Monday, March 4, 2013

Don't Expect Instant Weight Loss When Beginning a Prudent Diet Plan

If you are serious about losing weight then you probably already know that there are really only two components necessary to a successful weight loss program, diet and exercise. You most likely have researched that a healthy diet includes plenty of fresh vegetables, lots of fresh fruits, significant whole grains, lean meats, fish, etc.

Also, you likely have set up some form of regular exercise that you will perform to help increase your metabolism and burn off excess calories. Regardless of the form of exercise you have chosen you probably know that it needs to be done on a regular basis, 3-5 times per week at about 20- 30 minutes per workout.

When you begin this program you may be extremely hopeful that the excess weight that you have put on over the years is going to disappear very rapidly. It's important to know that this likely will not happen. The more likely scenario is that you will begin to lose clothing sizes first. The reason for this is that you probably will be building some muscle mass if you have not worked out in a long period of time.

That is normal and nothing to worry about. Your body needs to build up muscle so that it can withstand the repeated stress that is put upon it by your new exercise program. Many people get discouraged because they are not instantly losing weight even though their clothes are fitting them looser. Again, this is normal and within a month or two the muscle building aspect should be over.

The key is to stick with your plan and you will likely see a slow but steady loss of weight over time. Remember, you did not put on this extra weight overnight and you're not going to take it off overnight either. This type of plan that you are on now is the correct way to go about losing weight in a manner that will keep it off permanently.

Take delight in the first few months that you have taken action to reverse the trend of weight gain to one of weight loss and one of exercise. It will take some faith in the beginning that you are capable of reaching your goal but after the first couple of months you will realize that you are losing weight and in control of how that weight is lost. This new realization will give you the power and strength to eventually reach your goal.

Doug has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website named Loan Modification Hardship Letter which provides the best information on Mortgage Refinance Tips for homeowners.

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