Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Diet Plan For Fabulous Six Pack of Abs

My diet plan for a set of fabulous abs that look like a six pack, a four pack or a five pack is the following:

You must begin to eat like you are training for the best body of your life. Ask yourself? How Important Is This To You?

Part A

If this is really important to you, girls and guys, you WILL make the extra effort to do this. First, plan your meals before you get there. If you are going only as far as the kitchen, or down the street to the local grill, mentally plan to succeed before you arrive. That is half the battle. Plan to eat low-fat, low or no carbohydrate foods (and pass on that loaf of hot, steamy homemade bread with cinnamon butter that will be passed to tempt you at the table upon arrival). Instead, go for the salad, fish and fresh vegetables and fruit. Once you flush your system of all the sugar you have been digesting from wild, crazy cravings, you will be able to feel full on very little, but very good nutritious food. Just imagine, pushing back from the table, while everyone else is ordering some decadent calorie-laden, fat-building dessert, and saying, "No, thank you, I am just too full to eat another bite." They will all look at you and shake their heads and nod to each other as if to say, "Ah, that is how he/she is doing it." "It" referring to your new body that everyone is drooling over.

Part B

Drink, drink and drink some more. Drink? Oh Yeah, no not alcoholic drinks, nor diet drinks or fruit drinks or artificially-flavored drinks - I am talking about the "W" word. The water word! It will flush out the fat that is keeping you from seeing your already fabulous six pack of abs that you have been forming from those hundreds of sit-ups and crunches you have been doing secretly in your bedroom, in the living room or at the gym. Huffing and puffing, you have been forming a gorgeous rack that the world is waiting to see (or maybe just your significant other). Nevertheless, it is time to uncover with a grand flourish, those beautiful ribs and lower abs. The only way you are going to accomplish this feat is to drink a lot of water. How much? The old standard eight glasses of water is a great goal to start with, and certainly you can do better than that. Guzzle a gallon if you can and if you have the time to visit the restroom often. If you do, it will be worth it.

While everyone else is becoming a regular on the couch growing sprouts (or is it rolls?) you are out walking the dog, walking yourself, trying out the latest exercise DVD that stomps and sweats you into the most fabulous six pack of abs you or the neighbors have ever seen!

Want a hot, gorgeous healthy body with a diet for six pack abs? Go read more great tips at Six Pack Abs [dnaforyou.net/weightloss] and see also Diet For Six Pack Abs [truth-about-abs-4-u.com] and get started right now, no matter where you are or what you are doing to shape a new you! The holidays are just around the corner and you want to look hot and sexy, don't you? Go get those free tools!

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