Friday, July 19, 2013

Here is a Simple Fat Loss Diet Plan - Could You Use it to Jump Start Your Diet?

There are so many fat loss diet plans on the market today. How do you know which one to choose? Which one will start you on a diet to lose weight and keep you focused on losing weight throughout the year?

If you are like me, you want a simple easy to follow plan. I do not want a complex fat loss diet plan. I want to know what I can or cannot eat to lose weight. How about you?

If you are looking for a simple guideline to follow, this is it! There are only four (4) rules to follow. It is regimented and repetitious. There are no complex recipes to prepare or exotic foods to eat. 4 simple steps to help you lose weight.

So here is the simple fat loss diet plan.

1. Do not eat "white" carbohydrates.

Avoid eating any carbohydrate that is white. This list includes, white breads, white potatoes, rice, cereals, pastas and, of course, this includes any foods that are rolled in breads or crackers and cooked. Your best bet is to avoid foods coated with any breading.

I know what you are thinking because I thought the same thing. How can I live without rice and pasta. However, remember there is brown rice and wheat pastas. You can learn to use them instead. Just change your thinking like I did. I know it is hard, but think of your goal: to follow a fat loss diet plan so you will be thinner and healthier this year!

2. Repetition.

I know it can become monotonous eating the same things over and over again. However, it will make it easier to remember what you can eat. It helps you stick to the diet and reach your goal.

Do not skip breakfast. Eat protein. It gives you energy to make it until lunch. Some protein suggestions include eggs, peanut butter, chicken or protein drinks. Just make sure the protein drink you choose is not full of sugar.

Choose from black beans, pinto beans, chicken, salad and all kinds of vegetables for lunch and dinner. I have even been known to eat pinto beans for breakfast once in a while. I have also grabbed a piece of chicken as I headed out the door on my way to work. Although the foods you eat on this fat loss diet plan are limited, when and what you eat is your choice.

Nothing tastes as good in the morning as an omelet made with egg whites and one whole egg, with tomatoes, onions (if you like them), fresh jalapenos, and bell pepper. When I am short on time, I scrambled all the ingredients together, put it in a bowl and eat it when I get to work!

3. Drink.

Make sure you drink lots of water. You can also drink unsweetened tea or coffee. The tea and coffee can be hot or cold. They are both great drinks. Be careful what you put in them. Do not use sugar or cream.

Avoid drinking regular sodas. I avoid "diet" drinks as well. I don't use artificial sugars (but that is another story).

If you like your coffee or tea sweet, use natural sugar. There are lots of natural sugars on the market today. Go online and search for "natural sugar." You will find a whole world of natural sugars that are good for you. You can try them until you find one you love.

4. Take a break.

Stick with your fat loss diet plan religiously, Monday through Friday. Plan ahead so you always have foods prepared so you can grab some and take it with you when you are on your way out the door.

Take a break on the weekend. I do. One day on the weekend I "cheat" a little. I might eat a salad and sprinkle some cheese on top of it. I might have a cup of soup, 2 whole eggs, some whole wheat pasta, and a piece of pie sometime over the weekend. This helps me stick with my fat loss diet plan during the week.

This is a simple easy to follow plan. It really makes you look forward to the weekend!

Author Lucy Peacock, teacher and consultant. I have dieted unsuccessfully most of my life. I study weight loss and diabetes daily. These diseases are rampant in America. We must change life long eating habits and stop this epidemic. Sign up for free newsletter at []

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