Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast - Advanced Diet Plan

To get rid of love handles fast (we're talking right NOW), please don't over-think what needs to take place. I could go into a bunch of theory about spot reduction and whether or not it's actually possible, but that's really just another thing that gives the talkers something to talk about.

Let's be honest, whether you need to lose weight in the "love handle" area, under your chin, from the back of your arms or from your belly, the process is pretty much the same in all cases.

Simply put, you need to find the best method that suits your lifestyle and your preferences, while allowing you to operate at a negative energy balance. Don't worry, that's just a fancy way of saying you need to be burning off more calories than what you're taking in on a weekly basis.

I say weekly and not daily because I've found throughout my research that the most efficient way to lose weight and rev up the 'ole metabolism is to use a diet plan that incorporates calorie variation throughout the week.

Basically, it's better to consume a very small amount of calories one or two days a week, a much higher amount of calories a day or two a week and then round things out with a few moderate calorie days.

All in all, the weekly calorie totals would be roughly the same as for someone following a consistent diet schedule from day to day, but the effectiveness of the more advanced zig-zagging approach would blow the standard diet out of the weight loss waters.

This is due to the fact that varying daily intake throughout the week tricks the body into thinking you're not on a diet, whereas eating the same low calorie options each and every day quickly leads to a series of hormonal responses that stops fat loss in its tracks.

Essentially, the body's normal response to a sudden decrease in calories is to enter anti-starvation mode (you can thank our ancestors and their lack of readily available fast food joints for this internal protective mechanism).

All of this mumbo jumbo is basically just my long-winded answer to the common question of "How do I get rid of my love handles fast!?"

To achieve weight loss from any body part, especially the highly unpopular love handles, you need to immediately start following an advanced (yet doable) diet program that cashes in on the high calorie, low calorie variations.

Not only is this by far the most effective way to lose weight quickly, but it's also the best way to keep your sanity and stick with the program for the long haul. The cool thing about this style of dieting is that you still get to enjoy your favorite foods from time to time.

I don't know about you, but I refuse to give up my most treasured foods and avoid visiting my favorite restaurants for the rest of my life. With this strategic style of dieting, you really can have your cake and eat it too...but only on certain days.

As for specific exercises to help eliminate love handles as fast as humanly possible, it honestly doesn't matter - at least, not until you get the diet on point. Anything that burns more calories and boosts metabolism will get the job done.

Remember, getting a lean and toned body is dependent almost entirely on nutrition. Only when your eating matches your body composition goals, will the specific workout routine matter much.

For now, start following an effective weight loss diet program that uses some sort of staggered caloric intake, then start moving more...and after you get the ball rolling and start seeing quality fat loss, I'll be back with a "love handle eliminator" workout plan that's specific to this need.

Dr. Brad Campbell PharmD, CFT, is an International Fat Loss Coach who's helped thousands of people around the world to sculpt a lean body. He recommends the following resources to get rid of love handles fast:

---> "Handle-free" Diet: topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/03/10/xtreme-fat-loss-diet Xtreme Fat Loss Reviews

---> Weight Loss Workouts: topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/03/02/tacfit-commando-bodyweight-workout-review Review of Tacfit Commando

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