Sunday, December 8, 2013

Diet Plans to Lose Weight - How to Pick the Right Plan For You

With so many different diet plans out there, invariably what happens is that people I meet spend SO much time evaluating, analyzing and contrasting the different plans that they simply never choose...or, worse yet make the wrong choice and give up completely a few short days in.

Information overload is no different than calorie overload. Both lead to places of inaction and unhappiness. Study after study has shown that there is POWER in simply making a choice and sticking with it - and that the more options people have, the less inclined they are to take ultimate action on anything! Ever hear the old metaphor about being in a movie theater with too many fire exits? Give people too many choices and they simply WON'T. They will stand still, paralyzed, trying to pick the right exit. It's really the same thing here, and you NEED to ask yourself this: How long are you willing to wait for the perfect diet? Forever? Or are you ready to really transform your life right NOW!

Look, I am a huge advocate and believer in the diets that I promote. They have worked for me, for thousands of others, and I believe they will work for you as well! But I would always prefer someone simply pick something today, even if it's not something I personally believe in, or have tried, or even understand...rather than see them spend the next few months reading, writing and "learning" the different diets plans that are potentially available. If nothing else, I have learned this the hard way - in this regard, "evaluating your options" is truly simply a euphemism for procrastination. I have seen it in myself, in family members, and many others within my peer group. Tremendous success is most often found by immediate action, and that is true here as well..:-)

Filed Under: Who is Medifast For?

Anyone who has NOT had success on OTHER diet programs! If you've failed with other weight loss regimens, the Medifast weight loss community may be EXACTLY what you are looking for.

And as I'm SURE you probably already know, the Medifast movement has SWEPT the internet by storm and created a sea of slim, fit & BEAUTIFUL people in it's wake! ( and these are people just like you and I who have NEVER had luck on any diet program before!)

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