Monday, December 9, 2013

Calorie Shifting Diet Plan

For the most part, you have to lose weight by eating fewer calories than you work off. At the same time, you can really get a lot of help from a calorie shifting diet plan. What's more, you would really be hard pressed to find a better way to lose body fat and get the muscle you want than a carb cycling diet plan or calorie cycling diet plan, if you really want to give it a shot.

Calorie shifting diets work by eating fewer calories on some days than others; at least, that is the common theory that supports this interesting concept. You can pull this off in a variety of ways. There might be one week that you eat an extra 500 calories every other day, and one week that makes you eat 500 fewer calories those same days. In that first week, your body is dedicated to muscle building, and then the next week shows you the fat burning mode.

Also, I shift calories through working my meals around my exercising. I fast before I exercise, so that you are burning more fat instead of just carbs. About an hour after I get done exercising, I eat the biggest meal of the day, so that those nutrients can be converted to muscle. What's with the hour wait? With that weight, the HGH (human growth hormone) can work the most, keeping my muscles from losing out as I burn fat.

Therefore, you can do a calorie shifting diet plan in a number of different ways. You might just alternate eating a lot of calories a specific week or month and then eating low calories the other times; alternatively, just eat around your workouts.

Even though you can absolutely get calorie intake adjustments to work with you, you can customize all of that further by utilizing a carb cycling diet to its fullest potential, as you can even include nutrients into your fat burning regimen, gaining greater efficiency.

What can fat loss benefit from carb cycling? Well your body won't burn fat until all the carbs are gone from it. Therefore, if you fast before a workout, you will actually start burning fat. If you go low carb too often, though, you might experience ketosis, which makes you lose muscle at a dramatic rate, which is bad. With carb cycling diet plans, you will be able to eat carbs at some points and bring your glycogen levels up to snuff, but not lose out on the muscle building and fat loss. What's more, why would you want to completely cut out carbs?

All you have to do is cut down on your calories and ramp up the workout if you are fat. For those of you who want to spot lose weight and gain muscle and are almost there, check out calorie cycling diet plans and see if they work! With a calorie shifting diet plan, your caloric intake can be shuffled around to the point where you can get muscle and lose fat at an incredible rate. With a carb cycling diet plan, you can enhance this strategy by cutting down on your glycogen levels, giving your workouts more fat burning potential. It is my estimation that you will love these approaches at any step of the process.

About the Author: Dave provides no-nonsense "best of the best" diet and exercise tips to lose fat and build lean, defined muscle without spending hours in the gym. There's no point in using a bodybuilder routine to get a fitness model physique. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about calorie cycling and download a FREE copy of Dave's Fitness in a Flash report to help get a lean, athletic look in no time.

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