lost it.

These simple strategies can help you make the best of the South Beach Diet plan without having to be perfect. Remember - this diet is supposed to work with your life.

Reggie Dunn is a long time diet enthusiast and follower of the South Beach Diet.

You can find more information on the South Beach Diet [] at []

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