Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Difference Between Calorie Shifting Diet and Conventional Diet Plan

Calorie shifting diet works wonders in helping you to lose your body weight. So what makes the difference between the calorie shifting diet and a traditional "old style" diet plans. Calorie shifting diet is effective and along with that it is a safe diet plan.

Now day's there are many different diets and diet plans available. Due to the high number of people who are over weight, it is no wonder. The calorie shifting diet, controls your eating habits, changes your way of life and speeds up your metabolism. The biggest difference between this diet and some conventional ones is in metabolic rate of your body. Conventional diets like low calorie diet, low carbs or no carbs diets work by cutting down the calorie intake but only for some certain food type. Usually these diets may also cause starvation and other health issues, unlike the calorie shifting diets that help you speed up your metabolism without starving yourself or cutting down some food items that you simply cannot live without.

Starvation will only be counterproductive since your body requires all the food items to be present in your daily eating menu if you want to speed up your metabolism. Metabolism holds the vital point in losing your body weight since the faster your metabolism works the faster your body will burn calories and the point of every diet is to burn much more calories than the amount you intake during the day.

The other difference is in your division of your meals during the day. The calorie shifting diet has the ultimate solution in dividing your meals into six small portions. (You know how we were always told that if we really want to lose weight, we need to eat small meals more frequently?) This will help you speed up your metabolism without the feeling of starvation that some diets force you to go through.

The other vital point is that most diets are not long term but more like short term diets. When shifting calories it is the process that changes your entire life and eating habits and it helps you change your metabolism which is a long termed diet plan. This diet allows you to take three days off after an eleven days trial if necessary, but many find this diet so comfortable that they find no problem in changing their diet completely. Regarding the conventional diet plans which are all short term diets, you will lose weight but find it very difficult to maintain and some tend to get all the weight back even some additional way once they've completed it.

The last additional benefit is that calorie shifting diet allows you to come up with your own menu (choosing the food you like to eat), off course there are some food items that you must include but also some additional items are allowed, but only in small and well combined portions. With this menu you can eat the variety of food items without ever getting bored since the menu constantly shifts and you never end up with eating the same items. So the difference between the calorie shifting diet and a regular traditional diet is actually in the food you eat and not being made to eat the food you dislike!

Would you like a preview of Calorie Shifting foods? Get a free Sample right here!

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