Saturday, December 14, 2013

Do Celebrity Diet Plans Work?

?If you pick up a magazine or tune in to a program about movies and stars, you may find one or more articles or segments about celebrities who lost weight with one diet program or another. Often, the amount of weight lost and the speed in which these famous people shed weight is astounding and impressive. It's no wonder that so many people find themselves drawn to try out the same programs themselves.

The question is do these celebrity diet plans really work in the real world or are they just good marketing with no real substance. Should you be paying attention to these diets at all?

The answer is not a clear yes or no. It depends on how you define a celebrity diet. If this is a diet that becomes known only after a famous person talks about using it, it is not the same as a well known program that some celebrity begins using.

Diet plans that become famous due to a celebrity that is using them may not be proven or any good in reality. Some of these plans require many hours of working out at the gym with a dedicated fitness trainer. Others require special meals and the supervision of a personal nutritionist. These kinds of plans may be costly and very time consuming. They fit the celebrity lifestyle and not the busy schedule of a person who has a regular job and other obligations to take care of.

In addition, some of these celebrity diet plans rise to fame because a celebrity uses them and no one really knows how they work for a lot of people. No one checks to see how good their success rate really is, they just focus on the individual celebrity who used it. This is something that you need to check.

The best kind of diet plan is one that fits your lifestyle and your goals. I don't recommend choosing a diet based on a Hollywood magazine. Find something that regular people do and succeed with. This will probably turn out better for you.

To get a free diet plan visit: Free Diet Plan
For more on Hollywood diets visit Celebrity Diets Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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