Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cheat Your Way Thin - Finding the Right Diet Plan

64% of American people are overweight. Are you amongst those people in the United States that want to lose weight, but not seeing any results? In this article, I will disclose some tips that will help you burn fat effectively.

First, you should simply eat an apple before your meals.

Why eating apple will help you lose belly fat? Simple, each apple contain 5 grams of fiber and a lot of water. Therefore,it fills you up. If you can eat an apple before your meal, it help you get full faster and also eat less of the meal. As a result, you will cut your calories safely. I stress the safely part because most people who cut calories always do it wrong and also deplete their metabolism and shut it down.

If you can do it regularly, you will see the scale going down within 1 week.

Second, you should eat protein with each meal.

It's very simple. If you want to block out the effects of the carbohydrate in the meal, I recommend you should eat at least 20 grams of protein with each meal. In addition, it also prevent blood sugar spikes that lead to weight gain.

Last, you should do body weight workout like squat at least twice a day for 3 minutes each time.

If you do not know squat exercise,you can search video in Google. Ok, this is what I want you to do. In your home or wherever, squat up and down for 3 minutes as fast as possible. At least do it in sets of 25 repetitions with a short 30 second break between each set. Do this exercise in the morning and evening for at least 5 days a week.

Visiting my website and discover the summarize of 308 medical research papers that help you lose weight faster while eating something which other diet system prohibit like ice cream, burgers, CheatYourWayThin.
In addition, find out the way to "trick" your body into thinking you aren't dieting when you actually are? Click Here.

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