Friday, December 14, 2012

The Vegetarian Diet Plan - For Weight Loss and Longer Life

Mothers know best is what they always say and it may be one of the truest out of those that resemble hearsay. Mothers were never more right when it comes to how good vegetables are. Chances are, every kid had dismissed the lecture as a ploy by their mothers to make them eat those yucky greens. It is, indeed, a ploy, but a ploy with good intentions: to keep everyone healthy.

Here is a rundown of the benefits of becoming an herbivore:

o Money wise, these greens are way cheaper by weight and volume compared to meat.

o Vegetables do not contain cholesterol, so there is no chance for high cholesterol levels.

o All the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, including protein, can be provided for by vegetation.

o Not all plants taste bad; most, in fact, taste really good. Take fruits for example.

o You will not be missing burgers anytime soon since there are veggie-burgers and mushroom burgers that taste like their meat counterparts.

o You get to stay away from disorders like cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, and cancers.

o Studies show that societies that practice vegetarianism have lower mortality rates than those societies who are used to eating meat.

One has the option to choose which variation to follow.

o Die-hard vegetarianism, which avoids all things that has to do with animals, including milk, eggs, and leather shoes.

o The variation which does not eat any meat from animals which thrive on solid earth, thus fish can still be part of the menu.

o Pro-animal rights protectionism, which avoids eating anything that lived, but allows milk and eggs for consumption.

o Your own variation, just as long as meat is highly avoided.

Start living healthy and longer by becoming a grazer. Honestly though, did you really need this article to find out how extremely good veggies are for you?

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