Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Diabetic Diet Plan That Will Help You Improve on Your Condition

Suffering from diabetes does not mean that your meal plan should be very rigid and you have to stick to diabetic foods. Have the usual types of foods you were before you feel sick and make sure that you control it and you also enjoy your food. The diabetic diet plan will help you to improve your condition and you won't even have to sacrifice having those foods you love.

Make sure you get the diet plan done by a dietitian who will base it on your calorie requirement. If you are a young adult or an active person, your calorie requirement will be more than a sedentary or obese person. Make sure that you have at least 3 to 4 meals a day.

On the other hand, if you over eat, it will lead to an increase in the blood sugar levels. Always remember to add fruits like apples, citrus fruits, berries, peaches, plums, guavas and vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms, peas, olives, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, lettuce, and onions and carrots and peppers in your menu.

Your breakfast should always consist of cereal with skimmed milk, a portion of fruit juice or you can try a waffle with light syrup, 3/4 cups of blackberries and a cup of yogurt. For lunch you can have 2 slices of whole grain bread which should be followed by chicken or turkey, lettuce leaves, 3 to 4 slices of tomatoes. For desert you can have a peach or an apple.

When it comes to dinner, you can start with dinner rolls, 1 tsp of margarine, 1 cup of green beans, 2 oz of sirloin steak or chicken steak. You can have ½ cup of fruit cocktail for desert. In between meals make sure you have regular snacks.

If you follow this diabetic diet plan you will be able to stay healthy. Along with staying healthy, you won't have to sacrifice on your favorite types of foods while doing this. All you need to do is control the quantity and the number of times that you have these.

Indri Maryani has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. visit his latest website at to learn more baby nursery ideas.

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