Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Best Diet Plan - The Only 3 Weight Loss Tips You Will Ever Need

Everyone wants to know what is the best diet plan. People seem to ask me this question an endless amount of times. With all the fad diets, bogus misinformation and outrageous claims of instant fat loss it's no wonder why people are totally confused. They eagerly search for an answer that will actually produce real results but instead what find is a ridiculous maze of outdated or outright wrong information and hyped-up products. This tends to lead to more confusion and frustration. These weight loss tips are going to shatter all the sensational lies and answer your questions about the best diet plan.

Eliminate any and all grains from your diet. Grains do provide nutrition to your body, however they also have a large quantity of carbs, which tend to make people gain weight. If you make the elimination of carbs a cornerstone of your diet from the very beginning you will burn fat like you'd never believe! The body normally uses carbs as energy source for fuel, meaning that before it can burn any fat it will deplete the energy from carbs 1st. If you are not eating carbs at least for the 1st few weeks of your diet then the body has no choice but to burn your unwanted body fat & you will see immediate results because of it.
Do not eat any fruit later than 5pm. Any and all fruit is an excellent natural weight loss food source. Nonetheless, the majority of fruit has a lot of fructose sugar, which in turn will be converted into a source of carbs. As we said earlier the body must burn carbs as a fuel source 1st before it can start burning fat. If you only eat your fruit in the morning and mid-day and replace them with veggies in the evening you will ensure that the body transitions into to fat burning mode through the evening and even while you sleep!
Drink freshly squeezed natural lemon juice. Lemon will flush out and cleanse your liver. Your liver is number 1 fat burning organ in your body. It has the tough job of trying to process all the free radicals and other toxins you put in your body. Therefore the best diet plan will always make sure that you detoxify your liver to allow it to run at 100% efficiency. Put some fresh lemon juice into your water and don't be afraid to eat raw lemon slices.

And that's it folks-simple, easy and effective! No crazy calorie restrictions, no crash dieting & no dangerous fat burning pills. The best diet plan is one that doesn't force you to eat foods that you don't like. It is one that will educate you as to why you need to eliminate certain foods and which foods will turn your metabolism into a fat burning volcano. You probably had no idea the best diet plan could be this easy & I promise you, if you follow these tips for at least 3 weeks you will be shocked & amazed how quickly the pounds melt away!

Tired of being lied to and taken advantage of? I know I was, so I have taken the liberty to accumulate the truth about the best diet plan & share it for free! To learn more visit

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