Monday, July 15, 2013

Diet Plan For Hypothyroidism - What is the Best Diet For Hypothyroidism?

Dieting and not losing any weight is a very common problem when you have hypothyroidism. It can be very frustrating to work very hard at the gym and get little results. It is even possible that you could be following a strict calorie counting diet and still not losing any weight at all. Or worse, you could still be gaining.

So, can you lose weight if you have hypothyroidism?

Yes, it is possible. First, you need to be properly diagnosed. It can take some time to find the right medication and let your body adjust. Some hypothyroid patients will lose the weight just with the right medication. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be the majority. Difficulty losing weight can be a problem even if you are taking the right thyroid medication. You do need to look into a diet plan for hypothyroidism. Your body is playing by other rules and you need to adjust your diet to your unique situation.

What is the best diet for hypothyroidism?

It is possible to lose weight and improve symptoms of hypothyroidism through diet. In general, a diet plan for hypothyroidism will consist of :

* Eating smaller meals (5 to 6 times a day)

* Eating low glycemic foods (to control insulin production in the body)

* Eating more lean protein ( seafoods, chicken, eggs)

* Adding fiber (from green vegetables and cereals)

It is advised that a vitamin supplement should incude some specific vitamins and minerals: iodine, polyphenols, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc. Click here and get started now.
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Diets are never "one size fits all" and this is even more true when you are hypothyroid. You need a specific diet plan that addresses the insulin resistance problem. You know that you need a different approach if you want to reach your goals -

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