Thursday, August 29, 2013

Teenage Diet Plan To Lose Weight Quickly

A teenage diet plan is not too much different from an adults diet plan but there are a few things to consider. Teenagers are still in the growing process early on and it could be vital that they get enough needed nutrients in their diet like Calcium, fiber etc. In this article I will go over a few things you should consider if your a teenager while dieting. If you need more help check out the link in my bio box below, but for now lets get into the core of this article.

So what do I need as a teenager to stay healthy?

Any teenager needs to make sure they get a fruits, vegetables, water, milk and lean meats into their diet. This is important because they are still in the growing stage and a growing body should have these types of minerals/vitamins. Now with that being said a teenage diet plan does not have to have all of these everyday. Instead having this only a few times a week will be fine, because milk can be fattening itself. I also suggest you look into skim milk as its lower fat and healthier for you.

Perhaps the most important foods teenagers should eat are fresh fruits and veggies. This is important because they are full of antioxidants and other healthy substances. But lets get into how frequent teenagers should eat these types of foods. Its also ok to eat a little junk food from time to time, but try to make this few and far in between.

You need to make sure you eat at least 3-6 times per day because this raises your metabolism and actually helps to burn fat. Increase your exercise also and any healthy teenager should start seeing some weight loss. Make sure the meals you eat are no higher than 400 calories each except for one big meal which can be up to 700 calories. Of course if your active in sports your body may demand more, but this is for teenagers who only run say a half mile per day or less.

When your young your metabolism is often higher and it takes less to lose weight. So if you follow these guidelines you will see some weight loss. I hope this article has helped you and I wish you luck in finding the perfect teenage diet plan for you.

John is a self proclaimed Weight Loss Enthusiast. Learn more weight loss secrets for teenagers and see a step by step weight loss guide at and get the perfect Teenage Diet Plan for you!

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