Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan - The Biggest Loser Twins Share Their Plan Dropping the Pounds Quickly

For a fast weight loss diet plan that is proven to work you have to turn to the hit TV Show The Biggest Loser.  Whatever your feeling is about the show you have to admit that they have achieved some incredibly fast results.  Now the two champions from season 4, Bill and Jim Germanakos (The Weight Loss Twins) are back and sharing how they did it.  This article gives you a sneak peak at their fast weight loss diet plan.

Bill and Jim shocked the world with their quick results.  In just 8 months the brothers combined to lose 350 pounds.  That is an average of over 20 pounds per month for each of them!

They are now back with their own weight loss system based on their real life experience as well as the education they got from working closely with the dietitians, psychologists, doctors and trainers from the show.

They call their new system the Rapid Action Metabolism System or RAM System and here are the key factors that make it work and what you can learn from it.

1.  Eat in order to lose.  People sometimes falsely think the Biggest Loser contestants starve themselves to lose so quickly but what the twins found was that this actually prevents weight loss.  The most important component of rapid fat burning is to keep your metabolism peaked, starving yourself actually shuts down your metabolism.

So their plan teaches you that you have to eat to lose.  By eating the right foods in smaller more frequent meals throughout the day you keep your fat burning metabolism working overtime.

2.  Exercise to maximize fat burning.  Another "old school" method of weight loss was to exercise long and slow and while the twins used this as a tool they learned that the most efficient fat burning exercise was the type that varied intensity.  Things like varied speed treadmill workouts and weight lifting led to the quickest results.

3.  Keep the right attitude.  If weight came off easy no one would have the problem of being overweight but it doesn't.  This is why it is so important to keep a positive attitude.  The brothers both held on to mottoes that they would repeat over and over to themselves to help them through rough times.  Jim for instance had the motto, "Dedication - Motivation - Education" which he still uses today.

For a fast weight loss diet plan that is proven to work rely on those who have done it already. 

The winners of Season 4 of The Biggest Loser are about to reveal The Truth About Diets. Combined these two men lost over 350 pounds in only 8 months (photo & video) They have taken their experience and education from the show and put together the Rapid Action Metabolism Weight Loss System (The RAM System). They want to inspire and motivate you to shed those stubborn pounds once and for all! Click The Link To Visit My Site and Learn More and Grab their FREE Meal Plan!
The author, Dr. Becky Gillaspy, is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Wellness Coach connecting you with the most effective methods for weight loss and fitness.

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