Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Diet Planning Tips For Female Bodybuilders

This is the most important area to concentrate on. If you're going to dedicate time, dedicate majority of it here. Diet determines everything. If the workout is the same, diet will determine if you're putting on muscle or shedding fat. And when I'm talking about diet, I define that as "the food we eat".

Eat every 2-3hrs: Muscles require being repaired consistently 24 hrs a day. There's no escaping that. You can't slack off, or miss meals because that's a point where your muscles won't be repaired and you won't grow muscle. Protein only stays in the system around 2-4hrs. After that, your body is running dry of the amino acids required to build muscle tissue. Eat protein (along with a meal) every 2-3hrs and you'll maximize your muscle growth.

Breakfast is important: Never, ever skip breakfast. After a long sleep your muscles are crying for food. Get yourself eggs and eat them, every morning. Do not skip it ever!

Carbs + Fat = Bad: Stay away from this combination of food. High carbs and high fat are no nos. These include things like French fries from McDonalds or some sweet and sugary dessert.

Dietary Fat is Good: In the media there seems to be a lot of misinformation. Dietary fat is completely unrelated to the fat on your body. Dietary fat, which includes mono and polyunsaturated are essential to the body. Most of these will increase your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories.

High Fat Protein Before Bed: Well, if you're not aware, dietary fat is a very slow process for the body. It takes a long time to digest. When you're going to bed, you'll probably sleep 8hrs, so you need the protein to last all night. The high fat and protein mix will allow your digestion to slow enough to keep your muscles fed all night.

Unused Carbs = Fat: Carbs are your energy food. If you don't use that energy it gets stored as fat. So if you're planning on going to sleep, carbs aren't a good thing to eat. With that said, carbs are good to eat before and after you workout. As well, they're great in the morning to start out your day.

With these tips you'll be that much more armed with your diet planning. This will allow you to accelerate at your bodybuilding.

For a free copy of Elle Nash's ebook goto Womens Bodybuilding You can also view Elle Nash's Blog

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