Friday, November 29, 2013

Snack Ideas For Low-Carb Diet Plans

Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that planning is one of the major keys to success in the short term and in the long term. If you are constantly finding yourself without the proper foods available, your hunger will take over your brain and you will make very bad decisions.

However, low carb diet plans have a lot of options available that make for quick snacks in a pinch. Here are some ideas to get you started:

* Celery with peanut butter: You may even want to substitute peanut butter for almond butter or chicken salad.
* Eggs: Hard boiled, scrambled or fried eggs make for a quick protein boost.
* Pickles
* String cheese: These are a great snack to have with you on the road as they are individually packaged and filling.
* Fruit with cottage cheese
* Raw nuts: Almonds and walnuts are great to have with you in a pinch, but do not overeat them. Separate small servings into zipper bags and keep a bag with you at all times.
* Sugar Free Jello: This gives you that sweet taste without all of the carbs and calories
* Lunch mean roll-ups: Take lunch meat and roll cheese and veggies into it
* Cheese with apple slices: This is a tasty combo and will keep your blood sugar levels stable
* Raw veggies with snack dip or plain yogurt
* Lettuce roll-ups with lunch meat and veggies
* Low carb shakes: You can buy pre-made shake mix at the store and keep it with you for a quick fix

As you can see, there are many options for snacks when you are looking at a low carb diet. You just need to make planning a big part of how you do things, and success will be yours!

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